
Opening Segment
The weekly video recap highlighted the AJ Styles’ dilemma; the contract signing between Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez, and the Tag Team Champions Austin Aries and Bobby Roode; Taryn Terell’s feud with Gail Kim; and the World Heavyweight Championship feud between Bully Ray and Jeff Hardy.
Hulk Hogan asks Jeff Hardy if he’s ready and Hardy replies that he’s always ready.
For the first time in a while, the Impact Wrestling opening package plays with names beside some of the bigger stars. ((Jarrett’s Jab – After WrestleMania, this is a very smart move for some people who have never watched TNA before to make them familiar with some big names in the company.))
Inside the arena in Corpus Christi, Texas; Todd Kenely runs over the main event Full Metal Mayhem match between World Heavyweight Champion Bully Ray and Jeff Hardy, along with the grudge match between Taryn Terrell and Gail Kim. Taz hypes up AJ Styles making his decision between TNA and Aces and Eights tonight.
2 out of 3 Falls Match for the TNA World Tag Team Championships: Bobby Roode and Austin Aries (c) vs. Chavo Guerrero, Jr. and Hernandez (If Chavo and Hernandez lose, they must disband)
Chavo and Hernandez are attacked during their entrance by the Tag Team Champions and throw Hernandez into the steel steps. Spinebuster by Bobby Roode gains Roode and Aries the first fall.
Winner of the First Fall by Pinfall: Bobby Roode and Austin Aries
Aries mocks the shimmy and misses the frogsplash. Roll-up by Guerrero ties the match up.
Winners of the Second Fall by Pinfall: Chavo Guerrero and Hernanez
Roode tags in and chokes Guerrero in the corner. Roode distracts the referee and Aries does the same. Aries tags in and hits the plancha (ala the late, great Eddie Guerrero.) Several right hands by A Double leads to Roode getting tagged in. Roode charges, but Guerrero counters and hits a dropkick. Taz points out that Hernandez is still out and we see Hernandez make his way to the corner. Hernandez tags in and runs through the tag champions with shoulderblocks. Aries is gorilla pressed to the ground as Hernandez riles up the crowd. Walking to the ramp, Hernandez nails the Air Mexico as we head to a commercial break.
-Commercial Break-
Back from the break, Hernandez is laid out on the outside and the tag team champions pose before Roode rolls him into the ring for a two count, before for some reason we are shown the Spanish announce team in a box bigger than the actual match. Aries is tagged in and hits an elbow from the top for a two count before grape vining the leg and Roode tags in. Roode knocks Chavo off the apron and Hernandez starts trying to fight back before Roode rakes the eyes. Double clothsline to Roode and Aries by Super Mex and the only wrestler standing is Chavo, who is tagged in. Chavo hits the plancha on Roode and knocks Aries off the apron. Crossbody to the outside connects to the tag champs. Chavo rolls Roode in, but only gets two. Chavo gets two amigos on Aries before Roode breaks it up. Chavo gets the three on Roode and goes up to the top. Aries knocks Chavo off the top and Roode grabs the tights, but still gets two. Crossface by Roode is broken by Hernandez. Hernandez goes for Air Mexico, but hits Chavo and Roode only gets two when Chavo kicks out. Aries hits the IED and Chavo counters the spinebuster into a DDT, but Aries breaks the fall. Chavo is positioned on the top rope and Aries goes for a superplex, but Hernandez goes for the Border Toss. Roode kicks Hernandez and Hernandez suplexes them both. Chavo hits the frogsplash and pins Roode to win the match.
Winner of the third fall by pinfall and NEW TNA World Tag Team Champions: Chavo Guerrero, Jr. and Hernandez
Joey Ryan is catches Brooke Hogan backstage and says a lot of stuff I don’t catch, but it ends with him saying that he really is “the bigger man.” Brooke says that she helped him last week a lot and she hired a new referee and teases liking Ryan before shoving him away and saying that he embarrassed her last week and informs him that he has a match tonight and “we’ll see who is the bigger man is.” Ryan comically responds with “Who’s bigger than me?”
