
Opening Segment
Destination X is LIVE in the Broadbent Arena in Louisville, Kentucky. On the ramp, the nine men that are vying for the X Division Championship (Trent Baretta, Rubix, Rockstar Spud, Manik, Kenny King, Chavo Guerrero, Homicide, Petey Williams and Sonjay Dutt) are shown before we see Chris Sabin getting ready for his World Title match later tonight.
The standard video package plays, highlights Sabin’s life and Sabin’s pursuit of the World Heavyweight Championship.
Bully Ray makes his way to the ring as Jeremy Borash checks in on commentary and explains he was told ten minutes ago to come out and do commentary and he has no clue where Taz is. Bully Ray sarcastically states that everyone is real happy to see him tonight. Bully Ray explains that all week long all he’s been hearing about on Facebook, twitter, internet and all the wrestling magazine and all everyone has been talking about is one little boy named Chris Sabin. Everyone knows damn well that you can chant his name from here to heaven, “that kid ain’t got a shot in hell of beating the world champion!” Bully quips that the fans sound like they’re going to start a parade for him, which the fans start a “YES” chant. Bully says that he’s proud to be the most hated man in pro wrestling, and it’s a perfect night to beat Chris Sabin and for the Aces and Eights to destroy the Main Event Mafia. Now Bully Ray wants to talk to his wife Brooke Hogan. Surprisingly, Brooke actually comes out to her awful theme music (well that part isn’t a surprise), “Mark, I don’t understand what else you possibly want from me.” Brooke says that’s she’s sick of it and she’s moving on and he should too. Brooke shows that she’s not wearing a wedding band. Bully says that he said it last week and he’s happy he can look her in the eyes and tell her to her face that “You move on when I tell you to move on!” Now Hulk Hogan is out and Hogan tells Bully that he’s completely right about one thing: enough is enough. As of this moment, “You’ve raped and pillaged this company and my family enough and you’ve gotten everything you’ve wanted” and enough is enough before walking away.
Kurt Angle appears on the tron and says asks if Bully really said that he’s never going to lose the World Heavyweight Championship. The Mafia is here to fight Aces and Eights and tonight Bully Ray will lose the World Title to Chris Sabin in a fair fight and there’s nothing he can do about it. Sting closes by saying that we’re going to see if Bully’s brotherhood is stronger than the Mafia family.
Ringside, Mike Tenay and Jeremy Borash talk about the card for tonight’s Destination X special. A reply of last year’s Destination X Main Event plays.
Bobby Roode is asked if Destination X brings up any bad memories and Bobby says one word “Fluke.” He doesn’t dwell on the past, he dwells on the future. He has no points in the Bound for Glory Series right now, but that all changes tonight.
-Commercial Break-
Gail Kim is shown tweeting backstage for the first hour of Impact tonight.
The Bound for Glory Series Leaderboard is shown as follows: Magnus in first place at 49 Points with Samoa Joe tailing behind in second place with 19 Points. Jeff Hardy is in third place with 17 points and Christopher Daniels isn’t far behind with 14 points. “The Phenomenal One” AJ Styles is currently in fifth place with 12 points with Austin Aries, Hernandez and Mr. Anderson tied in sixth place with seven points. Bobby Roode, Kazarian and Jay Bradley have zero points while Joseph Park has negative ten points in the series at twelfth place.
