Source: Talon of

We kicked off the final road show with the Aces and Eights making their way to the ring. Bully Ray hugged Taz at ringside and then mocked Mike Tenay for falling for it last week. In the ring, Ray talked about the con last week, calling himself the “puppet master.” Bully said he didn’t need to be the World Champion to be the most talked about person in the company. Bully accepted Mr. Anderson’s challenge for next week in a No DQ Match. Ray said this time he wouldn’t just piledriver Anderson on the stage but through the stage.
Anderson popped up. Anderson said he and the fans are sick and tired of the Aces and Eights. Anderson said when he beats Bully Ray next week, the Aces and Eights are disbanded and never will ride again. Bully wanted to know why he would agree. Anderson said that right now, his wife is home pregnant with twins. If Anderson can’t beat Bully, he will take his ball and go home and be a dad. Bully said he would love to piledriver his wife. Bully then asked if Anderson was crazy?
Anderson said he was and then jumped in the ring. Knux and Bischoff ambushed him. Bully grabbed a chair but before he could use it, Anderson fought them all off. Anderson was fired up. He challenged any member of the Aces and Eights to a match, right now. Bully was encouraging Knux to get in the ring.
Reaction: The segment last week was really good but its time for the gang to come to an end. This was a good buildup to next week’s match, and that match has alot riding on it.
Mr. Anderson vs Knux
Anderson is in his Street clothes for this match. Bully Ray, Brooke and Bischoff were sent to the back during the break. Knux got the upperhand with a flying crossbody. Knux continued to maul Anderson on the outside of the ring. In the ring, Knux hit a big suplex on the Asshole. Anderson went for the Fireman’s Roll but Knux got out. Knux followed up with a big short-arm clothesline.Knux went for two more but on the third one, Anderson caught him with the Mic Check for the win.
Reaction: The match consisted of Anderson taking a beating the whole match and then coming back out of nowhere with the Mic Check. I wonder what happens to Knux and Bischoff if the Aces are done.
We got a backstage look at the #IMPACT365 video of Joseph Park challenging Christopher Daniels to a match tonight. We also got a video of Bad Influence. Daniels made fun of Park’s stamina. Daniels accepted the match. Daniels mentioned that after beating Park they could find Abyss and where he has been hiding the TV Title. Bobby Roode showed up and they hyped each other up.
We got a video with Kurt Angle and Austin Aries talking about strategy for their submission match tonight.
Christopher Daniels vs Joseph Park
Daniels took a drink from his appletini while making his interest. Daniels ran from Park after the opening bell. Daniels extended the hand to Park. Park helped Daniels up but then clotheslined him down. Park went for the Boston Crab but Daniels got out of the ring and ran from him. Back in the ring, Daniels got the advantage. Daniels went for a Sunset Flip but Park tried dropping down.
Park picked Daniels up and connected with a Samoan Drop. Park followed with a few classic wrestling moves. Park went up for the Closing Argument but Daniels rolled out of the way. Park attacked Daniels in the corner but when the referee pulled him off, Daniels kicked up low and picked up the win.
Reaction: I am interested to see if TNA plans on reintroducing the TV Title or if Bad Influence are just joking about it. I don’t necessarily think TNA can handle another title with only two hours.
Garett Bischoff and Knux were talking. Knux was upset over his loss. Bully Ray walked up and said they had Mr. Anderson right where they wanted him. Bully asked if they could go to the strip club now. He asked for the name of a stripper and then told them not to tell Brooke.
Ethan Carter III vs Norv Fernum and Dewey Barnes
I don’t know how EC3 is going to overcome these insurmountable odds. This match has tag team format. Fernum and Barnes worked together hitting double team moves for the first few minutes. EC3 fired back with a huge clothesline. Barnes connected with a nice headscissor a few minutes later. Fernum tagged in a hit a Flying Crossbody, a Missile Dropkick and then a Sloppy Tornado DDT.
Dewey Barnes made the blind tag while EC3 hit the One Percenter. He then hit the One Percenter on Dewey to win this grueling handicap match. After the match, EC3 did his schtick.
Reaction: Barnes and Fernum got a lot of offense in this match. I am hoping the two jobbers can move on while EC3 also does something else.
We got another “Friends of AJ” video talking about AJ’s title defense in Mexico. It showed his victory over Judas Mesias in AAA. After it aired, Dixie Carter freaked out on a few production guys.
TNA President, Dixie Carter walked to the ring with a big smile on her face. Dixie said its hard to be blessed to have the instincts that she does. She was happy to to kick that redneck off her roster as the class on her show has gone up. She said it proved that nobody (except herself) is irreplaceable. She said its about what you have done lately. Dixie said all AJ has done was take her World Title to Mexico. Dixie said AJ isn’t her World Champion, period. Dixie then moved onto the World Title Tournament. She said last week, Jeff Hardy beat “somebody” in a Full Metal Mayhem Match and we have a Submission Match tonight.
