Source: Talon of

We got a special intro comparing the World Title Tournament to an apocalypse.
Kurt Angle opened the show by heading to the ring and grabbing a mic. Kurt talked about being thankful for his health and his fans. He referenced his match with Austin Aries saying they went to war. Angle said his next match is with someone who is much closer to him. He called out Magnus to the ring.
Kurt Angle questioned what happened last week when Magnus “tweaked” his knee but left him high and dry. Magnus said he respects Angle but had crap of his own. He got the crapped kicked out of him by Samoa Joe. Magnus said last week he hurt his knee and had to make a decision. Angle told him that champions fight hurt. Angle asked him if he had the heart of a champion. Magnus said he had heart and he had hunger. He would go through whoever he needed to to become World Champion.
Angle called them friends. Magnus was part of the Mafia. Angle said he, Roode and Jeff Hardy were in the way of his destiny. He said if Magnus wanted to be World Champion, he would have to go through him. At that moment, Bobby Roode’s music hit as the It Factor came out.
Roode said he had the hunger of a World Champion. He talked about having a killer instinct to be a World Champion. Its that instinct that had him smash a beer bottle over James Storm’s head to be World Champion. Roode said that knowing already what he did to James Storm, imagine what he would do to Jeff Hardy tonight. Roode told Magnus he would never be a World Champion. Magnus started to go after Roode but the music of Jeff Hardy hit as the Charismatic Enigma came out. Hardy grabbed a table and dragged it to the ring. Hardy vs Roode in a Tables Match is next.
Reaction: Good setup for tonight’s semi-final matches. Interesting to see both Angle and Roode question if Magnus had the heart to be a World Champion.
Jeff Hardy vs Bobby Roode
Tables Match
This is the first of two semi-final tournament matches tonight.The table came into play early on as Roode baseball slid the table into Hardy. In the ring, the two exchanged reversals as the Table was set in the corner. Roode and Hardy took the fight to the apron where a table stood nearby. Both tried putting their opponent through it. All of a sudden, both men crashed through the table at the same time. The referee stood on the apron as the announcers questioned who the winner was.
Back from the break, the match continued as Roode was in control. During the break, the referees argued about the winner which forced Earl Hebner to come out and continue the match. The two went back and forth for a few minutes where Hardy hit a Twist of Fate resulting in Roode landing on the table. Hardy went for the Swanton but Roode rolled off. Hardy jumped over the table and connected with the move.
The two battled on the top turnbuckle but Roode crotched Hardy on the ropes. Roode went to suplex Hardy from the apron through a table on the outside but Hardy reverse. Hardy then hit an Enziguri to send Roode crashing through the table. Hardy advances to the finals.
Reaction: Good tables match! A few weeks ago, I predicted Hardy vs Magnus in the finals and so far, that is coming true. Hardy is a strong name to have in the finals. That match will take place in two weeks at Final Resolution.
We got an #IMPACT365 video of an Ethan Carter makeup session. EC3 said tonight he would challenge a “legend.” He then told the person to proceed with his makeup.
Another #IMPACT365 video aired of Dixie Carter. She said that she received a tracking number from AJ Styles. She said she would be in possession of her World Title belt. She is happy that the lawyers didn’t have to get involved. She said she would see him Thursday on IMPACT.
Reaction: Don’t believe for a second that whatever AJ sent Dixie, its not the World Title. I am interested to see what it actually is.
The music of Ethan Carter III hit as he made his way to the ring. EC3 said he has faced a litany of competitors since his arrival. He said there is one man that has been in the ring with guys like Andre the Giant, Hulk Hogan and Bret Hart. EC3 said his hand-picked opponent is…Earl Hebner. Earl grabbed the mic and said he wasn’t a wrestler, but a referee. It wasn’t happening tonight.
EC3 said he is a subordinate who represents the 99%. He is a one-percenter who is the nephew of Dixie Carter. Hebner works for him. EC3 said he had a very special referee for this contest. Rockstar Spud appeared on the stage and yelled for Brian Hebner to get in the ring and referee this match. EC3 told Hebner that he would lay down and his son would make the count. He told Hebner to lay down.
