!BANG! TV Report – Dory and Terry Funk together at WWE Axxess Signing in Miami
In a rare appearance together, Dory and Terry Funk will appear at WWE Axxess Signing in Miami on Saturday March 31st from 3pm to 5pm and again on Sunday from 2:30pm to 4:30pm. Dory and Terry Funk will also be attending the Hall of Fame Ceremony and WrestleMania XXVIII.
Now on !BANG! at http://www.dory-funk.com , Support Your Troops 74, “!BANG! A Mania” the complete show from the !BANG! TV Sound Stage in Ocala, Florida.
On the card:
Dory Funk Jr., Wes Brisco and Pete Kaasanova vs Shane Chung, Cory “Wild” Weston and The Mighty Vesuvius.
Special Edition of Shane Chung’s “Round Eye Roundup” with Coach Dory Funk and Wes Brisco
Inter-gender Tag Team Match, Claudia “The Claw” Reiff and Wes Brisco vs Hollywood Heather and Shane Chung
World Championship Match – Cory “Wild” Weston vs Pete Kaasanova
Tag Team Championship Match – Jeremy “Rock Star” Spillers and The Mighty Vesuvius vs Johnny Romano and Brian “Hot Shot” Davis.