
Opening Segment
The recap video this week focused on AJ Styles walking out when asked to partner with Sting and Angle, Magnus getting taken out by Aces and Eights, James Storm being taken out backstage, and Abyss making his return to Impact Wrestling.
Hulk Hogan comes out to a standing ovation to kick off Impact Wrestling in the BancorpSouth Arena in Tupelo, Mississippi. Hulk states that he is shocked that Hulkamania is this crazy “right here in Tupelo, Mississippi brother!” And he’s also shocked at how AJ Styles walked away last week, but when AJ walked away, Kurt Angle brought the fight to him. Hogan tells Styles that he doesn’t care if he joins Aces and Eights, because Angle is going to chase AJ all the way to Slammiversary. Hogan announces the contract signing between Sting and Bully Ray will happen right here tonight before asking Abyss to come to the ring. Abyss doesn’t come out so Hulk calls him out again but instead Joseph Park comes out instead. Park tells Hulk that he sat down at home last week and watched in shock as his brother Abyss returned to Impact Wrestling after all this time he’s been looking for him, he shows up! He reiterates that he couldn’t believe that Abyss returned and Hogan cut him off and told him to stop playing games and if anyone knew where Abyss was, it’d be his brother. Apparently he hasn’t watched the program in a year. Devon and D’Lo Brown come out to interrupt and Devon states that he wants the same thing. Last week, Abyss got his nose in club business and he wasn’t even the legal man last week. Devon tells Hogan that he wants Abyss, “not that piece of trash” Joseph Park. Park asks Hogan to give him a minute before asking Devon “who in the hell do you think you are” before Devon tells him “get out of my face fatboy.” Joseph Park looks at Devon before reminding everyone that if it wasn’t for these thugs, he would have never had to come to TNA to look for his brother and stated that “you two are really starting to piss me off!” Park says he’s tired of Aces and Eights and challenges Devon to a match right now. Devon mocks Park and reminds everyone that he is the Television Champion and tells him that he hasn’t beaten anyone (so apparently Bully Ray, Joey Ryan, Robbie E, and almost beating Devon for that title at Genesis doesn’t count right?) D’Lo jumps on the chance to face Park, wanting to prove himself. Hogan makes the match and says that after he beats D’Lo, “I’m giving him the green light to tear you apart, anytime he wants.” He tells D’Lo to “Testify to that…brother” before his music plays.
Backstage, the camera guy finds James Storm meditating with a beer bottle in his hand and asks him about what happened last week. Storm ignores him but finally tells him to “Watch. Just watch.”
-Commercial Break-
A quick video of Gut Check winner Christian York saying he’ll do whatever it takes to get in the Bound for Glory Series.
Bobby Roode vs. TNA World Tag Team Champion Chavo Guerrero, Jr.
Bet Christy Hemme is glad that Austin Aries isn’t out there right now. Roode tries an armbar early, but gets whipped around for his effort. Chavo quickly fights out of a headlock but gets a shoulder block. Chavo and Roode just start to trade chain wrestling holds before Chavo hurricanrana’s Roode out of the ring and Roode sweeps Chavo’s leg off the apron and throws him into the guardrail. Roode throws Aries in the ring and scoops slams him down before dropping a knee for two. Chavo tries to fight back before raking the eyes and snapmaring one half of the tag team champions. Roode taunts the crowd before Chavo fights back with some right hands and a kick to the face and nails the plancha. Chavo hits another hurricanrana, but Roode pushes off an attempted Tornado DDT. Chavo connects with the Three Amigos and goes up top for the frogsplash before Roode hits the ropes and Chavo falls to the floor. James Storm comes out with a beer and spits it in the face of Bobby Roode for the disqualification.
Winner by Disqualification: Bobby Roode
Storm eyes Roode before the It Factor rolls out of the ring. Taz yells that Storm was going to hit Roode with the bottle.
Kurt Angle is making his way down a corridor and Tenay states that Angle is going to call out AJ Styles.
-Commercial Break-
A video plays to highlight the “feud” between AJ Styles and Kurt Angle. Angle makes his way to the ring in a t-shirt and his ring gear to address AJ Styles. Angle states that “this Aces and Eights thing has been going on for about a year now, and it’s gotten to the point where you can’t trust anyone in the locker room.” Kurt Angle never backs down from a fight and when he confronted AJ, AJ walked away. That pissed Angle off and now they have a match at Slammiversary, but he doesn’t want to wait until Slammiversary and calls out AJ Styles. Instead of AJ Styles, Mister Anderson makes his way to the ring. Anderson says that Angle sounds like a woman, and AJ isn’t your boy. He takes great pride in announcing that next week, AJ Styles will be patched in and “double dog dares” Angle to show up. Angle takes out his mouth guard and says he doesn’t want to wait and wants to fight right now before nailing Anderson with a right hand and pounding on him. AJ jumps over the Aces and Eights guardrail and stares down Angle before hitting an enziguiri as Anderson applauds. AJ walks up the ramp with his hood up and the Aces and Eight’s theme playing.
