Source: Talon of

Rockstar Spud was driving in a car leaving a voicemail for Dixie Carter. He was down in Gainesville. Georgia and was lost.
Reaction: Spud is a great character. These segments of him looking for AJ should be fun.
In the ring, Jeremy Borash was with the Feast or Fired briefcases and the Wheel of Dixie. The cases contain three title shots and one pink slip. Borash was about to spin the wheel to determine what the stipulation for the finals of the World Heavyweight Title would be. Kurt Angle stormed the ring, told Borash to get out of the ring and knocked down the furniture in the ring. He was pissed and called out Bobby Roode.
Roode told Kurt that the match won’t happen. He said that he should be the only one pissed. He lost his shot by slipping and falling through a table. Roode said he has physically and mentally beat down Kurt Angle since Bound For Glory. Roode said that he was better than Angle. Angle told Roode that he would never beat him again. Angle said he was so confident that he could beat Roode twice in one night.
Angle and Roode got into a brawl where Angle came out on top. Referees and security came out and tried to separate the two. Roode broke through and connected with a low blow on Angle. Roode grabbed a mic and said he would like to see Angle try to beat him twice in one night. He challenged Angle to a match next week at Final Resolution in a Best Two out of Three Falls Match.
Reaction: This has been a hot feud. Angle should be pissed since Roode cost him a shot at the World Title. I look forward to their Final Resolution Matchup as it should be another great contest in the series.
Backstage, Eric Young was trying to motivate Joseph Park in the back. Park was questioning himself while Young was serious. Young told Park to show him what’s inside him. Park asked if EY had a plan and Young told him to trust him.
Bad Influence vs Joseph Park and Eric Young
Park was reluctant to get in the ring but when he did, Bad Influence quickly gained the advantage and worked him over. Bad Influence began taunting Park in the middle of the ring, slapping him in the face. EY cleared them of the ring.
EY then tried motivating Park. EY grabbed Park by the head and started pounding on Park’s head, leading to Park being bloodied. EY showed Park his own blood which snapped Joseph into Abyss-mode. Park went after Bad Influence, eventually hitting the Black Hole Slam on Kazarian for the win.
EY took a mic after the match. Young said he knows why Park can’t find his brother Abyss. Its because Park IS Abyss. Park shook his head in denial as Young left the ring. The fans chanted “You are Abyss” to Park.
Reaction: I am glad that we are finally getting progression in the Abyss storyline. Funny that this happened after Bischoff, Hogan and Prichard left. The Joseph Park character seems to be an alter-ego or a psychological alias of Park. Park doesn’t know that he is also Abyss. The question is if Joseph Park or Abyss is the alter-ego.
In the back, Ethan Carter was being massaged and talked about taking out a legend last week. Carter said this week he would have a Hall of Fame moment which would make social media explode.
Ethan Carter III made his entrance. He grabbed a mic and told referee Brian Hebner that he is safe tonight. EC3 said that after giving Earl Hebner the highlight of his career, he would face TNA’s social media guru, Jeremy Borash. Carter told Borash to get in the ring…now.
Instead, the Icon Sting accepted the invite. Sting said he was in awe of being in the presence of such greatness. Sting shook EC3’s hand. He called Carter a shooting star who has done absolutely nothing in the business. Sting said it takes more than a few vignettes and a last name to make it in the business. Sting called what EC3 did to Hebner despicable. Sting talked about Feast or Fired and said that the match is about taking chances to get to the top. Sting challenged EC3 to man up and enroll himself in Feast or Fired…or he can fight him right now.
EC3 said that Sting was on. Carter looked ready to go. Carter said he would compete in Feast or Fired tonight.
Reaction: Nice little tease there! TNA is really behind Carter right now and a program with Sting only cements that idea. I like Carter picking Feast or Fired thinking it will be the easier choice. For the record, I have always liked the Feast or Fired Match. The only thing I don’t like about it is that cashing the briefcases in at anytime is too similar to Money in the Bank.
Spud was checking out a map while driving. He pulled over to a gas station where he asked an attendant if he has seen AJ styles. The attendant pointed him towards a bar a mile down the road.
