
Opening Segment
The standard recap video played of Hulk Hogan burying the hatchet with Sting, Matt Morgan burying Hogan’s ideas, and Sting burying Matt Morgan, in that order; Angle calling out a member of Aces and Eights; D’Lo swearing his colors and quitting; and Angle asking AJ Styles to stand with him and Sting.
Sting and Kurt Angle come out to kick off Impact Wrestling in the BancorpSouth Arena in Tupelo, Mississippi tonight and Sting tells the crowd that he is walking into Slammiverary and stripping Bully Ray of his power by beating him and winning the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Sting states that he doesn’t want to wait until June 2nd in Boston, and he wanted this tag team match tonight. He said he needed the best of the best: The Wrestling Machine Kurt Angle. Angle says that he was deceived just like everyone else, but last week he made D’Lo Brown tap and scream “I Quit.” He turns his attention to AJ Styles and asks him to come out. Unlike last week, he didn’t need an entire commercial break to come to the ring. Angle asks AJ if he’s going to join them against Aces and Eights and AJ stares at him and the fans start a “YES” chant. Angle tells AJ that he’s getting tired of asking and he’s demanding that AJ answer him and Sting has to force his way between AJ and Angle before telling Angle to “let me try this.” Sting says he felt like AJ has before and “done the whole mysterious thing” but AJ needs to do the right thing for the fans and calls TNA “the house that AJ Styles built.” Sting says that knows that AJ wants to do the right thing and says “let’s make this happen for the house that AJ Styles built.” Sting extended his hand and AJ stared at it for a minute before Angle got in his face and says “I’m tired of this crap! You’re either with us or against us AJ, which one is it gonna be.” AJ walked away and a pissed off Angle follows him up the ramp and brawls with it. Sting looks on from the ring as the camera zooms out to show Ken Anderson, Bully Ray and Devon in the ring. Anderson hits a clubby blow from behind and turns around right into a 3D. ((Jarrett’s Jab – I don’t really know what to think about this whole angle. First it was James Storm, then it was Hulk Hogan, now it’s Kurt Angle getting in AJ’s face before he can give an answer. Who are supposed to be the bad guys here? Aces and Eights gave AJ a cut and haven’t bothered him sense. TNA is demanding answers and pushing AJ around. I don’t understand the logic in this. On an unrelated note, major props to Bully Ray though for managing to be such a good heel that the fans didn’t cheer the 3D.))
-Commercial Break-
We are shown a replay of what happened before the break with the Angle brawl with AJ Styles and the 3D on Sting.
Backstage AJ is shown backstage and is asked if he’s “going to leave those guys high and dry” before AJ looks at the camera and he walks out the front door. ((Jarrett’s Jab – Taz actually brought up my point, at least))
Tara and Gail Kim vs. Mickie James and TNA Knockouts Champion Velvet Sky
Mickie grabs Gail to star the match and starts nailing right hands and clotheslines. Jesse grabs Mickie’s feet as Gail stomps on her and Tara drops down to hug Jesse on the outside. Gail yells and Tara gets on the apron for a tag. The two double-team and slam Mickie down before Tara grabs Mickie by the hair and ties her in the tree of woe before hitting a basement dropkick and eskimo kiss Jesse. An irritated Gail Kim tags herself in and hits some right hands on Mickie and poses before hitting a splash as she says something to Tara while Jesse fans his girl with his shirt. Mickie connects with a kick and both knockouts are down. Gail and Velvet are tagged in and Velvet connects with several kicks and a neckbreaker for two. Velvet goes for the In Your Face on Gail, but Tara breaks it up. Velvet manages to hit the move on Tara for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Velvet Sky and Mickie James
Gail yells at Tara and clotheslines her before locking in the hanging figure-four around the ring post like she did Taryn Terell last week. ODB had to pull Gail up as Tenay points that Tara has a history of knee problems and wears a heavy brace.
Backstage Bully Ray brags that another Icon has bit the dust by getting the 3D. Doc talks about AJ trading in his “crotch rocket” for a real bike. D’Lo walks in and Bully tells him that he’s going to take care of some club business later on and asks everyone if they’re in. They walk out and leave D’Lo alone in the ring..
