
Opening Segment
Impact Wrestling opens with a video highlighting Aces and Eights under the Bully Ray regime and how Hogan sent Sting out and AJ Styles’ match last week.
Inside the Kovalchick Convention and Athletic Complex in Indiana, Pa; James Storm comes out to the ring as clips are shown of his match with AJ Styles are shown. Storm states that he wanted to fight AJ and AJ brought the fight. AJ is shown standing in the crowd and Storm admits that his new finishing move hurt like hell and AJ was the better man last week, but “I’m not going to cry over spilled milk…because well I’m a beer drinker!” Storm says he’d rather deal with the Aces & Eights idiots who jumped from behind, and if they wanted to fight, all they needed to do is call him, tweet him, or whatever. Storm says he knows that if he calls one of them out, ever how many of them they are are all going to come out. They can bring as many out as they want because he’ll take one or two of them out in the process. Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian come out and Daniels says they want to weigh in on the matter since they were also victims of Aces & Eights. Hogan doesn’t have an answer to the Aces & Eights problem, but the two smartest men in the room know the answer to the problem, because Aces & Eights has been playing the numbers game, but they know the magic number and it’s four. Not just any four, but Fortune. Kazarian says that all AJ needs to do is forgive himself for giving them cheap shots last week because he forgives them, then get away from the fartknockers in the audience and get in the ring with his boys Bad Influence and reform Fortune tonight since it’s the right thing to do. AJ just stares, but Storm says everyone wants them to shut up. Kazarian tells “Travis Tritt” that the fans don’t concern them and Storm is irrelevant. Of course Storm decides to easily take out both members of Bad Influence as AJ watches from the crowd. Daniels and Kazarian leave as Aces & Eights comes out to the ring and surround Storm, Garett Bischoff and Wes Brisco get a table out from under the ring and set it up so Anderson can powerbomb Storm through it, but Joseph Park runs out and gets a couple of shots in before the gang overwhelms him and he gets laid out as well. Doc and Mike Knox get ready to double chokeslam Park through the table, but Bully Ray tells them to stop so he and Devon can give Park 3D through the table. Aces and Eights stand over the fallen Joseph Park as we head to commercial.
-Commercial Break-
Back from the break and if I had a DVR, I would have sworn I hit pause because Aces and Eights are in the ring. Joseph Park is being carried out on a stretcher as Bully Ray tells the crowd they said they weren’t screwing around. He tells the fans to look around because there ain’t no heroes left: no Samoa Joe, no Brutus Magnus, no James Storm, no Joseph Park, NOBODY. Last week, he called out one man, his next victim: Hulk Hogan. He tells “Dad” that he has until the end of the show to answer his challenge, because when you ride with Aces & Eights, you never walk alone. ((Jarrett’s Jab – I really hated that segment. I understood why everything took place, but I hated it. AJ wrestled as Dark Styles last week and in just ten minutes he was overshadowed by Hulk Hogan and the entire Aces and Eights. The Fortune tease was nice, but Fortune only had four members for like two months. And Calf Killer is the worst name for a wrestling move I’ve ever heard. There are a million better names, since Storm didn’t call it that, I hope it doesn’t stick.))
Mike Tenay explains that Hulk Hogan was here in Indiana earlier today, but he left the arena a few hours ago and no one knows where he is. Taz says there’s no way because he’s not dumb enough to show up.
-Commercial Break-
Hulk Hogan returns to the building and the annoying dumbass with the camera tries to get some answers about where he went, but Hogan says to let it go and walks off.
Taryn Terrell vs. Tara
Terrell goes postal at the bell, taking down Tara and just obliterating her in the corner, hitting a neckbreaker and just throwing her by her hair! Terrell goes for Tara, but she gets hotshotted off the top rope and Tara takes the advantage. Stomping a mudhole in the “hot mess” of TNA starts, Tara poses before slamming Terrell’s face into the mat and hairtossing her. ODB lays down the law before Terrell gets catapulted in the corner and is locked in a version of the Muta Lock before getting covered for several near falls. Terrell attempts to gain the advantage, but Tara lifts her in the air by the neck and chokes her for a 4 count before dropping her to the ground. Tara is just toying with the blonde rookie at this point and gives several weak cradle pin attempts. Tara catapults Terrell into the bottom rope this time and gets another 2 count, but Terrell moves out of the way of a slingshot rolling legdrop and fights back with a series of clotheslines and a vertical suplex. Flying crossbody attempt goes awry when Tara moves out of the way. Tara trash talks instead of capitalizing on it. Twisting Side Suplex connects before toying with the crowd with the theatrics of her moonsault before getting rolled up for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Taryn Terrell
Robbie E is backstage and tells Jesse Godderz that Rob Terry always said he knew Jesse had bigger arms and pecs than him, and when he beats Rob Terry tonight, he’ll be on his way to becoming a bro on the level of George Washington bro, Al Bundy bro, and Oprah Winfrey bro! Jesse flexes and says he doesn’t need Robbie’s help…bro. ((Jarrett’s Jab – Pitting Terell against veterans like Gail Kim and Tara will only help Terrell in the long run. I wish that Terrell could start a feud with Tara, just for the fact that working with a veteran like Tara is bound to rub some skills on TNA’s Hot Mess. And in case you were wondering what woman was singing on Taryn’s theme music, it’s Christy Hemme.))
