Source: Talon of

We got a Warrior memory message. Classy.
Dixie Carter arrived to the arena. She said she had alot to say…just not then.
MVP addressed Magnus and the crowd. He announced a Gauntlet Match with the winner earning a title shot at Sacrifice. He also announced that Samoa Joe informed TNA that he wouldn’t be available; his replacement has been found.
Gauntlet Battle Royal
The winner gets a World Title shot at Sacrifice. James Storm entered first with his new music. Gunner was #2 and brawled with Storm in the entry-way. New entrants arrive every two minutes. In the ring, Gunner connected with a Fallaway Slam. The third entrant was Bobby Roode, who worked with Storm on Gunner. Roode and Gunner went face to face but quickly turned their attention to Gunner.
Storm and Gunner nearly eliminated Gunner but Bully Ray entered at #4. He went right after the former Beer Money members. Beer Money Suplex on Bully but the New Yorker popped right up and took down Roode and Storm. Next out was EC3. EC3 kept looking back because of Kurt Angle’s tweets earlier in the day. Bully connected with a hard chop on EC3. He tried chopping back but Bully fired off some more hard ones. Bully chopped everyone.
Bobby Lashley was #6. He went right after the heels and used his power early. Bully nearly eliminated Storm but the Cowboy bit his leg. Abyss was next and went after everyone. Bully Ray and Lashley were about to eliminate Abyss when the music of Magnus hit. The champion walked from the back and joined Taz and Tenay on commentary.
Tenay and Taz were joined by Magnus. Sanada was in the ring supposedly as Samoa Joe’s replacement. Eric Young was the 9th entrant in this match. Willow followed him up as the alter-ego ran to the ring wearing his Hardy shirt. He brawled with EC3 in the ring. Rockstar Spud came to ringside in a wheelchair. Willow tried suplexing EC3 but Spud grabbed his leg. EC3 took Willow down eliminating him.
Rockstar Spud got out of his chair as Willow chased him to the back. In the ring, Abyss chokeslammed and eliminated Sanada. Lashley connected with a big spear on Abyss. Storm hit Lashley with the Last Call and Roode eliminated him with the Roode Bomb. Moments later, Bully Ray eliminated Bobby Roode. Bully was showboating which allowed Roode to grab him from the outside. EC3 (with the help of Roode) threw Bully outside the ring.
Gunner went for Hangar 18 on EC3 but James Storm caught him with the Last Call and followed that up by tossing him out. Abyss, EC3 and Storm triple-teamed Eric Young in the ring. EY skinned the cat on EC3 and eliminated the Carter. Moments later, Abyss caught Eric with a big splash.
EY fought off Abyss and James Storm. He hit a top rope elbow on Abyss but ran into the Closing Time backbreaker by Storm. Storm hit a rope-hung DDT on Eric. Moments later, Eric Young eliminated Storm. Abyss hit EY with the Shock Treatment. Abyss nearly eliminated EY but Showtime landed on the apron. The momentum continued as EY hit a Missile Dropkick. EY clotheslined Abyss from the ring. Young wins the match and will get the World Title Match against Magnus at Sacrifice.
Christy Hemme interviewed EY. EY said he had a request and called MVP to the ring.
Reaction: Nice, strong action-packed start to IMPACT. While Sanada was a disappointing substitute for Samoa Joe, the rest I liked. It looks like TNA is really pushing Eric Young. He will be main eventing a PPV for the World Title. It looks like TNA is rewarding EY for all of the loyalty over the years. Don’t know if Eric Young is there yet but we will see soon enough.
MVP walked to the ring clapping his hands. EY thanked MVP for his job well done. EY said he was feeling crazy. He said he won once and anything can go his way. He wants his shot at the World Title tonight. Magnus joked that they would have a live funeral. MVP told Magnus to suit up because he will be facing EY tonight for the World Title.
