
Opening Segment
The end of the Bully Ray and Brooke Hogan wedding, is shown and then leading Aces & Eights in an attack on Bubba, Hulk, Tommy Dreamer, and Brother Runt before Sting made the save. We then see scenes from after the show as Hulk and Bubba are both helped to the back.
We go out to the broadcast booth as Todd Keneley and Mike Tenay welcome us to the show and an empty seat is shown beside Todd. Tenay has never been more shocked than he was last week when Taz joined Aces & Eights, but Taz will explain his actions a little later tonight and Tenay can’t wait to hear what he has to say. Aces and Eights are shown in the parking lot reving up their motorcycles and driving around in circles before the Impact Wrestling intro that hasn’t been played in months comes on.
Taz comes out with the entire Aces & Eights group and says that life is about opportunity, and he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to be part of a group that had an agenda to get revenge and redemption. He also couldn’t pass up the chance to be a part of the vision of a higher power, and the opportunity to stand on Hogan and Bubba’s faces and make a statement. Dixie and everyone else in the TNA office needs to read his contract a little closer because he’s bulletproof, and if anyone puts their hands on him, he’ll own the place. Taz calls himself “Teflon Taz” and says that TNA can deal with the carnage that Aces & Eights will deal out, and that Bubba and Brooke were just collateral damage.
Jesse Godderz is backstage giving Tara a pep talk, comparing a Velvet Sky action figure to Tara.
((Jarrett’s Jab – Hey look! The figure has Velvet’s personality! And her wrestling skills, what a steal! And wouldn’t Kevlar Taz be more accurate? Teflon won’t stick and felt forced when he said it. And the pun wasn’t intended. And one last thing, I hope this “higher power” doesn’t end with someone pulling back a hood and saying “IT WAS ME ALL ALONG HOGAN!”))
-Commercial Break-
We see a video package looking at Christopher Daniels’ history in TNA and hyping this up as his “first shot at the TNA World Title” (Apparently they forgot about Styles/Daniels/Joe II at Turning Point 2009 and Styles/Daniels at Final Resolution 2009), then we go to Daniels’ locker room as we find out that Kazarian has secured a manager’s license for the evening.
TNA Knockouts Championship: Tara (c) vs. Velvet Sky
Velvet attacks Tara at the bell and goes for several pin attempts to gain an early advantage as the bell rings. Velvet misses a shoulderblock, but manages to connect with several clotheslines and a Russian legsweep. Tara bails to the floor for a breather, but Velvet grabs her hair and drags her back to the ring and nails a dropkick to the chest and kicks her back to the floor as we head to a commercial break.
-Commercial Break-
Velvet rams shoulderblocks into Tara’s midsection in the corner as we come back from the break. Velvet goes for a monkey flip, but Tara holds onto the corner ropes and Velvet crashes hard as Taz calls it a veteran move. Tara tries a quick cover, but only gets two. Tara rams Velvet’s face into the mat and follows up with a snap suplex for another two count. Tara gets a rear chinlock, then picks Velvet up and tosses her across the ring by the hair. Tara goes up top, but takes too long and Velvet is able to get up and toss her off the corner. Now they’re on their knees trading right hands, then they get up and Velvet connects with several clotheslines and a flying headscissors. Velvet connects with a rolling facebuster, but Jesse distracts the referee as Velvet tries a cover. Velvet goes after Jesse, Tara tries to backjump her, but Velvet moves and rolls her up for two. Velvet tries a suplex, but Jesse trips Velvet from the floor and holds onto her ankle while Tara pins Velvet with her feet on the ropes.
Winner by Pinfall and STILL TNA Knockouts Champion: Tara
Open Fight Night returns next week, and for the first time it will emanate from the United Kingdom! The cameraman asks Sting if he has anything to say, and Sting says that he will do all of his talking in the ring. ((Jarrett’s Jab – First at Genesis and now tonight Taryn Terell is missing calls. I can say that she is training at Ohio Valley Wrestling as a wrestler and had a stint as the Women’s Champion of OVW before losing to Gutcheck winner Taeler Hendrix on December 1st. Maybe this is a set up for her to be a knockout wrestler rather than a refree. Would at least be a new challenger and probably better executed than Shane Sewell’s wrestling debut.))
