
Opening Segment
Impact Wrestling opens up with a screen dedicating the show to Brad Armstrong, who died today. He is the brother of former TNA employee BG James (Road Dogg) and son of former TNA wrestler “Bullet” Bob Armstrong
((Jarrett’s Jab – Dixie Carter tweeted to Road Dogg and his family earlier today on twitter. Really classy move by Dixie Carter that she didn’t have to do. It’s hard not to have respect for her.))
After the Previously on Impact Wrestling video, we are live on Impact for Open Fight Night!
Joseph Park is in the ring to kick off Open Fight Night tonight. Park asks if the mic is on before he talks about being around Impact to know what Open Fight Night is all about and since day one, he’s always said that he’s not a wrestler, but an attorney, and a damn fine one at that. Park talks in legal terms about the Aces and Eight’s attack, and it doesn’t matter that he’s not a wrestler, he’s a man and he’s not going to let his rights be violated. Park says that Hogan hasn’t given him answer on a match because he’s not a member of the Impact Roster, but he found the loophole with Open Fight Night and calls out any member of Aces and Eights to a fight. Four men come out, and gang up on Parks before Kurt Angle come out, but they get ganged up until Sting comes out. Sting says that tonight is Open Fight Night and since he heard that Devon was told that the masks don’t come off, so someone tonight is getting their mask ripped off their face. Park pats Sting on the back and Sting hands Park his bat.
Todd Keneley is at the commentary desk with Jeremy Borash and goes over the announced card for Open Fight Night tonight that features ODB calling out Jesse and Devon and Bully Ray going one-on-one. Borash also briefly talks about Gut Check and how Christian York was on the very first TNA show, but none since.
Magnus is asked if he’s concerned with Aces and Eights, and he said that he’s more concerned with unmasking someone who is running around Impact Wrestling as a fraud.
-Commercial Break-
Jesse is backstage complaining to Tara about having to fight ODB, and he has her rub some hand sanitizer on him before he has to touch her.
Television Championship: Samoa Joe (c) vs. Magnus
Magnus makes his way to the ring and Borash reminds everyone that Magnus said he’s going to unmask a fraud of his own tonight and Magnus says he’s calling out Samoa Joe for the Television Championship and before he could explain why, the fans start with the “Joe’s gonna kill you” chant. Magnus explains that it’s not because of their long history, it’s because he has a problem with him being the Television Champion. Magnus declares that Joe has a radio face and compares him to Howard Stern before Joe comes out and starts it with right hands and a chop after he tears up Magnus’ Impact Wrestling shirt. Spin kick in the corner by Joe and several right hands before Joe runs right into a big boot. Magnus comes off the top rope and lands right into an atomic drop and a rolling splash for two. Joe starst with more rights and rebounds off the ropes before Magnus leapfrogs over Joe and hits a highknee to the distain of the crowd. Kenely reminds everyone that this is a Bound for Glory rematch as Magnus locks in a headlock. Joe goes for the Coquina clutch and Magnus runs right into an STO and clothslines Magnus right out of the ring. Magnus looks under the ring and Joe comes out and rams him back first into the ringpost. Hebner counts to seven before going out to talk to Joe. Magnus grabs a wrench and sneaks it in the ring. Magnus nails Joe right in the head with the wrench for the disqualification.
Winner by Disqualification: Samoa Joe
Hulk Hogan is in his office with Sting and Joseph Park, but Kurt Angle barges in with Wes Brisco and Garett Bischoff demanding Devon in the ring tonight. Hogan says Bully Ray has Devon tonight, but he can have whatever’s left at Turning Point. Angle says he still wants to fight tonight, and Sting says that since everyone’s ready to fight, that the four of them should go rip off some masks.
-Commercial Break-
We are back on this live Open Fight Night edition of Impact Wrestling and Joe is backstage and is yelling backstage that he wants to throw out the rules and do this the old fashioned way.
A replay is shown of Austin Aries attacking Jeff Hardy and spitting on his awful custom belt before blasting him over the head with it. Hardy is putting on makeup backstage and we get to hear his thoughts again. ((Jarrett’s Jab – I know I already tweeted this, but I wish had Joe’s DRV right now.))
