
Opening Segment
Welcome to Impact Wrestling, LIVE from the Sears Center in Chicago!
Impact opens this week with highlights from the main event of Lockdown and Bully Ray being revealed as the President of Aces and Eights!
Todd Keneley opens us up and the announcers hype the footage of Brooke Hogan after LockDown and the return of AJ Styles. And with that, it’s Tag Team Title time!
Aces and Eights jump Chavo and Hernandez as the fans surprisingly boo. The whole stable (with the exception of Bully Ray) takes out Mexican America and throws them outside the ring. Devon says that the people in Chicago needs to “sit down and shut the hell up!” Devon tells everyone that Aces and Eights will dominate from now on and introduces the NEW World Heavyweight Champion: Bully Ray!
Out comes from the Aces and Eights entrance, Bully Ray comes out to a lyrical version of the Aces & Eights theme in a flannel shirt and an Aces & Eights skull cap. Taz and Bully hug. D’Lo Brown puts an Aces & Eight vest on Bully Ray as Taz says how lucky everyone should feel to be a part of this.
Bully Ray asks the fans if they know who he is. Bully Ray introduces himself as Bully Ray, President of the Aces & Eights, and the TNA World Heavyweight Champion as the fans boo him. Ray brags about how he used Sting and screwed Brooke, made a fool out of Hulk Hogan, “and the guy that made a fool out of every frickin’ one of you.” Ray brags that for over nine months, he fooled everyone, he pulled the wool over everyone’s eyes and how proud he was to see Devon and throw him. Bully lets the fans that in on a secret, that when Wes Brisco and Garett Bischoff came over the cage, he was going to leave, but Hulk Hogan changed it. He couldn’t give a damn about Hulk’s advice, but he did something in one night that the NWO couldn’t accomplish ever, and he knows Hulk is here somewhere, so if he has the balls, he wants Hulk to come out and fire them. Bully says he knows it won’t happen, because they’re Aces & Eights, and when you ride with Aces & Eights, you’ll never walk alone.
Sting is backstage pissed off about what Bully did at Lockdown and how Bully is in the fast lane now He needs to do something, and he’s going to start by talking to Hulk.
-Commercial Break-
Footage is shown of Taryn Terrell spearing Gail Kim at LockDown in the middle of her Knockouts Championship match. Gail Kim cuts a windowbox promo as she makes her entrance and states that her heart goes out to Brooke Hogan, but she made the right decision by putting Taryn Terrell on probation and tells Terrell she better not ever put her hands on her again.
Knockouts Champion Velvet Sky & Mickie James vs. Tara & Gail Kim
Gail and Velvet start off the match and Velvet snaps Gail to the mat by the hair. For some stupid reason, Velvet drags Gail by the hair to Tara before realizing that Mickie was her partner and poor Gail gets drug by the hair to the other half of the ring. Mickie tags in and unleashes a fury of rights and kicks before nailing an enziguiri for two.
-Commercial Break-
Tara is in the ring in a Chicago flag inspired attire beating up Mickie as we come back from the break. In a move I haven’t seen since Tajiri left for Japan, Tara locks Mickie in the tarantula and breaks the hold at four (since she would have been disqualified on five.) Tara stops to argue with Taryn Terrell while Gail gets a few cheap shots in on Mickie before Tara covers for two. Gail and Tara hit a double slingshot suplex on Mickie and Gail covers for two. Gail gets in Terrell’s face again, but is distracted long enough for Mickie to connect with a flying head scissors. Mickie and Gail both connect with clotheslines and it’s a reset with both of them on the mat. The two tag their partners in, then Velvet starts running Tara over with clotheslines before jabbing a boot at Gail on the floor. Gail breaks a cover at two, then goes back to arguing with Terrell and dares Terrell to hit her. Terrell doesn’t, so Gail piefaces her and shoves her down to the mat. Terrell slaps Gail, and then the she turns around to a Lou Thez press from the top by Mickie James. Tara swoops in and hits Mickie with the Widow’s Peak, but Velvet comes in and hits In Your Face for the win.
