
James Storm vs. World Heavyweight Champion Austin Aries
Yeah, your World Champ is kicking off the show. A quick tie up and Storm is backed into a corner. Aries breaks clean. Another tie up this time leads to some quick chain wrestling and a stallmate. Aries calls for a test of strength and Aries kicks the abdomen and gets an arm wringer. Storm turns it around into a headlock and Aries bails for a breather. Aries comes back in and gets a headlock. Storm charges into the corner to break it, but Aries flips over Storm and gets several right hands to the World Champ. Aries sends Storm over the ropes but he skins the cat. Aries tries a baseball slide and Storm’s already in the ring. Storm tries a crossbody, but Aries rolls in the ring and Storm lands on his feet. Suicide Dive by Aries finally ends the sequence. A replay of the suicide dive plays and Storm uses a jawbreaker to stop the headlock by Aries. Storm connects with multiple rights but eats a boot to the face when he charges into the corner. Slaps to the chest first by Aries and then by Storm before Aries rolls out of the way and hits a axehandle. Storm connects with a clothsline after Aries blocks the first attempt. Storm hits the right hands on the top rope and Aries tries it but gets a Russian Leg Sweep for his efforts. The two trade off right hands and Storm goes for the Eye of the Storm, but Aries slips off. Storm sends Aries over the top, but Aries lands on the apron and hits a armbearker. Storm tries Closing Time, but is reversed. Aries tries the brainbuster but that’s reversed by Storm. The two collide mid-ring, and Earl Hebner checks on Aries as Bobby Roode runs down to the ring, grabs Storm from the ring and slam his head against the ring post before sliding him back in the ring. Aries nails the Brainbuster and picks up the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Austin Aries
Wes Brisco is backstage asking Kurt Angle if he can tag along to Phoenix with him, and Angle says he’ll make it happen. AJ Styles comes in and asks Angle if his head is in the game, then tells him not to bother coming if he cares so much about teaming with Sting. AJ storms out of the room after telling Angle not to even come to ringside. Angle tells him not to let Daniels and Kazarian mess with his head.
((Jarrett’s Jab – I assume this opening match plays into Hardy being supposedly better or whatever the whole deal there is. I’d say respect, but that just seems too used lately in pro wrestling.))
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Hulk Hogan and Sting make their way to the ring and Hogan says that they’ve had just a little bit of a situation since last week. Hogan says that Aces and Eights backed him in a corner, and Sting is getting in the ring and he has to watch the match. Sting briefly recounts that Aces and Eights took out their first choice (Anderson brother) and Bully Ray stepped up. Daniels & Kazarian’s music hits, and they come out to have a word with Hogan and Sting. Daniels says they’re only days away from Bound For Glory, and he wants to know why Hogan picked the most untrustworthy guy in the locker room. They want to know why Hogan didn’t pick his favorite tag team, Sting’s favorite tag team, and everyone’s favorite tag team: the Tag Team Champions Of The World. Kazarian tells “Thunderlips” that they came up with a solution: cancel the tag title match, tell Bully Ray thanks but no thanks, and call on the one man he knows can put an end to the Aces & Eights threat once and for all: Kurt Angle. Bully Ray’s music hits, and out he comes to tell Daniels not to ever talk about his brother again. He says Angle would have been a great choice, but this isn’t going to be a wrestling match, it’s going to be a fight, and if you’re getting in a wrestling match, you want the greatest wrestler alive, and that’s Kurt Angle, but in a fight, they need the baddest mother trucker around. Bubba says he doesn’t need to be Hogan or Sting’s friend, he needs to have his back because the common business they have is getting rid of Aces & Eights. If he has to prove himself, he can do it tonight by getting Daniels & Kazarian to wrestling Bully Ray and Sting. Daniels and Kazarian are livid as Hogan says the match is made…TONIGHT.
((Jarrett’s Jab – I seriously think that the next World Champion should either be Bully Ray or Christopher Daniels. Daniels has in the past year reinvented himself into one of the must-see characters in wrestling and single handedly made the Clare Lynch crap watchable. No doubt that this will be an entertaining brawl, but I question why Sting wrestling on free TV wasn’t hyped like crazy. It really should be, it’d get more viewers that way.))
