
Opening Segment
The show opens up with a message that stated the following: “The entire TNA family extends their thoughts and prayers to the people and city of Boston. #PRAYFORBOSTON.” ((Jarrett’s Jab – Absolutely classy message by TNA. As of the time this is posted on Saturday, one suspect is in custody and the other one is dead. You have to thank the hard work of the men in blue and the FBI for working together to try and keep everyone in Watertown and Boston safe.))
After that, we go to a video package looking at the AJ Styles dilemma, Mexican America (whatever version it is now) winning the Tag titles, Devon telling Joseph Park to stay out of family business, and a video recap of last week’s Full Metal Mayhem. TNA is inside the American Bank Center in Corpus Christi, Texas and tonight AJ Styles will be in his first TV match in four months as he faces off against “Cowboy” James Storm. Also the X Division Championship will be on the line as Kenny King defends against Zema Ion and “Maple Leaf Muscle.” From there the commentators narrate video of Jeff Hardy being stretchered out of the building. After that, footage is shown of Hulk Hogan apologizing to Jeff Hardy as he is loaded into an ambulance.
Devon is backstage giving Garett Bischoff and Wes Brisco a pep talk as they go into their match with Kurt Angle. Garett and Wes talk confidently about how they will be Angle, but Devon says not to take Kurt lightly because he’s been in the ring with him and knows how tough he is. Garett says the only tough part will be deciding who gets the pin, and Devon says he doesn’t care which of them does it as long as it gets done.
We see a video package looking at the history between Kurt Angle, Garett Bischoff, and Wes Brisco.
Kurt Angle vs. Wes Brisco and Garett Bischoff
Just to sum up the match before the commercial break, Kurt Angle beat the living hell out of Wes Brisco and Garett Bischoff. That’s all that happened. No offense whatsoever for the Aces and Eights team.
-Commercial Break-
Back from the break, it’s much of the same with Angle dominating Bischoff. Brisco hits a low blow and Garett starts to take an advantage with right hands before tagging in Brisco who hits a big clothesline for two. Punches and forearms in the corner by Brisco gains him another two count. Angle gets out of the chinlock with a side suplex and Garett is tagged in, but Angle cleans house with clotheslines. Briscoe gets the boot up for a charge, but gets a belly-to-belly suplex too. Angle hits the triple germans on both. Cool spot on the last one where Wes grabbed on to Garett to try and not get suplexed, but they both get german suplexed at the same time. Angle Slam on Garett and D’Lo hands Bischoff a chain which gets drilled in the back of Angle’s neck while Anderson distracted the referee. Bischoff makes the cover and gets the win.
Winners by Pinfall: Garett Bischoff and Wes Brisco
After the match Wes hit a powerbomb with Garett assisting. Anderson says that this is “the way things are going to go down from now on.” Anderson points that Sting left Hogan’s side, Jeff Hardy was decimated, and Angle is in shambles as Angle fakes crying before getting serious and saying that nobody wearing a cut tonight is in “a bad frickin way.” Anderson notes that he’s rooting for AJ Styles tonight before the four celebrate. Taz makes a joke about the Cyborg (Angle) needing batteries as the four stand over Angle.
Both challengers in the X Division Championship match are seen talking. Petey says that all the strategy he needs is the Canadian Destroyer and Zema wants the spotlight and the X Division Title back. Three-way for the X Division championship is NEXT! ((Jarrett’s Jab – Awful handicap match. Anderson saved what he could with his promo. Anderson’s promo was a nice tease for tonight’s episode of Impact. Why is Devon or D’Lo ever given a microphone with Anderson in the group?))