-Commercial Break-
Kenny King is backstage admiring himself in the mirror, then he tells Zema Ion that it’s all about the X Division Title and looking good, and to just hang out on the apron and let him do all the heavy lifting. Ion talks to himself in a mirror after King leaves and sprays more hairspray in his hair.
Joseph Park comes out to the ring and says that contrary to popular belief, he’s not the most graceful person in the world. He talks about his athletic past in third grade at Catholic school, then says he finally realized that his place isn’t in a courtroom, it’s here as a member of the Impact roster. He knows his debut match didn’t go quite as he had hoped, he fought hard and lost, but it made him realize that he is here to be the best that he can be. Next week, Impact Wrestling emanates from Manchester, and it’s Open Fight Night, so being that he’s as committed as he is, he’s ready to go to Manchester and compete in his first Open Fight Night. The only question is who to choose as his first opponent, and he doesn’t want to ‘kayfab’ everyone, but he’s going to take a week to deliberate, and he’ll render his verdict next week in Manchester. The one thing he can tell us is that next week, the US, the UK, and the world will witness the debut of Joseph Park. He’s going to hold his court, and he’s going to get that W. ((Jarrett’s Jab – I’m surprised that the Joesph Park character has lasted this long, and it’s great that it has! Joesph Park is such a great character and the man behind it plays it so well that it’s very entertaining television.))
-Commercial Break-
TNA X Division Champion Rob Van Dam & Christian York vs. Kenny King & Zema Ion
RVD and Ion start off, and RVD casually beats down Ion before tagging York in take his turn. RVD comes back in and give Ion a huge monkey flip that he sold like Ziggler by flipping once and almost sticking the landing face first. RVD follows that up with a running kick in the corner, then takes a swipe at King on the apron and gets hung up on the top rope. Now King tags himself in and snap suplexes RVD into a mount and does ground and pound before covering for two. Ion whips RVD hard into the corner and comes off the top with a 450 splash, but RVD moves out of the way and Ion hits hard. Ion still manages to grab RVD’s ankle before he can make a tag, but RVD nails him with an inverted enziguiri and tags out to York. York runs through everyone and nails King with a flying kneestrike for two. York clotheslines King to the floor and goes out after him as RVD goes for a split legged moonsault, but King rams York into the post and trips RVD as he goes for the move. King goes for a suplex, RVD fights King off, but Ion knocks RVD off the top rope and to the floor. Ion tags himself in and tries to catch York with a tornado DDT, York shoves him off and then gets caught with a Blockbuster from King, but Ion steals the pin on York.
Winners by Pinfall: Zema Ion & Kenny King
King looks pissed as Ion gets all the attention and steals the match. Tenay notes that King is the one always doing that. We head to the parking lot where Brooke and Bubba are just arriving at the Impact Zone. The Camera Man tries to ask them about the wedding, but Bubba tells him to get the camera out of his face right now as Ray shoves the camera away and they walk away. ((Jarrett’s Jab – RVD being the X Division Champion hasn’t ))
-Commercial Break-
Samoa Joe is getting into an argument with Wes Brisco and Garett Bischoff backstage when they try to ask him how Angle is doing and he hasn’t return their messages. Joe says why don’t you ask him and Angle walks up behind the two. Angle says he’s not 100%, but he knows what he has to do as a man. He’s happy to see his crew, and we’ll find out what’s on his mind a little later.