Gail Kim and Lei’D Tapa were in the ring. Gail told everyone that the competition has been below average recently. Gail said she was interested to see who the next challenger would be. ODB‘s music hit as the former Knockouts Champion came out. Gail said the Open Challenge was for people not on the active roster.
ODB said she wasn’t out here to kick her butt but to kick Tapa’s. ODB then attacked Gail and Tapa. The numbers game became too much though as ODB became overwhelmed. At that moment, Madison Rayne came out of nowhere and pounced on Gail. Her and ODB cleared the two from the ring. Rayne mocked Gail with her wave.
Reaction: It’s good to see Madison Rayne back. While she wasn’t my favorite Knockout, I didn’t dislike her either. I hope TNA signs some Knockouts who haven’t achieved all they already could. TNA needs fresh faces.
Rockstar Spud walked into a pub and sat down at the bar. Spud asked the bartender in a southern accent if she knew where AJ was. She said she served drinks and not information. Rockstar Spud asked for some sort of mixed drink but the bartender brought him a beer with a lemon. She then walked away.
Rockstar Spud was on the karaoke microphone looking for AJ Styles. Someone told him the mic was for singing. Spud started singing a weird version of “God Save the Queen.” He got wrapped up in Christmas lights and was really bad. He got ejected by a bouncer.
Reaction: I like these comedy bits. Spud is perfect in this role.
Gunner apologized to James Storm for last week. He said Robbie E got under his skin. James Storm told him that they can fix that tonight. Storm said each of them could get a title shot. Gunner said they could also get fired. Storm said, “Sorry Bout Your Damn Luck.”
Rockstar Spud left his car and then ran down the road with a tiny flashlight. He was going towards AJ’s house.
TNA President, Dixie Carter made her way to the ring. Carter said earlier that night, Kurt Angle destroyed the Wheel of Dixie. She said that Wheel would have gone into the Hall of Fame. She said that she would grant Kurt Angle his match against Bobby Roode in a Best of Three Falls Match.
Dixie said she was happy because next week, she gets a new and a real World Heavyweight Champion. She introduced the two participants of that match. Out first was Magnus followed by Jeff Hardy. Dixie said that either one of them would make an excellent World Champion for her company. She asked for any final words.
Jeff Hardy talked about how last year, he won the Bound For Glory Series and the World Champion. Hardy said that in one week, the creatures win the World Championship again. Magnus said he is young but he isn’t stupid. He admitted that Hardy was more popular than he. Next week, he is the final obstacle to his World Title quest. Magnus said in this industry, he sees Hardy as the number one guy that he has to beat. The two then shook in the middle of the ring.
Dixie Carter then said despite the Wheel of Dixie being destroyed, there was one match left: The Dixieland Match. We got a video showing what the Dixieland Match was. It begins in a Steel Cage. After someone escapes the cage, they must make there way to the stage where the World Title will be hung. The man who climbs the ladder will win the championship.
Reaction: “Dixieland” doesn’t sound too intimidating but I am looking forward to seeing how this match turns out. You can definitely see Jeff Jarrett’s fingerprints over the recent shows as they are similar to ones done years ago.
Dixie told them that whomever wins will travel the World with her in her jet, represent her in the company. Her door will always be open to her. Dixie said her VIP table was open tonight and either one of them knows where to find her, so think about it.
Reaction: They are teasing a heel turn for either Magnus or Hardy. The clear-cut choice is Magnus, which I would be in favor of. Dixie has been talking up the Brit for years so it makes sense that she would get behind him.
Backstage, Velvet Sky was posing when Chris Sabin walked up. Sabin asked her if she had his back. She asked if she changed her hair, which she denied. He gave her a weird look.
Elsewhere, Rockstar Spud was in someone yard. He tried to pick a lock but the door was unlocked. Spud tripped over a few things and then continued to sneak around his house. Spud put his feet on the table where he got ahold of the World Title. AJ Styles came down the stairs and said he was the first to get a call when people were asking about him.
AJ said he could either call the police or call a few of his friends. He asked Spud if he ever saw Pulp Fiction? He then scared Spud off and slammed the door.
Reaction: Good segment! I enjoyed AJ outsmarting Rockstar Spud and scaring the crap out of him. I hope AJ Styles sticks with TNA over the long term.