-Commercial Break-
X Division Title Match: Kenny King vs Zema Ion vs Petey Williams
Kenny King has a new theme song and video wall tonight. I’d take him over that other TNA “king” any day! King starts with taking Zema out of the ring and trying to take an early advantage. We go to the X Cam that is on a cap the referee is wearing that basically is a shaky yellow looking video. King goes for the Royal Flush on King, but Petey countesr into the Canadian Destroyer. Petey covers, but Ion breaks it up. Ion covers King, but King kicks out at two. Petey and Zema argue before Petey hits two hurricanrana, one from the mat, and the other from the top rope. Chops by Williams and Zema hooks the ropes and hits a neckbreaker for two as the X-cam is turned back on while the ref is counting. Not the right time for it, gave me a headache. Anyways, Williams fights back with chops, but Ion rolls into a variation of the half-crab but Petey reaches the ropes. Russian Leg sweep gains Williams two and a TKO gains him another near fall. King is finally to his feet as Petey motions for the Destroyer, and gets a jaw breaker as Taz complains that the Canadian Desetroyer should be banned. Petey hits a dive on King and then a german suplex that sends Zema to the other side of the ring. Petey leaps over the top rope and nails King with a hurricanrana before coming back in the ring getting drilled with a DDT by Zema Ion for two. Zema poses to the crowd and goes for a springboard moonsault, but Petey gets the knees up. Williams goes for the Canadian Destroyer, but Zema counters. Williams gets the Sharpshooter and King finally rolls in the ring. Zema breaks up the hold and quickly pins Ion for the win.
Winner by Pinfall and STILL X Division Champion: Kenny King
((Jarrett’s Jab – The X Cam…wow. That wasn’t good. I tried to give it the benefit of the doubt. This show was taped last week, so they would have time to pick good angles from it so it would look more impressive, but that didn’t really happened. It showed everything a ringside camera did with an awful yellow tint. The match was a showcase for Petey, but I hope this concept doesn’t last much longer. I want to see more personalites out of the X Division, especially when you look at the roster and guys like Kenny King and Zema Ion, the return of Chris Sabin this month, and the fact that they could throw Austin Aries in the mix since he mentioned winning all the gold a few weeks ago, there’s really no excuse why there can’t be more emphasis on character development than just having random matches every other week.))
Magnus is backstage and is asked about the history between him and Devon for his Televsion title match tonight. Magnus says that “there is a lot of history and there’s something about this whole situation that puzzles me and confuses me. The Aces and Eights are walking around and saying that they are going to take people out and saying that they are going to cause all this chaos. But what they don’t realize is that tonight, the only person that is going to be doing any taking…is me.” And that tonight he’s getting the Television championship that he’s been waiting five months to take.
Footage is shown from earlier today of TNA Knockouts Vice President Brooke Hogan and Christy Hemme checking out the new Knockouts website. Brooke said that she knew that Christy was the right woman for the job and that that looks great. Christy says that the new Knockouts website will launch April 25th. “Mickie, Brooke, can I see you for a minute” Brooke asks as the two lovely ladies sit down in the room with Hogan. Hogan says that both women have something special and wishes both of them luck in their match tonight. Mickie thanks Brooke Hogan for complimenting her hair (which isn’t the only good looking thing about her.) Miss Tessmacher asks Brooke Hogan to wait around for a minute and says that she wanted to reach out to her after everything she’s had to go through, and that her and all the Knockouts are there for her, whether she needs a talk or a hug. Brooke says that she’d take a hug and she’s officially the luckiest person on planet earth right now as Miss Tessmacher hugs her.
Television Championship…doesn’t start. After Devon makes his entrance, Magnus gets jumped by DOC and Knux. Magnus is able to fight off DOC and Knux before Devon nails him in the head with a steel chain and DOC and Knux beat on Manus and hold him up so Devon can drill Magnus with a right hand with the chain covered hand. DOC and Knux hit a double chokeslam in Manus on the steel ramp before Samoa Joe runs out to try and protect Magnus. Keneley notes that Joe and Magnus are former tag team champions. “When are people going to realize that we are running things around her, what more do we have to do?” Taz asks on commentary as more referees run out to tend to Magnus.
-Commercial Break-
We are shown a replay of Magnus getting jumped by the Aces and Eights before his Television Championship match.
Joe is backstage yelling “COWARDS” into the camera and says that Aces and Eights say they’re the best, but they pull stunts like that, and Joe says that he beat down the “powers that be” and they gave Joe what he wanted. Tonight, Devon’s transgressions will be paid in blood and he’s come to collect.
A video is shown of AJ Style’s decline and everyone bidding on Styles’s services. Todd Kenely hypes the AJ Styles match tonight before pitching it to a video of Velvet Sky’s injury and talking to a trainer. Velvet complains that she feels like her knee is about to blow up.
-Commercial Break-
#1 Contenders Match: Miss Tessmacher vs. Mickie James.
