
Opening Segment
After the standard voice-over opener, The Bad Influence of TNA start the show off by coming out to the ring dressed like Mel Gibson from Braveheart stole makeup from the Blue Man Group. They say that they’re happy to be in Manchester and on Throwback Thursday they’re here to honor the real warriors of the UK: the Scots, which pisses the crowd off more. Kazarian hands the mic to the man who “should be the World Champion right now: Christopher Daniels.” Daniels calls the crowd a bunch of tossers and insults them with what I assume are local slang insults before they are cut off by Magnus making his return! Armed with new music and red, white, and blue designs on his gear, shares his theory on why Daniels isn’t the champion: because Jeff Hardy beat him one-two-three in the middle of the ring, because he’s a grown man who uses words like appletini, and maybe it’s because they’re a couple of disrespectful muppets in need of a good thrashing. He says that if they want to fight an Englishman, and notes that the fans can see where he’s going with this, one of them can fight him. Daniels states “as they say here, I’m in for a penny and in for a pound”, then slaps Magnus. Magnus unloads on both of them, then clears both men out to the floor. Magnus gets a mic and tells the fans that it’s an honor for everyone in the locker room to do what they do for the fans, but that privilege was taken away from him by Aces & Eights. He’s calling out the man who orchestrated that attack, and tells Devon to get out there and face him one on one.
Magnus vs. Devon
Magnus jumps Devon right at the bell, clotheslining him out to the floor and ramming him into the ringside barricades. Magnus takes a drink from a fan and smashes it over Devon’s head, then rolls him back inside. Devon kicks the middle rope DOWNTOWN on Magnus’ as he gets back into the ring. Taz laughs at the fact that he isn’t wearing a cup as Devon runs over him with a clothesline before choking him on the middle rope. Mike Tenay talks about the history of British wrestling as Devon legdrops Magnus for two, then does the Hogan ear wave. Devon hits a flying back elbow and chokes Magnus in the corner, then switches to a nerve hold. Magnus tries to fight his way free, but Devon takes him out with another clothesline. Devon tries coming off the second rope with a headbutt, but Magnus rolls out of the way and then takes Devon out with a flying knee. Magnus flattens Devon with a Marufuji clothesline and hits the Michinoku Driver, but before Magnus could get a pin, Aces & Eights rushes the ring.
Winner by Disqualification: Magnus
Aces & Eights brawls with Magnus long enough to let Devon roll out of the ring, then they head for the hills.
We see a video package looking at Joseph Park’s journey to becoming a member of the Impact Wrestling roster, and we’ll find out who he challenges to face him…RIGHT AFTER THIS COMMERCIAL BREAK!
-Commercial Break-
Bully Ray, Sting, and Brooke Hogan are backstage and Bully is stressing out that they haven’t heard from Hulk yet. Sting says Hulk told him he’ll be here, and Brooke says even she doesn’t know what’s going on but to try her phone.
Joseph Park is in the ring saying that this is his first time in the UK and the people were right when they said UK fans are the craziest, wildest fans in the world. He’s spent the week preparing and deliberating, and it’s been a tough decision, but before he could reveal who he wants to call out, Robbie E’s music hits to interrupt. Robbie says this must be a joke because the last thing Park is is a wrestler, bro, because he’s just a hamster like everyone else in the UK. Robbie starts jabbing his finger into Park’s chest as he continues to make fun of people from the UK, but then turns around and realizes that Robbie T (from Wales in the UK) is staring a hole through him. E says he doesn’t mean him because he lives in America and is basically American now. He makes fun of Park’s notebook by whipping his ass with it and saying since it’s Open Bro Night, for Parks to fight him…bro. Park says he’s on.
Robbie E vs. Joseph Park
Robbie E uses his speed to duck around Park and tries a crossbody, but just bounces off of Park. Robbie E punches DOWNTOWN and he yells at Park while stomping him. Park is able to hit a hiptoss, an armdrag, and a bodyslam. Park looks shocked at himself as he sets up for a big splash, but E moves out of the way and Park hits the canvas. E goes back to stomping on Park and drills him in the head with right hands, then he takes Park out with a clothesline from the second rope. E goes back to the second rope and comes off with a measured fistdrop, but Park kicks out at two. Park dodges a charge in the corner and E’s nether-regions are squished around the ringpost, then Park does the Warrior rope shake before laying E out with a series of clotheslines. Park misses a charge in the corner, but he hits a belly to belly suplex. Parks comes off the second rope with a splash that Tenay calls the Verdict, for the win.