-Commercial Break-
Bad Influence brings Storm “Skull with a Cowboy Hat Beer” and Kazarian apologizes for what happened a few weeks ago and state that they were caught up in the AJ Styles bidding war. Storm retorts by asking “Like your foot got caught in my crotch?” Kazarian makes a Star Wars reference and Daniels reminds Storm that Bobby Roode hit him over the head with a beer bottle to take his world title. Daniels proposes that the three of them get together. “Forget about Fortune, we could be Threetune” Kazarian gleams as Storm gives a hilarious “What” response to. Daniels looks at him and says that they’ll stay named “Bad Influence” while drinking his appletini. Kazarian predicts it’ll take him six minutes to drink the beer and tell him to do the right thing. After Bad Influence leaves, Storm pops the cap on a beer and mutters “Six minute tab, it’ll take me about four.”
Bully Ray comes to the ring with all the members of Aces and Eights and tells them to shut the music off and states that by now “you should know who in the hell we are.” Bully reminds everyone that tonight “my brother Devon and everyone’s favorite asshole Mister Anderson” will face Kurt Angle, Sting and their mystery partner. Bully jokes that it’s not going to be AJ Styles because he saw the light of the day and tells all the wrestlers that think that they’re going to be the hero…don’t do it. Bully turns to D’Lo and tells him that he disgraced himself, the club, and his brother and demands him to “turn in your colors” right now. D’Lo says no, and Bully asks him if he just said no to him. Bully reminds him that he is the president and “you will take your colors off and hand them to me now.” D’Lo retorts by saying “My cut is my life” and again says no. Bischoff and Brisco snatch the cut off of D’Lo and Anderson spins him around and reminds him that he said I Quit last week and “this club is not for quitters!” Bully agrees with Anderson and says that he quit on himself, his brothers, his cut and everyone “and now you’re going to cry about it like a bitch.” Bully asks how he is going to redeem himself and D’Lo wants a match with Magnus tonight and Bully says that all D’Lo does is flap his gums and says that D’Lo is going to watch from the timekeepers table while DOC faces Magnus “and you better hope he wins if you ever want your cut back.”
-Commercial Break-
Magnus vs. D.O.C.
The match is in action as we come back from the break with DOC controlling Magnus with a chinlock. Magnus gets to his feet and backs DOC into the corner and connects with a big boot as a replay is shown of Magnus clotheslining DOC over the top rope from the break. DOC is back in control with shots to the ribs and an Irish Whip before nailing a big splash in the corner and a clothesline. DOC goes for the chinlock again before Magnus being able to fight out long enough to get suplexed and get nailed with several right hands. Choking Magnus on the middle rope for a four count and an Irish Whip leads to Magnus countering out of the big slash and hitting a big clothesline and big boot before countering a right hand with a clothesline. Mangus fires up the crowd and goes up top, but DOC cuts him off and goes for a superplex. DOC gets knocked off and hit with the elbow for two. D’Lo pulls Magnus out of the ring but gets sent into the steel steps, Doc puts Magnus in a fireman’s carry before dropping him with a flapjack for two. D’Lo hooks DOC’s foot when he rebounded off the ropes and Magnus rolls him up for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Magnus
((Jarrett’s Jab – How did D’Lo not notice he was grabbing a leg wearing blue jeans instead of wrestling boots? It was a good win for Magnus, but D’Lo being involved made it all about the Club instead of all about Magnus.))
-Commercial Break-
Bully Ray is fuming backstage. “First you say I Quit, now you’re saying sorry?” Ray tells D’Lo that he’s turned into a bitch and holds the ballpeen hammer to his skull. Anderson suggest giving D’Lo a job that he can actually do and Ray agrees, demoting D’Lo to a prospect that washes their bikes, gets them beer and ice before telling D’Lo to take the Aces and Eights shirt off and get lost. Bully tells Anderson that he should have bashed D’Lo Brown’s skull in and he knows it.
Hulk Hogan is backstage with Sting and Kurt Angle telling them that it’s personal and suggests himself as the third man tonight, but Angle and Sting both said no. Sting tells Hogan that his doctor told him today that he couldn’t go and to keep on the same track. Hogan says that he has a wild card and if the guy is who he says he is, all they have to do is sit back and watch Sting suggests Magnus to be the third man and talks about how he beat DOC and they don’t have a choice at this point. Angle says that Magnus is ready and Hogan says that Magnus is on the top of his game and he has some stuff he has to do. ((Jarrett’s Jab – THIS right here is everything that is wrong with TNA in a nutshell. Hogan volunteering to be the third man and picking Magnus “because they don’t have a choice.” Magnus is one of the fast rising stars in TNA and he was just buried. If they don’t believe in Magnus enough to want him because he’s good instead of that they’ve run out of options, why should I as a viewer take him seriously?))
