Source: William B. West of
What’s up, everyone?’s own William B. West is attending tonight’s big Lockdown pay-per-view in Cincinnati, Ohio! From time to time, William will try to send me a picture or two from his trip to Lockdown. As time permits, I will post those pictures as they come in. So stay tuned to all day to get the latest images directly from the pay-per-view!
Just is I know what did TNA lockdown stage set up look like NOTHING! because its the same shit you all ready smegin seen NO PYROS! & Vince K. McMahon buys TNA & YOU CAN BET ON IT!!!. I hope you enjoy the shity TNA lockdown show i’ll gave it a 6.5 out of 10…
From what I can decipher from your comment, NIGHTOWLKMJ, you think the Lockdown stage looks like nothing (which is a weird comment because it certainly is something). Then you’re suggesting that it’s the same shit that everyone has already “smegin” (I really couldn’t figure that one out, sorry). Then you comment that there is no pyro and you’re absolutely right about that as I’ve seen that reported around the interwebs tonight.
I’m not so sure about the Vince McMahon buying TNA Wrestling comment and everyone being able to bet on it. Last I heard, TNA Wrestling wasn’t for sale and Vince McMahon wasn’t looking to buy it anyway.
Then you hope that we all enjoy the Lockdown show (thanks!) which you already suggest is shitty (weird, because it isn’t over yet). And then you round out the comment by giving it a 6.5 out of 10 stars (which is pretty good for a person who clearly hates TNA Wrestling, but even more bizarre still because the show is still going on).
So, ummm… thanks for the comment, I guess!
im not to concerned about the lack of pryo and the stage/set.
this is understandable as they try to keep costs down.
what puzzles me is why such a large arena?
id rather see a smaller arena full than a large one half empty.
That’s an interesting point, James. In fact, I was talking to a friend of mine the other day about why TNA Wrestling won’t bring a PPV to one of the many 4,000 – 5,000 seat arenas that we have on the Jersey Shore. We figured that they wanted the bigger arenas for their set designs and extra backstage area, but that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense – just have smaller set designs!
Plus, if you’re in a 4,000 – 5,000 seat arena – wouldn’t it be great to announce that the show was a sellout?
totally agree with you on that one joe.
anyway looking forward to the show.have to wait till wed to see it on challange tv as im from dublin irl.
Many fans I talked to were puzzled as well why the Cincinnati Gardens wasn’t chosen. It has a seating capacity of 10k vs US Bank Arena’s 17k. By the time the set is factored in the Gardens would be almost full.
The only thing I can think of is the convenience of US Bank vs the Gardens. I’ve never been to the Gardens myself but it seems to be more of a hassle for out of towners (like myself) to get to as US Bank is located next to the Reds and Bengals stadiums which are familiar to a majority of the area.
The WWE which is a much bigger (albeit “Entertainment”) company has been using the Bank of Kentucky Center across the river which has a 10k capacity as well.