Source: Talon of

Backstage, Dixie Carter was walking along with Pacman Jones. Dixie welcomed him back to TNA. Mr. Anderson walked up and requested a match with Bully Ray. Dixie said she would agree to it if he took it to bully. She introduced Anderson and Pacman to each other.
Pacman Jones and his Cincinnati Bengal teammate sat at ringside in the crowd.
The music of the Main Event Mafia kicked off IMPACT this week as all of the members made their way to the ring. Sting reminded the fans why he reformed the Main Event Mafia. Sting said he had two goals when creating the group and both were accomplished. Sting said that they have talked about it and (for now) as of tonight, the Main Event Mafia is being put up on the shelf.
Sting said they all have something to deal with. Last week, he got one chance to go after the World Title but he came up short. Sting put over the Main Event Mafia members individually. Fans booed Magnus. Sting said he was going to deal with entitlements. He said he would deal with the people that think they should be handed everything and shouldn’t have to pay any dues. Sting hugged Angle and Joe and then uncomfortably put over Magnus.
Joe grabbed the mic and said for the past few months, he has had their backs but he has been denied a World Title reign for far too long. Joe said he considers both great friends but he will remind them why they make far better enemies. Magnus put over Kurt Angle as the greatest of all time. Magnus said Angle’s road to redemption is his road to destiny. Magnus said after he goes through Joe, he will mow Angle down. Magnus said he intended to become World Heavyweight Champion and then walked off as well.
Kurt said his goal is to become the World Champion once again. Angle said he had to do it to prove he was Hall of Fame worthy. He said last week he had a setback against Bobby Roode. Angle stated that he talked to his doctor this week and he was pleased to announce…getting interrupted by the “It Factor” Bobby Roode. Roode called Angle embarrassing and told him to be a man and admit that he lost. Roode told him to move on like he is moving on. Roode claimed that if he gets to the finals of the tournament against Angle, he won’t have one problem kicking Angle’s ass again.
Angle said he does expect to be in the finals against Bobby Roode but they don’t have to wait until then. Angle then went after Roode. The two brawled in the ring where security and referees headed to the ring and tried to break things up.
Reaction: This segment did three things: it ended the Main Event Mafia, put importance on the World Title Tournament and gave direction to both Sting and the Kurt Angle/Bobby Roode feud. It was effective for what it did. Both Roode and Angle have had some great matches the past few weeks so I expect them to have a blow-off in the next few weeks, perhaps at Turning Point.
Kurt Angle was still in the ring and was sitting on a chair. He said he would wait all night and would wait until next week if he had to. He wanted Bobby Roode to get out there. Bobby Roode obliged and the two once again brawled, this time at ringside. Security, Agents and referees once again tried breaking them up. They get it done temporarily but things break down again. A number of wrestlers (EGO, Samoa Joe and Magnus) also get involved breaking up the two.
Bad Influence was still ringside after things cleared up. They began arguing with the Bengals players at ringside. Bad Influence pushed the players and Pacman and the other guy jumped the rail. In the ring, they each took out Bad Influence with body slams. Bad Influence retreated to the back.
Reaction: That’s a moment that TNA is hoping will get sports-coverage. I don’t know if it will but at least they are trying.
The Aces and Eights are walking backstage. They told the camera that the status of the gang was nobody’s business. Mr. Anderson appeared and spoke to the group. Anderson said the best thing to ever happen to him was when they stripped him of his colors. He told them to get out.
ODB vs Brooke vs Velvet Sky
#1 Contender’s Match
ODB and Brooke taunted but ODB attacked Brooke while she was dancing. Things broke down between the three. ODB connected with a Running Powerslam on Velvet but was hit with an Swinging Neckbreaker and Diving Elbow Drop by Brooke. All of a sudden, Lei’D Tapa and Gail Kim walked to ringside as we headed to break.