Magnus grabbed a mic and said it was fine with him. He said Magnus rules win out in the end. MVP said they would switch the game up. MVP said if Magnus gets DQ’ed or Counted Out, he will lose the the World Title. He then banned Abyss from ringside. MVP finally announced that anyone who interferes in this match will be fired on the spot. Magnus was pissed as EY waved at him.
Reaction: Comparisons are going to be made with the Daniel Bryan story on Wrestlemania where he won two matches in one night to win the title. Whether TNA was influenced or not, that is what is going to happen. The stipulations add to the intrigue of the match. If Magnus wins cleanly, it will be a big boost to his character and legitimacy as champion.
Rockstar Spud hid behind a door in an office with a bunch of decorations. Dixie walked in while Spud surprised her. Dixie said she has only been gone for a month. Dixie said Spud sold her down the river immediately. She told Spud to clean this mess up. After she left, someone knocked on the door. When Spud opened, Willow stormed in and started crashing the party.
ODB, Brittany and Gail Kim were in the ring for the 4-Way #1 Contender’s Match as Angelina Love and Velvet Sky made their entrance. I love their new entrance.
ODB vs Gail Kim vs Brittany vs Angelina Love
4-Way Match
The winner gets a KO Title shot at Sacrifice. ODB and Brittany brawled early on with both men going down. Things broke down into a 4-Way Brawl. Brittany hit a nice Handspring Elbow on Gail Kim. ODB broke up a pinfall second later. ODB continued plowing her opposition, hitting her signature spots in the process.
Brittany hit a nice Springboard Moonsault move. Angelina hit the Lights Out on Brittany. While the referee was distracted, Velvet Sky sprayed hairspray in the eyes of Gail Kim. Angelina hit the Botox Injection and pinned Gail.
Reaction: It made sense to go with Angelina vs Madison at Sacrifice. The Beautiful People are the focus so I couldn’t see anyone else winning this thing.
MVP was on the phone when Dixie Carter walked in. Dixie mentioned MVP attacking Kenny King backstage last week. She mocked MVP’s policy a “massive violation of power.” She said when she clears this thing up with the board of directors, she will be back in power. Tonight was about taking care of a wrestler. She invited MVP to sit front row because she wants him to see what will happen to him.
Reaction: How can MVP throw Dixie out of the building if she is still President of the company? I am interested to see what Dixie has in store for her victim tonight. I am also interested to see where this plays into a larger scheme.
Backstage, The Wolves walked into MVP’s office. Davey’s hair was died blonde. Jessie and DJ Z were in the office. MVP announced that Robbie E’s flight was canceled and because of that, the match can’t happen. MVP wanted to know why Jessie had both tag titles with him. MVP said they shouldn’t take his kindness for weakness. He announced that Robbie has until belltime to get here because there will be a tag title match tonight.
TNA President, Dixie Carter headed to the ring (clearly pissed off). She called out Bully Ray saying they have some unfinished business. The bully headed to the ring and met Dixie. The fans chanted “put her through a table” to him. Bully pandered to the crowd. Bully said he was surprised that Dixie showed up because last time she wanted a meeting, she didn’t show up. Dixie said Bully was conned so Bobby could take him out. She also spoke about last week when Bobby Roode put Bully through three tables.
Dixie wanted to know why Bully double-crossed her at Lockdown. Bully called Dixie selfish saying TNA is not her company but the fans’ company. Bully continued to pander to the fans. Dixie said she built this company with alot of money. She said she paid Bully to do a job so she wanted it back. Bully told her not to trust anybody. He talked about the many ways he spent the money. He was about to use his catchphrase but Dixie slapped the mic out of his hands.
Dixie scolded Bully and then slapped him in the face. Bully cornered Dixie but Bobby Roode came out of nowhere and blindsided him. Dixie ordered him to get a table. Roode obliged and set one up in the ring. Bully fought Roode off but the It Factor retreated. Bully again cornered Dixie and looked to put Dixie through the table. We headed to commercial with Dixie in the corner.
