
Opening Segment
Impact Wrestling opens from Peoria this week with a video recapping the start of the Bound for Glory Series last week, Sting reforming the Mafia.
Inside the Peoria Civic Center, Mike Tenay talks about the two championship matches lined up for tonight: Chris Sabin defending the X Division Championship against Kenny King and Suicide; and Mickie James defending the TNA Knockouts Championship against Velvet Sky.
Sting makes his entrance with a suit and the new Main Event Mafia music. Sting talks about how he told Bully Ray that the mafia would rise and grow, and promises that what happened last week is just a little touch of what will happen. Sting talked about going back to where it all started, “to the future cornerstone of the Main Event Mafia: Kurt Angle!” Angle makes his entrance to the Mafia theme and tells everyone that what they see is two of the originals of the Main Event Mafia. The concept behind the group was that every member had to be for the World Title, and nobody could stop them. Now that seems to be Aces and Eights. They stepped it up to another level, more violent than ever before. Because of Aces and Eights, Sting can never wrestle for the TNA World Title again and Angle was screwed out of a spot in the BFG Series. Angle says that real family sticks together, and this is the new and improved Main Event Mafia. Angle and Sting are both Hall of Famers, but it means nothing until they destroy Aces and Eights and makes sure that Bully Ray loses the World Title. Angle declares that they will fight fire with fire and tonight “you will meet the newest member of the family.”
After a video played, highlighting the Ultimate X match from Slammiversary, Chris Sabin was shown walking backstage. Aces and Eights were hiding in the back of a trailer and DOC jumped out and held Sabin. Bully Ray demands for Sabin to be put against the wall. Ray tells Sabin to relax and that he wants to wish Sabin luck tonight, that he wins and does the right thing. Bully explains that the right thing is for Sabin to not cash in the X Division Championship for a shot at the World Title. “I’m a bad person, and you don’t want any of this bad person.” DOC lets Sabin go and Bully declares that Sabin got the point.
((Jarrett’s Jab – I wish that Sting and Angle clarified whether the new members of the Mafia would have to be former World Champions. I also wish that Sting didn’t call Angle the future cornerstone of the Mafia. Angle shouldn’t be the future cornerstone for anything other than a Hall of Fame. A young guy like Magnus or Matt Morgan or even James Storm needs to be the future cornerstone. Despite that, the opening segment was good for establishing what the Main Event Mafia will try to accomplish in the current run. Sure Angle and Sting are good guys, but them declaring that their Hall of Fame careers mean nothing until they destroy Aces and Eights and unseat Bully Ray gives the group and every future member a good boost. Bully Ray threating Sabin was great TV and was logical. Sabin is being built good going into Destination X and it’ll be a fun road to Louisville.))
-Commercial Break-
Backstage Adam Ohriner, better known to most Wrestling fans as The Big O, is working out. From there we get a video about the Big O. Ohriner talks about how he loves the spotlight, and being a part of the Lafayette Gut Check was the riskiest move of his career
X Division Championship: Chris Sabin (c) vs. Suicide vs. Kenny King
Kenny King has an awful new theme remix. Guess after the Main Event Mafia’s theme was butchered, they wanted to do it to more themes. Kenny King goes right after Suicide, raining with right hands before catching Sabin off guard with one. King goes off the top, but gets caught by a double dropkick. Sabin goes for a suplex, but Suicide switches on him. King hits a dropkick to the back of Sabin’s head, knocking Sucide off the apron and covering for two. King hits a kick to the back of the head before getting caught with a missile dropkick from the top. Suicide kips up and sends King to the ropes. King catches himself but gets dropkicked out of the ring. Suicide gets on the apron and dive on King before both King and Suicide are taken out with a crossbody by Sabin.