Bound for Glory Series: Bobby Roode (0 Points) vs. Austin Aries (7 Points)
Roode starts early with a headlock but is shoved off by Aries and caught with an armdrag. Aries goes for a dropkick out of a leg scissors, but Roode rolls out of the way. The two former tag team champions are at a stalemate. Roode misses two clotheslines but nails a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and Aries rolls out to the apron. Aries tries a shoulderblock, but Roode dodges and kicks the head. Roode tries a suplex, but Aries backbody drops him to the floor and hits an axehandle from the top rope. Aries goes to the top once the two get back in the ring, but Roode catches him with a dropkick in midair. Aries rolls to the outside and Roode hits a clothesline from the apron as we take a commercial break
-Commercial Break-
Back from the break in the Broadbent Arena, Roode hits the Double R spine buster for a two count. Borash hypes that this is a rematch from last year’s Destination X as Roode tries to meet Aries on the top rope, but Aries boxes the ears to knock him off and nails the 450 splash for a two count. Aries shows some frustration by pounding the mat before starting to trade right hands with Bobby Roode. Hard chop on the rope, but Roode backdrops Aries to the apron. Aries hits the shoulderblock and goes for the plancha, but Roode rolls out to the apron. Aries hits the suicide dive on Roode who landed on the steel steps outside. Aries rolls Roode in the ring and riles the crowd up as he goes to the top rope. Missile dropkick connects and Aries nails the IED in the corner. Aries goes for the brainbuster, but Roode counters into a fireman’s carry. Aries squirms out of it and rolls up Roode for two. Roode turns that into a crossface and Aries counters it into a pin for two. The two former World Champions counters each other’s pinfall attempts into pin attempts. Aries tries IED, but Roode had it scouted this time. Roode tries a spear, but Aries counters into the brainbuster, which Roode counters into a decapitating clothesline for two. Roode goes for the Payoff, but Aries counters with a discus forearm. Aries tries the Brainbuster, but Roode counters into a fireman’s carry. Aries squirms out again and hits the Brainbuster for the win.
Winner by Pinfall, Gaining 7 Points: Austin Aries (14 Points)
Roode destroys JB’s monitor and throws almost every chair he gets his hands on into the ring.
Homicide catches Hernandez in his locker room and talk like old times. Chavo comes in and it gets quiet before Chavo hugging Homicide and stating he was a big fan of LAX. Chavo wishes him luck tonight and after Homicide leaves Chavo talks about how he’s winning the X Division Championship, and Hernandez is going to win the Bound for Glory Series, next year it’ll be the two of them at Destination X for the World Title.
((Jarrett’s Jab – Being from Kentucky, I can tell you first hand that we are a VERY wrestling starved state. To give you a good idea of how bad it is, the last time there was a Television taping here from a major company, and it was 2011. And we haven’t hosted a Pay-Per-View since April of 2006. Kentucky crowds are underrated great wrestling crowds and always pack the house and tonight is no different. The crowd was hot all throughout the match and two of TNA’s young guns tore down the house. And if Chavo and Hernandez headline next year’s Bound for Glory, I’ll stop watching TNA.))
-Commercial Break-
Inside the Aces and Eight’s clubhouse, Anderson tells Knux that his no vote pushed DOC over the edge and he turned in his cut. Anderson asks each Aces and Eight’s member if they know what their job is and they all reply that they do. ((Jarrett’s Jab – Horrible write off, but it does allow a return angle if DOC signs back with TNA. I find it interesting that Anderson’s cut doesn’t have the Vice President label on it. Wonder if that means there were different plans in place before DOC’s contract expired…))
X Division Qualifying Match: Homicide vs. Petey Williams vs. Sonjay Dutt
Petey goes for the kick on Homicide, but Sonjay kicks the hamstring and Homicide locks in a headlock on Dutt. Sonjay shoots him off the ropes and gets shoulder blocked. Triple suplex spot takes place with Petey trying to suplex Homicide, and Sonjay trying to suplex Petey. Homicide holds on to the ropes and Sonjay rolls up Petey for two. Petey forearms Dutt off the top rope and Homicide throws Petey out of the ring. Homicide hypes the crowd before hitting a slingshot dive on both Petey and Sonjay. Petey is thrown in the ring and hits a dropkick on Homicide. Petey and Dutt trade moves fast before Dutt hits a hurricanrana connects on Petey and does the same to Homicide. Dutt tries a dive, but Petey counters and hits a slingshot codebreaker from the outside in for two. Petey goes for the Sharpshooter and armdrags a charging Homicide. Petey applies what looks like a modified Indian Deathlock and Homicide comes off the top rope with a splash on Petey. The three men start trading right hands before Homicide hits splashes on both men in the corner and Homicide hits a cutter on Dutt for two. Dutt is set on the top rope by Homicide, but Dutt pushes him off. Dutt looks like he’s going for a moonsault, but Petey crotches him and Dutt gets caught in the Tree of Woe. Homicide goes for the Gringo Killer, but Petey counters into a Canadian Destroyer attempt. Homicide throws Petey into Dutt, but Petey catches himself and hits an elbow on Homicide. Petey goes up top, but Dutt manages to suplex Petey in the Tree of Woe. Homicide hits the Gringo Killer and Petey breaks up the in at two. Sonjay hits the Sliced Bread without the ropes and Sonjay hits the Warriors Way for the win.