Reaction: I hope there is more to that segment than just that. I was expecting some sort of announcement or wrestler debut. We shall see after the break. BTW, Bully is such a pandering face. He would be more edgy if he was just a badass who didn’t kiss up to the fans.
Dixie Carter was backstage when Magnus walked up. She said she was here on business that didn’t pertain to him. Magnus said everything pertains to him. Dixie revealed that she was going to go home and relax. Magnus called her a typical woman but Dixie called him ungrateful. She told Magnus good luck with his plan on his own. He said he didn’t need her anyway.
Jessie and DJ Z vs The Wolves
World Tag Team Championship
DJ Z is filling in for Robbie E tonight. The Wolves hit tandem suicide dives on their opponents early on. Underhanded tactics gave Z and Jessie the advantage. Davey got fired up and hit a nice Missile Dropkick for two. In the ring, the Wolves hit the Alarm Clock but Robbie E came out of nowhere and pulled the referee out, shoving him in the process. The Wolves were given the DQ victory.
Reaction: You knew they weren’t switching the titles tonight. They are setting something up for Sacrifice and having the Bro Mans escape with the titles in every cheap way possible. The only major logic gap is that MVP should have been out there to restart the match.
Christy Hemme spoke backstage, saying she has made a decision. She said she wanted to talk to Samuel Shaw in the ring about commitment.
Christy Hemme was in the ring and called out Samuel Shaw. The Creepy Bastard accepted and creeped to the ring. Christy said Shaw wasn’t a creepy bastard. She said Shaw was a bit misunderstood. Shaw said he was happy that Christy has seen the light. Shaw asked Samuel is he trusted her. Christy asked if he would do anything that she asked him. Would he go anywhere that she asked.
She then pulled off his glove with her teeth. She acted like she was flirting with him. She had him close his eyes. On the big screen behind Shaw, a psychiatric van pulled up and Mr. Anderson (with blonde hair) popped out. Mr. Anderson headed to the ring. Shaw turned around and Anderson laid him out with a Mic Check. Anderson told Shaw’s commitment was to the funny farm. Anderson then threw Shaw outside the ring and beat him on the way to the back. He threw Shaw into the van but Shaw got out at the last minute.
Reaction: Christy’s acting was horrible here. How is it that Anderson got possession of a psychiatry van? I bet these two will fight it out in some sort of “mental institution” stipulation attached. Not a good segment.
Willow cut a strange promo about revenge. He challenged EC3 and Rockstar Spud to a handicap match next week.
TNA announced that in June, TNA will be taping IMPACT at the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City.
Magnus vs Eric Young
World Heavyweight Championship
If Magnus is Disqualified or Counted Out, he loses the title. If anyone interferes, they will be fired on the spot. Magnus targeted the arm of Eric Young (which Young wore a pad on). Young missed a moonsault off the top. Young hit a dive to the outside but Magnus connected with the European Uppercut on the way down. Magnus tossed EY into the steel steps at ringside.
Magnus maintained his advantage through the back with a Gutwrench Suplex. Young started to fire back but was body dropped by Magnus, who locked him in a Camel Clutch. Eric fought out with the Electric Chair. Young hit his signature spots. Magnus went for the Magdaddy Driver but EY fought off. He hit the Wheelbarrow Neckbreaker followed by the Diving Elbow Drop.
Magnus with a huge rebound clothesline that spun EY around. Magdaddy Driver gets a nearfall for Magnus. Magnus grabbed the World Title at ringside but the referee pulled it away. Magnus connected with a low blow which got him another two count. EY reversed a backdrop into the Piledriver to WIN THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP. Wow!
Reaction: Eric Young as World Heavyweight Champion? I don’t know if he is ready but I am more than willing to see him try. Like I have said before, Young is a guy who has been loyal to the company since 2004. He has been all over and done everything they asked. When they asked him to take a pay cut, he did. I am very happy for EY and hope he can carry the torch.
Christy Hemme’s acting is always awful because she’s awful.