In a darkly-lit hallway, Bobby Roode and Austin Aries are talking. Roode says it’s a horrible idea, but Bad Infuence already got to Storm and they need to “appease his ego.” Aries states that it’s only words and they don’t mean anything. We see Storm with a referee shirt on and the two working on him. Aries gives Storm a beer and holds up his glass of wine saying it’s a little Beer-Wine toast, like Beer Money. Aries states that Roode has something to say to him and Roode quickly says that he was always jealous of Storm because he made Beer Money and the only reason he beat Storm for the World Title is that he cracked him with a beer bottle. Storm interrogates Aries, asking him if he told Roode to say all that. Roode said he needed to get it off his chest and make an even playing field for tonight. Storm toasts Aries’ glass of wine and says you never know when you’ll need a beer and wishes them both luck. Storm starts to walk off and informs Roode that “the word going around the locker room with all the boys, when he [Aries] beat you, it wasn’t a fluke.” Roode and Aries argue as Storm walks off.
-Commercial Break-
TNA World Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Match: Austin Aries and Bobby Roode vs. Bad Influence (Christopher Daniels and Kazarian); Special Referee “The Cowboy” James Storm
Christy Hemme manages to introduce Roode and Aries as Bad Influence despite their music playing, Aries’s name on the video wall and both of them looking at her with a weird expression. Roode gets in the ring and backs her into a corner and she announces them by their right names. Aries gets on the top rope and does his pose with Hemme still backed against the turnbuckle and she starts laughing. Tenay jokes that Hemme was practicing Bad Influences ring introduction. Kazarian and Austin Aries start off the match. The two tie up and the two trade armbars, Kazarian gets the advantage and pose as an ‘Austin Aries’ chant breaks out. Aries easily chain wrestles Aries and spins around him before chilling on the turnbuckle to cheers. Aries backs Kazarian in the corner and both men rake each other eyes. In a funny moment they go to the wrong corners and get hit in the face and then tag each other at the middle of the ring and stand on the aprons with Roode looking on confused. Storm makes them get back in the ring and they manage to tag their partners in this time. Daniels and Roode shake hands but kick each other in the gut. The two do some counter wrestling with Roode missing an elbow and Daniels posing after hitting a right hand before getting run over with a clothesline. Roode knees the gut and hits a Russian Legsweep for one. Tenay points out that Roode is a seven time world champion and four of his reigns were with Storm, while one of Daniels’ reigns as tag team champion was with James Storm and Taz asks if the point was that Storm can’t survive as a single’s wrestler. Roode connects with a straight right hand before Daniels fights back and Aries kicks Daniel’s back so Roode can drop him with a neckbreaker. Snapmare by Roode connects and Aries tags himself in. Roode goes ahead and neck snaps Daniels so Aries can drop an elbow to the back before gaining a one count with Storm distracted by Kazarian. Aries starts nailing Daniels with rights as Taz says that Storm isn’t qualified to be a ref, and anyone else wouldn’t have been distracted and counted to three. Palm strike connects and Roode tags in and Aries chokes Daniels before Storm breaks it up. Roode uses his boot and uses a four count and Aries uses his shin to choke him for a two count. Aries goes up top and hits a crossbody on Daniels and Roode gets a one count when Daniels gets his hand on the rope. Kazarian hits an axe handle on Roode and connects with several kicks before throwing Roode back in and getting tagged in. A good double team move gets Bad Influence a two count and Daniels rakes the eyes while Storm is distracted. Springboard leg drop by Kazarian gives him a two count. Taz rants about Storm drinking beer was Roode is sent into Daniels boot and Daniels is tagged in. Daniels goes up top and Roode throws Kazarian into him, knocking them both down. Aries is tagged in and hits the IED in the corner and hits the elbow strike to Daniels. Aries goes for the brainbuster, but Daniels gets out of it. Aries sends Daniels to the outside and NAILS a suicide dive before throwing him into the ring and mocking Chavo before connecting with the frog splash, but Kazarian breaks up the pin Aries is caught into a modified 3D for two when Roode breaks it up. Kazarian goes for the Fade to Black on Roode, but Roode slips out and nails the Double A Spine buster. Roode is caught in a STO by Daniels and Aries hits a knee breaker into a throw before running right into a boot. Daniels goes for Angels Wings, but it is countered into a Brainbuster by Aries. That is countered into a roll-up but Storm doesn’t count the fall because Daniels has Aries’ tights. Aries has a beer bottle and spits some beer in his face and drinks some before Storm grabs it away and chugs the rest. Aries shoves Storm and Storm accidentally superkicks Daniels. Aries tells Storm to count and he counts to two before giving the Last Call Superkick to Aries. Storm walks up the ramp as Roode and Daniels checks on their respective partners as Storm turns around to survey the madness.
