
Opening Segment
We are live in Witicha Falls, Texas and Taz is shown trying to get in the building. Ronnie and the rest of Atlas Security inform him that Hulk Hogan won’t allow him in the building tonight. Taz is pissed off and yells before telling Ronnie that he’s known him for a long time, but Ronnie still won’t let Taz in.
Inside the arena, Mike Tenay and Jeremy Borash welcome us to the show and show the latest video from #August1Warning.
Austin Aries comes out in a suit and asks the fans if they can hear him and ask if they know who he is to a cheer from the Texas crowd. The fans start chanting his name and Aries says it’s great that they know his name. A lot of things are happening in Impact Wrestling, and most of them revolve around the World Championship. He congratulates Chris Sabin on knocking off Bully Ray, but informs him that he has an X on his back, and Aries is the man that will win the Bound for Glory Series. Aries calls his match tonight against AJ Styles a dream match that everyone wants; praising AJ Styles for carrying TNA on his back for the past decade before stating that he will be the man that will carry Impact Wrestling on his back for the next decade. It’s the Phenomenal One vs. the Common Denominator of Greatness and if anyone has any doubts about that…they will be erased tonight.
Apparently the It Factor objects because out comes Aries’ former World Tag Team Champion partner Bobby Roode. Roode notes the year-long nightmare he has lived since Aries beat him for the World Title at last year’s Destination X and everyone has forgotten what Roode is capable of doing. Roode was the longest reigning, most dominant champion in the history of Impact Wrestling, he was the leader of the Selfish Generation, and he was the It Factor of Professional Wrestling. The game is going to change starting tonight, because Bobby Roode is going to start doing the things he did to become a World Champion the first time around, and from here on out, the only thing that matters is winning back the TNA World Title, and he’ll prove that it pays to be Roode. Aries will agree with everything Roode says, but he hopes Roode gets his mojo back and makes it to the finals of the BFG Series so he can beat him again. Aries wishes Roode luck, and walks off as Hernandez comes out to the ring to face Hernandez. Roode jumps Hernandez on his way to the ring, and we’re off and running!
-Commercial Break-
Bound For Glory Series: Bobby Roode (0 Points) vs Hernandez (0 Points)
Roode gets inside the ring first as we come back from the commercial break, but Hernandez gets the early advantage by out powering the former World Champion. Hernandez goes for an over the shoulder backbreaker, but Roode slips out the back and hits the Double R spinebuster. Roode takes Super Mex outside and rams him against the steel steps before bringing him back in and nailing a corner clothesline. Hernandez manages to skin the cat to the top rope, Roode tries blocking him, but Hernandez shoves him off the top rope. Hernandez goes for a splash off the top, but Roode moves and cinches in the Crossface. Hernandez manages to break free and subdues Roode long enough to spring to the top of the ramp to hit Air Mexico. Hernandez goes for the Border Toss but, Roode slips out and knocks the referee out on the way down. Roode low blows Hernandez and rolls him up with the tights, but Super Mex kicks out at two. Roode flips out (and like last week) starts throwing steel chairs into the ring. The referee removes the chairs from the ring but is distracted long enough for Roode to get a beer bottle from under the ring and crack Herandez’s head in. For some reason, the referee doesn’t see the brown broken glass all over the ring and counts the pin.
Winner by Pinfall, Gaining 7 Points: Bobby Roode (7 Points)
Mystery camera guy catches up with the Main Event Mafia as they arrive at the arena. Sting says that tonight, August 1 Warning will be revealed and Angle will make the Aces and Eights an offer they can’t refuse.
((Jarrett’s Jab – I like the return of a more serious Roode, but this was ridiculous. There are two gimmicks in pro wrestling that defy logic: the referee counting after a Guitar shot and a beer bottle shot. Seriously, how do these referees not see the broken guitar or broken glass in the ring. It’s not like it’s clear! And forget the Unprettier/Killswitch, Air Mexico has to be the most awkward move in wrestling to set up. With the time it takes him to get up the ramp and sprint down, how in the world do you not simply duck or take a few steps to the left or right?))
-Commercial Break-
Eric Young is backstage with ODB as she’s getting ready for her match later tonight. Joseph Park comes in and EY says he has the way for Park to get back to the top of the mountain. EY hands Park a bag and Park asks what’s in it, and EY just tells him to wear it tonight.
