
Opening Segment
Impact Wrestling opens up with a quick recap of last weeks’ Destination X special.
To kick off the show, out comes the Main Event mafia featuring Samoa Joe in ring gear and Rampage Jackson still not wearing a suit. Sting calls last week one of the greatest days of his career seeing Sabin win the World Title and declares that the Main Event Mafia win round one. Angle says that the pain the Aces and Eights caused will be returned to them 10 fold. My television freezes, but it comes back in time for Angle to say that it’s a great privilege to introduce the new TNA World Heavyweight Champion: Chris Sabin!
Sabin comes out in street clothes and tells the fans that he has to thank the Main Event Mafia because if they didn’t fight off Aces and Eights, he may not have won the World Championship. Sabin says that he can’t believe he’s standing in the ring as the World Champion. It feels like a dream, but it’s a reality and now he’s walking around with a giant target on his back. Sabin says that he knows that’s what Joe and Magnus want because they are in the Bound for Glory. Sabin challenges the winner of Ultimate X later tonight to a Champion vs. Champion match next week. Before Sabin can get out any further, Bully Ray comes out with a man in a suit and asks if everyone knows who he is. Bully tells everyone that it is his attorney. “Because of the grave injustice this man has been caused, we have been forced to file a lawsuit against Impact Wrestling” his attorney informs the Louisville crowd. The lawyer, who isn’t identified by name, tells everyone that Sabin has until the end of the night to hand the World Title to Bully Ray or he will shut Impact Wrestling down.
A hype video airs for Greg Marasciulo.
((Jarrett’s Jab – Hey! Kevin Nash! Not really, but he sounded just like him and had a pretty similar look. I appreciate thanking the Mafia for keeping Aces and Eights away, but I wish Angle would have put over how long Sabin has been in TNA, and there was more focus on Sabin instead of the individual dueling groups of the Mafia and the Aces and Eights.))
-Commercial Break-
Hulk Hogan is asked about the lawsuit and he responded that he doesn’t comment on pending litigation.
A video aired with Manik (who was shown talking unmasked) about how he caused his family to become homeless and being robbed at gunpoint in Tijuana and Manik being the outlet that he can vent all his frustrations through. ((Jarrett’s Jab – Just listening to that video package, TJ Perkins has such a sympathetic story, any booker with a brain would let him wrestle as himself. For some reason TNA insists on keeping the awful Suicide/Manik character around. On top of that, they show him without the mask. Either keep the thing on him or leave it on!))
Ultimate X for the Vacant X Division Championship: Sonjay Dutt vs. Manik vs. Greg Marasciulo
This is the Thirty-first Ultimate X Match. Greg goes right for Sonjay Dutt and rains out a few right hands before throwing him out of the ring. He goes for Manik next, but Manik throws him out to the ramp. Sonjay Dutt goes to Manik and tries to throw him out of the ring, but Manik hangs on to the ropes before throwing Dutt out. Dutt hooks the leg and drags him to the outside. Greg comes out of nowhere and battles Manik up to the ramp where he slams him down before cutting Sonjay Dutt off as he climbs the top rope to attempt to start climbing. Sonjay Dutt hurricanrana Greg and gets to the top rope before Greg cuts him off. Sonjay hits a combination DDT on Greg and a T-Bone suplex to Manik. Sonjay becomes the first to get on the structure but has to jump down when Manik starts after him. Mike Tenay notes how Sonjay Dutt has been in three Ultimate X Matches, Manik has been in two, and this is Greg is thrown to the outside and counters a shoulder block into a leg drop. Greg climbs to the ropes, but Manik pulls him down. Running forearm on Manik by Greg connects before Greg throws Dutt into the top turnbuckle. Greg tries for something and Manik armdrags Greg while suplexing Dutt. Manik takes them both out with a springboard dropkick as we head to commercial.
-Commercial Break-
Back from the break and Greg and Manik are on the ramp. Greg nails the cradle back to belly piledriver and the fans start a “This is Awesome” chant. Greg manages to get on the cables but spends too much time and Sonjay is able to drag him down. The two start trading forearms and Dutt hits a sick kick in the corner before Greg hits a big kneedrop on Dutt in another corner. Dutt nails a superkick and both men are down now. Earl Hebner comes out to check on Manik, who hasn’t moved since Greg nailed him with the cradle back to belly piledriver on the ramp. Dutt climbs the structure from the outside with Dutt on one side and Greg on the other. The two try to kick each other down and Greg makes it to the top of the structure first. Greg scoots backwards trying to get in the center of the giant steel ‘X’ but has to fight off Dutt with right hands. Greg crawls to the middle and Dutt manages to get to the center as well. Greg looks around before trying to suplex Sonjay from the top of the structure. JB is concerned that the structure is shaking. Dutt hits a right hand that sends Greg to the ropes holding up the X Division Belt. Manik manages to sneak in the middle while Greg tries to kick Manik off. Both Manik and Greg are on the cables while Dutt is still on the steel structure. Greg falls to the hard canvas before Manik unhooks the X Division Championship.