Winner by Pinfall and Advancing to Ultimate X: Sonjay Dutt
-Commercial Break-
X Division Qualifying Match: Chavo Guerrero, Jr. vs. Kenny King vs. Manik
Both Chavo Guerrero and Kenny King are already in the ring and Manik gets a televised entrance. King goes right for Manik with right hands. But Chavo attacks King with right hands and Manik backbody drops King on the apron. Chavo tries to throw Manik into King, but Manik counters and throws Chavo over the top rope while King holds the ropes down. King goes up top and goes for something, but Manik ducks it. Manik charges, but King hits a reverse atomic drop and a kick to the back of the head. King hits a dropkick on Chavo who’s on the apron and mounted right hands on Manik. King picks Manik up and hits a few right hands and Irish whips him before Manik locks him in an octopus hold. Manik locks King in what looks like the Last Chancery without the bridge or chinlock when Chavo comes in and goes for the Three Amigos. Manik bridges Chavo for a pin attempt while the submission is still locked on King for two. Chavo tries to throw Manik out of the ring, but he hooks the ropes and looks at Chavo. Chavo dropkicks Manik to the outside and King quickly tries to go to work on Guerrero, hitting several blows to the back. Hurricanrana by Chavo and a wheelhouse kick to King before hitting a dropkick off the top for two. Chavo goes for something, but Manik comes off the top rope and splashes on both of them. Chavo charges at Manik, but eats the middle turnbuckle. Crossbody on King by Manik connects. Chavo kicks Manik in the head and holds him for King, but Manik gets the boot up. Manik charges at Chavo but he’s elevated and crashes into King. Manik gets a near fall on Chavo off a crufix. Chavo connects with two amigos on Manik before hitting three on King. The crowd gives him a mild reaction when he “pays tribute” to Eddie. Chavo goes to the top rope, but Manik cuts him off with an attempted suplex. King hits the DDE to Manik and King goes for a suplex. Chavo shoves him off, but hits a sick kick to the head of Chavo. Manik catches King showboating and locks him in the double chickenwing before dropping him into the double knee gutbuster for the win.
Winner by Pinfall and Advancing to Ultimate X: Manik
Backstage in an office, Sting tells the Mafia that this is the reason they got the family together: to get rid of Aces and Eights and take out Bully Ray. Angle asks if everyone is read for part one of the mission. Rampage says that he wants to Knock somebody out. Angle says that’s what he’s talking about and they leave as Magnus says “He’s going to knock somebody out”
((Jarrett’s Jab – Both of these qualifiers matches so far are under five minutes each and nothing special. I will never understand why TJ Perkins can’t be TJ Perkins instead of Manik when they already showed him unmasked and called him by the name, but TNA sure seems to be pushing him hard. Kenny King seems to be stranded on an island in terms of booking. After some great character development, he constantly gets lost in the shuffle. Oh, and no one has offered any reasonable explanation why Rampage Jackson, who has never wrestled in his life, is a member of the Main Event Mafia. I was kind of hoping they’d do that.))
-Commercial Break-
The same video that opened Destination X plays again. Backstage Hulk Hogan tells Chris Sabin that after the injuries and setbacks Sabin had, he never knew it would set him up for greatness and that this is his time. Hogan decides to give Sabin the same advice he gave Bully Ray at LockDown: “At the end of the night, just make sure they remember you” and adds for him to bring the title home to TNA.
