
Opening Segment
After the recap of the Bully Ray suspension, marriage and reinstatement; Kurt Angle being constantly attacked by Aces and Eights and Garett and Wes Brisco revealing they were in Aces and Eights before we see shots of the crowd in the Manchester Arena in Manchester! Todd Keneley runs through tonight’s card which features a Tag Team Tables match and a match for the Tag Team Championship.
Aces and Eights come down to the ring and Devon says that a few weeks ago, Aces and Eights would dominate 2013 and not only have they dominated, but they’re kicking the door wide open in TNA. A video is quickly shown of all the Angle attacks including from last week. Devon says that when he told Ken that they had plan, he was right and without any further ado, he will introduce the newest members of Aces and Eights. Garett is handed a microphone and is booed heavily and he calls the fans disrespectful tonight and says to hell with them as the fans chant “You Can’t Wrestle.” Wes says he did this is because of Hulk Hogan, he never answered phone calls for two years and when he finally did, he was told that he had to start at the bottom. Brisco reminds Hogan that his father gave Hogan his first pair of wrestling boots and Devon says that the tables match tonight is fine and that Aces and Eights will always have backup.
Jesse says that he sent someone a message on Myspace and Tara undoes a little of Jesse’s shirt before walking into Brooke’s office to complain about the cold and the crappy accommodations, but Brooke freaks out on them for being petty and selfish. Tara doesn’t want to wrestle Tessmacher, but Brooke says she’s wrestling and Jesse is barred from ringside and can get her coffee instead.
-Commercial Break-
X Division Championship: Rob Van Dam (c) vs. Zema Ion vs. Kenny King
Ion and King jump RVD right off the bat and double team him, but RVD takes King out with a thrust kick before getting knocked to the floor by Ion. King dumps Ion as well and then wipes RVD out with a twisting dive, then Ion slips back into the ring and hits a dive of his own. King rolls back inside and Ion takes him out with a missile dropkick. King connects with a leapfrog/sunset flip/half crab combination, but RVD breaks it up with another kick. King tries a dropkick, but RVD holds the ropes. Ion breaks up Rolling Thunder, but eats a rolling monkey flip. RVD catches King with the stepover leg lariat, Ion catches RVD with a tornado DDT, and King breaks up the pinfall attempt at two. RVD rolls outside as King goes for the Royal Flush, and Ion counters to a small package for two. RVD goes up for the five star frogsplash, but sees Ion coming and leapfrogs over him. RVD tries a crossbody but Ion dodges and RVD falls to the outside, then nails King with a leaping neckbreaker for two. King nails Ion with a leaping elbow in the corner, RVD comes in and nails him from behind, but King clotheslines him to the outside. Ion sneaks in with a rollup for two on King, then nails a dropkick to the face. Ion drags King out to the middle of the ring and stomps on his face again, but King gets the knees up on a springboard moonsault attempt. King hits shotgun knees on Ion and hits a northern lights suplex, but RVD hits King with the five star frogsplash and then covers Ion for the win.
Winner by Pinfall and STILL X Division Champion: Rob Van Dam
Austin Aries and Bobby Roode are backstage talking about how great they are when they put their differences aside to work as a team, while taking every chance to put themselves over at each other’s expense as usual. They have a shot at the World Tag Team Title tonight, and they’re planning on bringing the gold home.
((Jarrett’s Jab – Nice to see Ion and King have a competitive match with the X Division champion RVD, but it seems like RVD and Jeff Hardy are at two similar situations, they’ve beaten everyone in the division so quick that there’s nothing for them to do storyline wise. In my opinion, King should have won the X Division Championship at Genesis.))
-Commercial Break-
We look back at the TNA British Bootcamp miniseries that ran recently in the UK, then we take another look at the Wes Brisco and Garett Bischoff promo from earlier tonight. D-Lo Brown and Bruce Prichard are in a room backstage and talk about how shocked they are that this happened, not knowing that someone was spying. Bruce also mentions that if things go bad, they need to remember who Brisco is here because of.
Jesse Godderz is out in the ring complaining to the fans that Brooke Hogan barred him from ringside for Tara’s match tonight, but not to worry, because he’s still going to give the fans what they paid to see: a true Hollywood star. The British fans don’t have anyone of their own to cheer for, so they better get their cameras and flip phones out because this is going to be one pectacular opportunity. James Storm comes out to the ring and says that he heard Jesse talking about taking pictures, and he says that the people here don’t care about taking pictures because they came here to drink beer and watch people get beat up. Jesse’s girlfriend was there to save him from taking a superkick last week, so he’s now going to kick the crap out of Jesse, then drink some beer, then hold Jesse up so the people can take pictures of him with no teeth in his mouth. Storm’s going to call a referee out, Jesse can call a dentist, and then he’s going to whoop Jesse’s ass.