Kazarian and Christopher Daniels come out to the ring and say that the biggest frauds around here aren’t Aces & Eights, its Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez. They came out here last week and did what they always do by telling the truth and looking good doing it, but some folks in the back got muy caliente over it. They’re getting their rematch at Turning Point, but tonight is Open Fight Night, so they’re calling out two men who are fiercely proud of their heritage: a member of the famous Guerrero wrestling family, and the other is renowned for his size, so they call out…Hector Guerrero and Willie Urbina: The Spanish Announcers.
-Commercial Break-
We’re back and Daniels & Kazarian are telling Urbina and Guerrero (in what little Spanish I know from watching George Lopez) to hurry up. Urbina tries to calm Hector down until Daniels shoved Urbina down. Guerrero nails Daniels, but Kazarian blindsides him and they beat down the Spanish announce team until Chavo and Hernandez run in and make the save. Daniels and Kazarian run and Daniels gets a microphone and asks them if Chavo and Hernandez if they’re taking them seriously now.
A video airs for Gut Check contestant, Christian York, as he talks about how this may be his last chance to make something out of his career.
-Commercial Break-
ODB is backstage telling Eric Young to get to the Impact Zone because she’s fighting Jesse, and that he better not forget the fried chicken.
Gut Check: Christian York vs. Zema Ion
York takes Ion’s spray can and throws it up the ramp, then unloads on Ion. Ion tries a flying headscissors, but York cartwheels through and nails Ion. Ion charges runs right into a boot. York nails a forward rolling kick and a half nelson suplex. York connects a charging cannonball in the corner and then goes to the top, but Ion rolls out to the apron. York gets him by the hair and Ion snaps York’s throat down on the top rope, then he floats between the ropes into a tornado DDT. Ion starts putting the boots to York and goes to his eyes, but tries a springboard moonsault and comes down right onto York’s knees. York takes Ion’s head off with a clothesline and hits the Mood Swing for a very close two count. Ion goes to the floor and dodges a baseball slide, but York rebounds off the ropes and catches Ion with a tornado DDT. Ion kicks the middle rope into York’s groin on his way back into the ring and then gets York in Submission Impossible and York gives up.
Winner by Submission: Zema Ion
((Jarrett’s Jab – If there was ever a Gut Check match that the contestant deserved to win, it was this one. York impressed big time and he should have won; now he’s not any different than any other gut check participant except he had a great showing.))
The Mystery Cameraman asks Austin Aries about taking the title belt, and Aries says he still considers himself the champion and not a guy who hides behind facepaint like Jeff Hardy. He’s all about being the face of the company, and he excuses himself to step into Robbie E and Robbie T’s locker room to discuss some business.
-Commercial Break-
Garett Bischoff comes up to Bully Ray and says that Devon stabbed him in the back like he did everyone else, and if Bubba needs anything, he’s there. Bubba says he appreciates it and says for someone that’s been in the business for two years to stop him in the hallway and tell him that, he respects him and shakes his hand. A stagehand says that Aces and Eights are outside. Bully Ray and Garett go out into the parking lot and fight five of the masked men as Devon taunts Ray into chasing him away. The brawl continues as Sting yells that the night is still young and someone is losing their mask tonight.
ODB vs. Jesse Godderz
Jesse tries to get the jump on ODB with a clothesline, but she ducks and starts unloading on him with open hand slaps. Tara comforts him until he gets back in the ring…and continues getting receiving open hand slaps. Jesse holds onto the rope as ODB tries to whip him across the ring, but she kicks him in the gut and goes up for some right hands until Jesse shoves her off. He stops to pose and tries an elbowdrop, but ODB rolls out of the way and Jesse misses. He tries to escape to the outside again, but ODB chases Jesse and Tara around the ring and back inside where she flattens Jesse with a wheelbarrow into a faceplant. Jesse whips ODB to the corner and tries a charge, but ODB gets her boot up and sits on the top rope and repeatedly rams Jesse’s face into the turnbuckle. She tries a double flying knee out of the corner, but Jesse collapses out of her, then goes to get a kiss for good luck from Tara as Taryn Terell tells her to get down. Jesse connects with a scoop slam and he stops to pose for the crowd and make out with Tara, giving ODB plenty of time to get up, nail with a scoop slam Jesse, and put him over her knee to spank him. Tara gets onto the ring apron and ODB goes after her, but Jesse rolls ODB up from behind and gets the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Jesse Godderz
Mike Tenay takes over for Todd as we enter Hour Two, and they wish the folks in the Northeast the best in dealing with the damage that resulted from Hurricane Sandy and gives a special shoutout to Taz. Tenay and JB discuss the battle we’re going to see tonight between Devon and Bully Ray, but first, we’ve got more action going on in the ring!