Winner and NEW X Division Champion: Manik
Bully Ray confides in Mister Anderson that he doesn’t know what to do, but he’s proud that Anderson is the Vice President of the club and if he would have voted, it would have been for Anderson. Bully says the only thing more important than the club is the Bound for Glory Series and Anderson has to get the job done.
((Jarrett’s Jab – After tonight, TNA should hold back on the Ultimate X Matches. The company is Eleven years old and they’ve already had thirty-one Ultimate X Matches. It’s the most overused gimmick match in wrestling at this point. And this may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but I would be ok with Anderson winning the Bound for Glory Series and facing Chris Sabin. Anderson has been screwed out of several chances to be a credible World Champion that holds the title for more than a month, and if he loses, he’s a big enough name to give Sabin a boost.))
-Commercial Break-
Brooke Tessmacher is currently live tweeting the show and you can follow that at
The Bound for Glory Series Leaderboard is shown. Magnus still has a steady grip at the number one place with 49 points with fellow Main Event Mafia Member Samoa Joe in second place with 26 Points. Jeff Hardy stands in third place with 17 points while Daniels and Austin Aries are tied at fourth place with 14 points. AJ Styles is in sixth place with 12 points while Hernandez and Mr. Anderson are tied for seventh with 7 points each. Kazarian, Jay Bradley aren’t even on the board and Joseph Park has negative ten points.
Bound for Glory Series: Hernandez (7 Points) vs. Mr. Anderson (7 Points)
The two tie up and Anderson gets a sideheadlock. Anderson hits a right hand after Hernandez gets out of the healdock but eats a Shoulderblock. Anderson shoulderblocks Hernandez from the apron, but gets suplexed in before he can captalize for two. Anderson Irish Whips Hernandez and splashes into him. Hernandez gets a kick in and climbs to the top rope, but Anderson flips him off for two. Anderson works on the arm of Hernandez, but Hernandez manages to shoulder his way out of it. Anderson shoots him off the ropes and hits a elbowr to the face for two. Hernandez is sent to the apron and hits the big slingshot shoulder block before firing up with clothslines, a double sledge and a big spash in the corner. Hernandez hits a big backbreaker for two. FINALLY someone is smart enough to duck Air Mexico and Anderson hits the Mic Check for the seven points.
Winner by Pinfall, Gaining 7 Points: Mr. Anderson (14 Points)
-Commercial Break-
Dixie Carter is asked about the Bully Ray situation and she states that he has a lot on her plate and we will find out when she does.
Eric Young shows Joseph Park his match with Hardy on an iPad where he got busted open and Park states that he blacked out and doesn’t remember any of it. Eric claims he is a scientist and they will figure it out.
Velvet Sky comes out in street clothes and does her normal entrance. Velvet admits that she made a mistake, and it was letting Mickie James know that she was injured. “I let her in, and she took advantage of that situation to get whatever she wanted.” She claims that moving forward she’s playing closer to her vest from this moment further and she’s got a front row seat to watch Mickie James and Gail Kim tear into each other.
((Jarrett’s Jab – Anyone that reads this on a regular basis knows how I feel about Eric Young and Velvet Sky. Eric sounded ridiculous and it’s dumb that they wasted one of the few appearances he makes in a year on a backstage segment with Joseph Park claiming to be a scientist. And apparently Velvet Sky has special logic that only applies to her. She told another wrestler that she was injured. What did she expect to see happen when she faced her, rainbows and lollipops? I know that a lot of people think Sting is one of the most clueless characters in terms of decision making, but that prize has to go to Velvet Sky. She complained and whined for a year that she didn’t get her rematch for the Knockouts Title when she lost her rematch cleanly at the PPV after she lost it. And now she tells someone about her injuries and she expected Mickie to not touch her injured leg.))