In the locker room, TNA World Heavyweight Champion Chris Sabin walks in on a maskless TJ Perkins and says how proud he is of him for becoming the X Division Champion. Perkins, whose back is turned to the camera, talks about how he didn’t accomplish a thing for 15 years until the Manik mask gave him a new identity that brought him the X Division Title. Sabin says that’s why he’s proud of him and why he wanted his first match to be with Manik: because they’re not the biggest or that baddest, but they have the heart that brought Perkins the X Division Title, it brought Sabin the World Title, and Perkins better bring his best tonight because Sabin damn sure will.
A big white Hummer limousine is shown arriving at the arena to take us to the commercial break.
((Jarrett’s Jab – I love Joseph Park, it’s a great character and unlike the played-out Abyss, has a lot of great storytelling opportunities. Anything involving Eric Young doesn’t hold a bit of interest to me. Just like the Abyss character, Eric Young is just played out, and 99% of the time he just isn’t funny. And I sort of understand why Perkins wears the mask, but with his look, he shouldn’t have to. Why can’t TJ Perkins be TJ Perkins instead of the awful video game character? Why do I have to ask the question every week?))
-Commercial Break-
Jay Bradley is shown in a pre-tape saying that people don’t fear him because he has zero points, but after they see a few of the “boomsticks,” the points will start racking up.
Bound for Glory Series: Jay Bradley (0 Points) vs. Joseph Park (-10 Points)
Bradley attacks Park from behind and rams his head against the turnbuckle, but it doesn’t affect Park due to the headgear. Park shrugs and Park lays a right hand into the stomach instead that does affect Park. Park manages to hiptoss Bradley, but the advantage is very short lived with Bradley raining in on elbows to the back of the neck. Bradley goes for a boot, but Park moves and Bradley hangs his foot on the rope. Park rolls him up for two. EY rallies the crowd into a Joseph Park chant as Bradley goes on the offense and tries to rip off the protective headgear. Big knee on the back of Park’s head gains Bradley a two count. Park hits a shove and another before a scoop slam and signaling at the corner. Park goes up for the Closing Argument splash, but Bradley grabs him to knock him to the ground. Bradley is locked in the Boston Crab, but reaches the ropes. Bradley hits a backbreaker that hurts his own knee and rips off the headgear. Park hits a Samoan drop for the pin and seven points.
Winner by Pinfall, Gaining 7 Points: Joseph Park (-3 Points)
-Commercial Break-
The Main Event Mafia is backstage and Sting says they accomplished one of their missions: Bully Ray is no longer the TNA World Champion. Angle says the next thing is to make Aces & Eights an offer they can’t refuse, Rampage Jackson says he came here for a fight, and Angle says he knew he liked him.
TNA X Division Champion Manik vs. TNA World Heavyweight Champion Chris Sabin
This matchup is a Champion vs. Champion match and is NOT for either of the Championships. The two feel each other out to start the match with neither man having any sort of advantage. Both Champions are at a stalemate as we head to a commercial break.
-Commercial Break-
Back from the break, Sabin gets caught with a flying headscissors by the X Division Champion. Manik does the headstand thing in the corner and suckers Sabin into the headscissors again, but Sabin tosses him out to the apron and hits a loud enziguiri knocking Manik to the floor. Fireman’s carry drop sends Manik face first into the ring apron and Sabin rolls him back inside and covers for two. Manik fights back with a flying headscissors and the springboard dropkick to the apron. Manik rolls the dice and connects with a second springboard dropkicks and covers for another two count. Sitout powerbomb by Manik gives him another two count. Manik goes up top and Sabin nails him before hitting a delayed superplex for two. Sabin picks up Manik and the two trade forearms and chops before Manik hits several rapid fire right hands and kicks to the leg before Sabin goes for the Cradle Shock. Manik jumps through and goes for his new finisher. Sabin rolls through and gets a two count. Sabin hits an RKO, stiff kick to the face and then the Cradle Shock for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: TNA World Heavyweight Champion Chris Sabin
Bully Ray comes out of nowhere and attacks Sabin from behind, beating on him with his chain while yelling that he told Sabin he should have handed that title back. Bubba gives Manik a shot when he tries to help Sabin, but that gives Sabin an opening to nail Bubba and drive him out of the ring. Bubba stands at the top of the ramp yelling that it’s him and Sabin in a cage.
We go back outside to the Hummer limo in the parking lot, but Taz walks up to it and says that if Hogan won’t let him be with his brothers tonight and wants to “leave me out here in Africa heat,” he’ll show everyone Hogan’s big surprise right now. Taz opens the limo door and laughs. Taz says “Are you kidding me?” and asks aloud if this is really what’s getting all the hype and the limo before telling the camera to look what’s inside. Inside the Hummer Limo, the only thing that’s actually in there is a laptop playing the a August 1 video.