-Commercial Break-
Back from the break, Sabin gets King on the top rope. Suicide charges at Sabin, but Sabin catches him with a drop-toe hold into the second turnbuckle. Sabin yanks King down in the tree of woe, with Suicide still in the corner, and nails a basement dropkick. Sabin covers King for two and takes him up for Cradleshock before Suicide sends Sabin into the turnbuckle for two. Suicide goes up top, but gets caught by King, who cuts him off. King tries a Superplex, but Sabin knocks King out of the ring. Sabin goes for a superplex, but King slides in the ring for the Tower of Doom. Suicide gets the worst of it, and King covers Sabin twice and gets consecutive two counts. King takes Sabin up for Cradleshock, but Sabin slides out and nails an enziguiri. Sabin nails Cradleshock, but Suicide breaks it up for two and throws Sabin out of the ring. Suicide goes for a double underhook, but King fights out and connects with a kick to the head. King chokes Suicide in the corner. Suicide rolls up King for two. Jawbreaker for King and King goes for the Royal Flush, but Suicide rolls up King and grabs the second rope for the win.
Winner and NEW X Division Champion: Suicide
Taz apparently catches the rope grab and Tenay didn’t until they showed a replay, despite it happening a foot from him. Hulk Hogan’s music hits and Suicide freezes. Hogan comes out with TJ Perkins, and “he is, and always has been Suicide.” Hogan explains that someone jumped TJ in the back and stole the suit. Hogan demands to know who’s under the mask, but the imposter Suicide jumps over the guardrail and runs through the crowd with the X Division Championship.
((Jarrett’s Jab – Great plot twist and hopefully the end of the awful Suicide character. I’ve wanted the character gone for years, and it looks like I’ve finally got my wish. Plus TJ Perkins is immediately seen as a sympathetic face and a ringing endorsement from the Hulkster.))
-Commercial Break-
Backstage, a seething Hulk Hogan tells the camera man that he doesn’t care who the fake Suicide is, but he’s giving him until the end of the night to take off the mask and reveal who he is.
Ryan Howe is shown walking. From there, Howe’s GutCheck package airs, showing that he is a real musician that was noticed by some wrestlers because of his build and charisma. He’s always wanted to be a wrestler, and he’s going to earn a TNA contract.
Gut Gheck Match: Ryan Howe vs. The Big O (Adam Ohriner)
Howe plays an instrumental of the National Anthem on his electric guitar on the ramp before the regular Gut Check music hits. “He’s back! It’s Van Hammer!” Taz hilariously says on commentary. The two tie up and The Big O easily backs Howe into a corner and tosses him half way around the ring. Howe tries a rollup, but O rolls out with ease. Howe is sent right into the turnbuckle and then powerslammed down for two. Howe tries to cover up for The Big O’s right hands. Howe tries to fight back with a crossbody for barely a one count. Howe hits repeated right hands before getting hit by a big clothesline for two. Howe is powered in the corner and gets shoulder blocked repeatedly before dodging a big splash. Howe continues with right hands and a corkscrew elbow and two dropkicks for a two count. “Are you sure that’s not Van Hammer? He could have gone to an anti-aging clinic or something.” Taz asks Tenay on commentary as Howe hits a shot to the jaw before walking into another powerslam for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: The Big O
((Jarrett’s Jab – If the Big O doesn’t win, TNA judges are idiots. O has the power, look, intensity and charisma to be a huge star. Howe…can play the guitar. If you don’t know Ohriner, he was a regular on WWE star Zack Ryder’s YouTube series “Z True Long Island Story.” Besides that, Howe flat out didn’t impress anyone with his wrestling ability. The star of the match though was Taz. For the first time in a long time, Taz’s commentary was actually funny, didn’t get annoyingly basis, and he didn’t bicker with Tenay. Out of all the 90s wrestlers, Van Hammer was the last one I ever thought would get mentioned again on TV.))
Backstage, Sting and Kurt Angle are shown walking in suits. Sting says that “we are going to be better off this go around than the last one”
-Commercial Break-
The Bound for Glory Leaderboard is shown. No matches took place since last week’s edition of Impact Wrestling. Magnus sits at the top of the leaderboard with 10 points. Jeff Hardy, Austin Aries, Mr. Anderson and Christopher Daniels are in second place with 7 points. Samoa Joe and AJ Styles are at tied at third with 2 points. And Bobby Roode, Joseph Park, Kazarian, Hernandez, and Jay Bradley aren’t on the board.
Tonight, Mr Anderson and Samoa Joe will face off in a BFG Series match, and 2011 BFG Series Winner Bobby Roode will face the current head of the leaderboard, Magnus.