Hebner refused to lay down. Carter said if he doesn’t lay down then he will put him down and then put him into the ground. Hebner then laid down and Carter yelled for Brian to ring the bell. Carter then pinned Hebner with one finger and told Brian to count. Brian was very hesitant and told his dad that he was sorry. After that, Carter told Brian to shoo him as Carter “kicked dirt” on him.
Reaction: It was simply a segment to get heat on Carter. This goes beyond the squash match and let Carter unload a little on the mic. I liked what we saw and see a lot of potential in EC3.
There was a backstage segment with Bad Influence. Daniels held a file and told the camera that they would get out of shape about what they found out about Joseph Park. Bad Influence “reveals the truth” about Joseph Park tonight.
Christy Hemme and Samel Shaw were on a date. Christy went to use the restroom while the waiter brought him the bill. After signing it, the waiter grabbed the bill but Shaw grabbed his arm and told him that he saw how he was looking at his girl. Shaw said if he did it again then he would rip his eyes out. The waiter left while Christy returned. Shaw and Christy then left together.
Reaction: The evolution of the psychotic, uncomfortable Shaw character continues. Interesting segment.
Dixie Carter was on the phone with “Jason.” An assistant said that Dixie had a delivery. They turned out to be flowers which pissed Dixie off. Dixie said only bring her the package and nothing else.
Sting arrived to the arena. We haven’t seen him in over a month.
Dixie Carter addressed a number of wrestlers backstage. Dixie apologized to them for being part of the World Title Tournament. She then revealed that next week would be the return of Feast or Fired. There will be a World Title briefcase, a Tag Title briefcase, an X Title briefcase and a Fired Briefcase. Three will get title shots while one will be fired from the company.
Reaction: Another concept returns to TNA. The match has four poles in each corner with a briefcase hanging from each. The first man to grab the briefcase gets whatever is in it (could be a title shot or a pink slap). They are allowed to use the opportunity any time they wish.
Bad Influence came to the ring. Daniels said many of the fans got their “ovaries in a twist” over what they did to Joseph Park a few weeks ago. Daniels said they know the truth about Park and will reveal that right now. Park’s music interrupted as the lawyer headed to the ring.
Park said with all playing aside, Bad Influence needed to stop. Park said that they have won and accomplished what they wanted to do. He said maybe he should never have arrived in IMPACT wrestling. He said he should go back to what he was; an attorney. Bad Influence questioned him about that subject. Park grabbed the envelope and ripped it up.
Kazarian showed a video on-screen of Bad Influence backstage. They were in Chicago at the offices of Park, Park and Park. They talked about pumpkin pie. The receptionist pointed them to the suite. The room was dark and empty. It was Dr. Kreskoll’s office but he just moved out. They gave the receptionist a business card and she looked it up. Park, Park and Park was here but that was about thirteen years ago. Bad Influence was confused.
In the ring, Daniels revealed that the office closed thirteen years ago. They questioned what Park has been doing since then. Park asked them to please leave him alone. He tried to leave but Bad Influence wouldn’t leave him alone. Kazarian spit in his face and called him a liar. Bad Influence then jumped Park when Eric Young came out and chased them off.
Young said this has gone on long enough. He is tired of the bullying. He told them that if they keep knocking on the devil’s door then eventually he will answer. EY challenged them to a tag match next week.
Reaction: That was an intriguing segment. So Park knew that his office had closed but didn’t tell anyone about it. TNA has added a layer to the Park character beyond the dynamic between Park and Abyss. This was a good segment. I don’t have enough room to say everything I want to about it.
Sting gave Magnus a pep talk. Sting said he was proud of what he has become. Magnus thanked him for everything he has done. Sting said in regards to that entitlement thing, he wasn’t talking about him. Magnus said it was no big deal. Sting wished him luck.
Reaction: Everything is pointing to a Magnus heel turn. It started at BFG and has been teased alot since then. The entitlement comment just solidifies it for me.
Rockstar Spud was on his tablet and said the delivery man was here. He told a staff member to go look out for him.
DJ Zema Ion was ringside and introduced the World Tag Team Champions, The Bro Mans.