The Main Event Mafia’s music hits and they get a standing ovation in Louisville. Sting states that he gave Aces and Eights fair warning and looking at the family he assembled, it was custom made for this night. Angle takes the microphone and in the most ridiculous sunglasses I’ve ever seen (WCW Bret Hart style with the US Flag on the lenses) says that this fight will be more brutal and vicious than they’ve ever been in. Angle calls the Mafia “the greatest arrangement of champions, fighters and wrestlers ever assembled and tonight they’re going to prove it.” Anderson appears on the tron and asks if the Mafia really expected Aces and Eights to just run down to the ring at their beck and call? “That’s not how it works; we do things on our own time.” Anderson cordially invites them backstage where they’re getting ready for the big party after the show. Joe takes the mic and says they must be back there drinking some beer. That’s good news because “The Mafia’s thirsty, ain’t we boys.” Joe announces that we “are going to come back there, drink some beer and beat you down.” The Mafia leaves to go backstage.
After the camera stays on the ring for some weird reason for a minute before showing the Mafia going backstage and seeing Anderson. They chase him into some room and start brawling. Angle is grabbed out by Bully and Devon is told to lock the door. Kurt Angle is slammed on a wall outside and thrown into the back of a Dodge pickup truck with a Kentucky license and it’s driven off.
((Jarrett’s Jab – It’s surprising that the first thought I had watching that segment was that Joe’s suit makes him look slimmer, but there it was. I love Main Event Mafia Samoa Joe so far. Instead of being a screaming samoan wrestler, he’s showing that he’s a coherent speaker with a chip on his shoulder and that fits him a lot better.))
-Commercial Break-
Austin Aries is shown tweeting backstage. We are shown a replay of what happened before the break.
X Division Qualifying Match: Rubix vs. Rockstar Spud vs. Greg Marasciulo
For those of you who haven’t seen Destination X, Greg Marasciulo is the former WWE star Trent Baretta. Rockstar Spud tells both Greg and Rubix that he’s going to be the X Division champion and both men clock Spud. Rubix goes for a belly-to-back suplex, but Greg lands on his feet and applies a headlock. Spud charges at Greg but gets backbody dropped while Greg keeps the headlock on Rubix. Spud rolls out of the ring and Rubix sends Greg to the ropes and Rubix hits a hurricanrana. Spud gets in the ring but quickly rolls out when Rubix sees him. Greg hits a chip and rebounds off the ropes and Spud grabs the ankle. Greg flings Spud and he naturally collides with the guardrail. Rubix hits a suicide dive on Rubix. Greg catches Rubix with a clothesline on the outside and tosses Spud in the ring and covers for a one count. Spud catches Greg with an elbow and hits a right hand. Spud acts like a moron laughing in the corner while doing pulling Greg’s hair. Clubby blow to the back of Greg and he rolls up Greg for a two count. Spud goes to work on Rubix and Rubix gets a dropkick for two. Rubix sends Spud into the ring post and Greg hits an elbow that knocks him off the apron. Rubix connects with a kick to the back of Greg’s head from the apron and hurricanrana from the top. Rubix hits a bridging German suplex for two. Rubix stalks Spud and tries a splash in the corner, but Spud moves out of the way. Spud stomps on the hand of Rubix and gives him the British version of the bird before hitting a kick to the head for two. Spud starts hitting right hands on Rubix and gyrates before Greg hits a big dropkick on Spud before hitting a Swanton dive over the top rope on Spud. Rubix cuts Greg off of the top rope after we see a replay of that move and Rubix hits the Coast to Coast on Greg. Spud tries to steal the pin, but only gets two. Borash describes Spud as an eleven year pro as he delivers kicks to both men before head butting Greg. Greg hits a Cradle back to belly piledriver on Spud for the win.