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Hernandez (with Chavo Guerrero Jr.) vs. AJ Styles
Major déjà vu from all those tag team matches back in 2007 when AJ Styles and Tomko faced Hernandez and Matt Morgan. Really miss that guy, world champion waiting to happen. Anyways, AJ uses his speed early to try and avoid Hernandez while throwing kicks at his knees, eventually kicking his legs right out from under him before jawing back and forth with Chavo. Hernandez tries a charge, AJ dodges out of the way and tries a sunset flip, but Hernandez yanks him up to his feet by the throat. AJ connects with a leaping enziguiri, then AJ gets distracted by Chavo again. Hernandez dodges a leaping forearm into the corner and rams AJ hard into the opposite corner. Hernandez drags AJ off the mat by his head and squashes him with a bearhug. AJ boxes his ears to escape, but Hernandez runs through him with a body tackle and then pops him over his shoulder for a powerslam. AJ slips out the back and connects with a sweet dropkick, and a second dropkick sends Hernandez tumbling out to the floor. AJ slingshots over the top rope with a forearm smash, then starts jawing with Chavo AGAIN. AJ springboards off the top rope, but Hernandez dodges the forearm and nearly drives AJ into next week with a Pounce and covers him for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Hernandez
We go to the Aces & Eights clubhouse where the Vice President says that Joseph Park is doing fine (as we see tear into some Chinese food) and “pretty damn adorable.” The Ace and Eights VP also says that Bully Ray joining up with Sting certainly came as a surprise, but not a surprise they can’t overcome.
-Commercial Break-
The X Division Champion Zema Ion comes out to the ring and says that being humble got him nowhere, and he became the X Division Champion by breaking necks, breaking arms and breaking caeers. Ion calls it bittersweet that he doesn’t have an opponent for Bound For Glory, the biggest show of the yearbecause he’s taken out the entire X Division. Rob Van Dam comes out to the ring and says that the most dangerous thing Ion has ever done is run his mouth within earshot of RVD. RVD doesn’t have a match either, and Hulk Hogan said he can wrestle anyone he wants, so it’ll be RVD facing Zema Ion at Bound For Glory. Ion shoves RVD, and RVD spinkicks the X Division Title into Ion’s face.
((Jarrett’s Jab – Just like that, the X Division mattered again. I really think that Jeff Hardy in the X Division rather in World Title contention would be a great way to use him. Putting over these guys that every year at Destination X, has the change to trade in the X Division title for a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship, having veterans like Jeff Hardy and Rob Van Dam would really elevate the X Division like AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, and Daniels did years ago.))
Hogan and Sting are backstage arguing, and Bully Ray comes in to ask Sting if he’s ready for tonight, and Hogan says he’s watched Bully running his con for two years and he doesn’t trust him. Bully says he’ll prove it tonight, Hogan says not to let him down, and Sting says he better not let anyone down.
-Commercial Break-
Bully Ray and Sting vs. TNA Tag Team Champions Christopher Daniels and Kazarian
We are underway and Bully Ray and Christopher Daniels start off the match. Daniels connects with a kick to the leg and a headlock. Ray rebounds off the ropes to break the hold and hits a big clothesline. Ray goes after Kazarian but he drops off the apron pretty quick. Ray wrings the arm of Daniels several times and drops the elbow on the shoulder. Ray yells to the crowd “You want Sting??” the crowd chants yes and Ray starts a Sting chant before tagging him in. Sting’s wrestling with his shirt on and connects with several clotheslines before Daniels tags Kazarian in. Clothesline to Kazarian and an arm wringer and Ray’s back in. Elbow to the shoulder of Kazarian and a right hand to Daniels on the apron and a right hand to Kazarian. Backdrop suplex by TNA’s resident bully gets him a two count. Throwing Kazarian into his corner, Ray connects with a huge chop and then several open hand slaps to the chest before tagging Sting in. Suplex by the Stinger gets him just one. Front face lock by Sting and Ray is tagged in. Double clothesline by both Sting and Bully Ray and Bully Ray follows it up with a vertical suplex by the Bully. Sting is tagged in and hits the Stinger splash on Kazarian and Sting goes for it again, but Daniels pulls Kazarian out of the way. Daniels uses the ringpost to crotch sting and then hits a baseball slide from the ring to Sting and the World Tag Team Champions of the World try to double team Sting and then decide it’s best to run from Bully Ray with a steel chair. Sting is being decimated in the Tag Team Champions corners. Daniels poses to Ray before putting the boots to Sting. Kazarian uses Sting’s arms to choke him and Sting is able to elbow his way out, but walks right into a spin kick. Daniels is tagged in and hits a boot to the top of the head. Cover gets Daniels two and Daniels goes up the top rope, but Sting shoves him off and they both connect with clotheslines. Ray gets the crowd to start another Sting chant and Bully Ray and Kazarian is tagged in and The Big Bad Bully runs roughshot over the World Tag Team Champions of the World with right hands, clotheslines and back body drops. Samoan Drop by Ray gets him two when Daniels breaks up the count. The four just brawl in the middle of the ring. Daniels tries to nail Sting with the Tag Team Title belt, but Ray hits a big boot and knocks the belt right into Daniel’s face. Kazarian comes off the top rope aiming for Ray, but Sting shoves Ray out of the way and nails Kazarian with a right hand to the gut. Sting and Ray shake hands before Sting tells Bully to “GET THE TABLE!” and Ray hesitates a minute before getting one. Funny moment there. Powerbomb by Ray draws the disqualification.