((Jarrett’s Jab – The match between the World Champion and X Division Champion was very high paced and I’m sure I missed a lot of the moves. Just because it was high paced, doesn’t mean it was good. I think Sabin needs to slow his offense down just a little bit so the moves look more impactful. ))
-Commercial Break-
James Storm is shown live tweeting Impact’s second hour and drinking beer before a replay of Taz revealing what’s in the white hummer limo that was just shown before the commercial break.
Bad Influence will face each other next week in the Bound For Glory Series. After the graphic is shown, Bad Influence is asked about the match while Daniels is testing his appletini for taste. Daniels says that he will ignore that the camera guy is here and instead talk about the agenda that Impact Wrestling has had against the Bad Influence since day one. TNA are trying to divide Bad Influence and now they are that letting the fans make this match isn’t Bad Influence, it’s just bad management. Daniels says that he’s undefeated and he has 21 points, and poor Frankie is 0-3. Kazarian cuts him off and tells Daniels “not to be that guy, and I knows you are that guy, but don’t be that guy with me.” Daniels says he’s not just going to give him those points. Kazarian doesn’t want the points given to him, he’s going to take them before dumping out Daniels’ appletini and walks off. Daniels nods and goes “Alright” before we cut to Christy Hemme in the ring.
Gail Kim vs. ODB
Gail piefaces and shoves ODB, and ODB retaliates by spearing her, nails several right hands and following Gail up to the ramp. ODB charges down the ramp and collides with Gail against the ropes before going for what looked like a running powerslam on the ramp. Gail slides out of ODB’s clutches and goes for a high knee on ODB, but gets caught in the ropes. ODB grabs the hair of Gail from the outside and hits a few clubby blows to the chest before letting going, getting back in the ring and covering for two. ODB goes up top and drags Gail up by the hair. Gail shoves ODB off the top rope, blows a few kisses to the crowd before climbing down and choking ODB with her boot in the corner. Gail unloads with a few right hands, an uppercut and a dropkick for two. Tenay talks about Gail being a two-time Knockouts champion while ODB has held the gold three times. Gail connects with a clothesline for two, picks up ODB by the hair and throws her against the turnbuckle before throwing her body into ODB. Gail covers again for another two count, and then tries again. ODB mounts a comeback and hits several clotheslines, a fall away slam, and a running powerslam for two. ODB is surprised that was a two count before charging into Gail and getting caught in the headscissors. Gail is dropped to the apron and shoulderblocked to the floor. Gail goes for the Figure Four around the ringpost, but ODB uses her leg strength to back up and kick Gail into the ringpost. ODB goes to the floor and gets drop toehold into the ring steps and pummels her with right hands until both girls get counted out.
The bell doesn’t stop Gail from attacking ODB, but she gets up and ODB comes raging back after her, and the brawl continues out at ringside while officials try to separate them.
AJ Styles is backstage and says that this dream match tonight is a joke, and he’s not the wide-eyed kid he used to be, he’s the greed-powered man he became. Dream matches are BS just like the one with Jeff Hardy was BS, because it’s all about the world title and the money that comes with it. There’s no room for dreams, just like there are no room for heroes. This may be a dream match, but he’s about to become Austin Aries’ nightmare.
The August 1 Warning video that played earlier tonight is shown again to take us to a commercial break.
-Commercial Break-
Aces & Eights is backstage and Bully Ray says that the Main Event Mafia has seen the Godfather one too many times if they’re planning to make an offer they can’t refuse, then tells his VP Ken Anderson that it’s up to him to take care of Aces & Eights. Brooke comes up to Bully after the rest of them leave, and Bully asks if she wants to go under the bleachers, or if she’s asking for the divorce that she’s never going to get. Brooke says that “Mark” might want to rethink that because she’s heard some things in that contract aren’t in his favor. The old saying “Happy wife, happy life”, he should know that a happy ex-wife also makes for a happy life before blows him a kiss and walking off.
Bound for Glory Series: Austin Aries (14 Points) vs. AJ Styles (22 Points)
The two former World Champions circle the ring before tying up in the middle of the ring. Aries backs to the ropes to get a clean break. AJ gets a headlock, but Aries sends him off the ropes and AJ armdrags Aries before going back to the headlock. The two collide in the middle of the ring and Aries backs up to the ramp to collect his thoughts before going back into the ring. AJ wrings the arm, but Aries flips his way out of it and Aries bars the arm. Aries leapfrogs over Aries, but AJ goes for the Calf Killer. Aries blocks, rolls AJ into a front facelock and AJ rolls out for another stalemate. Aries gets a rollup for two and Aries rolls out to the floor. AJ misses a basement dropkick and Aries throws AJ into the ring apron and hits a double axehandle from the top rope to the floor. AJ is rolled back in the ring and Aries goes up top, but AJ dropkicks him to the floor. AJ wipes Aries out with a slingshot crossbody block as we go to commercial.