-Commercial Break-
Rob Terry vs. Jesse Godderz
Jesse flexes at the crowd and turns around to get DECAPITATED by a clothesline, or four…I lost count, ok? Robbie E causes a brief distraction, but Jesse gets tossed around the ring for trying to capitalize. The second time Robbie E distracts Terry, Jesse is actually able to do something by clipping the knee. Before I can blink, Terry gains the advantage back by just pummeling poor Jesse. Jesse shockingly hits a dropkick cinches in a camel clutch while hammering forearms into his chest for a one count. Jesse comes off the middle rope but gets caught and powerslamed. Robbie E pulls the ref out of the ring at the two count. Terry chases Robbie E, Jesse tries a sneak attack, but Terry throws Jesse like a torpedo at Robbie E, press slams Jesse into the ring, hits the Freakbuster, and that is it.
Winner by Pinfall: Rob Terry
((Jarrett’s Jab – TNA really needs to cut their losses with Rob Terry. Him and Jesse in a match together was worse than I pictured.))
-Commercial Break-
Bad Influence catch up with Bobby Roode in the locker room and asks him if he wants to reform Fortune. They say to forget about Storm, but if the three of them stand together, Daniels knows AJ will rejoin them. Roode asks about Aries, and Daniels says that Fortune is really just for four people. Because apparently they forgot that Fortune only had four members for two months, not counting Flair. Roode is shown thinking and the camera pans out to show Austin Aries peeking behind a corner.
We look back at two weeks ago when Bully Ray defeated Jeff Hardy in Full Metal Mayhem to retain the TNA World Title, and Mike Tenay says that there are rumors that Jeff Hardy is thinking of walking away from the business. Taz says that comes as no surprise and tells Hardy do the smart thing and take his ball and go home.
We see a video package hyping the return of Chris Sabin, who will be back in the ring next week after two ACL tears put him on the shelf for the better part of the last two years. Great video package that got me psyched to see him come back. ((Jarrett’s Jab – A fortune reunion would be great for TNA right now, I don’t think it would happen, but Daniels, Kazarian and Roode all in one group would lead to some great comedy. And it would raise the stock of all three men just because of their personas and accomplishments.))
-Commercial Break-
Austin Aries comes up to Bobby Roode and says that if he wants to reform Fortune, that’s his business since they’re not really friends, just two dominant World Champions who make a dominant team. He asks how Daniels and Kazarian are such great wrestlers if Aries was the one who beat him for the title, and Roode yells for him to stop bringing that up. Aries retorts by saying that it was true and “why did Fortune disappear if they were so awesome?”. Aries says he wants to be a World Tag Team Champion and wants Roode to do that with him, and if Roode screw him tonight, he’s just screwing himself.
Chavo and Hernandez had ring entrances before the break, and their ring music is still playing as Daniels and Kazarian are shown sitting in on commentary.
TNA World Tag Team Championship: Chavo Guerrero, Jr & Hernandez vs. Bobby Roode & Austin Aries
A loud “Austin Aries” chant breaks out at the bell as Aries shrugs and starts to do some basic chain wrestling with Chavo Guerrero. Chavo starts nailing Aries with rights and hits a back suplex for barely a one count. Aries tags Roode in and yells at Roode to “get to it” when he glances at Bad Influence. Hernandez flat lines Roode with a shoulderblock and a big splash for two. Delayed vertical suplex connects on Roode and then Aries tries to chop Super Mex, but he doesn’t even feel it. Aries sure feels the press slam that Hernandez gives to him though before going up the run way and attempting Air Mexico, which crash lands into the canvas. Roode covers Hernandez for 2 and starts to put the boots on Hernandez before hitting a vertical suplex and tagging in Aries. Aries hits a plancha for two and Roode hits a series of knees to the gut and a legsweep for two. Hernandez dodges a double team move, clotheslines Roode, tosses Aries onto the corner, and tags in Chavo. Chavo cleans house and starts unleashing his amigos on Aries followed by a kick for two. Roode gets nailed with a DDT by Chavo and Aries gets dumped to the floor. Hernandez goes for the Border Toss, but Kazarian jumps on the apron and Roode hits a spinebuster. Aries goes for the 450 splash, but Hernandez kicks Roode into the ropes and Aries has (what is called by the commentators) as a nasty fall. Hernandez goes for the Border Toss again, but Kazarian again jumps on the Apron and Roode holds Hernandez, but Daniels accidentally STO’s Roode and gets thrown out of the ring before Chavo hits the frog splash for the win.