The three ladies were exchanging chops to each other. ODB locked Brooke in a Single Leg Crab. Velvet Sky hooked the other leg in the crab but ODB fought her immediately. ODB got the advantage but then went ringside and argued with Tapa and Gail. Brooke nailed ODB with a kick. Velvet then clotheslined Brooke at ringside. Moments later, Brooke hit a Flying Crossbody on both her opponents in the ring.
Gail Kim and Lei’D Tapa then attacked all three participants in the match. ODB threw Gail from the ring and then got in Tapa’s face. ODB ran into the Tongan Death Grip and the was hit with the Samoan Jawbreaker move. Gail Kim mocked her opponents on the mic. She said she didn’t have any competition in TNA. Gail then issued an open challenge to any wrestler outside of TNA. If they beat her, she’ll give them a title match.
Reaction: I am happy that we will be getting new blood in the division. The matchups are stale and we need to see fresh ones. The match was nothing more than a way to put over the Open Challenge.
We got a video brought by the “Friends of AJ” with highlights of AJ beating Judas Mesias in AAA to retain his World Title.
Garett Bischoff and Knux were chatting backstage. Bischoff said that maybe he was right. Bully Ray walked up and asked about what he said. Bully said he knew everything that goes on with the club, including their chat with Anderson. Bully said it has been about the club. Both Bischoff and Knux argued about that. Bischoff and Knux both said they didn’t get to vote in awhile. Eventually Knux got fired up and said they would be voting “right now.” Bully told Garett to vote the right way.
Reaction: What exactly are they voting on? I am hoping this group finally disbands. It should have ended at BFG. Just let Bully do his thing and Bischoff/Knux do their thing.
Dixie Carter was on the phone with someone asking “how this happened.” Dixie said someone was trying to humiliate him. Dixie told him to fix it. After she hung up, Ethan Carter came in and the two greeted each other. Dixie told EC3 that he will choose his opponent tonight. EC3 mockingly talked about his level of competition that he has had.
Garett Bischoff and Knux were in the ring. Bischoff said they were here for one reason. They would have a club vote to decide the future of the club. Bischoff called Taz into the ring. Bischoff then called Bully Ray to the ring as well. The President obliged.
Bischoff grabbed the mic from Bully and called him poison that has torn the group apart. Bischoff said that whether Bully likes it or not, that vote is happening right now. At that moment, Mr. Anderson nonchalantly walked to ringside.
Garett Bischoff voted that he was finished with the Aces and Eights. Knux said that he didn’t need Bully or the club. He also voted to leave the club. Bully said that they would have a tie. Bully said the tie goes to the President. He said he voted to keep the club exactly where it is. Bully said Taz is his best friend in the whole world so he knows how to vote.
Taz grabbed the mic and told Bully to pump the breaks. Taz said that this club has been rolling along with Bully’s agenda. Taz then turned his cut over to Bully saying that he was done. Bully told him to put his colors back on but Taz told him to make him. Bully blamed Mr. Anderson for all of this. Anderson confirmed that at Turning Point, it would be a fight between he and Bully in a No Disqualification Match.
Bully Ray told Anderson that he has hated him since day one. Bully told Anderson that for someone who has respected Stone Cold so much, he forgot the first rule. At that moment, Garett Bischoff and Knux attacked Anderson from behind. Bully whipped Anderson with a chain and told him “Don’t Trust Anybody.”
Reaction: Even though I don’t like the idea with this group continuing on, I did like this segment. They lured Anderson to the ring by teasing an implosion and then they ambushed him. We’ll see where the group goes from here as they have been running on fumes for awhile now.
Mike Tenay and Taz were talking at ringside when Bobby Roode came out. He grabbed a mic and said that he would kick Kurt Angle’s ass. Ethan Carter then made his entrance while Roode was still at ringside.
Ethan Carter III vs Dewey Barnes
The fans chanted “Dewey” to kick off the match. EC3 kicked Dewey in the ribs a few times before Dewey connected with a single-leg dropkick. Dewey hit a beautiful swinging neckbreaker and then went for a Missile Dropkick (and a miss). EC3 then hit the One Percenter for the victory.