Backstage in the locker room, Bully Ray comes up to TJ Perkins. Bully asks TJ if he knows who Bully is before laughing and saying “of course you know who I am, that’s a stupid question.” Bully puts over Perkins and says he has a terrific future before asking him if Sting and Angle put TJ up to this. Perkins tells him that they didn’t and he had no clue what happened. Bully Ray rephrases the question by asking TJ if he’s positive that Kurt Angle, you know the guy with the paint on his face, put you up to this. TJ explains that he was jumped and it was very real. TJ explains that he doesn’t know who did it and tries to walk away. Bully Ray grabs his arm to hold him back before stating “Now you can leave.”
A video packages the friendship and feud between Mickie James and Velvet Sky before Velvet Sky makes her way to the ring
-Commercial Break-
Back from the break, Mickie James makes her entrance and Taz sings Mickie’s theme. Mickie explains that the championship brings out a competitive side and changes people. Mickie says that it hasn’t changed her, but it’s changed Velvet. When Velvet was the Knockouts Champion, they were best friends, but when Mickie became champion, they weren’t. Mickie gives Velvet a chance to walk out and not wrestle since nobody wants her knee to be hurt. Well….
TNA Knockouts Championship: Mickie James (c) vs. Velvet Sky
Velvet spears Mickie at the opening bell, and ODB has to pull Velvet off of Mickie. Velvet dominates with a fast fury of offense and shoulder blocks in the corner before Mickie fights out with kicks in the corner. Side Russian Legsweep by Velvet gains her a two count. Mickie rolls out of the ring and fixes her hair. Mickie teases getting on the apron and suckers Velvet in by sweeping the leg and slamming it against the ring apron. Mickie rolls in and gets several two counts before attempting a submission and getting kicked off. Basement dropkick by Mickie gains her two while Taz brings up a great point saying that Velvet isn’t ready for the match and her knee isn’t 100 percent. Velvet gets a small package for two, but gets rammed into the corner and gets shoulder blocked. Taz brings up that Velvet’s knee prevented her from capitalizing on the opening. Velvet tries to kick her way out of the corner and Mickie applies a standing Brock Lock. Velvet starts hitting lariats and her knee is apparently in great shape as she connects with a running bulldog for tow. Velvet hits some forearms, but Mickie slides out of the ring. Taz asks Mickie for help and tells Tenay to give Mickie his water. Velvet hits a hurricanrana with a weak landing and then a spear before throwing Mickie back in the ring. Mickie kicks the knee and hits a DDT for two. An audiable “Let’s go Velvet” chant starts as Mickie goes for the Mickie-T. Velvet connects with a neckbreaker for two. Velvet goes for the In Yo Face but gets countered. Velvet goes for a hurricanrana, but Mickie counters into the Hangman’s Clutch and Velvet taps out.
Winner by Submission, and STILL TNA Knockouts Champion: Mickie James
Taz sings the Hardcore Country line of Mickie’s theme better than Serg ever could on commentary as she walks up the ramp. Christy catches up with Velvet on the ramp and asks her what’s going through her mind. Velvet just starts crying and manages to get out that she felt that her knee was hard, and fought hard to get the rematch, and she’s heartbroken. ((Jarrett’s Jab – Apparently women in wrestling cry a lot this week. Mickie tried, but couldn’t get a great match out of Velvet, but honestly, who can? Mickie moves on to her next challenger and proves to be one of the most entertaining characters in wrestling right now.))
Backstage, Sting and Kurt Angle walk down a hallway and eye Bobby Roode. Roode smiles and continues to walk on. Sting and Angle smile at each other. Speaking of Bobby Roode, he will face Magnus in a BFG Series match…NEXT!
-Commercial Break-
Hulk Hogan is talking to a referee backstage, and asks him if anything about Suicide threw him off. The referee explained that he looked and acted like Suicide. Hulk told the referee to “find this joker” and tell him to unmask or his X Division Championship will be stripped.