Robbie E and Robbie T come out to the ring, and E says that the most memorable part of this year’s Bound For Glory Series was him beating Jeff Hardy, so he’s calling out the World Champion tonight so he can get beat a second time.
Robbie E vs. TNA World Champion Jeff Hardy
Robbie E tries to jump Hardy on the apron and Hardy connects with some kicks until he can get his title belt around his waist. Hardy goes to town on Robbie E with right hands galore and a big spash off the top rope for two. Robbie E hooks the leg and tries to irish whip Hardy into the steel steps, but end up getting whipped into them shoulder first. Hardy does the Poetry in Motion with the steel steps as a launch pad and Robbie T pulls Hardy into the guardrail as we take a break.
-Commercial Break-
We are back on Open Fight Night as Robbie E poses. Tenay notes how Robbie E has been impressive by staying in control throughout the commercial break. That doesn’t last long as Hardy hits several elbows and a baseball slide to Robbie E before a springboard dropkick to Robbie E. Hardy goes for twist of Fate, but Robbie E shockingly reverses it into a DDT for two. Hardy starts to nail the side of Robbie E and takes off his shirt before hitting the Twist of Fate. Swanton connects for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: TNA World Champion Jeff Hardy
Pink light fills the ring as Hardy celebrates with his belt. We see a replay of the Swanton as the Direct Impact of the Night. After what seems like an eternity, Austin Aries comes out to interrupt. Aries tells Hardy to pick that ugly belt he threw down and says that the difference between him and Hardy is three seconds. Aries has been the most dominant man in the company since he walked in and he has climed the company ladder to prove he’s the greatest wrestler in the universe. Hardy grabs a mic as the fans call Aries overrated. He’s underrated damn it! Hardy says let’s do this right and pulls out a ladder and Aries questioned whether he was putting shingles on a roof. Hardy starts to climb the ladder and Aries says that it was just a metaphor and Hardy asks Aries why don’t they make it more than just a metaphor and Aries yells that he’s a professional wrestler and he’s not doing it.
We go to a video package looking at the opening of Hulk Hogan’s Beach Shop as Matt Morgan pushes his way to the front of the crowd to tell Hogan that he’s finished with his excuses, but he may be missing one thing. Hogan says to stop and not to touch his memorabilia, but Morgan takes the robe he wore at Shea Stadium and says to watch the history he makes with it. Hogan says not to take it, but Morgan says he just did and walks off.
We then go to the back as Hogan watches a monitor and says he finally got it, but James Storm comes in and says that he got his head straight after finishing matters with Bobby Roode and wants a chance. Hogan says he might have an idea for Storm and asks him if he’s a gambling man and Storm pauses for a second and says yes. Hogan walks off as Storm looks confused.
-Commercial Break-
The It Factor of Professional Wrestling, Bobby Roode makes his way to the ring as Jeremy Borash speculates who he could be calling out. Roode reminds everyone that it is Open Fight Night, but he’s not here to fight, he’s here to state a fact and that is that he’s being screwed. Roode talks about the deliberation for Jeff Hardy’s challenger last week and he knows that Hogan put a clause in Roode’s contract where he couldn’t get a World Title shot as long as Aries was the champion, “but newsflash BROTHER, Aries isn’t the champion anymore.” Roode talks about how he would have beaten Hardy and AJ Styles comes out to interrupt. AJ asks why Roode is crying and complaining about not being the world champion, and says that he should be the world champion. AJ says that Roode is the longest reigning champion in TNA history and no one can take that away from him. While he was champion, he had to deal with issues of his own, like being taped getting into an elevator with the member of the opposite sex…which is apparently the fad if your name is AJ. Styles says that he’s not going to get anywhere complaining, but it’s Open Fight Night and he’s calling Roode out. Roode says no and when AJ turns his back he gets nailed from behind. AJ fights back with a clothesline over the top and is about to hit Roode with a highflying move until he’s interrupted by Hulk Hogan with James Storm in toe. Hogan says that hears them loud and clear and agrees that they both deserve title shots. He makes a match between AJ, Roode, and Storm at Turning Point where the winner gets a title shot and the man that takes the fall can’t get a title shot until at least next year’s Bound For Glory.
