Sometimes writing a column that highlights the “major impact” moment of the night is relatively easy. Tonight is one of those nights because tonight on iMPACT! we saw the debut of Generation Me as they upset the Motor City Machine Guns on the opening match of the show.
This match was the major impact moment of the night because, even though it was short (only 7 or 8 minutes), it showcased the type of fast-paced, high intensity wrestling that you rarely see on American wrestling television shows these days. The fluid movements of Generation Me and the Machine Guns are exactly what younger fans want to see, what aging fans have been missing, and what older fans are happy to see on their weekly wrestling show. Matches that showcase these great young talents are what will continue to build TNA’s loyal fan base.
As for Generation Me, I’ve only seen them wrestle tonight but I’m impressed. They need some personality in their characters, but I guess that will come with time. The Machine Guns were, as always, awesome to watch doing what they do best. Also, I would remiss if I didn’t mention that the sheer number of double teaming maneuvers performed during the match was astounding – you really don’t see that type of stuff in American tag team wrestling on television any more. I was pleasantly surprised by the way both of these teams interacted with one another in the ring tonight.
Here’s hoping for the beginning of a high-flying, fast-paced feud between these two young tag teams!
As for the rest of the show, I was pleased with what I saw though I constantly find myself distracted by the “other” aspects of the show. For example, the iMPACT! Zone is just too small. I know that there was some discussion about this from the higher-ups for both Panda Energy and Spike TV after last week’s live show. However, it becomes very apparent how small that arena is when you’re looking for a specific crowd reaction and it’s just not there. Plus, you have performers in TNA now that are big guys. Rob Terry, Sean Morley, Matt Morgan, Hernandez, Kevin Nash, The Nasty Boys, Hulk Hogan, Scott Hall – they’re all bigger people. When you put a big guy in the iMPACT! Zone, the sound stage looks that much smaller.
Overall, I was very pleased with the show. They could come up with a better name than “The Band” for Hall, Nash, and Waltman, but I guess that may come with time, too. In terms of other hype that surrounding this show, I expected much more from the pre-iMPACT! online radio show. If you haven’t read the recap of the first pre-iMPACT! online radio show, then you can do so by clicking on this link.
Oh, and they need more Eric Bischoff on screen – he’s the man!
Quote of the Night:
“When the fans talk, TNA listens.” – Jeremy Borash during the pre-iMPACT! Online Show
“Replace me, huh? Replace me? I don’t think so.” – Angelina Love mocking Velvet Sky and The Beautiful People
“I love that kid!” – Eric Bischoff after AJ Styles left his office
– Joe Vincent
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