Bound for Glory Series: Magnus (10 Points) vs. Bobby Roode (0 Points)
After a tie-up, Magnus backs Roode to a corner and breaks clean. Roode wrings the arm of Magnus, but Magnus turns it around and does the same to Bobby Roode. The two chain wrestle in the middle of the ring with trading armbars and arm wringers. The cycle breaks with a high knee by Magnus for two. Roode gets out of the ring and stares down the infamous Brock Lesnar guy before Magnus comes out and slams Roode head first into the ring arpon. Roode is thrown in the ring and starts stomping Magnus when he slides in. Roode goes to work with kicks and a hard chop before signaling ten. Magnus is capulted throat first into the middle rope before being slammed into the apron. Roode sends an elbow to the throat of Magnus and slides in. Neckbreaker connects by Roode for a two count before applying a chinlock. Magnus gets out and the two trade right hands before Roode gets a backdrop suplex. Magnus explodes with a series of clotheslines before getting caught with a kick to the gut when going for the backbody drop spot. Roode jumps off the middle rope, but is caught and thrown to the mat. Magnus goes up top, but is caught by Roode. Magnus forearms Roode off the middle rope and drops the elbow for two. Taz talks about Roode being tough for kicking out of the elbow. Double R spinebuster connects from Roode as he yells into the hard camera. Roode goes for the Payoff, but Magnus reverses and hits the Mag Daddy Driver for the win.
Winner by Pinfall, Gaining 7 Points: Magnus (17 Points)
Backstage, the TNA World Tag Team Champions James Storm and Gunner are shown walking. They will address the fans in Peoria…right after this commercial break!
((Jarrett’s Jab – It’s a shame that Bobby Roode is currently 0-2. I understand giving Magnus a big win, but it would have been more impressive if Roode had beaten Jeff Hardy last week.))
-Commercial Break-
Bully Ray and members of Aces and Eights wait outside a locker room door and Bully Ray gives the signal as we come back from commercial break. Chavo Guerrero, Jesse, and Robbie E. Bully tells the three, if he finds out that any of them are Suicide, they will be committing career suicide. Bully tells Jesse to lay off the carbs before leaving.
Inside the ring, James Storm tells everyone that tag team wrestling is a science. “Looking at us two, we sure the hell don’t look like two scientists.” Storm jokes about being a scientist by talking about different types of alcohol. Being a 12-time Tag Team Champion, you don’t have to like your partner, as long as you show up, and your partner watches your back, you’re good to go. Storm says that he knows there are a lot of tough teams back there, and before he can continue, Robbie E, Jesse, and Tara interrupt. Robbie asks the two guys if they really think they’re tough. “You are looking at the two toughest guys in this locker room” Robbie E states, which Taz replies on commentary “And Robbie’s there too.” Robbie says that he knows Gunner has tattoos and drinks beer, but choosing Gunner over Robbie was a big mistake. “This train has sailed down the road bro.” Taz and Tenay try to figure out what Robbie E means, and Robbie E repeats it again. The future of Tag Team Wrestling Jesse and Robbie, the Bromance! Storm stops him and asks if he said Bromance. Storm asks if they’re a thing. Robbie E corrects that he said “We’re the bro-mans!” Storm said that he knows he’s been drinking “but I could have sworn you just said Bromance again!” Jesse interrupts Storm to say that Storm knew what Robbie said and “we have this hot chick, my girlfriend, Tara.” Storm tells Gunner that Tara is what “we call a butterface.” Storm stops to let a “butterface” chant start. Jesse charges at Gunner and gets a knockout punch. Storm said that he didn’t do it, but he will still say “Sorry about your damn luck!”
Sting and Kurt are asked their thoughts about the Suicide situation backstage. Sting says that it’s a very interesting night. Everyone wants to know who the newest member of the Main Event Mafia is, and everyone wants to know who the mystery man is. Angle suggests talking to the mystery man themselves, and Sting agrees.