Winner: Joseph Park
Park looks shocked, and Robbie E is giving Bigger Rob a piece of his mind out on the floor as the winner runs around ringside high fiving the fans.
-Commercial Break-
Hulk Hogan is shown arriving backstage right off the break.
Austin Aries comes out with Bobby Roode and says that they have been getting the short end of the stick for some time now, but they’re going to collect all the gold: they’ll start with the Knockouts Title, the TV Title, he’ll take the World Title, but they’ll start by winning the easiest one to win, the World Tag Team Title. Roode says Chavo and Hernandez are a couple of wankers, but before he can continue, Chavo and Hernandez come out to say they’re crazy to think it’ll be easy to beat them for that title. He asks if they’re even a team because you have to qualify for a shot at the title, and Aries says Roode beat Hernandez all by himself and asks what Chavo suggests if he needs more qualification. Chavo says they should fight since it’s Open Fight Night, and Aries agrees that if one of them beats one of the champions, they get a title shot. Roode starts to take off his shirt, but Aries says that he has this one.
Austin Aries vs Chavo Guerrero, Jr.
Chavo goes after Aries but gets hot shotted not even a minute after the bell rings. Aries tries a slingshot senton but Chavo gets the knees up and rams Aries into the corner. Chavo stomps Aries out in the corner as we head to commercial.
-Commercial Break-
Aries tosses Chavo out to the floor as we come back from the break and connects with a heat seeking missile. Aries quickly rolls Chavo back in the ring and goes for a cover. Aries hits several chops in the corner. Aries goes for the pin, but Chavo kicks out several times. Aries goes up top for the frogsplash, but Chavo rolls out of the way. Chavo unloads on Aries, backdropping him and taking him out with a forward rolling kick. Three Amigos are hit and Chavo goes up top for the frog spash as the fans are chanting for Eddie. Chavo hits the frogsplash, but Bobby Roode distracts the referee and draws Hernandez on the apron. While the referee is busy with Hernandez, Roode sets Chavo up so Aries can hit the brainbuster for the win. It looks like Hernandez was grabbing for the referee when he tried to stop the pin and would have disqualified Chavo if he was first anyways.
Winner by Pinfall: Austin Aries
Brooke Hogan runs into Mark’s locker room to tell him that Hogan’s here, and they head to the ring.
-Commercial Break-
Kurt Angle is backstage Garett Bischoff and Wes Briscoe saying that all he wants is Ken Anderson in a cage, and Joe says that last time they got Aces & Eights in a cage, he got locked in there alone with him. That won’t happen tonight, Garett and Briscoe say they won’t let it happen and they’re going to be there for him, but Joe says he doesn’t need their help. Wes asks what Joe’s problem is, and Angle says Joe’s just being Joe but he’s the guy he needs and not to worry about it.
We look at a video package recapping recent events in the Bully Ray saga storyline before Bully and Brooke come out to the ring to share their mind. His love for Brooke got him suspended, but he and Hulk have a common enemy and they need to bury their problems and Hulk needs to lift his suspension so he can fight Aces & Eights. He and Brooke have both tried to get through to Hulk but failed, so now there’s only one man who can do it and that’s Sting. Sting comes out to the ring to lead the fans in a Hogan chant until Hogan finally comes out to the ring as Taz calls them all ass-kissers. Sting says they have a war on their hands, they’re back together in the UK, and he can’t think of a better place for Hulk to make things right with Bully Ray than right here and now. Hogan tells Sting to say something he doesn’t know, but whether he and Sting have been friend or foe, he always does the right thing. As of the day of Brooke’s wedding, he still did the right thing by walking her down the aisle, and when his family is on the line, he always does the right thing and that’s why Bully is reinstated. Bully and Brooke are happy, but Hulk says that the one thing he gets a little crazy about is when he confuses business and family, and he needs to do something that’s right for the business. So next week, Sting and Bully will take on two members of Aces & Eights in a Tables Match.
-Commercial Break-
In a pre-recorded video, TNA President Dixie Carter announces that beginning in March, Impact Wrestling tapings are going on the road permanently starting in Chicago, Illinois.
((Jarrett’s Jab – Great move by TNA and it’s been a long time coming. My fear is that TNA will do what they did with LockDown and book arenas they can’t fill. The Sears Centre is a pretty good sized arena, I hope that they try to find smaller venues in the future. I’d rather have a smaller building that’s full than a bigger building that I’d have to tarp off. I’d love for Impact to come to Kentucky, but any wrestling company doing more shows here that is just a hope to me now. Last PPV we had from any company was in 2006, someone throw us a bone, Sting’s son goes to school here for crying out loud!))