Winners by Pinfall: Velvet Sky & Mickie James
Backstage in what looks like a hallway, Bully tells everyone that Hulk doesn’t have the balls to do anything to them, but he wants to propose a toast to everyone who has stuck by him the last nine months. They all clang glasses as Bully jokes that he hasn’t heard from his wife in a while. He tries calling her, but she sends him right to voicemail, so he asks why she’s not returning his calls. He says the boys want to say hi to her, so he holds the phone out and they all go “HI BROOKE!” and then he tells her to call him back and tell Dad he says hi.
-Commercial Break-
The cameraman catches up to Hulk Hogan backstage and asks about his daughter and whether he’s going to fire Aces & Eights tonight, and Hulk just says “not now” and slams the office door shut behind him.
Robbie E vs. Rob Terry
Robbie E tells everyone after he makes his entrance that Lockdown was a fluke, and he won’t get so lucky tonight, BRO. For someone reason Christy Hemme again said that Rob Terry is from the Jersey Shore, he’s from Wales! Robbie E sneaks in and suckerpunches Rob Terry, but T doesn’t feel anything and just decapitates E with a clothesline instead. Terry hiptosses Robbie across the ring, press slams him to the mat, then nails another clothesline, this time in the corner. Terry hits the Jackhammer and then hits the spinebuster for the win
Winner by Pinfall: Rob Terry
After the match, Rob Terry dances.
Sting is backstage and walks into Hulk Hogan’s office, which looks nicer than his office in the Impact Zone did…and they’re only there for a night. Hulk looks pissed off as we awkwardly cut back to commercial.
((Jarrett’s Jab – The fans in Chicago weren’t into Terry as much as the Impact Zone was, to the point where he got a “Feed Me More” chant, in refrence to WWE Superstar Ryback, who gets “Goldberg” chants himself. Not a good sign for TNA’s Dancin’ Fool.))
-Commercial Break-
Bully is shocked that there’s no Aces & Eights merch in the TNA catalog. He says to open the catalog to a random page and whoever they find there will have to pay. The club laughs at who it lands on. Bully says it’ll be tough but they’ll take whoever it is out tonight.
We go to Hulk’s office where Sting says they need to Hulk, and Hogan asks if he’s there to get the last breath from him before throwing his crutches at the window. He asks if Sting knows what he’s done by vouching for Bully and swearing he’s a nice guy, and now Aces & Eights holds the company hostage and Bully has the title. It may not mean anything to Sting, but Bully’s married to his daughter. Sting says it does matter and not to fire Aces & Eights, because they need to set this right. Hulk says he knows how this movie ends, they have the title, his daughter’s in a marriage she doesn’t want to be in, and they’ve ruined the company. Hulk’s in a place he doesn’t want to be in, then kicks Sting out of the office and says he makes him sick.
A video package plays, showing AJ’s loss to Christopher Daniels at Final Resolution and him leaving TNA before showing the footage of TNA camera’s invading his home in Gainsville. Surprisingly, the fact that he lost a match where he can’t challenge for the World Title until Bound for Glory never came up.
-Commercial Break-
Bobby Roode and Austin Aries find Sting backstage and say it must be a tough night since he ruined everything. All the boys in the locker room are talking about how he screwed the company and blame him for letting Bully get the TNA World Title. Now Aries and Roode have nobody to wrestle tonight, even though they were going to give Hogan and Sting a title shot after that. Sting says he’s had enough, and he wants to fight tonight. Aries gets in Sting’s face and asks if he wants to fight them, Sting says yeah, and Aries says Roode is happy to fight him any day of the week. Aries doesn’t realize that Roode snuck away, so Sting says he’s going to fight Aries tonight instead. ((Jarrett’s Jab – Sting must not like their “Dirty Heel” shirts with studs.))
