Source: Talon of

The show opened with Taz and Mike Tenay recapping the bar attack between Bobby Roode and James Storm. Roode attacked Storm from behind and left him laying.
Reaction: The setup for Orlando is mostly like the road shows, with the same stage area. The only major difference is that the announce booth is beside the entrance.
Dixie Carter approached Samoa Joe backstage. She said she watched the segment last week over and over and said Joe underperformed. She told Joe that if he stepped out of line again, he will find himself wrestling in third world countries. Carter said that if Joe wins the World Title, he better get the unification match with AJ Styles idea out of his head. AJ will never be back in TNA and Joe should be happy that he is there. Dixie said she would kick the show off as the people would rather see her than Joe.
Dixie Carter made her way to the ring. She thanked Sports Illustrated for the article on her called “Dixieland.” Dixie told AJ that the fans were upset at him for not being on Team Dixie. She feels disdain for AJ for taking her intellectual property and used it around the world. Not one more company will make a yen off her again. The music of “Cowboy” James Storm hit and the former tag champion made his way out.
Storm carried a bullrope to the ring. The crowd loudly chanted “Cowboy.” Storm was pissed about Roode attacking him from behind and nearly costing him the World Title. James Storm showed Dixie that the Bullrope is not enough. He said the bullrope isn’t enough. He wants to use chairs, tables, barbed-wire and more. He wanted a “Death Match.” Dixie Carter said she wouldn’t change it. Storm said that last night, the Orlando Police Department asked him if he wanted to press charges. Storm said if he didn’t get his match, he would press charges and Roode would be arrested. We won’t get a match tonight and she wouldn’t get James Storm in the tournament.
Storm got fired up and said TNA was about giving fans what they want. Dixie told him she didn’t like his tone. Storm then asked Dixie nicely for the match. Storm said if she did, he would make the cops go away. Dixie said everything was perfect at TNA. Dixie said that Storm had the match.
Reaction: This was a better Storm promo than usual. He often relies on gay jokes and drinking references but he was more focused here. I like the idea of a Death Match even if I believe the Bullrope stipulation was enough.
After Dixie left, Magnus made his way to the ring for his match against Samoa Joe. Joe’s music also played but a video played of Joe backstage. He challenged Magnus to come backstage and get himself some.
Magnus vs Samoa Joe
Falls Count Anywhere Match
This is the first of two World Title Tournament Matches. Magnus and Joe brawled backstage and then made their way to the stage. The brawling headed to the ring where Joe connected with a Snap Slam. Magnus connected with both his Madaddy Driver and Diving Elbow Drop but couldn’t put Joe away. The two headed outside where Joe hit his Elbow Suicida.
At ringside, Magnus wedged a chair into the ropes but Joe was able to get away and lock Magnus in the Coquina Clutch. Magnus got out and Joe charged Magnus. Magnus moved out of the way and Joe ran headfirst into the chair. The Brit pinned Joe for the win.
Reaction: It was some solid brawling but it could have received more time. It never really reached that second gear. The closing moment of Joe running into the chair looked really staged though.
Backstage, Joseph Park psyched himself up for his match against his brother Abyss.
Christopher Daniels and Kazarian made their way to the ring. Kazarian said that in a few minutes, the “chubby piece of winter cheese” Joseph Park will face Abyss. They will sit ringside and watch the match. He gave the fans permission to worship them now.
Park said he heard what Bad Influence and he thinks they should sit down and shut up. For the past 18 months, he has been looking for his brother. It all comes down to this, he versus his brother, Abyss. He is doing this for himself, to show he isn’t a loser.
The music of Abyss played but the Monster never showed. Bad Influence stood at ringside and mocked Park. Kazarian said the people paid to be entertained so Park better start entertaining. Daniels said in every other case, Joseph Park’s story would be that of inspiration. He called Park a human waterbed mattress. He is a loser. He continued to run his mouth to him. Daniels said he knows what sets Park off. He needed a little blood.
At that point, Kazarian dumped a bucket of blood on Joseph Park. Daniels continued trash-talking him. Daniels called him a waste of space. He demanded that Park get out of his ring. Daniels trashed him as Park walked backstage. Park never went into Abyss-mode.
Reaction: So it’s Park’s own blood that sets him off. I have to say I expected more out of this segment. I was hoping the story progressed in some fashion but it really didn’t do that here.
Gail Kim was in the ring with Lei’D Tapa. She once again called out an opponent for her weekly challenge.
Gail Kim vs Candice LaRae
Candice is a pretty blonde who got a tryout a few weeks ago. She hit a few impressive moves such as a Hurricanrana and a Sunset Flip. Gail reversed another Hurricanrana into a Powerbomb. Gail connected with Eat Defeat for another win.
Reaction: Candice looked okay here. The match wasn’t long enough to really gauge her ability. She hit a few nice moves though.
Another “Friends of AJ” video aired. AJ called himself the only true champion.
Backstage, Jeremy Borash interviewed Mr. Anderson. Anderson said that Bully tried taking from his so he will take back. Anderson said that the Aces and Eights are done like they should have been a long time ago.
James Storm was backstage when Gunner walked up. Gunner told Storm he didn’t need all of that to beat Bobby’s ass. Storm said he appreciated Gunner being a partner like Roode never was. Storm walked away with a trash can.
James Storm vs Bobby Roode
Florida Deathmatch
James Storm attacked Bobby Roode while he made his entrance. This is pretty much a Last Man Standing Match as the only way to win is when you can’t answer the referee’s count of ten. Storm was busted up early on but that didn’t stop him from taking the fight to Roode as he threw numerous trash cans full of weapons into the ring.