We are forced to watch the wedding footage again. Bully Ray and Brooke Hogan come out to the ring to talk about how the greatest night of their lives was ruined. He did says that he expected it from Devon, but he didn’t expect that from Taz. He calls Taz a coward, and says that it doesn’t matter to him that they beat him, it’s everyone around him that pissed him off. The only man who trusted him this whole time, Sting, got hurt. The man he’s been trying to get to trust him, Hulk Hogan, also got hurt. But the one who got hurt the worst was the woman he loves, and how dare Taz ruins their biggest day. The things he is going to do to Devon, Taz, and every other member of Aces & Eights are things he can’t even say on national television. Aces & Eights better sleep with one eye open because he guarantees that he won’t sleep one wink until he kicks every one of their MFing asses. He can’t do any of that unless Hulk lifts his suspension, and he knows that Hulk is home resting up, but he begs Hulk to lift his suspension. Sting comes out to the ring and says that everyone knows Hulk Hogan doesn’t do anything halfway, but he knows Hulk is watching and he says that Hulk has only come halfway because he walked his daughter down the aisle and gave her to his new son-in-law Bully Ray. Now it’s time for Hulk to go all the way because he’s the best of all time, and next week in the UK, he believes that Hulk will announce to the world that Bully Ray will be reinstated.
Last Thursday, Bobby Roode and Austin Aries got into it with Chavo Guerrero Jr & Hernandez, and we go backstage to Aries and Roode as they decide which of them is going to take on Hernandez. Roode says Aries is so good, he ought to take on Hernandez. Aries can’t disagree with how good he is, but Roode is the power guy on their team and he ought to go against the champs’ power guy since he’s such a better wrestler than Hernandez. Roode says that Aries beat him, and Aries says he beat him twice, but since Roode says it was a fluke, he’ll admit that Roode’s the better man and should take on Hernandez.
((Jarrett’s Jab – I don’t know what the purpose of Brooke Hogan was, but if she was supposed to look nervous, she had the same expression I did during the Knockouts match: bored out of my mind. Ray did a good job, but Sting didn’t do well and Brooke just sucked. Roode and Aries are becoming the best act in wrestling and it’s a shame that they’re a team when less than two weeks ago, they challenged for the World Heavyweight Championship.))
-Commercial Break-
We see a video package looking at Jeff Hardy talking about what the TNA World Title means to him and what he thinks of Christopher Daniels, then we head back to the ring for…
Bobby Roode vs. Hernandez
Roode tries to match power with Hernandez but fails spectacularly, so he tries instead to kick Hernandez in the gut and unload with forearms. Hernandez backbody drops Roode before holding him in a vertical suplex for about thirty seconds before dropping him. Roode takes Hernandez down and tries a cover, but gets bench pressed off during the kickout, so he snapmares. Roode connects with a back elbow and covers for two, then drops a pair of elbows and a knee for another two. Roode cinches in a rear chinlock, but Hernandez gets out and gets backdropped to the apron. Hernandez nails the slingshot shoulderblock from the outside in and hits an over-the-shoulder backbreaker. Hernandez nails Roode with the the POOUNNNCEEEEAAHH, but Aries runs out of the back and saves Roode from a dive. Roode argues with Aries, but then Aries and Chavo get in a brawl at ringside as Roode comes back in and bulldogs Hernandez for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Bobby Roode
((Jarrett’s Jab – Roode carried Hernandez to a passable match, but I don’t get why Roode didn’t hit one of his finishers. This guy has four finishers (Crossface, Spear, Pay Off, Fujiwara Armbar) and he manages to hardly ever win a match with any of them. Why does Hernandez have a job in TNA again? And I think this is the second time this month I’ve been able to make a Monty Brown reference.))
-Commercial Break-
We see a video package looking at Kurt Angle getting laid out by Aces & Eights and the situation with Ken Anderson before Kurt Angle makes his appearance in front of the Impact Zome. He says he thought Aces & Eights would be a short lived thing, but they’ve stuck around and he’s tired of them. He calls Anderson out to the ring, so the lights go out and Anderson’s music and tron plays on the big screen, but he comes out through the Aces and Eights entrance in an Aces and Eights skullcap, leather vest and Anderson shirt. Anderson asks Kurt if he wants to fight him next week a bunch of times before admitting he doesn’t want to fight Angle next week…he wants to do it now and suckerpunches Angle. Anderson fires right hands at Angle, but Angle counters with a clothsline and goes for the Anklelock. Anderson quickly rolls out of the ring and runs in front of the announce table. Angle tells Anderson to keep running because there won’t be any cheapshots next week. It’ll be one on one, Angle vs Anderson, one more time, in a steel cage!