James Storm vs. Jesse
Jesse thumbs the eye of Storm, then chokes him in the corner with his boot. Jesse uses the middle rope to choke Storm some more before firing back elbows at him in the corner. Jesse gets an abdominal stretch and flexes for the ladies with his free arm, but Storm punches his way free and hits a Russian legsweep. Storm starts firing right hands at Jesse, takes hiym out with a back elbow and an inverted atomic drop before connecting with the Eye of the Storm. Storm hits a leaping enziguiri from the apron, a running neckbreaker, then drills Jesse with a spinebuster before following up with Closing Time. Storm hits the Last Call for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: James Storm
Storm holds an unconscious Jesse’s face up to the mic and says “SORRY BOUT YOUR DAMN LUCK” in a Muppet voice.
-Commercial Break-
World Tag Team Title Match: Chavo Guerrero, Jr & Hernandez vs Bobby Roode & Austin Aries
Chavo and Roode start us off with some back and forth chain wrestling, Chavo tries a shoulderblock but doesn’t budge Roode. Roode unloads with some right hands, but Chavo catches him with a flying headscissors and a dropkick that sends Roode running too his corner where Aries tags himself in. Aries tells Roode that he’s got it, but doesn’t see Chavo tag in Hernandez. Aries gets a headlock, but Hernandez just picks him up and gently places him on the top rope. Aries pops off and cartwheels past Hernandez on a backdrop attempt, then tries to high five Roode. Roode, knowing that Aries is trying to get him in to fight Hernandez, doesn’t go for it and instead waits for Hernandez to try a suplex on Aries to zip in and take a shot. Aries and Roode try to double suplex Hernendez, but Hernandez reverses and suplexes both of them. Chavo tags in and hits Aries with a slingshot senton that he stole from his uncle, but Roode grabs his ankle and drags him out to the floor. Roode holds Chavo for Aries, but Chavo moves and Aries wipes Roode out with a dive as we go to commercial.
-Commercial Break-
Chavo takes Aries out with a basement dropkick as we come back from the beak. Chavo then hits a series of European uppercuts in the corner. Hernandez slams Chavo onto Aries and then hits a big splash, but Roode breaks up the pinfall attempt at two while chewing Aries out for screwing up. Roode takes a shot at Chavo from the apron, slowing him down just enough for Aries to nail Chavo from behind and swing the momentum. Roode finally tags in and stomps a mudhole in Chavo out before covering for two. Aries tags in as Roode hits a rolling necksnap and hits a diving elbowdrop to the back of Chavo’s neck for two. Roode and Aries take turns tagging themselves in while working Chavo over, tossing him out to the floor so Aries can hit a flying double axhandle from the top rope. Rear chinlock applied by Roode and Chavo starts to get free, so Roode taunts Hernandez and uses the distraction to drag Chavo to the middle of the ring. Roode puts the boots to Chavo, but Chavo slips away, moonsaults over Roode, and the two hit clotheslines at the same time. Chavo makes the hot tag and Hernandez comes in to clean house, hitting an over the shoulder backbreaker on Aries for two. Hernandez tries to slingshot into Roode with a shoulderblock, but Roode pulls Aries in front of him to take the shot. Hernandez drills him with a Pounce and then tags in Chavo to hit the a vertical suplex . Aries nails Chavo and tries the brainbuster, Chavo slips out the back and shoves Aries into Roode, leading to an argument between Roode and Aries. Roode walks out on Aries, leaving him alone in a 2-on-1 situation, but Roode comes back in and sneak attacks Chavo, allowing Aries to low blow Hernandez and dump him out to the floor. Spinebuster by Roode and a 450 splash by Aries and we’ve got new champions!
Winners by pinfall and NEW World Tag Team Champions: Bobby Roode & Austin Aries
Bully Ray and Sting are backstage getting psyched up for tonight’s main event, and Hulk Hogan comes in to have a word with Bully while Sting and Brooke take a walk. Hogan says this match is tailor made for him, and this is the end tonight. It’s all on Bully to prove how wrong he is, because nothing would make him happier than if he proved he’s really the good guy he says he is. Bully says that with all due respect, he’s not a good guy. Just because he’s good to his daughter, he’s not a good guy. He didn’t forget what Aces & Eights did to Hulk, Sting, and his wife on their wedding day. Bully asks if Hogan knows who he is, and says he’s Bully Ray and he’s not a good guy…he’s a very bad one. Hogan says that for his family’s sake, he hopes he knows who he really is. If he’s really family, it’s on him to end this for all of us. Bully says to consider it done…DAD. Hogan sneers as Bully walks away and says “Perfect.”
