
Opening Segment
Sting is shown arriving in the building in a suit and sunglasses without his facepaint from earlier today. A video highlighting all of the entrants in this year’s Bound for Glory Series opens Impact Wrestling this week, LIVE from Peoria, Illinois.
Inside the ring in the Peoria Civic Center, all the men who have qualified for the Bound for Glory Series except for Jeff Hardy and Bobby Roode are in the ring. Hulk Hogan struts to the top of the ramp and does all his routine poses before his music stops. Hogan welcomes all the “Impact Wrestling Maniacs” to the kick start of the BFG Series and reminds everyone that this is Open Fight Night. Bobby Roode is introduced first by Hogan and then Jeff Hardy sporting his latest makeup monstrosity. He’s also kind of shaved his beard. Hogan again reminds everyone that it is Open Fight Night and the person getting the first call out is the man who won the fan vote. To the surprise of no one, Jeff Hardy wins the fan vote. Austin Aries says that he would love to be the man that Hardy called out, but its not going to happen because they cheer Aries’ name every time he comes out. Daniels decides to interrupt and tells Hardy says it might be a good idea to challenge Aries or anyone else in the BFG Series because he’d start the series with the most demoralizing defeat of his career if he faced Kazarian or himself. Hardy says they all make good cases, but Bobby Roode made it personal last week so he’s calling him out. All twelve of them start brawling to take us to commercial.
-Commercial Break-
Back from the break and we get a replay of the big fight that happened right before the break. The breakdown of the points is shown as followed:
Submission: 10 Points
Pinfall: 7 Points
Countout: 5 Points
DQ Win: 2 Points
Draw: 2 Points
DQ Loss: -10 Points
Mr. Anderson comes out and states that since it is Open Fight Night, and it’s the start of the Bound for Glory Series, he gets to call someone out. Anderson has a “guaranteed done” and calls out Joseph Park.
Bound for Glory Series: Mr. Anderson (0 Points) vs. Joseph Park (0 Points)
Anderson dominates Park early with a wrist lock and some chain wrestling. Anderson offers Park a free headlock, but Park tries a headlock and gets dominated again. Anderson offers another headlock, but Park manages to outwrestle Anderson this time. Anderson kicks the knee and hits some crossface shots to the face. Tenay talks about going for the submission is not always being a good thing due to getting reversed. Park manages to roll up Anderson but gets two. Anderson nails a neckbreaker for two. Anderson goes up top and misses the Kenton Bomb and Park starts hitting some akward shots and a big backbody drop. Park goes for a splash, but misses. Park tries for the Boston Crab, but DOC jumps on the apron and distracts the refree. Anderson rolls up Park off the distraction for two. Anderson gets slammed down and Park goes up to the top rope. Anderson distracts the referee and DOC connects with a cheapshot on Park. Anderson gets the Mic Check for the seven points.
Winner by Pinfall, Gaining 7 Points: Mr. Anderson
-Commercial Break-
Backstage, Anderson is boasting about his win against Joseph Park and he is the next VP. DOC complains that Anderson was skating backwards before DOC came out and that he should be the VP. Bully Ray is pissed off that they’re arguing for the second week in a row. Ray reveals that they agreed to put the VP up to a vote and business tonight is his wife.
Jay Bradley is in the ring and he states that he’s going to make this short and simple” because the chip on his shoulder, it ain’t getting any smaller.” The man Bradley is calling out was the champion during last year’s Bound for Glory Series.
