
Opening Segment
This week’s edition of Impact Wrestling opens with highlights of Sunday’s Slammiversary Pay-Per-View.
Inside the Gwenette Center just outside of Atlanta, Bully Ray comes out to address and argues with Mike Tenay before sarcastically telling the fans that they must be happy to see him and introduces himself as the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, from “God’s Country” Hell’s Kitchen, New York, the man that defeated Sting at Slammiverary: Bully Ray. After Slammiversary wasn’t too kind for Sting, last year was the first time that he ever got jumped by Aces and Eights and discusses that he single handedly beat Sting and he may even retire. “I have destroyed everyone, nobody can do a damn thing about it” and there is one thing left to do and says that he deserves to be in the Hall of Fame and calls out Dixie Carter and tells her “Dixie Carter, where ever you are, get out of the mirror for five seconds and come out here” before Hogan’s music hits.
Hogan says this must be “straight up Hulkamania Bully.” Hogan says that he couldn’t believe how Sting slipped on the banana peel with all the members of Aces and Eights. Hogan asks if Bully really said there was no more competition here and Bully retorts “you heard me damn well… DAD!” Hogan informs that everyone that the Bound for Glory series will happen all summer long and next week, Bully will see a list a list of all 12 participants of the Bound for Glory Series next week on the selection show. Hogan announces that tonight…in Atlanta, Georgia, which Hogan repeats and has the fans repeat after Bully tells him not to see it again. Hogan announces that Bully Ray will face Jeff Hardy tonight. Bully throws a fit at ringside and tells Hogan that he can’t do that and Hogan tells Bully that he can do whatever you want. Hogan says that since this is Hardy’s first night back, “there will be a monster ladder in the middle of the ring.” Tonight there will be something hanging in the balance, the ballpeen hammer. ((Jarrett’s Jab – It’s a LADDER MATCH! Couldn’t Bully just get another hammer. It’s a hammer!))
Chavo is backstage apologizing to Hernandez about Slammiversary, and they are both been added to the Bound for Glory Series. Hernandez thanks him and extends his hand. Chavo looks at it and states “I taught you a lot, I didn’t teach you everything” before walking off.
-Commercial Break-
Bound for Glory Series Qualifying Match: Chavo Guerrero vs. Hernandez
Chavo tries a headlock, but is easily powered out and shot into the ropes by Hernandez. Chavo goes for a waistlock, but is powered out of that two. Chavo uses Hernandez’s momentum to 00 him. Chavo connects with a few uppercuts and tries a monkeyflip, but is thrown off. Chavo hits a nice dropkick for a two count. Hernandez slams Chavo for two and Chavo cinches in on an armbar with a body scissors. Hernandez powers out and lifts Chavo on the top rope. Chavo kicks him away, but Hernandez catches Chavo as he dives off. Chavo goes for the three amigos, but Hernandez runs through Chavo with clotheslines. Chavo hits a backbreaker for two when Chavo gets his foot on the rope. Hernandez connects with a shoulderblock, but misses the slingshot shoulderblock. Chavo hits two amigos before hitting a corner dropkick. Chavo goes up top but Hernandez gets the knees up for the Frogsplash. Hernandez goes for the Border Toss, but Chavo counters out. Hernandez stacks Chavo up for a pin and gets the win
Winner by Pinfall: Hernandez
Hernandez offers his hand and the two fist bump and hug. Hernandez raises Chavo’s hand as Tenay states that Hernandez is going to Bound for Glory Series.
Quinton “Rampage” Jackson is shown meeting James Storm, Gunner, and Simon Diamond backstage.
-Commercial Break-
Devon calls Abyss out to give him his Television Championship since Slammiversary wasn’t a sanctioned match. Joseph Park comes out instead and says that Devon robbed him of his first shot at the Television Championship and he’s going to do something that he should have done a long time ago. Park gets several shots in on Joesph Park before Devon turns it around, sending Park into the ringpost. Abyss music plays, but he doesn’t come out. Devon demands for Abyss to come out and says that “If you don’t want to come out, I’ll find your ass bitch!” Park is bleeding from the mouth and sees it and gets pissed off as we head to commercial break.
-Commercial Break-
Backstage, Devon and Knux look for Abyss.
Robbie E comes out and calls himself the MVP of the 2012 Bound for Glory Series since he beat Jeff Hardy and racked up five points. He states that whoever his opponent is in the qualifying match tonight, they will go down bro!
Bound for Glory Series Qualifying Match: Robbie E vs. Samoa Joe
Joe connects with a series of right hands and boots before whipping Robbie E around the ring and hitting a SICK sounding kick to the head. Robbie E goes for a splash but Samoa Joe walks out of the way. Joe hits the combination moves and hits the Muscle Buster before locking in the Rear Naked Choke for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Samoa Joe
Jeff Hardy seeks redemption in a non-title “Ballpeen Hammer Ladder Match” against Bully Ray later tonight, but Rampage Jackson will be in the arena NEXT!