-Commercial Break-
Knockouts Champion Tara vs. Brooke Tessmacher
Tara walks down with an unbuttoned flannel shirt over her ring gear, constantly glancing behind her as the commentators mention how she isn’t confident like usual. Tara goes after Tessmacher right from the start, pounding on her with forearms and taking her down with a side headlock. Tessmacher sweeps the ankle and hits a dropkick, then wheelbarrows into a facebuster for two. Stinkface by Tessmacher hits the mark before Tara rolls out of the ring. Tessmacher goes after Tara and dumps her back into the ring, but Tara catches her up top and hits the Spiderweb for two. Tara tosses Tessmacher across the ring by the hair and then puts her in a full nelson. Brooke tries to fight her way out, but Tara yanks her down by the hair and chokes her. Tara covers for two and then grinds her ass into Tessmacher’s face, but Tessmacher reaches up and rolls Tara into a rollup for two. Tara quickly nails Brooke and puts her in a chinlock as the commentators rattle off some UK stars names. Brooke starts mounting a comeback against Tara, hitting a flying headscissors before climbing on her in the corner and grinding her crotch into Tara’s face. Tara takes her out with a clothesline, but Tessmacher hits an atomic facebuster for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Brooke Tessmacher
Good match and I’m happy to see Tessmacher get a big win after kind of treading water the last few months.
Jeremy Borash introduces Rockstar Spud, who won the British Bootcamp competition, and congratulates him on his big win. Spud says that he is in the building and is finally where he always wanted to be: in a TNA ring in front of his countrymen. Robbie E interrupts Spud, coming out to the ring with Robbie T to say that Spud winning the contract is a travesty unless they’re hiring midgets now. E says that he’s not a rockstar, he’s a pizza delivery bro. E pulls T in front of him and yells at Spud that he’s lucky T is holding him back because if he told T to knock him out, he’d do it right now because Spud is a hamster and T does what he tells him to do. T drops his clipboard and slowly bends over to pick it up, and Spud steps in and drills E with a right hand. E rolls out to the floor and yells at T for screwing up, then Spud holds T in the ring to throw up the corona/devil horns and pump his fist for the fans.
Sting and Bully Ray are backstage, and they’re…WALKING! Bully and Sting conspire over the destruction of Aces & Eights, and Brooke gets all hot watching him go to war. The main event is up next!
Tables Match: Bully Ray & Sting vs Devon & Doc
Bully Ray has warpaint on like he did at Bound for Glory and no baseball cap and Sting’ wearing his Hall of Fame shirt over his wrestling gear. All four men start brawling before the bell, and Bully finally gets his hands on Devon as he and Sting ram the members of Aces & Eights together. It’s all Bully and Sting as they unload on Devon and Doc. Devon is taken out with a double clothesline. Sting holds Devon so Bully can hit a Stinger Splash, then Sting hits one of his own. Aces & Eights gotten no offense whatsoever as Bully and Sting whip Doc into Devon, then Bully hits another running splash in the corner and Sting takes Doc out with a clothesline. Sting and Bully clothesline Devon and Doc out to the floor as we go to commercial.
-Commercial Break-
We’re back, and Aces & Eights finally gets some offense as Doc nails Bully with a big boot, sending him to the floor and choking him with his studded belt. Devon unloads on Sting inside the ring, but Sting turns the tide and slams Devon, holding his legs up so Bully can go to the second rope for WHAZZUP!!!! Sting tells Bully to get the tables, Bully gets a table from under the ring, and Doc and Devon nail them because they took too long set it up. Bully nails Doc and then goes up for a ten punches in the corner, but Doc nails Bully and dumps him to the floor. Doc sets the table back up and Devon puts Sting on top of it, Bully pulls Devon out to the floor and they wipe each other out with a double clothesline. Sting cuts off DOC up top and goes for a superplex through a table, but Mike Knox comes out of nowhere and moves the table out of the way while Sting hits the superplex. Knox holds Sting for Doc, but Sting moves out of the way and Doc nails Knox. Sting hits the deathdrop on Doc, Devon unloads on Bully with right hands, but Ray hulks up. Bully does the ‘YOU’ bit, hits the right hands and big boot, then picks Devon up and hits an uranage through the table for the win.
Winners: Bully Ray and Sting
Taz “walks” out of the commentary booth in disgust as Tenay narrates the ending to the match. Hulk and Brooke Hogan come out to the ring to celebrate with Sting and Bully as we watch replays of the finish, and we’ll be back next week in London!
((Jarrett’s Jab – I hate hearing that people throw matches, but there was a part of me that was hoping that someone would say that Anderson threw his match to Angle so Devon’s plan of Garett and Wes would come together. It would at least make Aces and Eights a little less weak. I don’t get the point of having a heel faction that supposed to be running wild on TNA if they haven’t had a win against anyone in a while. The last win I can think of beside the Devon/Joesph Park match from Genesis is when Devon beat Joe for the TV Title. Aces and Eights need a win and they need it soon.))