-Commercial Break-
Back from the break, AJ hits an amazing dropkick on Austin Aries before snapmaring Aries and kicking him in the back. Blow to the back of Aries neck leads to Aries trying to fight back, but AJ locks a full nelson before hitting a full nelson suplex that sends Aries to the floor. AJ goes outside to slam Aries’ head into the ring apron before sliding him back in and cinching in a cravat. Aries fights out with right hands to the midsection, but AJ with an Irish Whip and Aries catches AJ with a discus clothesline. Aries hits several blows to the back of the neck. AJ blocks the brainbuster twice, so Aries decides to drop down into a backslide for two. AJ backdrops drops Aries to the ring apron. Aries lands on his feet and connects with a shoulderblock before hitting a neckbreaker. Aries limps a little before going up top and hitting the missile dropkick. Aries NAILS the IED and successfully perches AJ on the top rope with AJ desperately trying to fight out with kneestrikes and right hands. Aries tries the Brainbuster off the top, but AJ flips off and hits a neckbreaker off the top for a close two count. Aries avoids the springboard 450, hits several kneestrikes to the face and bridges into the Last Chancery. AJ rakes the face of Aries to get out. AJ locks in the Calf Killer, but Aries crossfaces his way out and hits the brainbuster and AJ barely kicks out at two. Aries goes for the 450 but AJ gets his knees up. AJ tries to clothesline Aries over the top rope, but there isn’t enough force behind it and Aries drops to the mat before rolling onto the apron. AJ goes for a springboard something, but Aries shakes the rope and hangs AJ up. Aries goes for the brainbuster on the ramp, but AJ blocks and hits the front suplex instead. AJ tries the Styles Clash on the ramp, but Aries backdrops AJ off the ramp and he hits the floor with a thud. Aries shoves the ref out of the way so he can go for the Suicide Dive, but AJ sidesteps and Aries goes face and ribs first into the steel steps. The two barely make it to the ring to break the count at nine and three quarters. They trade shots in the middle of the ring, AJ connects with a flurry, but Aries drills him with a big elbow, a quick suplex, and AJ responds with a Pelé kick. They both go fall back first on the mat with an arm on each other, but AJ rolls his shouler up just before three and it’s a pinfall win for Aries.
Winner by Pinfall, Gaining 7 Points: Austin Aries (21 Points)
((Jarrett’s Jab – That was one of the best matches you’ll see on TV all year with one of the worst finishes you’ll see all year. The ONE MATCH I would have been ok with some kind of time limit draw, Aries gets a fluke win. Ridiculous.))
-Commercial Break-
The Main Event Mafia comes out to the ring, and Sting says they still want to get their hands on Aces & Eights, and will do that by giving them an offer they can’t refuse. Mr. Anderson brings out Aces & Eights and says that they know the Main Event Mafia likes to fight dirty, but so do they and they’re not going anywhere. Angle says in that case, it’ll be Hardcore Justice for Bully Ray on August 15th, but also for the rest of them because they want a 5-on-5 match and the loser of the fall will be out of TNA forever. Joe looks like he clocked Anderson with a right hand just off screen and Aces & Eights rushes the ring for a big brawl. The Main Event Mafia fights them off, and a pissed off Anderson says they’ve got their match.
Suddenly the lights hit and dramatic music plays, and out of the back comes Tito Ortiz. Everyone looks spooked, but Rampage looks pissed as we cut to credits.
((Jarrett’s Jab – I think TNA is taking the last thirty minutes of the show to insult my intelligence as a wrestling fan. A great Aries/Styles match with an awful ending and now August 1 Warning is revealed to be…some washed up MMA guy. Seriously? Bob Holly would have been more impressive! I don’t get what the appeal of Ortiz is. His only wrestling history in terms of pro wrestling was referring the match at TNA Hard Justice 2005 where AJ Styles won his second NWA World Championship from Jeff Jarrett. TNA has two MMA guys right now. They’ve got King Mo, who’s an embarrassment who should have gotten a pink slip way before Tara or Crimson or Joey Ryan. TNA also has Rampage Jackson, who is currently in the Main Event Mafia. Neither of them have even wrestled in TNA yet and they expect fans to care about a third MMA guy? If TNA wants a MMA guy that’s over so damn bad, bring back Jeff Jarrett with his “Double J-Double M-A gimmick” he had in late 2010 to early 2011. Now THAT was entertaining television.))