Christy Hemme, in a dress that I don’t know even looks TV-14 introduces AJ Styles, but he doesn’t come out. Instead Bad Influence’s music hits. Kazarian and Daniels come out dressed and face painted like the Road Warriors, Animalzarian says that tonight isn’t just the first live Impact on the road, and it’s definitely not the first time AJ Styles has disappointed his fans “since he’s gotten quite good at that”, but Bad Influence is bringing back Throwback Thursday! Since they’re in the Second City, they’re paying homage to the second best tag team in wrestling history. Kazarian says TELL ‘EM, CHRIS, and Hawkis goes WELLLLLLL, those legends of the past were fake tough guys, just like AJ Styles and every one of the fans. They’re real tough guys, real ring warriors, and they’re the Legion of BOOM! “OHHHHHHHHHH WHAT A TUSH” Daniels says while pointing at his ass, then tells the fans they have permission to worship them now. James Storm comes out to the ring and says he was backstage listening to them run their mouth about AJ Styles and one of the greatest tag teams in history while claiming to be tough guys. Storm’s sure that AJ will come out and say what he thinks of them, but that greatest tag team is a little bit taller and a little more over than they’ll ever be, and they’re actually from Chicago. Storm says he’ll let them decide which one of them gets the crap kicked out of them right now. Daniels discusses something with Kazarian on the apron and Kazarian gets on the floor while still talking to Daniels. Storm loses his patience and just tosses Daniels in the ring to start the match.
James Storm vs. Christopher Daniels
Storm stomps a mudhole in Daniels and stares down Kazarian. Daniels charges at Storm, but the Cowboy sidesteps and Daniels collides into Kazarian. Storm quickly tries a roll-up and gets a two count. Kazarian grabs Storm’s ankle and trips him from the outside, allowing Daniels to sneak in and nail Storm and put the boots to him. Daniels connects with some kneestrikes to the chest and cinches in a rear bearhug, but Storm comes back with a several clotheslines and a bulldog. Daniels escapes the Eye of the Storm and hits an uranage. Storm dodges a BME from the ropes and hits Closing Time. Storm gets distracted by Kazarian and Daniels tries a rollup, but Storm hits a Backstabber and cradles Daniels for the win.
Winner: James Storm
Daniels and Kazarian jump Storm after the match and put the boots to him, but AJ Styles finally comes out in a new P1 shirt and hooded leather jacket and punches Kazarian in the face before going after Daniels, who rolls out of the ring to avoid another beating. Storm gets to his feet to stand with AJ. AJ runs through Storm with a short-arm clothsline before pulling his hood back up and leaving.
((Jarrett’s Jab – Christopher Daniels and Kazarian deserve Oscars for pulling that bit off without bursting out laughing, especially the Tush part. Daniels and Kazarian are the best act on ANY wrestling company with a television program. AJ Styles coming back and attacking Bad Influence and James Storm is interesting. He’s not a full fledged heel, and it will be interesting to see how they take his character. I’ve heard people suggest that he may be the Sting to Bully Ray’s Hogan, being the guy that doesn’t side with anyone, but ends up ))
-Commercial Break-
Footage is shown from the Wes Brisco and Kurt Angle cage match from Lockdown before going backstage where Angle runs into the hallway. Brisco tells Angle to fight him and Aces and Eights jump him and beat him down. Members of Aces & Eights laugh as they walk away.
Joseph Park comes out to the ring in a suit and says it’s been a big year for him: he “got the W as the boys call it” and won at Lockdown this weekend. All this success made him take a step back and reflect on his life and accomplishments, like graduating first in his class at law school, and making partner at Park, Park & Park, who he waves at in the nosebleed seats. But he’s most happy about being here in Chicago because he’s a Cubs fan (which the crowd hates), and sitting behind the goal at all the Blackhawks games (which they cheer), but nothing has been as exciting as being at Impact Wrestling and he can’t wait for what’s next. Matt Morgan‘s music hits and I guess that’s what is next. Morgan asks Hogan if the Bully Ray thing turned out like he hoped, and says that Hulk never made a bigger mistake than the joke standing in front of him right now. Morgan says the fact that Hogan signed this clown to a wrestling contract “is an abortion to the sport of wrestling”. He calls Park a fat oaf, then tells Hogan that he’ll start eliminating his mistakes one by one, starting…with Park. Morgan says that unless Park wants him to knock every one of his teeth down his throat, Park better get out of HIS ring right now son. Park gets out of the ring, but steps back into the ring and tells Morgan that people from Chicago never back down from a fight, so if he wants to fight, let’s do it right now. Morgan looks surprised, then smiles at Park as he takes his jacket off. Morgan asks if he’s serious before saying that he don’t do things how Park wants, he does them on Morgan’s time. Morgan turns to leave, but Park turns his back and walks right into a Carbon Footprint. Morgan says that his time is next week.