((Jarrett’s Jab – Joey Ryan is an interesting personality. I’ll be honest and say his 87% stuff was hard to watch because it was awful, but he’s found his niche in TNA and it works for what it is. The tag team match is very interesting to say the least, I still think that the wrong team won, but there is no other face teams in TNA right now.))
-Commercial Break-
We are shown Ken Anderson and Garett Bischoff riding in on motorcycles and the Aces and Eights goofing off in the parking lot.
Joseph Park comes out in a suit and tells the fans that he has been granted a few minutes to discuss a few issues he has. The main issue is with Aces and Eights and his leader Aces and Eights. Joseph Park says a bunch of lawyer talk about how what Bully Ray has been doing will stop now and the word that comes to Park’s mind is justice and it will be served when Jeff Hardy wins the World Title tonight, but justice won’t end or not. Park reminds everyone that he is well versed in marital law, and he holds a piece of paper and says that he has taken it upon himself to draw up papers of annulment that will end the marriage of Brooke Hogan and Bully Ray and that this paper will be filed by his offer before Devon comes out and takes the paper and the microphone. Devon rips up the annulment papers and says that if he has a problem with Aces and Eights, and Bully Ray, then he has a problem with Devon. Devon warns Park to stay out of family business. Park turns around to pick up the ripped annulment papers, but Devon hits him in the gut with a chain and walks off.
We are shown a hype video about how the feud between Gail Kim and former Knockouts Referee Taryn Terrell. Their match….is NEXT!
-Commercial Break-
Gail Kim vs. Taryn Terrell
ODB is announced as the referee for this match. ODB comes out with a handprint t-shirt and drinking from her flask. ODB throws Gail on the apron and Taryn tosses her into the ring. Taryn quickly hits a suplex and a monkey flip on the first Knockouts Champion. Taryn goes for the spear, but Gail counters. Taryn goes up top, but Gail grabs the leg to jerk her back on the mat. Gail grabs the hair and starts hitting her in the corner. ODB yells and yanks Gail away from Taryn. Gail poses as she grabs the hair again and slams Taryn to the mat. Gail uses the ropes to choke Taryn, but after five, ODB yanks Gail off of Velvet. Gail rolls up Taryn and grabs the gear, but ODB catches her at two. Taryn kicks her off and rolls her up for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Taryn Terell
Gail argues with ODB and ODB chases her up the ramp. Christy Hemme congratulates Taryn and asks her how she feels. Taryn says that “I’ve waited a long time to get physical with Gail Kim, but the question is…who wants to get physical with me?” ((Jarrett’s Jab – I gave Taryn a standing ovation, not that kind of ovation, get your mind out of the gutter.))
-Commercial Break-
Prichard says that Magno has his entire career ahead of him and Pearce is a 17-year veteran. He picks Magno and Pearce has to take the walk of shame ((Jarrett’s Jab – That’s the worst decision in the history of Gut Check. You take the guy that can’t speak English and got gassed in a 10-minute match over the17-year old veteran.))
Hulk Hogan says that he’s going to deal with AJ Styles right now, but walks away when he’s asked about Sting.
AJ Styles is arriving at the building and blows off the dumbass cameraman’s questions, but Ken Anderson comes up and hands AJ another Aces & Eights cut and says he knows AJ will do the right thing.
-Commercial Break-
A hype video is played for tonight’s Full Metal Mayhem match for the World Heavyweight Championship between champion Bully Ray and challenger Jeff Hardy.
