
Opening Segment
Impact Wrestling opens this week with the standard recap video highlighting Aries winning the X-Division Championship disguised as Suicide, Magnus joining the Main Event Mafia, and Chris Sabin winning the X Division title from Aries last week.
Bully Ray catches the camera guy and demands him stop. Bully says that Brooke Hogan, his wife, will move on when he tells her to move on and condemns her for getting engaged.
To kick off Impact tonight from the Orleans Arena in Las Vegas, Aces and Eights come out with TNA World Champion Bully Ray leading the way. Bully Ray tells everyone that the first order of business is Chris Sabin. Ray advises Sabin to not trade the title in and that he doesn’t want a piece of him. “I’m a bad, bad man that does bad things to little people like you.” Ray announces that Aces and Eights will elect a new VP tonight. This is family business, and speaking of so called families, this leads Bully Ray to the Main Event. Bully tells the Main Event Mafia no to their challenge next week in Louisville. The Mafia comes out and Angle tells Ray that they didn’t pick that date by accident. Next week, the Mafia will take out every member of Aces and Eights and Bully Ray will be all alone. Sting tells Bully Ray that he must be pacing because he’s nervous and mocks Bully’s accent by announcing that the newest member of the Mafia will join tonight and he’s a heavy hitter.
-Commercial Break-
Chris Sabin is shown arriving backstage and on the stage, Christy Hemme and Jeremy Borash announce the teams for the Jokers Wild Tournament tonight.
Jeff Hardy (17 Points) and Joseph Park (-10 Points) vs. AJ Styles (12 Points) and Samoa Joe (19 Points)
Tenay explains that the winners of each tag match will go on to face each other in a Gauntlet match later for the 25 points. AJ Styles kicks the calf of Park and Hardy is tagged in. The two tie up and AJ aggressively applies a headlock. Hardy tries to get out and succeeds by whipping AJ off the ropes and hitting a few hip tosses before a front suplex gets Hardy a one count. AJ rams Hardy into the corner and Joe tags himself in with some rapid fire rights. Joe gets kicked in the face off the attempted back body drop, but hits a rough forearm for two. Joe splashes into Hardy and then hits the sick corner kick before tagging in AJ Styles. AJ hits a snapmare and a kick to the back before Hardy fires back with some right hands before AJ locks in the Calf Killer. Park gets in the ring and hesitates, unsure of how t break up the move, and settles on kicking Styles. Park is tagged in and so is Joe. Backbody drop on AJ and a splash in the corner. Joe shoves Park, and AJ hits the flying forearm. Joe locks in the clutch and Park taps out.
Winners by Submission, and advancing to the Gauntlet: Samoa Joe and AJ Styles
-Commercial Break-
Taryn Terrell is shown warming up. Why couldn’t they leave it on the screen longer?
Jay Bradley (0 Points) and Hernandez (7 Points) vs. Mister Anderson (7 Points) and Magnus (24 Points)
Taz is pissed that an Aces and Eights member has to work with someone from the Main Event Mafia. Hernandez and Magnus starts off the match. Anderson tries to get a high-five, but Magnus gets on the apron. Anderson gets in the ring and runs to the apron. Magnus and Bradley are in the ring now and the match actually starts. Bradley gets a right hand in and tags Hernandez. Magnus goes for a tag, but Anderson fakes losing in his contact lens. Bradley comes in to get Magnus from behind. Hernandez gets a suplex and tags in Bradley, who hits a few right hands. Magnus starts to fight back, but Hernandez gets a blind tag and shoulder blocks Magnus for two. Bradley runs into an elbow by Magnus and then a big boot. Anderson wants a tag now, but then slides off the apron when Magnus gets to him. Hernandez is tagged in and Magnus take an early advantage. Bradley kicks Magnus from behind and Hernandez hits a clothesline. Bradley clips Hernandez’ leg, thinking it was Magnus and gets rolled up.
