Impact Wrestling’s women’s division has been called the Knockout division going back to the old TNA Wrestling years.
The women of Impact have always been proud of the name, in it’s origin it was described as a way to differentiate from the WWE term “Diva” as the Knockout name projected a sense of power and strength.
In today’s PC culture some people some people go looking for controversies in names everywhere. One Twitter user decided to tell the Knockouts that the term was “demeaning”. Current an former Knockouts shot back:
Gail Kim, “If people only knew that we have discussed this and the majority of us like it. Its not demeaning to us at all. It’s empowering and special.”
Traci Brooks, “Knockouts is the perfect name for the women past and present of Impact(TNA) Strong, powerful, tough and kick ass. All different and beautiful in their own way. I will always be proud to be the Original knockout.”
Rosemary, “It’s not (demeaning), actually. And the roster has said MANY times how “Knockouts” makes us feel like badasses. KOs come in all shapes in sizes & we are all badass and beautiful. It’s WHY I went to train! So please stop telling us how we should be insulted when we already feel empowered.”
It’s not, actually. And the roster has said MANY times how “Knockouts” makes us feel like badasses. KOs come in all shapes in sizes & we are all badass and beautiful. It’s WHY I went to train!
So please stop telling us how we should be insulted when we already feel empowered 💪🏼
— Courtney Rush – W3 Legend (@Rushlemania) July 25, 2020
If people only knew that we have discussed this and the majority of us like it. Its not demeaning to us at all. It’s empowering and special 💪🏼⭐️
— Gail Kim-Irvine (@gailkimITSME) July 25, 2020
Knockouts is the perfect name for the women past and present of Impact(TNA) Strong, powerful, tough and kick ass. All different and beautiful in their own way. I will always be proud to be the Original knockout.
— Traci Brooks (@TheTraciBrooks) July 25, 2020