Hulk Hogan makes his entrance to a standing ovation in the American Bank Arena in Corpus Christi. Hogan says that “The Impact Zone is on fire here in Corpus Christi brother.” He calls out a man he’s sick of worrying about: AJ Styles. Hulk says that AJ has been playing in the middle of the line and wants an answer now. AJ says “Let me tell you something BROTHER, I don’t respond well to ultimatums.” For the third week in a row James Storm interrupts AJ Styles. Storm says he isn’t out here for ultimatums, or even to drink beer (which garners some boos from the crowd) Storm says that they’re going to fight before getting interrupted by Bad Influence. Kazarian tells “Toby Keith” to step aside, and says they’re not here to start a fight; they’re here to mend fences. He and Daniels are intelligent and that Thunderlips is going to convince him to join his team because Aces & Eights have totally dismantled his team. Aces & Eights are also in a war, so it makes sense that they would try to recruit TNA’s #1 guy for eleven years. Daniels tells AJ that Hogan’s choice is lose-lose because no matter which side he picks, he’s getting used. Daniels and Kazarian have a proposition for him: they want AJ on their side, and he knows that AJ thinks the whole Claire Lynch thing was bad, but it had to be worse when Dixie Carter stopped believing in him, Hulk Hogan stopped trusting him, and these idiotically fickle fans turned on him. Daniels tells AJ not to stand with these guys, to stand with his brothers. Daniels mentions that between the three of them there are tag team, X Division and World Heavyweight Championships and states that it would be great if it was the three of them against the world. Storm slaps the microphone out of AJ’s hand and they get in each other’s faces again as the crowd chants for Hogan. AJ leaves the ring, stops to stare at Daniels and Kazarian, and then walks to the back by himself. Hogan says that since AJ won’t make a decision, Hogan will make one for him: AJ will face James Storm next week on Impact Wrestling. ((Jarrett’s Jab – I’m about fed up with whoever it is that writes this story. It’s been a month and in three minutes, Bad Influence has done more to put AJ Styles over than Hulk Hogan, James Storm, Aces and Eight’s or the commentators. I’m happy that Bad Influence are involved in this. If anyone can save this from Storm and Hogan’s awful performances, it’s Daniels and Kazarian, plus it’s a nice twist that could be very interesting. Plus for now it stops the comparisons to the Sting 1996 comparisons))
-Commercial Break-
Kurt Angle is backstage saying the war between TNA and Aces & Eights will turn directions when Jeff Hardy beats Bully Ray for the TNA World Title. He asked Hulk Hogan for a match next week, and not just any match…a Handicap match with two ungreatful punks that he took under his wing named Wes Brisco and Garett Bischoff.
Joey Ryan vs. Rob Terry
Joey Ryan tries a charge, but doesn’t budge Rob Terry, while Rob Terry runs through Ryan with ease before chopping the chest in three out of four corners of the ring before whipping him across the ring. Scoop Slam by Terry and Ryan has had zero offense. Ryan almost blocks a charge, but get slammed to the ground. Terry hits the powerslam and poses before Ryan uses Terry to get to his feet and Terry hits the Freakbuster for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Rob Terry
-Commercial Break-
Hulk Hogan tries to talk Brooke into watching the main event in the luxury box with him, but Brooke says she needs to be at ringside and look Mark in the eyes after he loses tonight. Hulk tells her to be safe, and she says not to worry because she’ll have Ronnie from Atlas Security with him. Matt Morgan comes in and asks Hogan if he’s really going to do that, and says he’s making another Hogan mistake. He says to keep making them because one day, they’ll all come crashing down on him.
Al Snow is the only Gut Check judge to get cheers, and Magno joins Prichard and Davis in getting booed. Magno shakes the hands of all three judges and Borash. Danny Davis states that it seems like the fans in Corpus Christi have made a decision, but he hasn’t made one quite yet. He could make him a star in Louisville, but we’re nationwide on Impact, so he has to agree with the fans and say…no. Magno has one last chance to plead his case. The fans are pissed off and boo the HELL out of Magno for speaking Spanish, and then his attempts at Spanglish. He ends it by saying he wants to be an Impact wrestler. Bruce Prichard, who tells Magno that he has his whole career in front of him, he has a marketable look, but his inexperience in the ring can cost him, and he’s not going to speak for Al Snow, but he thinks they have to agree that he needs some more seasoning, and he answers in both English and Spanish and says his answer is no.
Aces & Eights are in the parking lot, and Anderson reminds Bully that when you run with the Aces & Eights, you never walk alone. Bully says that he needs to walk alone tonight, beat Jeff Hardy on his own, and shove it up his ass and Hogan’s. He makes the rest of the gang swear that he’ll do this by himself because he’s not just doing it for him, he’s doing it for all of them. The gang revs their bikes in agreement. ((Jarrett’s Jab – Only the third time that Gut Check ended with two votes, and the second time that it was two no votes. Magno wasn’t ready and Pearce was. The only way this can be redeemed is that Pearce and Ivelisse become members of Aces and Eights. Meanwhile I loved this Aces & Eights segment. Bully Ray excels in these segments and it adds realism that Bully Ray manages to add to this otherwise odd cast of wrestlers.))