-Commercial Break-
TNA Knockouts Championship: Mickie James (c) vs. Gail Kim
Gail and Mickie tie up and the two battle for control while keeping the tie-up. The two start pulling hair and ODB has to physically break them up. Mickie shoulderblocks Gail and the ODB separates her and Gail thumbs the eyes. ODB separates the two and Mickie thumbs the eyes this time. Gail wrings the arm of Mickie, but Mickie cartwheels her way out right into a cover for two. Gail tries the cover again, but only gets two. Mickie hits a dropkick for two and Gail cinches in a side headlock. Mickie gets out and cinches in a side headlock of her own. Gail runs through Mickie with a dropkick followed by a clothesline for two. Gail covers Mickie again and holds on to the ropes for two when ODB sees it. Mickie kicks Gail in the corner and Gail hits a forearm and then tosses herself like a Frisbee into Mickie’s midsection. Gail poses for some very lucky people at ringside before Mickie kicks her off the apron. Gail hangs Mickie up on the top rope and goes for the corner figure-four, but Mickie fights out and lands with the Thesz Press from the apron. Mickie hits a neckbreaker for two. Mickie tries the DDT, but Gail counters and tries Eat Defeat. Mickie climbs to the top rope and goes for the dropkick, but Gail counters and locks in the Octopus hold, but Mickie gets ropes. Mickie locks in the Hangman’s Clutch, but Gail gets the ropes. Gail throws Mickie face first into the second turnbuckle and eats a big boot. Gail hits a powerbomb and gets two when ODB sees Gail’s feet on the ropes. Mickie is tossed outside and Gail argues with ODB before slapping her. Mickie slides in and rolls up Gail for the win.
Winner by Pinfall and STILL Knockouts Champion: Mickie James
Mickie celebrates up the ramp and Gail yells at ODB again. Brooke Hogan comes out and says that she has an issue with Gail Kim with slapping another ref. “I thought you learned your lesion last time, but you’ll learn it this time because ODB is an active member of the Knockouts roster.”
A replay of the ending of the Sabin/Bully Ray match from last week is shown with Sabin narrating it.
Hulk Hogan is in his office with Gail Kim and doesn’t realize how Bully boxed them in. Hogan says it’s not fair to Sabin. Dixie says that it isn’t fair and that she was there with him after he blew out his knee and he thought he should quit. Hogan wants to think about outside the box and take Aces & Eights out old school. Dixie says they can’t because she doesn’t operate that way and she has a business to run and things get difficult when you get lawyers involved.
-Commercial Break-
Bound for Glory Series: Christopher Daniels (14 Points) vs. Samoa Joe (26 Points)
Daniels tries to jump Samoa Joe but the referee holds him back while Mike Tenay notes that Daniels has never beaten Samoa Joe. The two tie up, but Daniels reaches the ropes to cause a quick break. Daniels and Joe tie up again; Joe hits an armdrag and starts with the rapid fire punches in the corner. Joe whips Daniels to the other half of the ring and hits the big kick in the corner. Joe facewashes Daniels with his boot and hits the boot in the corner. Joe connects with another kick before Daniels drop toeholds Joe on the bottom rope and Daniels starts kicking away and choking away at the Samoan Submission Machine. Daniels hits an open palm thrust on Joe and uses the ropes to connect with a scissors hold and hits a springboard legdrop for two with his feet on the ropes. Daniels connects with more palm thrusts and a snapmare into a Cobra Clutch. Joe elbows out and hits a big belly-to-belly suplex. Atomic Drop and big kick and splash by Joe gain him a two count. Daniels hits another palm thrusts and hits the snap slam for two. Daniels tries to duck and weave but gets clocked with a right hand for two. Joe hits a big suplex that sends Daniels across the ring and goes for the muscle buster, but Anderson comes down to distract Joe. Daniels clips the knee and hits the BME for a two count. Daniels hits the BME again for the win and seven points
Winner by Pinfall, Gaining 7 Points: Christopher Daniels (21 Points)
AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy are shown walking backstage. The two will face each other…NEXT!
-Commercial Break-
Sting tells Angle that there are some great things going on and they all need to be on the same page. Angle says that he’s worried about the legal situation. Sting says he doesn’t have a lawsuit, but Angle asks what happens if Bully gets the title. Sting and Angle agree that their mission is still to dismantle Aces and Eights and take Bully Ray out.
You can vote on the Bound for Glory Series for the next two weeks on the Impact Wrestling website.
Bound for Glory Series: AJ Styles (12 Points) vs. Jeff Hardy (26 Points)
The two tie up and AJ Styles gets a side headlock. Hardy manages to get out, but have it locked right back on him. Hardy elbows out and gets hit with a clothesline. AJ shoots off the ropes to hit another clothesline but gets hit by a Hardy clothesline instead. Hardy hits the mule kick and the big corner kick as we head to a commercial break.