Bound for Glory Series: Jay Bradley (0 Points) vs. Austin Aries (0 Points)
Aries is sent to the outside and gets crossbodied from the floor. Aries hits a plancha and goes for the Last Chancery, but Bradley hooks the bottom rope. Aries goes up top, but Bradley boots him off the top rope. Bradley dusts his boot before flipping Aries back in the ring. High knee to the chest gains Bradley two. Bradley hits a series of elbow drops for two as Taz talks about Bradley giving his strategy away is pretty gutsey if he can’t get it done. Bradley goes for a big boot, but misses and Aries kicks away at the left hamstring before just throwing himself into Bradley in the corner. Aries nails to the missle dropkick from the top before getting caught with another big boot. Bradley goes for the Boom Stick, but Aries counters with a spinning backfist. Bradley hits an impressive backbreaker as he calls for the Boom Stick. Bradley misses it and Aries hits a crufix and follows it up with the IED in the corner. Aries NAILS the brainbuster for the seven points.
Winner by Pinfall, Gaining 7 Points: Austin Aries
Sting is shown backstage in a suit and sunglasses without the facepaint, telling the camera guy that he means business and he’s about to have a little sitdown. Tonight the Mafia will rise and the Mafia will grow.
-Commercial Break-
Sting is backstage in a dark hallway talking to some person hidden by the shadows about how a family trumps a brotherhood. Sting says that if he’s in, he’s all in. The person extends his hands and whoever it is appears to be wearing a suit himself.
In another area backstage, Chavo is hyping Hernandez up, telling him that this is a Bound for Glory Series match and no one has worked harder than Hernandez. Chavo says that he’s going to stay backstage and Hernandez has to go on his own. Hernandez’s music starts to play and he has to run.
Hernadez makes his way to the ring and states that out of all the people in the Bound for Glory Series, there is one person that really pisses him off. Tenay asks out loud if it’s Taz. Daniels
Bound for Glory Series: Hernandez (0 Points) vs. Christopher Daniels (0 Points)
Daniels has different gear than he did earlier and goes right for Daniels, taking out the leg and trying some rights before simply being overpowered with a big belly to belly suplex. Hernandez goes for a suplex, but Daniels rakes the eyes and hits some palm strikes to Hernandez. Daniels poses after connecting with a kick, but Hernandez runs through Daniels with clotheslines and right hands before Hernandez hits Air Mexico. Hernandez is bleeding from the mouth and running into a boot doesn’t help any. Hernandez goes for a suplex, but Daniels holds the ropes and then the ref before connecting with a low blow. Daniels hits the BME for seven points!
Winner by Pinfall, Gaining 7 Points: Christopher Daniels
Brooke Hogan is shown walking backstage in a dress, she will give a State of the Knockouts address later tonight.
-Commercial Break-
Back from the break, and the other half of Bad Influence, Kazarian is in the ring. Kazarian tells every one of the “turdburglers” that they just witnessed the beginning of Bad Influence’s dominance of the BFG Series. Kazarian wants to keep the ball rolling by calling out a guy that everyone is claiming is the next breakout star, someone that even Dixie Carter is calling the future of the business and that Dixie thinks that “he’s gorgeous…te-hee…giggle.” He calls out Great Britain’s favorite son: Magnus.
Bound for Glory Series: Kazarian (0 Points) vs. Magnus (0 Points)
The battle of the two men with no first names starts with Magnus shelling out right hands to the former X Division Champion and clotheslines him over the top rope. Kazarian grabs Magnus’ feet and sends him back first into the ring apron. Kazarian goes to work on the back of Kazarian hitting a standing elbow drop for two. Kazarian locks in a modified chinlock in the center of the ring, which Magnus is able to elbow out of before getting caught with a spinning neckbreaker for two. Kazarian locks in a Dragon Sleeper, but Magnus kicks his way out of it. Magnus runs through Kazarian with some clotheslines before starting to fire up the crowd. Kazarian springboards off the second rope, but gets caught by Magnus and driven down for two. Magnus charges into the corner, but Kazarian moves. Kazarian comes off the top rope, but connects with air. Magnus cinches in the Texas Cloverleaf and Kazarian taps out.