Winners by Pinfall, and advancing to the Gauntlet: Magnus and Mr. Anderson
Backstage, Aries tells Bobby Roode his version of what happens and wants Roode to have his back. Roode complains about being 0-3 in the BFG Series. “I won the first Series, this should be easy for me!” Roode states. The Bad Influence struts in, and as the last four men to be picked, Daniels says that one more time it will be the Bad Influence vs. the Dirty Heels. Daniels tells them to stay away from the tables. Roode and Aries agree that they hate Bad Influence.
-Commercial Break-
Gail Kim is shown preparing for her ladder match backstage.
Christopher Daniels (14 Points) and Austin Aries (7 Points) vs. Bobby Roode (0 Points) and Kazarian (0 Points)
Daniels and Kazarian are in the ring and high five and pose. Aries tags himself in and shoos Daniels away. Kazarian heel hooks Aries and goes for the crossface. Aries wrings the arm of Kazarian, but Kazarain flips his eay out of it. After some quick chain wrestling, Aries hits a dropkick and gets a one count. Daniels tags himself in and lets Kazarian tags Roode in. Roode hits a scoop slam and a knee drop for two. Daniels runs and tags in Aries. The two Dirty Heels stare off. Unlike the Bad Influence, they square off with a standing switch and Roode wrings the arm and applies a side headlock. Back body drop sends Aries to the outside. Aries goes for the plancha, but Kazarian takes Aries’ legs out from under him and rams him into the apron as we head to commercial.
-Commercial Break-
Back from the break, Kazarian and Aries are the legal men. Daniels tries to get a tag from Aries, but Kazarian gets him to the center of the ring. Kazarian goes for the Fade to black, but Aries counters into a pinning predicament for two. Daniels and Roode are tagged in and the Double R spinebuster gets Roode a two count. Roode goes for the Payoff, but Daniels counters into a Rockbottom. Aries tags himself in and hits a missile dropkick. Aries tells Daniels to watch and goes on to miss the IED. Kazarian covers Aries, but Daniels reluctantly breaks the count. Aries hits the IED this time and goes for the brain buster. Daniels goes for what looks like a hug, but gets rolled up for the three count.
Winners by Pinfall, and advancing to the Gauntlet: Kazarian and Bobby Roode
After talking it out, Daniels raises Kazarian hands.
Backstage, Bully Ray tells the croup that he’s getting Taz and they’re voting for a VP.
-Commercial Break-
Backstage, Hulk Hogan pesters Brooke Hogan about Bully.
Everyone is rounded up and they vote for the VP. Anderson votes for himself, and so does DOC. Wes and Garett vote for Anderson while Devon and Taz vote for DOC. Knux has the deciding vote and teases voting for DOC before voting for Anderson. Bully Ray announces Anderson as the VP of Aces and Eights, and DOC looks pissed off and has a moment with DOC.
Mickie James makes her way to the ring to watch the following Knockouts Ladder Match.
Ladder Match; Winner gets a Knockouts Title Shot: Gail Kim vs. Taryn Terrell
Kim goes right after Taryn at the bell, hitting rights and choking Taryn with her boot. Taryn fights back with a suplex and throwing Gail out to the unforgiving ramp. Taryn waits for Gail to get to her feet and hits a spear. Taryn looks like she’s going for a bulldog, but Gail fights out with some clubby blows to the back before bringing the ladder into the ring. The two play tug-of-war for the ladder and Taryn rams the ladder into Gail’s ribs before drop kicking the ladder into them. The two trade right hands and Taryn rams Gail into the ladder and hits a neckbreaker. Taryn goes for the ladder, but Gail grabs the leg. Gail uses the ladder as a springboard for a crossbody, but Taryn counters with a knee. Taryn sets up the ladder in the center of the ring, but spends too much time setting it up and Tail easily knocks it over after Taryn gets past the first two rungs. Taryn locks in some bodyscissors, but Gail shifts her weight and sends her face first into the metal supports. The two trade some right hands, but Gail sends Taryn face first into the turnbuckle. Kim goes for the Figure Four leg lock around the post, but Taryn kicks her off as we head to commercial.