Dixie said Spike TV has brought her PPV to free TV. She then introduced the remaining four tournament members: Bobby Roode, James Storm, Samoa Joe and Magnus. Dixie said she spun the “Wheel of Dixie” to show that Bobby Roode will face Storm in a Bullrope Match while Magnus will face Joe in a Falls Count Anywhere Match. Dixie called Roode and Storm the greatest tag team in TNA history. Carter said the Bullrope Match may favor Roode but she is giving the advantage to Roode since he has been a World Champion recently. She told Storm to step up.
Storm was fired up and talked about how its time for a redneck to take over the show and become World Champion. Dixie mocked AJ to Joe. She said Joe and Magnus would be in a Falls Count Anywhere Match. Joe said the only reason Dixie made this tournament is to cover her inability to sign AJ. Joe said she is using them to cover for her bad business. Joe said when he wins the World Title, the first person he wins the title against AJ Styles. Dixie yelled at Joe and said he was lucky to be in this tournament.
Magnus grabbed the mic from Dixie. Magnus said this was about the spirit of competition. He knows he has to beat the very best; Samoa Joe. He said that will happen. Dixie said the winner of the tournament will be her champion, looking after her interests. She wished all of them luck.
Reaction: Dixie was not good here. She kept slipping over her words. This was a buildup promo and really nothing more. The most interesting thing was Joe’s promise to first defend it against AJ Styles. My guess is Magnus wins the tournament and is revealed as Dixie’s champion.
Backstage, Mr. Anderson jumped Garett Bischoff. He threw him into some crates. He then grabbed a pair of handcuffs and cuffed him backstage. Anderson said he had a funny story about those handcuffs.
Lei’D Tapa and Knockouts Champion, Gail Kim made their way to the ring for Gail’s Open Challenge. Gail said alot of names were mentioned but someone actually has to show up. Hannah Blossom was revealed as her opponent.
Gail Kim vs Hannah Blossom
Hannah was part of the British Boot Camp show and was signed afterwards. The announcers said she wasn’t part of the TNA roster. Gail went right after Hannah and didn’t let her get in much offense. Gail locked her into a Figure Four Leglock around the ring post. Gail got on all fours and tried to let Hannah get in a free shot but it was trick. Hannah got in a little offense but Gail regained offense and then hit her finisher for the victory.
Reaction: This was a squash match. This concept will be a way to introduce a new girl to the division. Hannah didn’t look great here but I would be interested to see how she develops.
After the match, Gail mocked Hannah Blossom. She said she would continue to show why she is the most dominant champion of all time.
Joseph Park came out the ring again, this time with a mic. Joseph said about a year ago, his first goal was to find his brother Abyss. After the outpouring of support from the fans, he couldn’t just walk away. Park said Bad Influence has gotten under his skin. He said he will never be the wrestler that his brother is. Park said that his brother is a future Hall of Fame. He was then accused of not being where his brother is. Park then said he had a challenge to the problem. Park said next week he was issuing an open challenge against… his brother, Abyss.
Reaction: I hope we get some sort of progression in this story next week instead of some tricky ploy to keep things at the stage they are at right now. I am intrigued by how that segment will go down.
Austin Aries vs Kurt Angle
Submission Match
While both men were making their entrance, we went to the back where Anderson was torturing Garett Bischoff. He carried Bischoff off-screen as we headed to break.
Both men chain-wrestled in the opening minutes. Both unsuccessfully went for their submissions. Things eventually broke down into some more hard-hitting action. Following a tilt-a-whirl, Bobby Roode was shown on the stage setting up a chair. Angle got distracted by him but Angle saw an Aries assault coming. Angle connected with a nice Belly-to-Belly on Aries on the outside.
Aries was in control and began targeting the neck of Angle. Angle fired back with a series of suplexes on Aries. Aries briefly fought back but Angle countered the Missile Dropkick into the Ankle Lock. He countered another dropkick into another Ankle Lock but Aries countered again. Aries hit a suicide dive on Angle on the outside.
Back in the ring Aries connected with the Brainbuster and then locked in the Last Chancery. Aries pulled the move and then exchanged strikes with Angle. More suplexes by Angle. Angle went for a top rope move but Aries held on. He attempted the 450 Splash but Angle rolled out of the way. Aries countered the Angle Slam. The two exchanged finisher attempts. Aries charged Angle in the corner but missed. Angle signaled Roode and then locked Aries into Roode’s Crossface. Aries tapped out to give Angle thw in.
Reaction: Very good match! These two could deliver more if given more time. I am really interested to see what kind of match these two could bring if given the opportunity.
Mr. Anderson was shown dragging Garett Bischoff out to the stage. He then picked up Garett and Piledrove Bischoff on the stage. Anderson pulled off Bischoff’s cut to end the show.
Reaction: I wonder if this means they are writing Garett out. I have become more of a fan of Garett in this past year so I am hoping they have plans for him in the future past this week.