-Commercial Break-
A Jay Bradley hype video plays, talking about how he had a hot girlfriend in high school and being in the ring almost every day for the past few months in OVW and that he lives and breathes wrestling. “I’m not here to be a name on a website, I’m here, no pun intended, to make an Impact.”
Gut Check BFG Tournament Semi-Final: Jay Bradley vs. Christian York
Bradley uses the Gut Check video wall while York has his own. The two Gut Check winners tie-up and Bradley shoves York. York gets a roll-up for one and wrings the arm. Taz talks about why he voted no for Jay Bradley saying he didn’t see anything in his Gut Check match but the look he got after it when he voted no, made him a believer. York reverses a scoop slam into a standing switch and connects with a right hand. Bradley hits one of his own followed by a big boot. Bradley covers and gets two before immediately going after York with clubby blows to the back and chest. York tries to fight back but eats a knee to the face and a blow to the back of the neck. Chin lock applied by Bradley and York manages to get to his feet and flip Bradley off of him. Spinning back elbow from York connects before he’s slammed hard onto the mat. Bradley loads his “Boom Stick”, but York moves. York kicks Bradley’s head and unloads with a few shots and a barreling roll. York goes for the Mood Swing, but Bradley fights out and the two start trading right hands. York dodges out of another Boom Stick attempt with several kicks before Bradley catches York and pants him on the top. York comes off for a cross body, but Bradley moves out of the way. York lands on his feet and gets nailed with the Boom Stick. Bradley covers for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Jay Bradley
Taz calls the match an upset and Tenay notes that Bradley is just one step closer to being able to compete in the Bound for Glory Series. Christy Hemme asks Bradley what it would mean for him to compete in the Bound for Glory series. Bradley says he’s one step closer to it and he’s one step closer to being “your TNA World Champion.” Taz admired his ambition and states that “you have to think big to be big.”
Gail Kim and Velvet Sky are shown walking through the corridor.
-Commercial Break-
James Storm is shown outside of Hulk Hogan’s office saying that “I read you loud and clear.” The camera guy bugs Storm about what Hulk said and Strom announces that Hogan told him “Storm, your actions have repercussions.” Storm yells that nobody’s actions have repercussions. “They can jump me, but I can’t retaliate?” He told the camera guy to just watch before walking away.
Anderson is with Aces and Eights, bragging about how AJ is joining next week and not being able to wait to patch him in. “Speaking of patching in…in a bad way…” Anderson asks D’Lo what he needs to do and D’Lo said he needs to beat Joesph Park’s ass tonight. Anderson asks what D’Lo is going to do and D’Lo states that he’s going to kick Joseph Park’s ass and earn his cut back.
-Commercial Break-
Brooke Hogan congratulates Mickie James on her new album (which is available on!) Mickie thanks her, but states that she wants a little more of the spotlight, perhaps at Slammiversary. Brooke exclaims that she knew Mickie would say that and explains that she had to let Taryn and Gail duke out their differences because it was clouding the division. She gives Mickie a match next week against Velvet for the Knockouts Title and wishes her luck. Bully Ray walks in and wishes Mickie luck too. Bully tells Brooke to tell Hulk that when he calls Sting out to the ring tonight, it won’t be a contract signing. It’ll be a contract negotiation. Brooke asks to negotiate their divorce, but Bully says no and that it’s “till death do us part.”
Gail Kim vs. TNA Knockouts Champion Velvet Sky
Gail goes after the leg early, lunging at it and kicking it, both blocked by the Knockouts champion. Velvet hits two armdrags and a suplex before unloading with right hands, a kick to the face and a bulldog. Stomping on Gail in the corner Velvet hits a nice head scissors and a Stinger Slash before finally getting caught when Gail grabs it and snaps it backwards. Gail starts kicking at the neck and slams it hard against the ring apron. Taz calls Gail smart by going after the leg and mocks Kenely for giving Velvet sympathy. Must be the only time I’ve agree with Taz’s bickering against Keneley. Gail poses for the fans while Velvet tries to get to her feet. The taunting gives Velvet time to mount a quick come back before Gail gets the advantage again, tying the injured leg around the middle rope for a four count. Gail drags Velvet to the center of the ring and kicks the leg before snapping it against the middle rope. Velvet gives the most awful scream ever while Gail applies a modified cloverleaf and reaches the ropes. Gail cinches in the Brock Lock (which I haven’t seen in years since Lensar did it during his first WWE stint) until Velvet makes it to the rope. Velvet runs right into a big boot, but catches Gail up top and slings her to the ground, somehow tweaking her knee again. Velvet hits some leaping clotheslines after just screaming with a knee injury before deciding to sell it again. Velvet goes for the In Your Face un-phased and Gail goes for the injured knee. Velvet somehow rolls Gail up for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Velvet Sky
Gail attacks Velvet at the bell and locks her in the ringpost figure-four after shoving ODB away. ODB manages to break the hold once she got up.