Both women get great ovations from the fans in Corpus Christi. ODB is in the ring wearing the handprint tanktop from last week, so she’s the referee for this match? The two tie-up and Tessmacher backs Mickie to the corner. The two tie-up again and this time Mickie powers Tessmacher to the corner as the two tie up again, neither one letting go. Mickie bridges her way out of a pin and Mickie puts a foot off of the rope and instead of breaking the hold, ODB takes Mickie’s foot off the ropes. The two knockouts argue with the referee before Tessmacher surprised Mickie with a roll-up for two. Mickie cinches in an armbar, but Tessmacher gets to the ropes as Mike Tenay explains that ODB came to Hogan and said that she would bring law and order back to officiating in the Knockouts division. Brooke rolls out of the ring as she yells “NO FAVORITES” to ODB. ODB shakes her breasts as Taz jokes that no other place uses that call. The two grab each other’s hair on the outside and ODB breaks it up and yells at the two to get back in the ring. Tessmacher gets an advantage with right hands and a few kicks before hitting the X Factor from the middle rope for two. Running clothesline by Tessmacher as Tara pulls her tights up and connects with the stinkface. Tessmacher slams her to the ground for two; she covers again and gets another two count. Mickie sends Tessmacher face first into the turnbuckle and flapjacks her down before kipping up. Mickie goes up top and nails the hits the Lou Thez press for two. Mickie starts with mounted punches and ODB yanks Mickie up. The two clotheslines and we are back at square one. Mickie gets to her knees at seven and slams Tessmacher’s face into the ground as for some reason we cut to a few clips from this match. Mickie sends Tessmacher face first into the turnbuckle and goes for the neckbreaker, but Tessmacher tries to counter, but Mickie gets a roll-up and the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Mickie James
AJ Styles is shown backstage with Daniels and Kazarian behind him with their t-shirts. Daniels tells Kaziaran to tell the world the good news that the band is back together. Kazarian starts singing a song “We’re the three best friends that anyone could have…” before we are shown a graphic hyping the AJ Styles match later tonight against James Storm.
Joseph Park is talking to someone on the phone before Devon grabs the phone from him. Park says that he’s dealing with business and Devon says that he just doesn’t listen and to stay out of family business. Park says that they defrauded Brooke and he’s doing this for her. Bully Ray attacks Ray from behind before reminding Park that he is Brooke’s husband and giving Park a “threat, not a promise.” And tells Park to stay out of family business and holds his finger like a gun to his head while Devon chokes him with a chain. Devon throws him in the shower and turns it on before the two laugh at him and ask if he’s going to cry. ((Jarrett’s Jab – That was an awful match. The two women didn’t click, and ODB being the referee didn’t help at all. Meanwhile, I love the continued tease of AJ possibly joining Bad Influence. I don’t know if that would fit his character, but it would be fun television.))
-Commercial Break-
Mickie James says that it feels good to be the number one contender and that it’s been too long since everyone has seen how good she is. For some reason the match highlights are shown in a completely yellow tint. James continues by saying that tonight is just the beginning and she feels bad for Velvet because she knows what it is like to work through injuries, but true champions do it. “I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired of sitting at home and not given the proper time and proper respect to show who she is.” There is no one better than her and it’s about time she got a chance to shine and not get over looked.
James Storm is asked about the main event. Storm says that this is going on for over a onth, he’s tried to do things the right way, but now he has to do it the cowboy way. He states that after he hits AJ with the Last Call Superkick, maybe he will knock some sense him him before saying “Sorry about his damn luck.”