Winner by Disqualification: The World Tag Team Champions of the World (Christopher Daniels and Kazarian)
Ray raises Sting’s hand and we are shown graphics for tonight’s main event where the “It Factor of Professional Wrestling” Bobby Roode goes one-on-one with the “Charismatic Enigma” Jeff Hardy. And TNA Knockouts Champion Miss Tessmacher goes one-on-one with Gail Kim…up next!
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Samoa Joe tells the backstage interviewer that Magnus became jealous when Joe won the Television Championship. Apparently Joe forgot about the chair shot to the arm after Joe defeated Magnus during the Bound for Glory tournament. Magnus walks up and says that he knows he’s scheduled for an Interview later, but he’s talking now. He tells Joe that at Bound for Glory he can’t hide behind Hogan or politics anymore. Joe challenges him to have the match tonight, but Magnus says he’s a businessman and he wants people paying to see him beat Joe.
Gail Kim nails a big boot as soon as Tessmacher came off the top rope to start the match. Kim uses her boot to choke the Knockouts Champion in the corner. Splash by Kim connects on the dot and Kim catches herself on the ropes when she misses the second time. Tessmacher grabs her feet to get her on the mat and connects with a headscissor before shaking her ass. Kim goes to the outside and when Tessmacher tried to follow got a dropkick on the apron and Kim dragged her back in the ring for the two count. Tenay calls the referee beautiful and this is one of the few times I can agree with that. Taz talks about it being his birthday as Kim covers again for another two count. Backbreaker by Kim and Kim nails Tessmacher with a right hand and throws herself like a Frisbee into Tessmacher in the corner. Tessmacher tries to fight back with hands to the abdomen and Kim connects with a blow to the back to break her comeback. Tessmacher is able to capatult Kim into the corner and goes wild with right hands and a clothsline. Tessmacher hits the Tess-shocker on Tara. The Knockouts Champ goes up top, but Kim knocks her down and hits a sit-down powerbomb and now they’re both down. Now Kim goes up top and Tessmacher moves out of the way and hits the Tess-Shocker for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Brooke Tessmacher
As soon as the match is over, Tara comes out and beats up Tessmacher and tries the Widows Peak, but Tessmacher slips out and hits the Tess-Shocker on her. Tenay says that the student just one-upped the teacher.
In the locker room, Bobby Roode talks about how he’s been in the same situation that Jeff Hardy is in now, but James Storm comes in and they have words until a brawl breaks out and King Mo is forced to come in and separate them, telling them to save it for this weekend.
-Commercial Break-
Jeff Hardy’s favorite Bound for Glory Moment was the Swanton Bomb off the stage at the 2005 edition of Bound for Glory onto Abyss.