Winner by Submission, Gaining 10 Points: Magnus
Hulk Hogan is shown backstage talking on the phone before Bully Ray walks behind him. Hulk apparently sees Bully out of the corner of his eye and charges Bully into a wall, saying that he’s glad Bully has guts and to finish this here and now. Bully asks Hogan if he wants to get hit with the hammer. Hogan says to give it his best shot and Bully declines. “Do I look like the type of guy that would hit someone in the back of the head with a hammer? I don’t think so.” Bully says that he wants to talk to Brooke, and Bully tells Hogan “If we were over, why would she stop you from hitting me in the head with this [hammer]…Dad”
-Commercial Break-
Brooke Hogan comes out to give her State of the Knockouts Address. Brooke talks about how proud she is of the Knockouts Division and how far they’ve come in the past year. “The shows being talked about after the Impact Wrestling show…is the knockouts!” Brooke exclaims without even noticing how bad she slipped up on her line. Brooke goes on to keep on rambling before the Knockouts finally come out. First out are ODB and Eric Young, the Knockouts Tag Team Champions. Taryn Terrell, Velvet Sky and Gail Kim come out. Brooke Hogan has to tell Gail Kim to get out before Brooke figures out that Mickie James deserves a special introduction. Taz brings up a good point by saying that Mickie is the Knockouts Champion and deserves her own introduction. Mickie thanks Brooke for allowing her to talk about the state of the Knockouts Division. Mickie talks about how great it is to be the representative of the Knockouts Division before taking a shot at Velvet’s knee. Brooke calls all the Knockouts equal, which is ridiculous because she said it to the Knockouts Champion. First item of business was a conversation that Brooke Hogan and Eric Young allegedly had. Eric Young rambles before announcing that “technically, I’m not a woman” and ODB and him were never Knockouts Tag Team Champions before stating that it’s national kissing day. The two make out and the camera gets a thong shot of EY. Because with all the women in the ring, they have to get a good shot of EY rolling on the ramp. Brooke congratulates Velvet for being the heart and soul of the division and saying how proud she is of her. Mickie reminds Brooke Hogan that the “little pigeon is hurt,” but Velvet is apparently medically cleared and they will fight next week. Gail demands her rematch as the most important Knockout. Brooke says to be honest; everyone was talking about Gail’s match from Slammiversary and “I’m proud of you too.” Gail will face Taryn Terrell in a ladder match in Vegas. With that, the meeting is over.
A replay is shown of Sting arriving earlier today and the little sitdown he had with someone in the shadow. Mike Tenay hypes the Hardy vs. Roode match later tonight, and Samoa Joe and AJ Styles will fight later tonight.
Backstage, Hulk Hogan tells Brooke that she did a great job (he must have not caught the segment) and had her to leave, and despite objecting like a nine-year old would, she finally gets in the limo and leaves.
((Jarrett’s Jab – For the love of god, I’m begging for Dixie to fire whoever’s idea that State of Knockouts Address was, and then to fire Brooke Hogan. When Eric Young is the only bright spot of a segment, it’s a train wreck. If it wasn’t for Stephanie McMahon burying all the Divas on Raw, I’d say that this was the worst segment I’ve seen all week from any wrestling promo. And they had a State of the Knockouts Address with several Knockouts missing like Tara, Brooke Tessmacher, Gut Check winners Taeler Hendrix and Lei’D Tapa. The Blossom Twins from the British Boot Camp are under TNA contract, and they weren’t there either. I understand Madison Rayne not being there because she’s pregnant, but they didn’t even mention any of the missing Knockouts. I was hoping to hear Aces and Eights music to ruin it anytime, but unfortunately that didn’t happen.))
-Commercial Break-
Tenay explains that by process of elimination, AJ Styles had to face Samoa Joe tonight. AJ Styles grabs a microphone and tells everyone that it’s real simple. “This isn’t about Aces and Eights, it isn’t about TNA, it’s about me. It’s about me becoming the next World Heavyweight Champion. Not for the fame, not for the glory, for the money. Everybody’s looking for a hero. Well I can tell you this. If I learned one thing here in the past 11 years, it’s this: This is no place for a hero. And in case you missed you missed it the first time when I said it, let me say it again. I am tired; I am sick and tired of doing the right thing. I’m doing my own thing.”