Joey Ryan and Matt Morgan are backstage, and they’re…WALKING!
((Jarrett’s Jab – The stipulation is completely unnecessary and should have never been made. I guess it irritates me because Storm and AJ are two of the best baby faces that they can put in a title match, and AJ will probably be the one taking the pin. AJ’s shot to AJ Lee’s storyline may have made other people groan, but I laughed. Both are really bad and equally groan inducing, and the WWE doesn’t have Daniels to make theirs somewhat watchable.))
-Commercial Break-
Joey Ryan and Matt Morgan come out to the ring, and Morgan says he was tired of being ignored by TNA management, so he took the ball in his own hands and started attacking wrestlers at house shows to get Hogan’s attention. It still wasn’t good enough, so since Hogan made a lot of history in the robe he wore to Shea Stadium, he’s going to make even more history with it and will now eat through the entire roster one by one until he owns the World Title. He hands the microphone to Ryan, who says that he’s normally good at avoiding VDs, but tonight he’s calling out RVD to prove that the X Division Title can be X rated.
X Division Champion Rob Van Dam vs. Joey Ryan
RVD gets in the ring and starts unloading on Ryan, but gets distracted by Morgan, which Ryan uses to his advantage by dumping him out to the floor. RVD pops back up on the apron and spinkicks Ryan in the face, then comes inside and runs through Ryan with kicks and shoulderblocks in the corner. RVD hits Rolling Thunder and goes for the Five Star Frogsplash, but Morgan reaches into the ring and pulls Ryan out of the way, allowing Ryan to get a rolling cradle and pin RVD with his feet on the ropes.
Winner by Pinfall: Joey Ryan
RVD goes after Ryan after the match, but Morgan gets in the ring and takes RVD’s head off with the Carbon Footprint.
-Commercial Break-
Bully Ray vs. Devon
Ray dedicates this match to everyone in the North East and tells them to stay Hardcore before saying he wants to kick Devon’s frickin ass. Devon comes out alone and has a slow entrance and ducks out of the ring as soon as Ray charges for him. Devon asks if he’s serious and the referee wants to start counting, but Bully Ray goes under the ring and slides a table in the ring and yells at Devon to “fight me right now you piece of crap.” Devon goes on the apron and Ray tries to punch Devon, but Devon ducks out of the apron and signals members of Aces and Eights to come out. They all come in the ring, but Ray starts swinging his chain. Members of the Impact Zone go right after Aces and Eights. Devon and Rat are left in the ring alone while everyone else fights outside the ring. Right hand by Ray and he repositions the table as the crowd starts loudly chanting “Table!” Ray goes for a powerbomb, but a member of Aces and Eights comes in the ring to save Devon. Joesph Park sneaks up behind him and the big member starts nailing Park with right hands and kicks everywhere. Park rips the mask off and it’s The Big LG (a.k.a. Festus and Luke Gallows of WWE fame) and he doesn’t hesitate to chokebomb Park right through the table. Tenay notes that he’s been an enforcer for some big names (which is weird, because he’s only been back up to CM Punk in the Straight Edge Society back in 2009/2010)
((Jarrett’s Jab – I like Open Fight Night, but they really need to give these segments time to sink in, it wasn’t as bad as last week, where we went from Austin Aries’s attack on Hardy and then Aces and Eights jumping Angle. Jesse wrestling in my opinion was a big waste of time, and why in the world are there still KO Tag Title belts, have those things been defended at all? Anyways that’s it for tonight, check back to TNAStars for all the latest TNA news!))