-Commercial Break-
Bully Ray is backstage with Aces and Eights and brags about how tonight they’ve taken out Chavo, Hernandez, and Angle, then dares Hogan again to fire them, and says that if he won’t come to them, they might just come to him. He already destroyed his family and asks if he wants them to destroy his show before saying that sounds like fun.
Footage plays that has been hyped all night about Brooke’s reaction to Bully Ray announcing he was the President of Aces and Eights and her freaking out spliced with footage from the reveal.
Sting vs. Austin Aries
Aries gets the best reaction of the night so far, but Sting gets a rockstar ovation in Chicago! The crowd is behind Aries as he chain wrestles around Sting and does the amature wrestling spin before dusting his hands off and relaxing on the top turnbuckle. Sting picks Aries up out of a headlock and places him on the top rope where he starts unloading with punches and kicks. Aries dodges a Stinger Splash and rolls out to the floor as Bobby Roode comes to ringside to give Aries a pep talk. Aries gets back in and Sting winds up on the floor beating up Roode and giving him a Stinger Splash against the rail. Aries comes off the top rope with a double axhandle, but nails Roode instead. Sting rams Aries into the barricade as we head to a commercial break!
-Commercial Break-
Back from the break and Sting is still in control of the match. Aries nails Sting from behind after Roode causes a distraction, but Sting clotheslines Aries to the floor and yells at Roode instead of captalizing on Aries. The refree ejects Roode, but while the ref is yelling at Roode, Aries either hits a low blow or clips the leg, my head was turned. Suicide Dive connects and Aries rolls him back for two. Sting gets choked by Aries before getting snapmared and dropkicked in the back of the head. Sting kicks out at two and tries to fight back until Aries dropkicks his knees out from under him and rams his knee into the mat. Aries holds the ropes to dodge a dropkick and goes for the Deathlock, but can’t apply it right, which the crowd laughed at. Finally Sting kicks him against the ropes and takes Aries out with a clothesline, but Aries quickly gets to the apron when Sting goes for the Scorpion Deathlock. Aries nails Sting with a missile dropkick and imitates his WOOOO to each side of the ring before turning around and being face to face with the Icon. Press slam by Sting connects, but Aries dodges the Stinger Splash and nails the IED and a Stinger Splash of his own. Sting slips out of a brainbuster attempt and hits the Scorpion Deathdrop. Aries manages to kick out, but Sting hits the Stinger Splash and locks the Deathlock in the center of the ring. Aces and Eights jump Sting to cause the disqualification.
Winner by Disqualification: Sting
Bully has a microphone and tells Aces & Eights to hold him up, then says he used Sting and asks if Hogan is gonna remember Aces & Eights now. Bully asks where “dad” is as we take the last commercial of the night!
-Commercial Break-
Bully is still calling Hogan out, and Hulk finally comes out to the top of the ramp on his crutches. Hogan says that firing Bully would be the easy way out after everything he did to him, his family, and the company, and he’s going to get his. He’s giving every man and woman in TNA clearance to go after Aces & Eights, and suddenly Magnus, Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, Jeff Hardy, Joseph Park, Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez come running from the locker room to face Aces & Eights. Aces & Eights mananges to get the upper hand and destroy TNA’s best after a back and forth effort. Bully uses his chain to swing at everyone from TNA and asks Hogan if this is what he meant by doing something memorable. Bully tells Hogan that that was his cavalry, and his cavalry just got taken out by Aces & Eights, then asks Hogan what he’s going to do…DAD? Bully and Aces & Eights stares Hogan down as we call it a night.
((Jarrett’s Jab – Some people will be mad at the Disqualification in the main event, but I personally loved it. I wish that Aces and Eights came out as soon as Sting sat down on the Deathlock, but the disqualification didn’t hurt Aries at all, and he was the first person I can remember in TNA kicking out of the Deathdrop. I almost expected to see AJ Styles at the end standing between Hogan and the ring, but I’m glad that they didn’t give away so much so soon. For the first Impact on the road, the show was the best episode of Impact all year, and in my opinion it was better than Raw. That’s it for me. Be sure to check TNAStars for all the latest TNA News and follow us @IWHeadlines for giveaways that you just can’t miss!))
Could not agree more! Last night’s show rocked!