Source: Kerrang!
Impact Wrestling is coming back to the UK in January 2012 and Kerrang! are giving your band the chance to join top TNA grapplers like Sting and Kurt Angle as part of the show.
We want to find one British band to write and record a song to be played on the Impact Wrestling TV show and also get full VIP treatment on January’s Maximum Impact IV Tour. The prize also includes ringside seats, a meet and greet with top Impact Wrestling stars before the show, your song played during the event and an interview with!
To enter, send a CD of your track along with a band photo, a brief biography and your contact details to:
TNA Impact Comp, Kerrang! Magazine, PO Box 2930, London, W1A 6DZ.
Good luck!
The dates and venues for the Maximum Impact IV UK Tour are Nottingham Capital FM Arena January 26 2012, Manchester MEN Arena 27 and London Wembley Arena 28. Tickets are on sale now from Watch Impact Wrestling every Sunday night at 9pm on Challenge TV.
Terms and conditions: This competition is limited to residents of the United Kingdom only. Tracks submitted must be original compositions (no covers please). Entrants under the age of 18 must get a parent or guardian’s permission to enter. The date of the episode in which the winning song will be played will be advised after the competition closes.
The closing date for this competition is October 18, 2011.