Winner by Pinfall and Advancing to Ultimate X: Greg Marasciulo
Bully tells someone on the phone backstage that he should have seen the look on Kurt’s face when whoever was on the phone hit the gas. Bully explains that Rampage is trigger happy and that Wes took one for the team. Bully tells the person on the phone to take him to the spot that they talked about before changing his mind and telling him that before he leaves, make Kurt an offer that he can’t refuse.
Mickie James makes her way to the ring and we will hear from the Knockouts Champion…right after the break!
((Jarrett’s Jab – I wish that Greg Marasciulo could go by the “Trent?” name that he used on the independent circuit. At least that name people could pronounce and spell. And it really stood out. Greg stood out, which is more than you can really say for the winners of the past two qualifiers and the stage is set for an interesting Ultimate X match next week.))
-Commercial Break-
Back from the break and the black Dodge pickup truck is shown backstage and Angle getting out. ((Jarrett’s Jab – The footage was obviously shot earlier in the day because it’s never that bright out this late in KY.))
Inside the ring, Knockouts Champion Mickie James talks about a moment that happened last week that will be glorified the Knockouts and raised the bar for women across the board. It’s what hard work and dedication can really get you and being the gracious Knockouts Champion that she is, she plays the footage she’s talking: her singing showcase last week. The crowd starts to boo Mickie as she gushes about how amazing she is. Before she can get done calling herself the “Heartbreaking, History Making, Knockouts Champion,” Gail Kim comes out to interrupt. Kim tells Mickie that she is delusional and the only thing people were talking about last week was her dominant, history making performance in the ladder match against Taryn Terrell. The fans applaud and Gail says that the only thing that will make her look better is when she wins that Knockouts Championship next week. Mickie informs Gail that there is a clause in her contract that states “that I need a certain amount of space and oxygen to compete at optimum performance and right now honey you are invading both of them” and tells Gail to take a few steps back. Mickie decides to give Gail some credit and state that her performance was a solid two, but her concert was five star. She counts the stars on her hands and then tries to slap Gail, but Gail ducks and connects with a slap of her own. Gail rips off her high heels and the two knockouts brawl around the ring before the referees attempt to break it up. Gail spears Mickie and the two referees finally separate the two.
Austin Aries catches up to Chris Sabin backstage and tells him that he’s not here to do anything to him. Aries asks if he’s feeling good and he wants Sabin to know that the only reason he’s here is beause of Aries. Not because of Option C, but because Sabin raised his game to a level that maybe he didn’t even know existed. Aries calls himself the litmus paper of TNA and that he tests people. Aries has beaten Bully Ray, and tonight Sabin has a chance to finish the equation. Aries says it may not mean a lot, but he’s pulling for Sabin tonight.
-Commercial Break-
In a dark area backstage, AJ Styles is sitting on a stair case and states that the X Division reminds him of…him. He’s been there, done that and put it on the map. Next week he has to face Jeff Hardy, a great wrestler, fan favorite, and hero. “This is no place for a hero, I’m taking my points.”
Mike Tenay hypes the just announced match between AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy along with the Ultimate X match where Sonjay Dutt, Manik, and Greg Marasciulo square off for the vacant X Division Championship. While it wasn’t mentioned, Mickie James will defend her Knockouts Championship against Gail Kim next week as well.
Both men get televised entrances. Bully Ray, like earlier, makes his way to the ring from the entrance ramp like everyone else. Jeremy Borash steps away from the commentary desk and gives the Championship introductions in the middle of the ring. Bully backs Sabin in a corner and yells that “I’m going to tell you straight up what I’m going to do to you. I’m taking out your knee like I took out Sting’s neck!” Sabin stares at Bully Ray and tells him that he’s going to be the World Champion and Bully shoves him half way across the ring and Brian Hebner signals for the bell to start the main event for Destination X.