Reaction: On a 5-Star scale, you have to give this match five stars. It had athleticism, drama and a great story. I would be surprised if any other match can top the quality of EC3 vs Dewey Barnes.
Backstage, Joseph Park was digging through a bucket of old Halloween candy. Bad Influence walks up and tries to connect the dots between Abyss and Joseph Park. They poured the candy on Park. Eric Young came out and helped his friend. He challenged them to a tag team match.
Bad Influence vs Eric Young and Joseph Park
Kazarian attacked EY from behind to start the match. EY and Park double team Kazarian for a few moments. EY hit a nice headscissor on Kazarian followed by a big dive to the outside. EY strutted on the ring apron but Daniels clipped his knee sending him hard into the ring mat.
Joseph Park made the hot tag and was a house afire on Bad Influence. Park locked Kazarian into a Boston Crab before Daniels broke it up. Daniels drove EY into the steel steps and then brought out the bell hammer. As the referee dealt with it, Daniels grabbed his appletini and threw it into the face of Joseph Park. Kazarian rolled him up for the win.
Reaction: Eh, I didn’t really care for this match. It just felt like filler on this show. I am hoping this Joseph Park/Abyss thing is going somewhere instead of just turning its wheels.
Kurt Angle walked to the ring and told Bobby Roode that he wasn’t a hard guy to find. He called Bobby out. Instead, he got his opponent next week, Austin Aries. Aries said he understands that Angle’s mind is on Bobby Roode. Austin reminded him that next week, he is stepping in the ring with him. Aries told Angle that if he doesn’t bring 100% next week then he stands zero chance of beating him.
On the big screen, Dixie spun the wheel of Dixie. It landed on Submission Match. Aries wished Kurt luck. Bobby Roode ran by Aries and attacked Bobby. Aries got involved and fought Roode off. Angle got involved and moved Aries to the side and attacked Roode. Aries and Roode started brawling as well. Eventually they were able to restore order.
Reaction: The Submission Match next week should be very good.
Jeff Hardy vs Chris Sabin
Full Metal Mayhem Match
This is is a World Heavyweight Title Tournament Matchup. Hardy came out to his new entrance music.
Chris Sabin faked a handshake but things quickly broke down. Taz started talking about how Hardy and Sabu were the pioneers of this style. Hardy and Sabin quickly had a tug-of-war with the ladder and Sabin coming out on top. Sabin hit a nice Whiplash Neckbreaker on Hardy on top of the ladder for a two-count. Sabin went to suplex Hardy into the Ladder but couldn’t get Hardy over. Hardy backdropped Sabin hard onto the Ladder sitting in the corner.
Hardy hit Sabin with a Trash Can shot for a two. Hardy went ringside and grabbed a table. He set it up in the corner. Sabin set Hardy up on the top turnbuckle and then smacked him in the spine with a chair shot. Hardy was in Tree-of-Woe position. Sabin dropkicked a chair in his face. Hardy fired back minutes later.
Hardy laid Sabin on a ringside table and went for a big dive but Sabin got out of the way resulting in Hardy crashing through the table. Moments later, Sabin set Hardy on a table and went for a splash of his own. Hardy got his knees up but both men crashed through the table. Hardy set up a Ladder in the corner. He climbed the ladder and hit a Swanton Bomb on Sabin below. He pinned Sabin for the victory. Hardy moves on in the World Title Tournament.
After the match, trainers and Velvet Sky came in the ring to check on Chris Sabin. Hardy celebrated his big victory. Next week, Austin Aries vs Kurt Angle in a Submission Match.
Reaction: Very good Full Metal Mayhem Match that could have gone a little longer. Jeff Hardy was clearly the favorite here. We have seen alot of Ladder Matches this year but this was one of the more enjoyable ones.
Final Thoughts
The Full Metal Mayhem Match and the Aces and Eights segment really make this episode stand out. I am so excited for Turning Point in a few weeks.