We are shown a recap of last week’s tag team championship match before Bad Influence make their way to the ring. Daniels announces that the year of Bad Influence continues and that the fans love them and they have “these sweet new shirts available on ShopTNA” (not as good as the ones I made though, just saying.) Great news involving the Bad Influence movie: it is in production and they are in talks with Morgan Freeman to play the role of Dixie Carter. That gave me a good laugh. The cherry on top is that they are this close to convincing AJ Styles to join the band and side with them one more time. Kazarian says they even have a Bad Influence shirt for him: black and yellow just like Rocky Balboa and “I know how much you love him.” Kazarian says that the OGs of Impact are ready to ride again and the first order of business is Churro Guerrero and Juan Hernandez. As soon as they have the cahones to give them their title shot, “we will, we will, we will become the World Tag Team Champions of the World…part tres.” Austin Aries interrupts along with Bobby Roode. “Dumb and Dumber, you two can decide who is who” and goes on to be the bearer or bad news and say Bad Influence aren’t the number one contenders to the tag team champions, that Chavo and Hernandez fluked their way to the World Tag Team Championships and no one was getting a shot until they got their rematch. Daniels says that “I respect you, but your opinion would have a lot more weight behind it if you weren’t Canadian” and goes on to say “everyone knows that a Canadian’s opinion is worth three fourths of an American’s opinion. It’s science!” Aries chimes in that his opinion is worth one and one quarters, so it equals two before getting serious and say that Bad Influence has a more successful tag team career than they do because they spend more time together. Kazarian tells everyone that the only reason Roode cut his hair is that he did it first, and it looks really cool and calls Aries a ‘dirty vegan.’ Aries retorts that Daniels and Kaziaran “can put the meat in your mouths because I don’t.” It spirals into a yelling contest from here. Kazarian says that they win and back out of the ring as the cameras zoom out to show Chavo and Hernandez behind them. Chavo and Roode are beat up a little before they get out of the ring and we are told that they will get a rematch against Mexican America version whatever they are on now.
-Commercial Break-
Recap of Hardy getting stretched out is shown, and King says that they aren’t coming with kicks or fists, they are coming with bats and hammers and that you don’t have to like who you’re in the ring with, but you do have to respect them. Gail Kim states that it wasn’t a good feeling in the locker room seeing someone that talented and that always put it all out there for the fans being stretchered out of the building. Bobby Roode says that the whole Aces and Eights thing he saw coming a long time ago, but people are getting seriously hurt and they may have full control now and there isn’t anything Hogan and Dixie can do.
From that we are shown the ending of the Kurt Angle handicapped match and Magnus getting jumped earlier.
Matt Morgan is sown backstage saying that Hogan’s mountain of mistakes are piling up and he’s not even there tonight. He decides to recap them, the first one being that he didn’t make Morgan the number one contender at Lockdown, Bully Ray playing him and his daughter, Sting leaves the show because of Hogan, and his golden boy getting stretchered out by the Aces and Eights and it all could have been easily avoided if he had done the right thing.
((Jarrett’s Jab – Morgan needs to see someone, he looks ridiculous with the beard and long spiked up hair at this point. I love that he still hates Hogan, but I don’t see where they’re going with this. Unless they give Morgan the title shot at Slammiversary, this makes no sense whatsoever. ))
((Jarrett’s Jab – I don’t know if King, Gail Kim and Bobby Roode commenting on the Aces and Eight’s power struggle was supposed to sell me on the idea of another take over, but I’m tired of it. They’ve done the balance of power angle too many times since Hogan has come in. And I didn’t really care about Hardy getting taken out. Maybe that’s just because I’m not a fan of the Hardy’s, but I don’t feel like TNA did a good enough job convincing anyone that isn’t a diehard Hardy fan that he was the company’s only hope. ))
TNA Television Championship: Devon (c) vs. Samoa Joe
Todd Keneley notes that Samoa Joe is the man that Devon stole the TV title from and Devon jumps him from behind to star the match. Devon grills Joe with right hands in the corner before using Joe’s towel to choke him before Joe hit the rapid fire punches and stomps him in the corner. Joe hits a kick off the ropes to Devon and snapmares him and hits the chop/kick/kneedrop combo for two. Joe goes for a choke, but Devon gets out and hits a spear. Devon uses the ropes to choke Devon and goes to a three count, but Joe hits a few jabs before Devon rakes the eyes. Kneedrop by Devon gains the TV champion two. Rear choke by Devon gets broken up before Joe hits a sick enzeguri in the corner. Brisco and Bischoff try to interfere and Anderson hit Joe with something while he went for the musclebuster. Devon gets the cover and the win.
Winner by Pinfall and STILL TNA Television Champion: Devon
We are shown a shot of Anderson to see that he had brass knuckles over his gloves. Anderson taunts Joe before nailing him with the brass knucks.
AJ Styles and James Storm are shown walking back stage.