-Commercial Break-
Back from the break, the two knockouts battle on the ladder and it ends up tipping over, knocking them both into the ground. Taryn gets to her feet first and hits a few right hands. Gail tries to rebound off the ropes, but Taryn shoves the ladder into Gail. Taz points out that Gail’s leg is trapped in the ladder. Instead of taking advantage, she looks for stuff under the ring. Taz states that Taryn is looking for another ladder and she’s proven right. Tenay acts surprised that Taz was right, but Taz states that he’s been in ladder matches before. Taryn sets the ladder up inside the ladder in the ring and on the crowd barricade. Taryn goes on a rage, beating on Gail in the corner and setting her on the second ladder. Taryn climbs to the top rope, but Gail falls off the ladder. Taryn tries to climb the ladder, but Gail locks in the figure four with Taryn trapped in the ladder. Gail tries to climb, but Taryn grabs the ladder. Gail goes to the other side and gets to the top, but Taryn limps to the top. The two brawl and Taryn chokes Gail (or applies the Cobra Clutch, I couldn’t tell from the angle). Taryn can’t reach the contract and decides to crossbody Gail instead. Taryn clutches her left knee and Gail is holding her head. Taryn tries to reposition the ladder, but Gail comes at her. Taryn tosses her on the second ladder, which is still set up. The two brawl on it and Taryn goes for the Diamond Cutter, but Gail throws her off. Gail takes too much time, and Taryn applies the Dragon Sleeper. Gail ties Taryn’s hair to the ropes and Gail pulls down the contract right after Taryn gets free.
Winner and #1 Contender to the Knockouts Title: Gail Kim
Backstage, Sting and Kurt Angle are talking about the Gauntlet match later tonight. With Magnus and Joe holding the first and second positions on the leaderboard, whoever wins the match will win the leaderboard. Sting gets a call that the heavy hitter is in the arena.
((Jarrett’s Jab – That’s the best women’s match you’ll see on TV all year. They couldn’t top their Slammiversary match, but they added a nice compliment to it and provided a Main Event level performance, especially considering that Terrell is a rookie.))
-Commercial Break-
Backstage, Sting is still on his iPhone. Angle asks if it’s good news, and Sting says he will be here in just a few minutes.
Gauntlet Match for 25 Points: AJ Styles vs. Magnus vs. Kazarian vs. Samoa Joe vs. Mr. Anderson
AJ Styles and Magnus are the two unlucky men who drew #1 and #2. AJ does a standing switch, but Magnus quickly wrings the left arm of AJ. AJ reverses it on him, but ends up getting countered again. Headlock by AJ Styles on Mangus and Magnus tries to suplex his way out, but AJ reverses into a reverse bear hug.
Entrant Number 3 is Kazarian.
They didn’t announce this was Royal Rumble style. Anyways Kazarian comes in and connects with the Zig Zag on AJ Styles and a sweet dropkick on Magnus. AJ kicks at the calf of Kazarian before getting backed into a corner by Kazarian. Sick corner suplex by AJ and Magnus tries to eliminate AJ over the top, but fails. Kazarian hits a back suplex on AJ and goes after Magnus, sending him headfirst into the turnbuckle. Kazarian tries to eliminate Magnus, but is stopped by the Mafia music.
Entrant number 4 is Samoa Joe.
The two former Tag Team Champions double team Kazarian as Taz cries fowl. Magnus tries to eliminate AJ Styles. Kazarian manages to subdue Joe and hits Magnus. AJ is a little overzealous and ends up on the apron. Kazarian charges at AJ after hitting a right hand and is back body dropped to the floor.
Kazarian is eliminated by AJ Styles.
-Commercial Break-
Back from the break, Anderson is in the ring, being the only man that came out during the break.
Entrant number 6 is Bobby Roode.
Tenay explains that it’s over the top rope until the final two. AJ Styles kicks at the calf of Anderson and rams him head first into the turnbuckle. AJ nails Roode with a right hand while Joe tires to eliminate Anderson in the corner. AJ hits some chops on Roode. Roode plants AJ in the middle of the right with a slam and puts him on the top rope, trying to eliminate him. Anderson clotheslines AJ over, eliminating him from the gauntlet.
AJ Styles is eliminated by Mr. Anderson.