-Commercial Break-
Back from the break, AJ Styles hits a sweet missile dropkick that sends Hardy bouncing off the announce table. AJ hits a snapmare and kick to the back before cinching in a chinlock. Hardy is sent to the outside and snaps AJ’s neck against the top rope before AJ hits a hard spinebuster. AJ locks in the chinlock again. Hardy breaks out and ducks a clothesline and hits a modified flapjack. Hardy runs through AJ with a clothesline and the running shoulderblock before hitting the legdrop to the family jewels and dropkick to the face. AJ shows Hardy up close and person how to hit a dropkick as JB talks about how that’s a glimpse of the old AJ Styles. AJ goes for the corner forearm, but Hardy ducks. Hardy hits a splash from the middle rope with some boos for two. AJ hits a suplex into the turnbuckle as Mike Tenay talks about how vicious the new AJ Styles is. AJ goes for the forearm again, but Hardy ducks and hits the Whisper in the Wind for two. Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate, but AJ nails the Pelé. The crowd starts a LOUD AJ chant before a not quite as loud Hardy chant starts. AJ locks in the Calf Killer in the middle of the ring and Hardy taps out.
Winner by Submission, Gaining 10 Points: AJ Styles (22 Points)
The Louisville crowd starts a loud “You Tapped Out” chant at Hardy and Hardy extends his hand to AJ and AJ walks away.
((Jarrett’s Jab – I just looked to see the actual date, this was a rematch from the March 15, 2010 edition of Impact back when Hardy was just coming back to TNA and AJ Styles was Ric Flair’s protégé. A lot has changed since then for AJ. Not really for Hardy, except he didn’t wear the ugly face paint. I was disappointed that AJ didn’t get more offense on Hardy, but surprised and excited that Jeff Hardy tapped cleanly to the Calf Killer. That really helps not only establish the submission, but AJ’s darker style in general since Hardy is still a huge name in wrestling. I noticed that there was a lot of talk about the old AJ Styles and I hope they don’t switch him back so soon. I really love the new character and for the first time since the Christian Coalition, AJ Styles has found a character he clicks well with.))
Hulk Hogan is asked if he has a decision. Hogan thanks god that Dixie and him are on the same page. He hates to, but he has to do it.
-Commercial Break-
Back from the break, Bully Ray quickly makes his way to the ring with a microphone in hand. Bully explains that he was wronged and suffered a major injustice. “I’m highly offended that everyone in the wrestling world can sit back and praise Chris Sabin for what he did to me. The man hit me in the head with a hammer! What kind of man, what kind of athlete, what kind of wrestler would ever sink to that level to hit someone in the head with a deadly object like a hammer?” Bully says that Chris Sabin doesn’t have a choice; he will sue everyone in the company to right the wrong that was done to him. Sabin needs to do the right thing and hand over the World Title to him. Chris Sabin comes out with the World Title and Bully Ray explains that he’s not going to say anything negative to Sabin because he’s obviously out here to do the right thing and that he’s highly intimidated by Bully Ray. Sabin explains that he’s put here to see how big of a crybaby that Bully Ray is. “I was on the shelf for two years and I never cried and whined like you did.” Sabin states that Bully must have been hit in the head one too many times if he thinks that he’s really going to hand the title and the only way Bully will get the title is from Sabin’s cold, dead hands. Bully demands that Hogan comes out and hands him the World Title and Hogan comes out with a sheet of paper in his hands. Hogan tells Bully that he’s been going back and forth with his lawyers looking at this contract and he has a counter with no negation and rips up the contract. “I’m your general manager whether you like it or not. I’m the law!” Hogan announces that Sabin will stay the World Champion, but per his contract, he does have a rematch clause and wants no interference by the Main Event Mafia. On August the 15th in Norfolk, Virginia at Hardcore Justice, Bully Ray will face Chris Sabin with Aces and Eights and the Main Event Mafia banned from ringside because they will face off inside a Steel Cage.
((Jarrett’s Jab – Themed TV specials are a smart move by TNA. The WWE does them on random occasion like Old School, The Slammy Awards, Raw Roulette; but TNA are building them up to be Pay-Per-View quality shows that just happen to be on free TV. They’re a great way to draw eyes to the TNA product and with the ratings success of Destination X; it’s just a smart business move. Bully Ray won the title in a cage with almost all of the members of Aces and Eights interfering. Whether they add a roof to the cage or ban Aces and Eights and the Mafia from the building, they need to do something to make it look like it will be a one-on-one match.))