Tenay hypes the Hall of Fame this Saturday night and we see a video for Sting
Bobby Roode vs. Jeff Hardy
Bobby Roode jumps Jeff Hardy at the beginning of his entrance and slams him head first into the steel barricade and then throws him into it, landing on his right shoulder. Roode throws Hardy in the ring and referee Brian Hebner rings the bell. Roode unloads on Hardy with right hands in the corner before stopping to taunt the fans. Hardy starts firing back with right hands of his own, gets an inverted atomic drop, the double legdrop straight to the happy place, and then a basement dropkick for two. Hardy clotheslines Roode out to the floor and a mule kicks Roode into the barricade. Baseball slide by Jeff Hardy drives Roode into the rail a second time, then Hardy comes over the top rope with a dive and both men are down. Hardy rolls Roode back inside and flat lined by a big clothesline. Roode chokes Hardy out with a boot to the throat and then launches him out to the floor. Roode goes outside and tries a suplex, but Hardy reverses to a suplex of his own as we head to commercial.
-Commercial Break-
Back from the break and Bobby Roode has the number one contender to the World Heavyweight Champion trapped in a variation of the crossface before switching to a front facelock. Hardy fights his way free but runs right into a back elbow from Roode, who follows with a Blockbuster off the second rope for a two count. Hardy tries to take a breather, but Roode goes after him and rams him into the steps. Back in the ring we go as Roode gets a two count off a hanging neckbreaker, and then tries a sleeperhold. Hardy hangs on and tries to elbow his way free, but Roode holds on until Hardy runs forward to ram Roode’s face into the top turnbuckle, then hits the Whisper in the Wind. Hardy with an inverted enziguiri for two, then comes off the second rope with a howling splash for another two count. Roode hits a spinebuster out of nowhere for a two count, but Hardy is able to shove Roode off during a suplerplex attempt and goes for the Swanton. Roode rolls out of the way and Hardy crashes hard, and Roode gets a spear for two. Roode goes for a Perfectplex, but Hardy counters to the Twist of Fate, but Roode counters a second attempt with a low blow and gets disqualified.
Winner by Disqualification: Jeff Hardy
Roode goes after Hardy with a chair, but the referee yanks the chair out of his hands and argues with Roode until Hardy recovers and hits the Twist of Fate. Hardy’s music hits, but Aries comes out to say that tonight’s show isn’t going to end with Hardy sitting in the middle of his ring because he has some things to say. He throws away a piece of paper that he says has lines somebody backstage wrote for him, and says he’s sick of TNA telling Aries how to think and who he needs to be as the World Champion, and that crap ends right now. Aries has been painted out as being jealous of Hardy, but that’s not true: he’s not jealous of Hardy’s rap sheet, he’s not jealous that he’s too crippled to play with his little girl, and the only thing he’s jealous of is the way the fans go nuts for him. He’s been asking for new music and a new entrance for months, but they’re too busy making Jeff Hardy videos and he’s sick of the way everyone caters to Hardy. He’s not a failure, but Hardy is going to see a failure when he looks in the mirror and paints his face. Hardy says that his neck hurts, his ribs hurt, and his nuts hurt (I didn’t make that up, I swear), he’s going to end Aries’ cocky ass this weekend, but Aries just tells Hardy to go ahead and bask in the fans’ glory one last time before leaving his ring. Hardy waves to the crowd, then Aries tells Hardy to get out of his ring so he can bask in the glory he deserves. Hardy goes to leave, but Aries kicks the middle rope into Hardy’s groin and gives him a brainbuster before yelling to the fans that this is what they wanted.
((Jarrett’s Jab – I’m surprised that the main event went that long. With Hardy’s matches, I figured they’d try to keep it short and sweet because everyone knows what he’s capable of, and Hardy doesn’t need to injure himself this close to Bound for Glory. As far as what Aries said, I don’t know what the hell TNA is trying to do. Last year with Jeff Jarrett and this year with Austin Aries, what they’re saying about Hardy is absolutely true. Jeff has a rap sheet only beaten by Matt, Jeff spent time in jail, TNA is bending over backwards to keep Hardy on the roster. I hated that the heel turn came out of nowhere, but I think that Aries maximized his minutes and made his own pipebomb tonight. Aries talking when they were trying to cut him off, and the show overrunning really made it better in my opinion. I just wish he could have talked longer. That is it for this week, remember that TNA is showing the Bound for Glory pre-show at 6:00 Central Time on Spike TV and you can go to to vote for which Pay-Per-View main event will be shown. Either Roode/Storm from Lockdown 2012, Aries/Roode from Destination X 2012, or Hardy/Bully Ray from No Surrender 2012. And be sure to check back here to TNAStars for all the latest TNA news and sign up for the giveaway already! All you got to do to win is join the mailing list.))