James Storm and Gunner vs The Bro Mans
Robbie E slapped Gunner early on to the sound of Ion’s air horn. The champion used underhanded tactics to work over Gunner. Gunner fought back with a Fallaway Slam and made the hot tag to James Storm. Storm hit his signature Closing Time. Storm hit the Last Call and then Robbie spit something at Gunner behind the referees back. Gunner went right after Robbie but the referee tried pulling him off. Gunner pushed the referees leading to them getting disqualified. Storm was clearly frustrated.
Reaction: The issues between Storm and Gunner continue but there isn’t a clear heel yet. Gunner has motive behind his actions that you can’t really hate him for.
Backstage, Sting tried talking to Kurt Angle but Rockstar Spud cut him off. Spud wanted him to know what he wanted. Spud said he didn’t recognize him without the face paint. Spud asked him to leave. Sting called him his little buddy. Spud then said the package had arrived and left. Sting asked what was going on around here.
Reaction: Funny segment! Spud is good as the little weasel and Sting showed aspects of his “Joker Sting” character. I don’t know why Sting didn’t just talk to Kurt after Spud left.
Gail Kim and Robert Irvine were elsewhere. Irvine told TNA to find a real challenger for Gail.
Chris Sabin was with Velvet Sky backstage. He told the camera that he hit rock bottom. After losing in the Full Metal Mayhem. He said that “you gave me the motivation” to climb back up. Next week, he would beat Austin Aries to retain the X Division Title.
Gail Kim and Lei’D Tapa made their way to the ring for her open challenge.
Gail Kim vs Laura Dennis
Gail went right after Dennis at the opening bell. Gail hit a move but pulled Dennis up before three. Gail continued to squash Dennis in the ring, working her back over. Gail continued to taunt her opponent before she pissed Dennis off. Gail hit the Eat Defeat moments later to defeat her opponent.
After the match, Lei’D Tapa picked Dennis up again and allowed Gail to hit her finisher again. Lei’D Tapa went for her finisher but ODB ran to the ring and fought with Tapa. ODB took out both Kim and Tapa.
Reaction: Nothing special about this match. I didn’t see much in Laura Dennis from the match.
Dixie was on the phone with Spud and asked him where the package was. She was excited and happy with Spud’s response. She told him to bring it to her dressing room.
Magnus vs Kurt Angle
Last Man Standing Match
The loser of the match is the one that can’t answer the referee’s ten count. You have to beat someone down bad enough that they can’t stand. There was a bit of technical wrestling between the two early on. Things sped up a bit and got a bit more physical. We went to break with the two exchanging rights.
Back from the break, we were backstage with Rockstar Spud and Dixie Carter. She said let this be a lesson that when you put your foot down, you get what you want. Back in the ring, Taz received a text from Rockstar Spud telling the announcers to inform the viewers that after the match, Carter will display her World Title.
Kurt Angle hit a series of German Suplexes on Magnus in the ring. The two fought on the apron where Angle attempted to German Suplex Magnus off the ring to the outside. Magnus elbowed his way out then drove Angle with an Elbow Drop off the apron. This gained Magnus an 8-count from the referee.
Angle went for a Moonsault in the ring but missed Magnus. Magnus hit a big Uranage and then a Top Rope Elbow Drop for a nine count. Magnus went for a clothesline but ended up hitting the referee. Angle connected with the Angle Slam. Bobby Roode came out of nowhere an hit the Roode Neckbreaker on Angle in the ring. Magnus climbed up at nine to win the match.
Afterwards, Bobby Roode got in the ring and pummeled Kurt Angle. At that moment, Jeff Hardy came out and fought with Roode, taking him out. Hardy and Magnus had a staredown in the middle of the ring. At Final Resolution, it will be Jeff Hardy vs Magnus for the World Heavyweight Title.
Reaction: It was a solid match but both Last Man Standing Matches (the Deathmatch at Turning Point and the match at No Surrender) were much better. The Roode interference makes sense from a character standpoint.
Backstage, Dixie Carter and Rockstar Spud were backstage. Dixie said she would teach Spud so much in this business. Dixie pulled out a pink belt (likely the Knockouts Tag Team Title). She walked off pissed.
A “Friends of AJ” video aired. AJ said that Dixie got what she wanted, a paper title for a paper champion. He said if Dixie wanted it then she needed to go down to Georgia and take it from her. He wished her luck.
Reaction: This was a predictable ending. It was okay but wasn’t more than that.