-Commercial Break-
Full Metal Mayhem VII for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship: Bully Ray (c) vs. Jeff Hardy
Hardy hits a Stunner to start the match and starts wailing on Bully Ray before an Irish Whip and a steel chair to the spine and Irish Whips him into a ladder. Whisper in the Wind connects and Bully Ray gets a face full of chair on the way down. Hardy climbs the ladder and touches the belt before Ray tips the ladder. Hardy nails a kick to the face, but Bully tosses him out of the ring, and Hardy Swanton’s the ramp. Ray slams the chain to the gut
-Commercial Break-
Full Metal Mayhem VII for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship: Bully Ray (c) vs. Jeff Hardy
Back from the break. Hardy tries a superplex, but Bully fights out. Hardy tries a suplex from the ground and Bully powers out. Bully yells at Hardy “Is that what you want to do to me?” looking at an open ladder and suplex’s him into it. We see a close up of Brooke Hogan yelling as Bully puts the broken ladder on the outside and slams a chair into Hardy. A “Hardy” chant starts as Bully sets up a table and mocks Hogan as Kenely reminds everyone that Hogan is watching this match from the Skybox. Ray yells that he’s going to win the match; Brooke is going to raise his hand and be slapped in the face. The yelling allows for Hardy to make a comeback with flying forearms and a leg drop to the nether regions. Hardy hits a modified con-chair-to and Bully rolls to the outside. Hardy tries a dive, but crashes against the guardrail in front of Brooke Hogan. Bully yells for Brooke to sit down and she flips him off. Hardy gets slammed head first into the ring steps as Bully goes back to trash talking Brooke. Bully tries to kiss her, but he gets slapped in the face and slammed into the ring steps. Hardy puts Bully on a table, but the table collapses before he anything. Hardy goes up the ramp after looking under the ring and retrieves a table from the stage. Hardy takes too long and Bully nails a right hand and repositions the table. Hardy fights back and hits a stunner and Bully lands on the table. Hardy takes off his shirt and goes to the top rope. Hardy plays to the crowd and nails the Swanton Bomb as Brooke looks on in horror. The censors get the “Holy Shit” chant censored as soon as it stops and Hardy finally starts to crawl away from the wreckage. Hardy rolls into the ring and Bully starts stirring on the outside. Hardy is getting the ladder and is starting to set it. Taz hands Bully a ballpeen hammer and Brooke is yelling. The two are battling on the top of the ladder. Hardy grabs the belt and gets clocked in the head with the hammer and goes through a table. Bully Ray unhooks the belt and that’s all she wrote.
Winner and STILL TNA World Heavyweight Champion: Bully Ray
Brooke Hogan has Ronnie of Atlas Security get her out from ringside as Bully celebrates. Aces and Eights crowd the ring and Bully Ray reminds everything that they are Aces and Eights, he is the World Champion, and when you ride with Aces and Eights, you never walk alone.
((Jarrett’s Jab – I’m not the only one that expected to see Brooke Hogan turn heel tonight, but I’m happy with the way things played out. TNA does something that the WWE fail to do: give heels credible wins. Bully Ray now owns two victories in a row on Jeff Hardy, and that is bound to help not only Aces and Eights, but whoever that ends up beating Bully Ray. This was the show for TNA to pull out all the stops after a pitiful WrestleMania and fan backlash on Raw, and other than the head scratching decision to take the titles off of Bobby Roode and Austin Aries, I think they did a good job with a Pay-Per-View quality main event.))
I feel like the decision to put the belts on Hernandez and Guerrero was a last minute smark-swerve. In other words, someone with a little pull at iMPACT Wrestling caught wind that the fans expected that tag team to break up and for Chavo to turn heel (or Hernandez to turn or whatever) and they changed the booking at the last minute. Similar to how Bobby Roode got screwed out of what should have been a career-making victory over Kurt Angle at Bound for Glory a few years ago.
Either that or they were playing up Hernandez and Guerrero to the hometown crowd!