According to the folks over at, Spike TV will rebroadcast last week’s episode of iMPACT Wrestling this Thursday, April 26th at 7:00pm EST. The reason why the show is being rebroadcast is because some viewers experienced some technical difficulties during the original broadcast. Here is the exact text of iMPACT Wrestling’s update from their website:
Spike TV will rebroadcast the most recent episode of IMPACT WRESTLING from April 19 this coming Thursday, April 26 at 7pm. Some viewers experienced technical difficulties this past Thursday, so Spike TV and TNA would like to make sure fans would not miss the action-packed episode.
You know what that means, right? That’s right! Four straight hours of iMPACT Wrestling this Thursday night!
I’m excited!!!
Me too! Four hours of iMPACT Wrestling – great chance for everyone who has been missing out on the show to catch up and get back into the storylines.