In the ring, Bobby Roode attacked James Storm with a number of different weapons. Storm returned the favor by sending a trash can into the groin of Roode. Roode went to catapult Storm into a trash can but Storm caught himself and then drilled Roode with the can. This got Storm a 7-count.
Roode reversed the Eye of the Storm with a Double R Spinebuster into the trash can. The two exchanged huge shots with trash can lids. Roode charged Storm who connected with the Last Call. Roode rolled to the outside and grabbed a beer bottle, which he smashed over the head of Storm. Storm ended up at nine.
Roode hit a nice neckbreaker through a pair of chairs. Storm once again got up at nine. Roode pulled out a bed of barbed-wire from under the ring. Roode was going to slam Storm through the wire but Gunner ran out and threw in the towel for his partner. Roode wins the match due to forfeit.
Reaction: Excellent hardcore match. The finish kinda let the air out of the crowd but they are likely turning James Storm heel. I like the Sinners and Saints tag team so I think it is coming too soon. I hope this will reposition both Gunner and Storm on the card though.
Gunner was tending to James Storm but the Cowboy was pissed off. Storm yelled at him telling him he cost him the World Title. Gunner told Storm he was looking out for him. Storm walked to the back.
Christy Hemme was in the apartment of Sam Shaw. Sam asked Christy to call him Samuel Shaw. Shaw showed Christy some of his art. After the segment ended, Shaw asked Hemme out for a date. Hemme agreed and gave Shaw her number.
Reaction: Sam Shaw seems to be doing some sort of “artist” character incorporating his real life talent into his story. I am glad that he isn’t sitting on the sidelines anymore and am looking forward to seeing where this goes. I got an uneasy feeling when he started staring at Christy’s number though.
Backstage, Ethan Carter interrupted Norv Fernum and Dewey Barnes. EC3 said he personally flew them down to watch him. Carter said this feud has to come to an end. EC3 told them that they suck. EC3 said will be facing a legend who built TNA from the ground up.
Reaction: The match tonight will go down in history books as the one that made EC3’s career. 5 and a half stars for this epic confrontation.
Jeremy Borash tried to interview Bully Ray but Knux told him to get lost. Brooke then interviewed Bully. Ray called Anderson ungrateful saying he reached out to Anderson about a year ago and let him join the Aces and Eights. Bully said he would piledrive Anderson through the stage tonight. He promised to take care of Anderson’s pregnant wife.
Backstage, Kurt Angle talked up Magnus backstage. A stage hand approached Angle and told him that Dixie Carter wants to see him. Angle said he is looking forward to his match with Magnus.
Ethan Carter made his epic debut. Carter said it was time to raise his level of competition. He will face a returning legend of TNA. We got the Shark Boy “Shell Yeah” music.
Ethan Carter III vs Shark Boy
EC3 dropped Sharky with a punch right at the opening bell. Shark Boy got in plenty of offense, hitting some of his signature moves. In the match, EC3 connected with the 1-Percenter for the victory.
Reaction: It’s good to see Shark Boy back. It was a logical progression for EC3.
Kurt Angle and Bobby Roode went face to face backstage. Dixie Carter appeared saying they are there for next week. Its Thanksgiving and each one will lead a team of four in an 8-Man Elimination Tag Team Match. She told them to get along.
Reaction: I like when TNA does this. WWE used to have the Survivor Series Elimination Matches on Thanksgiving and TNA has continued that tradition. I love myself a good elimination match.
Both men made their entrances. All of a sudden, a number of wrestlers and personnel appeared on the stage. Kurt Angle, Bad Influence, Gunner, Pat Kenney were some of the names up there. They are likely there to prevent interference from the Aces and Eights.
Bully Ray vs Mr. Anderson
No Disqualification Match
If Bully wins then Anderson is gone from TNA but if Anderson wins then the Aces and Eights are disbanded. Jeremy Borash did the big time introductions but Anderson attacked Bully Ray while it was happening. Anderson did his introduction schtick. Anderson wore long tights in this match. Bully used Brooe as a distraction and jumped Anderson. Bully pulled out a table.
A table was set in the corner as the brawl between Anderson and Bully continued. After the two exchanged slaps, Bully started using the steel chain on a fallen Anderson. Anderson got a hold of the chain then strapped the hell out of Bully. Bully caught Anderson with the Uranage. At ringside, Bully exposed the concrete by pulling back the pads but Anderson dropped Bully out. Anderson then went for the Piledriver but Knux appeared and attacked Anderson.
Anderson sent Knux hard into the steel steps. He then yelled at Brooke ringside. Anderson exposed more concrete and then hit a piledriver on Knux. He pulled Knux’s cut off of him allowing Bully enough time to gain an advantage. Anderson with the Fireman’s Roll. Bully fought out of the Mic Check and then speared Anderson through the table.
After a nearfall, Bully ordered for Brooke to grab something. She ran up to Taz and grabbed the hammer. Brooke threw the hammer to Bully but overshot him. Anderson used the hammer on Bully and pinned him. The Aces and Eights are done.
Anderson pulled Bully’s cut off of the President. He then had the other wrestlers take Taz’s cut from his. Taz initially refused but gave in. Anderson collected all the cuts and celebrated in the ring with them. The Aces and Eights are done.
Next week on IMPACT, the traditional 8-Man Elimination Match as well as Mr. Anderson hosting the funeral of the Aces and Eights.
Reaction: Very good main event! It had a big time feel with all the wrestlers standing on the stage. I like how Anderson battled through the odds. The piledriver on Knux makes me think he may be taking a few weeks off. The screwup by Brooke will likely play into stories. The era of the Aces and Eights is over; Thank God!