TNA World Heavyweight Championship: Bully Ray (c) vs. Chris Sabin
Bully backs up and sits on the second rope so Brian Hebner can make Sabin back up. Bully Ray goes right for the left leg, spinning him around the ring and using his boot to choke Sabin before Sabin kicks out and kicks the left side of Bully’s chest and Bully responds with a hard chop. Bully tells him to do it again and they do the same spot. Sabin looks like he’s hulking up and Bully asks for the kick again and they do the same spot. This time Sabin moves out of the way on the chop and goes wild with chops and right hands on the World Heavyweight Champion. Sabin kicks the gut and rebounds of the ropes, but Bully goes for the right knee by dropping an elbow on it. A ‘Bully Sucks’ chant starts in the Broadbent Arena as Sabin rolls out of the ring and onto the ramp. Aces and Eights go down the ramp and the Main Event Mafia follows and surround the ring as we head to a commercial break.
-Commercial Break-
Back from then break, Bully Ray slams the right knee down on the steel ramp as Sting is shown watching on. Sabin starts to limp as Bully picks him up and tosses him into the ring. Bully gets on the top rope and yells at Rampage Jackson that he’s going to punch him in the mouth before kicking the left knee of Sabin. Bully again kicks the left leg out from Sabin as the fans start to clap and Bully trash talks Kurt Angle. Bully slams the right knee into the canvas and flips him over and scissors the right knee. While the referee asks Sabin if he wants to give, Bully Ray unties the laces on Sabin’s right boot while he drops his right leg on the lower-back of Sabin. Bully pulls down the boot and slams the foot against the canvas. Sabin tries to mount a comeback with a few right hands before getting decapitated with a Bully Ray clothesline. Bully Ray slips the knee brace and kneepad off of Sabin and then snapmares the right leg. Bully sweeps the left knee of Sabin while he tries to use the ropes to get to his feet and then drags him to the center of the ring and grabs the ankle before DDTing it. Bully yells at Rampage to shut up and dares him to hit him. Sabin manages to use the ropes to get to his feet and lands a few rights before Bully kicks the right leg from under Sabin. Bully takes the time to mock Hogan’s ear pose to all four sides of the ring before just delivering a right hand to the exposed right ankle of Sabin. Bully Ray drops a right hand to the kneecap of Sabin and taunts him before chopping the chest hard. Bully ask Anderson and Garett if he should take off the other kneebrace and yells at Magnus before getting the kneepad completely off the right leg and completely unties the right boot of Sabin. Bully delivers some clubby blows to the back of Sabin and tries an Irish Whip, but Sabin collapse when he gets to the other corner, Bully charges but eats the left boot of Sabin. Sabin climbs to the top rope, but Bully drops his first on the top rope to crotch him. Bully superplexes Sabin after badmouthing Rampage Jackson and only gets a two count. Bully goes for the Bully Bomb, but eats an enziguiri instead. Sabin goes to the top rope and hits a missile dropkick that takes out Bully and the referee. Sabin gets at least a ten count before Bully kicks out and Anderson hands Bully the hammer. Magnus clocks Anderson with a right hand and now all of the Mafia and Aces and Eights battle in the ring. The two group’s battle up the ramp as Bully Ray and Chris Sabin are left in the ring. Bully eyes the hammer in his hand and Sabin kicks the gut of Bully Ray and grabs the hammer. Bully Ray goes for a powerbomb and Sabin hits him in the head with the hammer and covers him to win.
Winner by Pinfall and NEW TNA World Heavyweight Champion: Chris Sabin
((Jarrett’s Jab – You won’t confuse this main event with the opening Roode/Aries match in terms of quality, but it more than made up for it with the story of the match. I think that this opens up the Bound for Glory Series tremendously and it’s about the best thing TNA could ask for at the moment. With budget cuts and young guys getting cut, a young guy wins the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. A great show with a really good match between Roode and Aries match, Mickie James cutting a great promo, and a feel good moment for long-time TNA fans. Unlike many people, I’m going to give Sabin a chance before I bash or praise him as a World Champion. Who knows what he’ll do? Kentucky was hot for the show all night and I can’t wait to see next week’s show, which features a Bound for Glory Series match that is actually a rematch from iMPACT back in early 2010 during the short lived Monday Night Wars.))