Velvet Sky comes out to the ring and calls out the two reasons she’s not the Knockouts Champion right now. I was going to guess talent and Taz not getting excited during her entrance, but she says that it’s Tara and Jesse. Tara and Jesse come out and Velvet says that she didn’t call them out for a handicap match, because while they were backstage drinking their lame protein shakes, she found a partner who drinks…only it’s not protein shakes.
James Storm & Velvet Sky vs Tara & Jesse Godderz
Storm completely dominates Jesse and nails Snake Eyes. Jesse gets a shot in after Tara distracts Storm. I’m sorry for not being more debth, but between Taz threatning Keneley and my sister wanting me to look at her phone, I can’t focus on the match. Closing Time connects from Storm and then tags out to Velvet, who comes in and takes Tara out with a swinging headscissors. Storm’s back in and hits Closing Time on Jesse again. Tara gets in Storm’s face, but Velvet spins her around and hits In Your Face for the win.
Winners by Pinfall: James Storm & Velvet Sky
We’ll get an update on Jeff Hardy after this commercial break!
-Commercial Break-
Hardy got an MRI, that’s the update that they hyped before the break. Wow…what an update.
We are forced to watch “highlights” from Hogan’s segment 15 minutes ago and backstage, Hulk Hogan is with Brooke and says that he changed his tune on Bully when he saw the way he took a beating from Aces & Eights for his daughter. That’s why he gave Bully the chance to take it out of Aces & Eights’ hide.
We look at the last time Kurt Angle and Ken Anderson were in a cage at Lockdown 2010, then we go backstage to Anderson saying that Aces & Eights showed him more brotherhood since he joined their group than he did in all the time he’s been in TNA. He guarantees that Angle won’t leave here the same way he came in.
We go back to Angle’s locker room where we see that Samoa Joe has been attacked. Angle gets Wes Briscoe to go to ringside with him and tells Garett to check on Joe.
Steel Cage: Mr. Anderson vs. Kurt Angle
Angle is pounding Anderson until Anderson drills him with a clothesline out of nowhere. Anderson tries to climb out of the cage, but Angle follows him up and they trade blows on the top rope until Anderson falls onto the mat and Angle falls. Anderson covers for two, then chokes Angle in the corner with his boot. Anderson tries climbing out again, but Angle follows him up again and this time hits a super Angle Slam. The fans are crazy as Angle is finally able to crawl over and makes a cover, but Anderson kicks out at two. Wes Briscoe looks concerned outside the cage as Anderson hits the Mic Check, he immediately goes for a cover but Angle kicker out at the last milli-second. Anderson goes for another cover but Angle kicks out again, so he tries climbing the cage and gets caught yet again as Angle carries him out to the middle of the ring and DRILLS him into the mat with a powerbomb. Anderson kicks out at two, but Angle catches the ankle on the kickout and hooks in an anklelock, forcing Anderson to tap out.
Winner by Pinfall: Kurt Angle
An Aces & Eights member climbs over the cage and comes in to attack Angle, Brisco gets into the cage to back Angle up and Angle tells him to lock the cage behind him. Brisco does so and they face down the Aces & Eights member, who takes off his mask to reveal he’s Garett Bischoff. DUN-DUN-DUNNNNN. Angle is stunned and then looks at Briscoe, who says he didn’t know about this, but then Brisco takes out Angle’s knee when he turns back to Bischoff. Briscoe tears off the sport jacket to reveal an Aces & Eights jacket, and he and Bischoff beat Angle down two-on-one. Bischoff hit the Silver Slice on Angle, then he and Brisco celebrate in the ring as we call it a night.
((Jarrett’s Jab – Here’s two members that everyone saw coming a mile away. Now that they are heel, it’s how they can pull it off. It’s no secret that I am not a fan of Garett Bischoff, mainly because he sucks and doesn’t belong on the TNA roster when someone like Cliff Compton is still in OVW. If Bischoff and/or Briscoe can show some decent mic skills, then this might save their careers. Surely the son of one of the greatest mouthpieces in the last two decades could learn how to cut a decent promo, maybe the heel edge and being surrounded by Anderson and Taz along with Eric might help him show that he actually belongs in TNA. And TNA needs to realize for Aces and Eights to be a threat, they have to win some matches. That’s it for me, goodnight from Internet land!))