Magnus almost eliminates Roode while Samoa Joe works on Anderson in the corner. Anderson now tries to eliminate Roode while Joe works on Bobby Roode. Joe nails a Cactus Clothesline on Anderson, eliminating them both.
Samoa Joe and Mr. Anderson are eliminated by Joe.
Now it’s down to the final two: Magnus and Bobby Roode. High knee connects to Booby Roode and he manages to kick Magnus off a backbody drop attempt and hits the Double R spinebuster. Crossface locked in by Bobby Roode in the center of the ring. Magnus manages to bridge back and get Roode in a pinning predicament for two. Magnus applies the cloverleaf in the center of the ring and Taz complains that Magnus isn’t even American. Roode finally reaches the bottom rope and Roode unloads with blows to the back and chops to the Main Event Mafia member. Magnus is positioned on the top rope and Roode goes up top for a superplex, but Magnus blocks and after trading right hands, Magnus shoves Roode off. Magnus goes for the elbow drop, but Roode rolls out of the way. Roode goes for the Payoff, Magnus goes for the Mag Daddy Driver, but Roode rolls up Magnus for two. Magnus gets a roll-up of his own and wins the match.
Winner of the Gauntlet, winning 25 Points: Magnus (Currently has 49 Points)
Hulk Hogan is shown walking backstage with a cheetah print bandana and the Option C ceremony will take place…right after this commercial break!
((Jarrett’s Jab – That has to be the earliest someone has gotten that many points in the BFG Series, with Joe at a distant second with 19 points, how will they even get someone close to 49 points anytime soon? TNA needed better planning with that one, but the first few months of the series are always dull. I’m also not a fan of the format. The rules weren’t even explained by the ring announcer, it sounded like it was made up as they go around. Especially when they didn’t even mention that another participant was coming out until the fans started counting down. I wish TNA would have either decided on a gauntlet match or a Battle Royal, not try to add a stip to a Royal Rumble and call it something else.))
-Commercial Break-
Hulk Hogan makes his way to the ring and hypes up the crowd before stating that it’s great to be in Vegas and introduces Chris Sabin. Hogan hypes up Sabin and Sabin states that he thought he would never be able to compete. The doctors told him that he couldn’t do it, and his family told him that he shouldn’t do it. Sabin says that he’s wanted to wrestle ever since he saw Hulk Hogan on TV and he’s here to become the World Heavyweight Champion. The only thing left to do is to turn over the X Division Championship. Right when Sabin is about to hand the belt over, Bully Ray comes out to interrupt. Bully tells Hogan to tell his daughter that they have unfinished business before telling Sabin that he must be living in a fantasy land. Bully urges Sabin not to turn the title over and tells Hulk not to reassure him and that it will get him in trouble just like everyone else Hulk reassures. Bully repeats himself from earlier when he says that he’s a bad person that does bad things and there’s no way that a boy like Sabin can beat a man like Bully Ray. Sabin tells Bully to Shut the hell up, and mocks Bully Ray “Do You Know Who I Am” stick and reminds Bully that he pinned Bully in Team 3D’s retirement match and he’s the only man to ever kick out of the 3D. Sabin tells Bully Ray that he’s Chris Sabin, the next World Heavyweight Championship. Sabin hands Hogan the X Division Championship and Bully tells Sabin that he’s just signed his death warrant. He’s not just fighting Bully Ray at Destination X, he’s fighting Bully’s whole family. Aces and Eights come out, but are quickly stopped by the Main Event Mafia’s theme. Sting tells Bully Ray that it won’t be Chris Sabin vs. Aces and Eights; it will be Chris Sabin vs. Bully Ray. Aces and Eights will not interfere because Sting’s family (The Main Event Mafia) will prevent it and introduces the Mafia’s heavy hitter: Rampage Jackson! Taz freaks out on commentary as we cut to credits.
((Jarrett’s Jab – Not happy at all with a spot in the new Main Event Mafia being wasted by Rampage Jackson. If he’s not there every week, the spot should have been given to anyone else. And worse than that, Rampage, a guy that won’t even wrestle for TNA for a while, overshadowed a great segment between the World Champion and the number one contender. That’s it for tonight, don’t forget that next week it will be Destination X from Louisville, KY.))