((Jarrett’s Jab – I hated how TNA has portrayed Aces and Eights as always being on the losing end. In real life bad guys win as much as good guys, and sometimes more. In that respect I wish TNA was a little more like WCW where the Bad Guys were just as good and found a way to win more often. It’d make Aces and Eights more interesting. I like how Anderson and Taz has become members of Aces and Eights. Regardless of what you think about them, they both have a bigger name value than anyone else that’s been revealed in the group so far, and Taz should be the mouthpiece and the leader for right now. It’d be more believable than Devon.))
-Commercial Break-
Inside the Aces and Eights Clubhouse, Anderson yells at the hookers to shut up. Devon tells him to relax and says that they always have a game plan.
TNA World Heavyweight Championship: Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Christopher Daniels
Daniels comes out to his ring general jacket with the medals dancing to his ring music with Kaz showing his manager’s license to everyone that’ll look. I actually read somewhere that a former Army man is pissed he’s wearing fake medals, it’s pro wrestling, grow up. Daniels takes Hardy to the corner early in the match, but surprisingly breaks clean. Daniels whips Hardy back to the corner, but Hardy catches him coming in with a flying headscissors. Hardy tries a springboard basement dropkick, but Daniels rolls out of the way. Daniels quickly slides back in and tosses Hardy out to the floor. Kazarian comes in the ring to celebrate with Daniels as we head to commercial.
-Commercial Break-
Daniels is back in control as we come back from commercial. It’s shown that Kazarian interfered in the match during the break. Daniels gets a back suplex and an elbowdrop for two, then starts pounding on Hardy before just stomping a mudhole in the champion and walking it dry! Daniels puts Hardy in a Tazmission, but Hardy gets out and begins to mount his paint-by-numbers comeback. Hardy comes off the second rope with a splash for two, but Daniels catches Hardy on another attempt at a headscissors and counters to a death valley driver for two. Daniels gets Hardy in the Koji Clutch, but Hardy makes the ropes. Daniels takes him back to the corner and puts him on top, hits the palmstrike, and goes for a top rope Frankensteiner. Hardy fights Daniels off and hits a top rope gourdbuster, then makes a cover but Daniels gets his foot on the bottom rope at two. Unlike earlier, the refree actually caught Daniel’s feet on the rope. Daniels blocks the Twist of Fate and hits Angel’s Wings, but Hardy kicks out at two. Daniels drags Hardy into position and goes for the BME, Hardy moves, Daniels lands on his feet and charges into Hardy’s elbow. Hardy goes for the Whisper In The Wind, but Daniels moves out of the way and Hardy crashes and burns. Daniels cradles Hardy and stacks him right up on his shoulders, but Hardy still kicks out at 2. Daniels goes for another Angel’s Wings, but Hardy counters to a headscissors, hits a Twist of Fate that sends Daniels stumbling into Kazarian and knocking him off the apron, Hardy hits a second Twist of Fate, and finishes Daniels off with the Swanton.
Winner by Pinfall and STILL TNA World Heavyweight Champion: Jeff Hardy
Taz says that he’s going to do his job as an interview and interview Hardy. Taz congratulates Hardy for retaining his title, then asks him what’s going to happen when Aces & Eights destroys everything around him and takes his title away. Hardy is focused on Taz and doesn’t see a member of Aces & Eights come out of the crowd and take his knee out with a tire iron. Hardy is down on the mat holding his knee as Taz joking says that he was about to tell him to watch his back.
((Jarrett’s Jab – It was nice to see Daniels break out the Koji Clutch again. Don’t get me wrong, it was a good match, but it was the wrong ending. It’s no secret that they pulled Hardy from all of the UK Tour where TNA is taping four weeks of television. Four weeks without appearances from the world champion in front of the largest crowds that Impact Wrestling has seen is unacceptable in my book. Whether he’s actually injured or he’s not allowed to leave the country due to his drug charges, it’s a weak attack especially considering how Magnus and Sting were taken out, and now another heel loses to Jeff Hardy cleanly. If Daniels is done with Hardy, what heel does TNA have left to challenge Hardy except Mr. Anderson? Hardy has run through almost all the main event heels and they’re going to run out of challengers by Lockdown if they continue at this pace.))