Bound for Glory Series: AJ Styles (0 Points) vs. Samoa Joe (0 Points)
The two circle each other before Samoa Joe misses two kicks before connecting with several strikes before AJ Styles reverses into a chop and a side-headlock. Tenay talks about the numerous times they’ve been in the ring as Samoa Joe tries to fling AJ Styles off, but fails. Samoa Joe tries to roll out, but AJ manages to hang on. Samoa Joe tries to suplex his way out, but AJ still hangs on. Samoa Joe finally is able to counter into headscissors, before AJ kips up and catches Joe with a few right hands as Taz talks about the new style of AJ Styles as Samoa Joe runs into a boot. Taz explains that AJ wrestles a slower, more damaging style. AJ hits an impressive back suplex before kicking Joe’s midsection. AJ tries something from the apron, but gets kicked of the apron by a kick. Taz explains on commentary when asked that he was a member of the Mafia and Sting is just playing mind games. AJ runs on the apron to catch Joe, but Joe kicks AJ’s legs from under him as we head to commercial break.
-Commercial Break-
Back from the break and Samoa Joe is in control, dropping a knee on AJ for two. Joe connects with some forearms and a back elbow, knocking AJ down. A head-butt, series of chops leads to AJ hitting a big dropkick followed by a baseball slide. Christy Hemme announces there are five minutes left in the match before AJ hits the springboard forearm for two. AJ tries a suplex, but Samoa Joe blocks. Joe tries one, but AJ reverses and hits a kick to the head for two. Tenay points out that AJ Styles and Samoa Joe are the only two men to be in the BFG series all three years so far. Samoa Joe moves out of the way from an AJ Styles crossbody and hits a snap suplex. Joe goes for the ten points with the cross armbreaker (or j?ji-gatame as Taz called it), but can’t get it fully applied. AJ manages to get a rope break with his foot. Joe puts AJ on the top rope and goes for the Muscle Buster, but AJ gets out with right hands before getting backhanded. Joe goes up top and goes for a superplex, but AJ reverses in midair. Taz explains that all of AJ’s weight was on top of Joe when he landed and both men are down. AJ gets up to his feet at eight and AJ goes for a few combination moves before Joe just floors AJ with a jab. Samoa Joe dominates AJ in the corner before AJ locks in the Calf Killer. Joe reverses the Calf Killer into the Coquina Clutch. AJ flips over and almost catches Joe with a pinfall. Joe kicks out at two as Christy Hemme announces there is a minute left in the match. AJ tries to fight back with right hands, but Joe connects with some fists of his own. Joe hits the double leg and the two struggle for position as Hemme gives the dullest countdown that I’ve ever heard.
Match is a Time Limit Draw, Both men receive 2 Points
AJ gets a cheap shot on Joe after the bell rings and AJ has a busted nose. The crowd chants “Let them Fight!” and “Five More Minutes!” Joe wants five more minutes, but AJ walks up the ramp instead.
Backstage, Bully Ray is talking on the phone to someone, asking where they were. Bully asks Brooke to come back and to turn the car around. Bully tells the club that Brooke told him that she’s coming back. Bully tells Devon to jump on the bikes with DOC and Knux to make sure she gets here, and tells the rest of them to keep their eyes open and to watch his back.
-Commercial Break-
Backstage Hulk Hogan tells the X Division Champion Chris Sabin, Kenny King and Suicide that social media is all over the X Division match next week. Hogan says that whoever wins next week, has the choice to put up the X Division title for a shot at the World Championship.