-Commercial Break-
Back from the break and it is announced that Mickie James will challenge the Knockouts Champion Velvet Sky next week in Indiana, Pennsylvania and The Dirty Heels (Austin Aries and Bobby Roode) will get their Tag Team Championship rematch when they face Mexican America (Chavo Guerrero, Jr. and Hernandez.)
“The Cowboy” James Storm vs. “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles
No sparks this week for AJ Styles this week. AJ comes out with the hoodie and leather jacket and walks to the corner. He stares at Storm before walking to the back. Storm catches him and rips the jacket and hoodie off as he tries a suplex that AJ blocks and hits a hard right hand. Storm goes for the Eye of the Storm, and AJ slides out but gets nailed with a right . AJ gets an axe handle as the bell rings and a elbow to the back of the neck and hits it again. Storm hits a high knee as Taz brings up a great point on commentary to Kenely and Tenay when he states “since when did AJ Styles owe me, you or anyone else an explanation?” and that maybe it was none of Tenay and Keneley’s business. As Storm tries a headlock, but gets clotheslined as he starts to pick up Storm by the hair as we go to the last commercial break of the show!
-Commercial Break-
Back from the break and AJ Styles is still in control with James Storm trapped in the corner and hits a suplex and hits a hard kick to Storm as hypes Slammiversary XI from the Agganis Arena in Boston on June the 2nd and says it was the biggest on-site sale ever for TNA. Chinlock by AJ and Storm is finally able to get to his feet and hit rights to the gut to break the hold and then the two start trading right hands. Flying forearm, atomic drop and a right hand by Storm as Mike Tenay notes that James Storm beat AJ Styles at Turning Point and the stipulation was that AJ Styles couldn’t challenge for the World title until Bound for Glory 2013. Big blackbody drop by Storm on AJ and Storm hits the TKO for two. Storm lifts AJ to the top rope and nails a right hand before AJ fights out of a suplex attempts and crotches Storm in the tree of woe and hits a dropkick for two. Daniels and Kazarian come down to cheer and AJ lifts Storm up in the fireman’s carry, but Storm slips out and nails a backstabber before hitting a Cactus clothesline sending them both to the outside. The camera focuses on Daniels and when it goes back to ringside, AJ slides Storm in the ring but gets hit with Closing Time (Codebreaker) Strom goes for the Last Call, but AJ locks in a new submission that looks like a modified single leg Boston Crab and storm taps out.
Winner by Submission: AJ Styles
Bad Influence comes into the ring to celebrate with AJ Styles and AJ smiles as they raise his hand. AJ clotheslines Kazarian and gives Daniels an enziguiri before staring a hole through James Storm and walking out of the ring while Aces and Eights sneak up on Storm and attack them. Bad Influence aren’t innocent by Aces and Eights either, Bully Ray nails Kazarian with the World Heavyweight Championship. D’Lo hits a spinning powerbomb on Storm and Bully Ray grabs a microphone. Ray asks the people if they know who he and then asks the fans if they know who they are? He answers by saying that they are “the men responsible for destroying all of your heroes.” And he calls himself the man responsible for beating and taking out Jeff Hardy. He calls his brothers the men are the one responsible for talking out “these three pieces of trash” and tells the fans that they don’t have any heroes left and “all of your heroes are now victims” and tells the fans that Hulk Hogan is the reason why “all of your heroes are just another victim, right Taz?” Taz agrees on commentary and says that was his line in the day. Bully Ray says that next week, he’s going to call Hulk Hogan…and Dad…. “Next week I will tell you to your face that you are the reason why all of their heroes are nothing but victims of the Aces and Eights.”
((Jarrett’s Jab – Very weird episode of Impact tonight. There wasn’t a whole lot of flow. The Knockout match was horrible unless you were just focusing on the outfits, everyone is getting jumped and that’s starting to get ridiculous at this point since every match but two started or ended with a Aces and Eights beat down. Storm hasn’t meant this less in TNA…ever. Even when he was the Beer Drinking Champion and had the rivalry with Eric Young he meant something in TNA. It’s a side-effect of taking the title off of Bobby Roode to give to Aries, and then having Aries have to drop the belt to Jeff Hardy, at the end of that, it really damaged James Storm and he is directionless in TNA.))