-Commercial Break-
Bound for Glory Series: Mr. Anderson (7 Points) vs. Samoa Joe (2 Points)
A tie-up and Anderson gets backed into the corner early. Anderson backs Joe into a corner and delivers a knee to the gut and several right hands. Anderson turns around into a hard chop and gets rapid right hands and stomps by Samoa Joe. Taz explains that he told Anderson to stay away from any of Joe’s strikes. Joe delivers a kick to the jaw and gets covered for two. Taz goes on to say he told Anderson to avoid a striking game, a grappling game, and any submission attempts by Joe. Anderson dodges a charge by Joe and goes to the outside. Tenay asks Taz “you told me what all you told him not to do, what exactly did you tell him to do?” Taz states that he told Anderson to just be careful. Anderson teases a Mic Check on the announce table, but rams Joe kidney’s first into the apron. Joe is rolled into the ring and is covered for two. Anderson has a hold of the left arm, but Joe slides out and gets hit with a neckbreaker for two. Joe runs right into a boot. Anderson comes off the top rope, and gets atomic dropped and a splash for two. Aces and Eights run all around the ring, and Anderson hits a DDT for two. Anderson tees on Joe with right hands, but gets caught with the snapslam. Sting and Angle run down the ramp without music and goes after Aces and Eights. Anderson tries for the Mic Check, but Joe holds onto the rope and locks in the Rear Naked Choke. Anderson taps out to give Joe 10 points.
Winner by Submission, Gaining 10 Points: Samoa Joe (12 Points)
Angle and Joe circle Samoa Joe before Angle gives Joe a hug. Sting and Angle raise the hand of Joe. The Main Event Mafia remix plays and Joe gives the Mafia handsign.
Hulk Hogan is shown walking backstage. Will he strip Suicide of the X Division Championship? We will find out, but first, a commercial break!
-Commercial Break-
Sting and Kurt Angle applaud Samoa Joe backstage with Sting stating “Here’s comes the killer himself.” Sting hands Joe a suit, and says they earned it. Joe tells Sting and Angle if they want to go to war to find out who runs this place, he’s in. Joe tells Angle and Sting that he likes the suit. “You’ll love the way you look!” Angle tells Joe. “And I guarantee it!” Sting replies before the two start laughing. ((Jarrett’s Jab – I don’t know what’s more corny, the Bromance jokes earlier, or Sting and Angle quoting the Men’s Warehouse slogan. If they are going to use the Mafia to boost confidence to some younger guys like they seemed to do with Joe, I love it! Since Sting can’t challenge for the World Title, and Angle shouldn’t, the group should be built around some younger guys and guys who have been misused, and no one fits that bill more than Samoa Joe.))
Hulk Hogan comes out and tells everyone that tonight was supposed to be about who is going to be the X Division Champion and if they’ll roll the dice. Hogan calls Suicide out and tells him to get out now. Suicide grabs a microphone and Hogan brags about himself before saying that he understands about taking advantage of opportunities. “It isn’t about cheating.” Hogan tells Suicide to take off the mask, but he shakes his head no. Hogan asks Suicide if that is his final answer and he shakes his head yes. Aces and Eight’s music hits and Bully Ray come out. Tenay acts shocked, apparently forgetting that whoever is under the mask can cash in the title to face him on July 18 in Louisville. Bully says that for the first time in a long time, he agrees with Hulk. “I want to know who you are also. Take your mask off right now.” Suicide shakes his head no. “You know what, it doesn’t matter if you take that mask off or not. What matters is what you do with your shot at my world title.” The only reason Suicide won that title is “because I put the fear of god in Chris Sabin. Let me take that back, I put the fear of ME in Chris Sabin.” Hogan demands that Suicide take the mask off. Suicide puts the microphone to his mask and starts talking in a distorted voice. “I was in darkness. I felt the pain, and my torment is shared. In life we are given choices, or options. Do the easy thing or the right thing. Bully Ray, you come out and ask the people do they know who you are. But the real question is do you know who I am?” Bully yells that “no one knows who you are.” “You should, because I am the man who has beaten you once before. I am the man who started Option C” Suicide takes off the mask to reveal that it’s Austin Aries. “I cashed this belt in before and won the World Title, and I’m going to do it again.”
((Jarrett’s Jab – Some people hate this, but I love it. Last year, Mr. Anderson traded in a spot in a gauntlet match for twenty-five points to challenge Bobby Roode for the World Title, so it’s not the first time that someone in the BFG Series has gotten a World Title shot. Austin Aries is a bigger name than Chris Sabin and is a name that fans will buy as a threat to Bully’s title. We still have two weeks until the Louisville show, so I can’t wait to see how this plays out. Sabin can always win the title back, and have a big win over a former World Champion to boot. This wasn’t a bad edition of Impact by any means. There wasn’t any matches that will blow you away, but they did a great job laying down the story of the imposter Suicide throughout the show and have a great hook for next week about the X Division Championship.))