Bound for Glory Series: Bobby Roode (0 Points) vs. Jeff Hardy (0 Points)
Taz talks about how he’s inspired by Roode’s hatred of the entire fanbase. That’s how I feel about all of the Hardy fans! Bobby Roode meets Jeff Hardy at the ramp and they brawl with Hardy easily getting the advantage. The bell rings and Jeff Hardy runs through Bobby Roode with a shoulder block, atomic drop and goes for the leg drop to the crotch, but Roode finally gets some offense by applying the crossface. Hardy gets to the rope and Roode breaks at four. Roode stomps on Hardy and Earl Hebner has to pull Roode back. Roode sends Hardy throat first into the ropes before he falls out of the ring. Roode goes after Hardy and sends him head first into the apron before rolling Hardy back in the ring. Roode stomps on Hardy and hits a vertical suplex and a kneedrop for two. Hardy is sent head first into the turnbuckle and chops Hardy before Irish Whipping him into a corner and hitting a clothesline. Tenay plugs that Hardy exercise app that’s 4.99 for iPods before Hardy fights back and hits a splash for two. Roode has Hardy in a fireman’s carry, but Hardy fights back and hits the legdrop to the crotch and a dropkick to the face for two. Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate, but gets hit with a Double R Spinebuster for two. Roode stalks Hardy and goes for the Payoff, but Hardy hits the Twist of Fate Stunner and then takes his shirt off before hitting canvas with the Swanton. Roode applies the crossface on Hardy. Hardy arches back, getting Roode in a pinning predicament for two. Roode goes for the crossface again, but gets caught with the Twist of Fate for the win.
Winner by Pinfall, Gaining 7 Points: Jeff Hardy
Backstage, Bully Ray is shown walking backstage alone. Near the parking garage, Sting is shown walking. The camera guy asks him if he’s leaving, and Sting says he’s not has business to attend to. The camera guy asks if it’s family business. Sting replies by saying yes and that the night is still young.
-Commercial Break-
Bully Ray tells everyone that the Bound for Glory Series is ongoing for a shot at his World Title, and next week, three men in the X Division will fight for a shot at him. 15 men are vying for a shot at his World Title. He reminds everyone that he is Bully Ray and he will do anything and everything to keep his World Title. He points to what he’s done to Hulk Hogan and Sting before stating that he’s more of a lover than a fighter and calls out Brooke Hogan. While Taz talks about him being a sentimental man. Instead the Main Event Mafia music hits and it’s a new remix with the original opening and outcomes “The Icon” Sting. Sting tells everyone that he realizes that there are no lone wolfs that were going to end Aces and Eights, so he went back to his family. Bully Ray heckles the crowd for cheering for a man that lost to him. Bully Ray boasts that he beat Sting single handedly and he can’t challenge for the World Title again. Sting says that he can’t challenge for the World Title. Sting is walks to a corner and starts to take off his tie. A funny moment happen when Sting is trying to undo his tie and forgets how, he smirks at the audience, which is caught on camera. Bully Ray calls on Aces and Eights, but Sting throws his shirt at Bully Ray and points to the big screen. On the video wall, Aces and Eights are all shown laid out and when Bully Ray turns around Sting nails Bully Ray with a right hand. Bully Ray retreats up the ramp, but a suited Kurt Angle spears him and cinches in the Ankle Lock. Sting yells “What did you think would happen?” several times before telling Ray that “I told you!” as the show comes to an end.
((Jarrett’s Jab – One of the better Open Fight Nights that TNA has had. All the matches kept a great focus on the Bound for Glory Series…because all the matches were BFG Series matches. All of the call outs and subsequent matches had good logic behind it, even though I wish they said more than Samoa Joe and AJ had a match due to “process of elimination.” They could have had a Samoa Joe promo saying that he would have called AJ out for the way he’s been acting or something to that effect. AJ Styles had a money promo, no pun intended, which unfortunately will be lost in the shuffle of the episode and a 15-minute tie. With tonight being the live show, I was really hoping that TNA would have a surprise member join the Mafia tonight instead of the obvious given Kurt Angle. I don’t really understand why if no one came out to help Sting, why he’s picking Mafia members from TNA. I really hope they establish that Kurt was jumped during Sting’s match or had already left the building to keep some logic.))