Mr. Anderson was backstage saying he grieved by laughing and holding the Aces and Eights funeral. He said he needs to get focused again and that by winning Feast or Fired.
Austin Aries vs Chris Sabin
X Division Championship
Aries and Sabin went back and forth with Aries hitting a hard dive. When Aries looked to hit a move on the outside, Sabin pulled Velvet in the way, allowing him to cheap shot Aries. Sabin side-stepped a dropkick and then hit an Inverted Swinging Neckbreaker. Sabin sent Aries into the ropes with a front suplex but Aries connected moments later with one of his own. Aries boxed the ears of Sabin a number of times before sending him outside.
Back in the ring, Aries countered the Tornado DDT of Sabin. Aries followed up with a huge corner dropkick. Sabin pulled Velvet in the ring and the distraction nearly allowed him to defeat Aries. Moments later, Aries used the Velvet distraction to hit a Brainbuster, beat Sabin and win the X Division Title.
Reaction: Good action for what we got but these two can deliver much better matches with each other. The 3-Way between these two (and Manik) was a MOTY Contender and this didn’t come close to that. It’s a big win for Aries even though TNA needs to do more building up the X Division Title. Hopefully, Aries as champion will help do that.
During the break, Chris Sabin was pissed about losing. Austin Aries walked up and Sabin was pissed that he used Velvet to win the title. Sabin said he would enter the Feast or Fired Match and earn another title shot. Aries said he might steal that idea as well. Sabin asked if he would steal his woman too but Aries didn’t deny it.
Magnus said he can’t be concerned about cocktails or the Dixieland Match. He is concerned about the World Title. He took a call and asked for privacy.
Mr. Anderson made his entrance for the Feast or Fired Match. He started to do his own introduction when Bully Ray walked up behind him. Bully attacked him and then Piledrove him on the stage. Bully gave a weird promo in the form of some dark poetry while eerie music played in the background. He said Anderson has raped him of his future. Bully said Anderson’s wife is pregnant with twins and he said he would be responsible for their future.
Reaction: I’m loving this new side of Bully. That was a weird promo but it fits with what he has been doing recently. The background music was a bit much though.
Feast or Fired Match
Four briefcases hang in four corners in the ring. Three briefcases holds title shots (World, Tag Team, X Division) and one holds a pink slip. The participants included: Ethan Carter III, Samoa Joe, Austin Aries, James Storm, Gunner, Chavo Guerrero, Hernandez, Dewey Barnes, Norv Fernum, Curry Man, Chris Sabin, and Zema Ion. Curry Man left the match early on playing up the fact that he was fired a few years ago in this match.
We got dives from Aries, Zema, Joe, Norv and Dewey. With all of the participant laying on the outside, Ethan Carter grabbed the first briefcase leaving three cases left.
Back from break, everyone was brawling in the middle of the ring. Samoa Joe dominated in the ring, powerbombing Norv Fernum onto Dewey Barnes. The nerds eventually dumped Joe out but Zema Ion used the opportunity to grab another briefcase.
At that point, it was Aries’ turn to dominate the ring. He hit a series of dropkicks on all of his opponents. Aries had a momentary problem with Norv and Dewey but he hit a 450 Splash on both of them. Aries nearly grabbed a briefcase but Chris Sabin pulled him out. Aries sent Sabin hard into the ring steps.
A few minutes later, Hernandez launched Chavo Guerrero into the turnbuckle to allow Chavo to grab a briefcase. One case is left! Brawling continued in the ring. We got the tower of doom sequence with Gunner bombing everyone down. James Storm and Samoa Joe brawled where Storm hit Joe with the Last Call. Storm went up top and nearly grabbed the briefcase but Gunner clipped his knee. Gunner grabbed the fourth briefcase. We will find out the contents of the briefcases next week at Final Resolution.
Reaction: We got a lot of good action in this match. The predictable results of this briefcases will have Chavo with the pink slip, EC3 with the World Title shot, Zema with the X Title shot and Gunner with the Tag Title shot. Its a major hook for the Spike Special next week.
Dixie Carter was at a table in the VIP section where Jeff Hardy walked up. She got him a glass of wine to close the show.
Reaction: This is probably a red herring to make people think Hardy will turn heel despite Magnus being the favorite to do so.