((Jarrett’s Jab – Gail Kim tried her best, but she couldn’t get much out of Velvet. Velvet is awful at wrestling, but is even worse at selling an injury. Sometimes acting like her leg needed to be amputated and then getting up and going on a fury not selling her knee at all. Hopefully Velvet will finally lose next week as the title needs to be spotlighted period, and a heel Mickie could be very interesting in TNA.))
-Commercial Break-
Backstage Chris Sabin talks about Kenny King not being his king and joking that he may be the king of male strippers, but he’s not Sabin’s king and he’s not the best wrestler. King says that he’s the king because he’s the X Division Champion and he calls himself the King because he lives it. Petey Williams says that King is an expert of stealing these three-way matches.
A Suicide video plays that say it’s the end of his constant torment and it sounds like a Suicide note. No pun intended.
X Division Championship: Kenny King (c) vs. Petey Williams vs. Chris Sabin
Nobody gets a televised entrance, but Hogan can get a long talking segment to kick off the show. King slides out fo the ring and chills against the guardrail. Sabin and Williams looks on before going at it themselves. Some quick chain wrestling occurs that ends with a stale mate. Sabin is sent throat first into the ropes and King grabs Williams’ legs and sends him into the guardrail. King reluctantly gets in the ring with Sabin and tries to kick Sabin, but Sabin catches and takes out his other leg. Chops by Sabin connect until King hits a real nice kick to the side of Sabin’s head. Williams hits a slingshot codebreaker on King and dropkicks Sabin against the ropes for two. King hits Williams from behind and uses the top rope to choke him before covering him for one. King nails a dropkick to Sabin and sends Williams flying to the other half of the ring. Springboard legdrop by King gains him a two count on Petey Williams. King applies a chinlock and Petey fights out before being hotshot on the top rope. Sabin gets in the ring and connects with a series of clotheslines on King and a suplex for two. Petey picks up Sabin but gets chopped. Petey nails a suicide dive on Sabin and hits a side Russian legsweep and a crufix pin for two. Cradle DDT by Williams gets him another two count. Petey signals for the Canadian Destroyer but gets clotheslined by Sabin. Sabin counters a charge from King and goes for a tornado DDT but gets a kick to Sabin’s right arm and then a kick to Williams for two. Williams goes up top but is caught into a backbreaker for two. King goes for the Royal Flush, but gets kicked in the gut and then the head before getting nailed with an enziguiri. Sabin ties King in the Tree of Woe. Williams goes for the Destroyer again but gets caught with fireman carry slam right into King. Sabin goes for Cradle Shock, but King kicks him out of the ring and hits the Royal Flush on Williams and covers him for the win.
Winner by Pinfall and STILL X Division Champion: Kenny King
Backstage Daniels is freaking out over his match. Kazarian says Daniels can handle Hernandez, but Daniels says he’s worrying about Storm. “You saw what he did earlier. And he’s probably gunning for us, and I don’t even know why, he screwed us out of our tag team title shot. He’s a jerk!” Daniels says that he needs his secretary of offense out there with him and Kazarian acts oblivious until Daniels says “I’m talking about you!” Kazarian calls himself SuperKaz and states that Storm is horrified of him. “He’s terrified of you, but he’s horrified of me” before telling Daniels he should double down on the Appletini’s. ((Jarrett’s Jab – Daniels deserves a real medal for how entertaining he is, and by real medal, I mean a championship. Why Daniels didn’t hold the title if not just for the UK tour this year is crazy to me. Easily one of the best acts in the company. And the X Division Triple Threats got old weeks ago. They need to go back to a standard format and instead of adding bells and whistles, just promote the title. If TNA spent half as much time promoting the X Division as they promote Hogan, the X Divison would be in a great place.))
-Commercial Break-
D’Lo thanks Anderson for stopping Bully from caving his head in with the hammer last week. Anderson says that he didn’t do it for D’Lo, he did it for the club. D’Lo thanks him again and says that things have been spiraling out of control. Anderson cuts him off and asks “when did things start to spiral out of control.” D’Lo states when he stepped up over Wes and Garett. Anderson stated that D’Lo didn’t step over them; he buried two young guys trying to bust their ass for the club. D’Lo said that he understands that and now he’s going to try and fix things. Anderson said that he’s pulling for D’Lo and walks away.