No Contest
We cut quickly to Aces and Eights ganging up on someone backstage that is quickly revealed to be Magnus. It’s basically just a weapons fight with plenty of bleeping and Anderson yelling at Magnus. Magnus fights back a little bit and spits on DOC’s face before getting hit with what looks like a garbage can before running a cart into his head.
-Commercial Break-
A cool vignette played for Suicide. It was a really cool vignette for a really stupid character.
A video highlighted Chris Sabin’s return to the ring on last week’s episode of Impact Wrestling and the X Division Champion Kenny King comes down to the ring. King tells them to “turn the mic off” and reminds everyone that he is the X Division Championship and ever since he stepped foot in Impact Wrestling he’s been great, even “X-Ceptional,” and he always beats the odds. King announces that he isn’t out here to talk about himself, but former 4-time X Division Champion. King says that we’ve seen all the video packages, but asks Sabin to tell a story for the fans. Sabin tells Kenny that the last two years he’s spent were in physical rehabilitation and his basement, and King has no idea how hard it is to have what you’ve worked your entire life for ripped away from you, but King also doesn’t realize what great motivation it is and the fighting spirit inside Chris Sabin. Sabin tells everyone that he has nothing left to lose and he’s going to fight like it’s his last night on earth and next week he is going to become the X Division Championship. King claps and explains that sometimes in wrestling wins and losses are always viewed above everything else and Sabin almost lost his livelihood twice and he never stopped fighting. King calls Sabin an inspiration and asks Sabin to hold the X Division belt one more time for him. King tells everyone that he wants everyone to see Sabin with the belt because that’s as close as he will ever get to the belt while he’s alive. Even with two good ACL’s he still wouldn’t be as good as Kenny King before grabbing the belt back. King exclaims that next week he’s going to rain golden showers all over Sabin’s parade and now Sabin is holding the X Division Championship again and King demands his belt back. Sabin looks at the belt and tosses it to King before drilling him with a right hand. King retreats in the crowd with the X Division belt in hand while Sabin stands at the top rope looking at him.
We cut backstage with Aries with a steel chair unfolded in his hand while agents try to hold Bad Influence, Aries and Roode away from James Storm. ((Jarrett’s Jab – While I hated the non-finish to the number one contenders match, this was a very interesting angle. I have to wonder if this mean Storm finds a partner and goes into the Tag title hunt. It’s not like he has anything else to do. Speaking of that, King and Sabin have done something that hasn’t been done in months, create an actual storyline for the X Division Championship. The three-way matches have quickly run their course and so has the dreadful X-Cam. I hope that following next week, we can get regular matches for the X Division Championship and build rivalries instead of just throwing matches together with bells and whistles.))
-Commercial Break-
A graphic plays showing that next week the X Division Championship will be on the line when Kenny King defends against “Maple Leaf Muscle” Petey Williams and Chris Sabin. A video package shows that this year, a Gut Check winner will be in the Bound for Glory Series. Sam Shaw, Christian York, Jay Bradley and Alex Silva will fight in a four-man tournament to find out who the man will be that has an opportunity to face the World Champion at Bound for Glory.
Todd Kenely talks about Impact Wrestling moving back to the old timeslot of Eight O’Clock Central before talking about the 3D that was delivered on Sting, AJ Styles leaving, Magnus getting taken out by Aces and Eights and Storm getting taken out.
Bully Ray is with the club and say that everyone in the club isn’t happy with the treatment of D’Lo Brown, but they have to do what is best for the club. What’s best for this club is weeding out the week. No one says they quit and he did. Bully exclaims that he’s not worried about the mystery partner and Knux asks if he has anything for D’Lo when he comes back. Bully smiles and says that’s a great question and says that Knux always has great questions and calls him the brains of the operation. Knux says he’s a deep thinker and Bully tells Knux that D’Lo needs to have the beer cold and the bikes washed before putting Wes in charge of the women.
Backstage Hogan is on the phone and Angle yells that they are out of time and walks out saying his music is playing. Hogan tells Sting to wait, but Sting says he has to go. Hogan tells whoever is on the phone that it’s now or never.