-Commercial Break-
Footage is shown of Gail Kim trying to take out Velvet Sky for stealing Christian Cage’s material and Mickie is shown backstage talking to Velvet backstage about the new Impact Wrestling lotto scratcher. Mickie apologizes for not doing anything last week, stating that before she could do anything, Taryn Terell came out and “stole my day saving moment just like she stole our match at Slammiversary.” Velvet says that she’s ready and wants her match tonight, Mickie says that she would love to, but she talked to Brooke Hogan and she has a match with someone Velvet overlooked when she was champ. Mickie told her to tell her when she’s ready and Velvet throws a hissy fit.
The Kurt Angle TNA Hall of Fame video package aired and Rampage Jackson is appearing…AFTER THIS COMMERCIAL BREAK! ((Jarrett’s Jab – That has to be one of the best video packages I’ve ever seen produced by TNA, or wrestling in general. Despite my pretty vocal objections due to AJ Styles and Jeff Jarrett getting ignored two years in a row, seeing that video package at Slammiversary and seeing Kurt crying watching it speaks volumes about his character and how deserving he is. ))
-Commercial Break-
Rampage Jackson comes out to a great reaction and a “Rampage” chant. Rampage states that he grew up a fan of Memphis wrestling and he has come to TNA to be the best and he knows that he has to beat the best. Kurt Angle’s music hits and he comes out to the ring. The two stare off and Angle grabs JB’s microphone. Angle gets a good “Angle” chant and tells Rampage that if he wants to beat the best, he’s looking at it. Angle says that this is his world and Jackson has to go through him and that is “Damn real!” The two shake hands and then stare nose to nose.
Jeff Hardy talks about his match being his time for revenge and his creatures will be satisfied.
Backstage, the new X Division Champion Chris Sabin is walking with the new TNA Tag Team Champions James Storm and Gunner. They will be in action…NEXT!
-Commercial Break-
Bully Ray is talking with Anderson about getting rid of D’Lo. Anderson points out that the VP slot is open and Bully asks if Anderson has any ideas. Bully says that Hogan thinks that he has him where he wants him. Why does he have to wrestle Jeff Hardy? Why does he have to climb a ladder to grab a hammer to hit Jeff Hardy? Why would Hogan want to put Jeff Hardy at risk? Why aren’t members of Aces and Eights in the Bound for Glory Series. Ray says that he is going to take care of that tonight. Anderson asks if Bully needs any backup tonight, and Bully replies that a good VP would know that. Bully walks off and Anderson asks if he’s the VP.
Kenny King and the Dirty Heels (Austin Aries and Bobby Roode) vs. TNA X Division Champion Chris Sabin and the TNA World Tag Team Champions “Cowboy” James Storm and Gunner
King goes right after Sabin’s left arm and gets armdragged around the ring three times and then locked in an armbar. King is head-scissored into the wrong corner and gets right handed by the World Tag Team Champions. All six brawl and Sabin dives from the inside out onto King, Aries and Roode. Aries grabs the hair of Sabin and Roode is tagged in and the two do some chain wrestling until James Storm is tagged in. Storm runs wild on Roode with right hands and an atomic drop. James Storm charges at Roode and hits a kick to the head before hitting King and getting the eyes raked by Aries. Storm walks right into a dropkick and then is catapulted into an elbow drop by Aries (who is now legal) for two. Aries unloads with right hands and raking Storm’s face into the top rope. Roode tags in and then tags King who hits a springboard legdrop for two. Aries is tagged in and nails a right hand. Storm is run into Roode’s boot before Roode is tagged in and Arie sis sent head first right into Roode’s family jewels. Storm tags in Gunner right after a loud “We want Gunner” chant starts. Gunner runs through all three men hitting a slingshot suplex on King for two when both members of the Dirty Heels break it up. Aries is dropped into the floor in a scary way with his head hitting the apron on the way down. Aries luckily gets up quickly and hits a dropkick on Gunner before getting nailed with an enziguiri by Sabin. Sabin hits Cradle Shock for the win.
Winners by Pinfall: Chris Sabin, Gunner and James Storm
-Commercial Break-
Devon and Knux are still looking for Abyss and apparently they found him because they run into a hallway.
Highlights of the Last Knockout Standing match air and backstage Brooke Hogan talks about how good the match was and how she didn’t know Taryn had it in her when she was hired as a referee. Taryn asks Brooke if she is still in love with Bully. Brooke says that they should keep it about wrestling before wishing Taryn luck.