Christopher Daniels vs. Hernandez
Christy announces both men right, although failing to mention Kazarian with Daniels. Hernandez backs Daniels in a corner and Daniels pokes the eyes and chokes Hernandez in the corner. Daniels tries a slam, but can’t lift Hernandez up. Delayed vertical suplex connects from Hernandez. Hernandez goes for the Border Toss, but instead gives him a backbreaker. Hernandez goes up the ramp and nails Air Mexico. You think people would move out of the way of that. Kazarian grabs the leg of Hernandez and Daniels hits a blow to the back before stomping on one half of the tag team champions. Neckbreaker by Daniels connects for two. Hernandez is thrown outside and Kazarian kicks the crap out of Hernandez while Daniels has the referee distracted. Hernandez misses a Stinger Splash, but gets distracted when Storm goes up the ramp. Kazarian runs and Hernandez runs through Daniels with a running shoulder block to win the match.
Winner by Pinfall: Hernandez
Storm tells them to shut the music off and announces Hulk Hogan told him to make an announcement: At Slammiversary Chavo and Hernandez will defend the tag titles against Aries and Roode, Bad Influence, and Storm and a partner of his choosing. ((Jarrett’s Jab – That’ll be interesting. Maybe we can get a face tag team with some talent and that actually gets a reaction.))
-Commercial Break-
D’Lo Brown vs. Joseph Park
D’Lo connects with a knee to the gut and nails him with some right hands. D’Lo drags Park by the hair and then lifts him up for a slam. Park hits a few windmill punches before D’Lo finally ducks, kicks Park out of the ring, and slams him head first against the apron before rolling him back in the ring. Park is tripped by Park and D’Lo connects with a shining wizard and a clothesline. Park moves out of the way of a splash and gets a two count. A leg lariat by D’Lo connects and a corner clothesline does too. D’Lo hits several straight right hands and it busts Park open. Park sees the blood and snaps, hitting several clotheslines, a Stinger Splash and a Black Hole Slam for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Joseph Park
Park does the Abyss pose before he snaps back and looks confused like he doesn’t remember anything. Taz freaks out and Park asks the referee what happened. Backstage Bully Ray and Sting are shown walking, they will negotiate…next!
-Commercial Break-
We are shown the announce matches so far for Slammiversary. TNA goofs up BIG TIME by showing a graphic for the Ultimate X match for the X Division Championship that shows King will defend against Sabin and…Suicide. The announcers don’t mention any of the names in that match.
Jeremy Boash is at a podium in the ring and introduces the TNA World Heavyweight Champion Bully Ray. Bully fist bumps with Taz and shoves Borash right out of the ring! Bully asks the fans if they know who he is and runs through his recent credentials. Bully reminds everyone that this is going to be a negotiation, and calls Sting out to the ring. Bully demands that Sting stop right before he got to the ring and tells Hogan to come out. Bully jokes that this is the first time that he and Sting have been face to face since he screwed Sting over, screwed Hogan over, “and everyone knows how bad I’ve been screwing his daughter over.” Bully says he’s not going to give an apology. Sting says that he doesn’t want one and “when you get to Boston, you should take my arm and snap it in two, pull my knee cap off, dislocate my kneecap, you should goozle me, you really should, just rip my throat out. Take your finger and gouge my eye out, you should make me bleed.” Bully asks what is wrong with Sting and why he would be telling him to do that. Sting says that “if you don’t do it to me, I’ll do it to.” Sting says he doesn’t care where it is, he will make Sting bleed in Boston. Sting says he didn’t have a demand, “but since you asked, I want a No Holds Barred match.” Bully says that Sting must think he has Bully right where he wants him. Bully says he’s got the match one on condition “you swear, you agree, you sign that when I beat you in Boston, you never ever wrestle for the World Heavyweight Championship.” Hogan tries to interrupt and Bully tries to talk over him. Bully says he doesn’t want Sting to retire. “I want you to wrestle until the day you die, knowing that you can NEVER hold this championship again.” Hogan tells Sting that he doesn’t have to agree to that and Bully mocks Sting for letting Hogan for making his decisions for him and tells him to man up. Sting tells him yes and gets shoved before the two trade right hands to close the show.
((Jarrett’s Jab – I can’t believe that they managed to get a stipulation that makes the match interesting, but they did. I’ve said it for the past few weeks, but I still believe that Sting shouldn’t be challenging for the World Title anyways. They wasted what could be a huge summer feud on Sting. They could have thrown James Storm, Magnus, Samoa Joe, Abyss, Matt Morgan or several other people and built them up through Bully Ray, but they didn’t. That’s it for this week, remember that next week will be the last Impact that airs at 7:00 PM Central time before it goes to the old 8 Central/9 Eastern timeslot. Next week will also feature Mickie James challenge Velvet Sky for the Knockouts title.))