-Commercial Break-
Kurt Angle and Sting and a Mystery Partner vs. Aces and Eights (Mister Anderson, TNA World Champion Bully Ray and TNA Television Champion Devon)
Devon and Kurt Angle kick off the match as Bully Ray throws his chain at Taz, who suprisingy catches it. The two fist fight for a minute before Devon rakes the eyes and gets a quick advantage before getting destroyed by a Belly-to-Belly suplex and a quick tag out to Bully Ray. Ray brings down some clubby axe handle blows to the back of Angle before missing a right hand and getting arm dragged. Angle quickly locks in an armbar before rolling out and getting caught with the same move. Sting is tagged in and Anderson tags in. Tenay whines about Bully Ray tagging out (despite Anderson tagging himself in) and Taz says its smart strategy so Bully can scout Sting and Sting can’t scout Bully Ray in the ring. Anderson suckers Sting in for a test of strength and kicks him in the gut before unloading with right hands before getting caught with an atomic drop and a dropkick. Sting uses the middle rope to crotch Anderson and take Bully Ray and Devon off the apron. Angle is tagged in and just stomps a mudhole in Anderson and gets a cover that doesn’t get a one count. Anderson gets a knee to the cut and quickly tags in Devon. Devon whips Angle right into a Bully Ray clothesline and Ray taunts the crowd while Devon nails some right hands and gets a cover that once again doesn’t get a one count. Angle fights back but Devon rakes the eyes and throws Angle right into Bully Ray’s boot. Bully is tagged in and hits three corner splashes on Angle and Anderson chokes Angle while Sting tries to intervene. Bully stomps on the right hand of Angle and tags Devon in. Team 3D hit a inverted 3D on Kurt Angle and knock Sting off the apron as the camera cuts to Aces and Eights laid out in the back as we head to commercial
-Commercial Break-
Back from the break and Bully Ray and Kurt Angle are the legal men. Angle is down on his stomach and Bully Ray manages to get to his feet and connect with a great dropkick! Ray yells at Sting as Kenely jokes that Bully Ray defeated gravity with that dropkick. Anderson is tagged in and kicks Angle before hitting a spinning elbow strike for two. Devon tags in and delivers a right hand to the kidney and hits a neckbreaker. Devon covers and gets a close two count after killing a little time ‘stalking his prey’ Devon cranks the neck and Angle wills himself to his feet and gets kicked in the back of the head by Bully Ray from the outside and Devon covers for a two count. Devon hit a scoop slam and a leg drop before mocking Hulk Hogan with all of his poses instead of capitalizing on Angle. Bully Ray tags in and hits an axe handle blow to Angle’s back. Neckbreaker connects by Bully Ray before he pulls down a strap and just chops the chest. Bully misses a second chop and nails an Angle Slam Sting extends the hand and Devon and Sting ar the letal men. Sting runs through Devon with clotheslines, a Stinger Splash and a Scorpion Deathdrop. Anderosn tries to break up the pin but Sting moves and Anderson lands on Devon. Sting covers Devon but Bully Ray breaks up the pin. The two exchange blows and Sting locks in the Scorpion Deathlock before Anderson breaks it up with right hands and a Mic Check. Anderson knocks Angle off the apron and sends him head first into the steel steps. Devon slides a table into the ring and Bully Ray sets it up in the middle of the ring. Theme music plays and it’s Abyss! Honestly didn’t recognize the song. Abyss takes out both Bully Ray and Devon with running splashes. Anderson is chokeslammed into the table and Devon is nailed with the Black Hole Slam for three.
Winner by Pinfall: Abyss, Kurt Angle and Sting
((Jarrett’s Jab – It’s been so long that I didn’t recognize the theme, especially with the solo bell intro. The mystery partner was a great hook throughout the show with the logical choices in Magnus and James Storm taken out. I personally loved the Joseph Park character that I dread seeing Abyss back. I was afraid it would be Jeff Hardy or Hulk Hogan, so I was happy to see Abyss, but how they handle the Monster going forward will be interesting to watch. The X Division scene has a storyline for at least the week, and the Knockout Champion is on TV for the first time on a few weeks.))
I’m confused as to why there are still folks who think that Hulk Hogan is going to be jumping in the ring at regular intervals to fight. His back is surgically repaired – he can’t take a bump. Don’t be fooled by his constant “selling” during his media interviews – he IS NOT going to be a regular wrestler on the show. The man can barely walk! He’s a figurehead character – the “General Manager” who sometimes throws a few punches during a segment (once every 4 – 5 months). Think Gorilla Monsoon when he was the “WWF President” and he unloaded a few chops on Vader back in 1996. That’s all that Hogan is doing. The more that people buy into the idea that he’s going to be competing, the more he eats it up and perpetuates the idea because he loves selling the story.