Taeler Hendrix vs. TNA Knockouts Champion Mickie James
Mickie locks up with Taeler and backs her up in the corner. The two tie up again and Taeler wrings the left arm. Mickie reverses it on Mickie and Taeler uses her boot to flip Mickie out of the hold. Mickie applauds Taeler and gets the fans to applaud her as well. Another tie up and Mickie applies an aggressive chin lock. Taeler tries to charge out of it and the second time she does before getting shoulder blocked. Taeler hits a dropkick after a “Cena Sucks” chant breaks out and gets a two count. A “YES” chant breaks out and Mickie tries a suplex and Taeler breaks out of it with her elbow and hits an elbow and goes to the top rope. Mickie complains about her right knee and Mickie slaps Taeler. Mickie stalks Taeler and hits the Chick Kick for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Mickie James
Backstage, Knux and Devon spot the Television Championship, but both are attacked by Abyss. Abyss stands over Devon and states that he’s “taking this title into the Abyss” before walking out.
((Jarrett’s Jab – I’ve seen Taeler Henderix put on a solid 15-minute match at a OVW House show. I know she can go. She didn’t get to show it here, but at least she’s on TV. And maybe Abyss is going to make the Television Title disappear? If he does that, can he make Garett and Chavo disappear too?))
-Commercial Break-
Highlights of the World Championship match from Slammiversary play. Sting’s tweet from earlier today is shown on the screen and Sting will be on Impact next week to address his future. AJ Styles will face Kurt Angle in a Bound for Glory Series Qualifying match, and Bad Influence will face Gunner and James Storm in a special tag team Bound for Glory qualifying match.
Ballpeen Hammer Ladder Match: Jeff Hardy vs. TNA World Heavyweight Champion Bully Ray
The ballpeen hammer is shown suspended over the ring and Bully Ray talks to Taz before entering the ring. Bully Ray pulls out a chain that he places on the announce desk. Jeff Hardy dives on Bully Ray and slams his head into the ring steps. Hardy glances at Taz before shoulder blocking Bully Ray in the ring and headscissoring Bully Ray out of the ring. Jeff Hardy does his thrusting dance before hitting a dive off the apron and onto Bully Ray. Bully Ray is bounced head first off the ring steps and Hardy pulls out a ladder. Hardy slides the ladder in the ring and poses for the crowd before getting his leg slammed against the apron as we head to commercial!
-Commercial Break-
Back from the break and Bully Ray knocks Hardy down by the hair and taunts the crowd before snapping the left leg of Hardy. Hardy fights back but gets a big back body drop for his effort. Bully Rag grabs the ladder and slams it down on Hardy. Thrown to the side, Bully Ray yells to the crowd before dropping an elbow. Bully Ray yells that he doesn’t need a hammer and Taz jokes that he doesn’t need a microphone either. Hardy fights back again with right hands before running right into a big boot. Bully Ray mocks Hogan’s ear pose and yells “Hi DAD!” into the hard camera. Bully Ray uses the hair to bring Hardy to his feet and goes for the Bully Bomb, but Hardy fights back and drops the World Champion with a DDT. The two trade right hands and Hardy wins over with a few right hands and a shoulderblock before hitting the legdrop to the groin and a basement dropkick. Bully has a cut on his forehead which is shown as Hardy positions the ladder in the center of the ring. Hardy climbs, but jumps down when Hardy sees Bully coming toward. Bully has the ladder dropkicked DOWNTOWN into the family jewels. Hardy sets the ladder up again in the center of the ring and starts to climb, but Bully pushes the ladder over. “TAZ! MY BALLS!” Bully Ray yells and Taz replies that Bully should have worn a cup. Hardy clotheslines Bully Ray and sets up the ladder for a third time. Bully is still clutching at his privates but Bully pushes the ladder again, sending Hardy face first into the turnbuckle. Bully misses a splash and gets nailed with the Whisper in the wind. Hardy gets up and repositions the ladder in the center of the ring. Hardy gets to the top, but Bully Ray jerks the ladder from underneath Hardy and has an awkward landing. Bully Ray drags Hardy into the corner and grabs his crotch while climbing the ladder. Bully Ray grabs the hammer and slowly climbs down. Bully Ray stalks Hardy , but Hardy hits the Twist of Fate. The hammer flies into the air and Hardy grabs it. Bully begs off, but Hardy swings anyways. Bully Ray runs away and Hardy collapses on the stage. Bully Ray is backstage yelling about his balls and yells “Where’s my belt?” Hulk Hogan sneaks up behind Bully with a hammer but Brooke yells and Bully Runs away.
((Jarrett’s Jab – A very quality edition of Impact. If you missed this due to the NBA game, I would recommend checking this one out. It’s not the best show if you’re just into the wrestling, but it had some solid stories and the continuation of some drama that was well done. It’s one of the best editions of Impact in weeks and I hope this is a hot streak TNA can keep in the coming months.))