Winners: Chavo Guerrero, Jr & Hernandez
The cameraman catches up with Matt Morgan and asks him what he thinks of tonight’s confrontation between Hogan and Bubba. He says Hogan’s signing his death warrant, but he’s headed out to the ring right now to tell everyone what his solution is, and he wants everybody to pay attention and learn something. ((Jarrett’s Jab – TNA desperately needs some tag teams, I never thought that Roode and Aries would win, and that’s the way I feel about a lot of title matches, especially these X Division triple threat matches.))
-Commercial Break-
A short video is shown from earlier this week where Hulk Hogan appeared at his restaurant in Tampa to announce that Impact was coming to the USF Sun Dome at the press conference in Florida where he got heckled while announcing that Impact was coming to town. We get a strange cut away from that to a video package highlighting the Matt Morgan feud with Hulk Hogan. Morgan comes out to the ring to give the speech he talked about before the break. He says that the last year and a half of his career have centered around mistakes by Hulk Hogan, mistakes like taking Sting’s advice and trusting Bully Ray, not naming Matt Morgan the #1 contender at Lockdown, and giving Bully Ray the title shot so he could steal the title and make Impact Wrestling implode. Hogan ejected Sting, his best friend for 20 years, and nobody’s seen him since. Jeff Hardy tried to regain the title for Hogan and TNA, and he got stretchered out of the arena because of Aces & Eights. The crowd chants for Hogan, and Morgan says he’s with them because he’d like to ask Hogan down to the ring so he can present him with the answer to all of his problems. Hogan finally gets to the ring and Morgan says that “Hogan has no more horses in the race” no backup for Bully Ray later tonight. Everyone knows they’re going to eat him up and spit him out, they’ve done it to everyone else on their roster, and he has nobody left. Morgan offers the ultimate solution: seven feet and 300 pounds of “The Blueprint” Matt Morgan. Nobody wants it more and nobody has begged for the shot more than Matt Morgan, and nobody’s more able to eliminate them than he is, and he is Hogan’s seven foot knight in shining armor, and if given the opportunity, he’ll take Bully Ray’s watermelon head and Carbon Footprint it into the fifth row…for a small price, of course. Morgan says he’ll handle the Bully Ray situation if Hogan gives him the title shot at Slammiversary right now, and he asks Hogan what he thinks. Hogan looks into the crowd, and they love Morgan. Hogan tells Morgan that a lot of what he says is true and he has the goods to get the job done, and Hogan says he probably could, but with his hopes at an all-time high, he was hoping Morgan would do the right thing. Hogan put up with all of Morgan’s crap because he was hoping Morgan would finally become the guy we all wanted him to be, the second coming of the Mania, BROTHER, but at the end of the day, Morgan will only do it for a price. If Hogan gave him the title shot now, it would be a bigger mistake than Bully Ray, and he knows he caused all this trouble with Aces & Eights, and even if he’s not capable, he’ll go out there and take what he needs to take for the sake of the company and he’s not going to hand anything over to Morgan. And by the way, he never saw Andre the Giant come out here and whine like a little bitch. Hogan drops the mic and storms off as an irate Morgan stands in the ring in shock that he didn’t get his title shot. ((Jarrett’s Jab – Hold up a minute, what in the blue hell is the RIGHT thing by Hulk Hogan. The guy who has been desperately trying to get the title off of Bully Ray finds a Seven Foot monster that volunteers to do it, and that isn’t the right thing? And for the record, Andre the Giant might have ever “whined like a little bitch,” but Hulk Hogan sure has.))
-Commercial Break-
Mickie James and Velvet Sky are backstage, and they’re…WALKING!
Aces & Eights in their “clubhouse” laughing over the idea of Hulk Hogan facing them alone, but Bully Ray laughs and makes the rest of the gang promise not to get involved and let him deal with his father-in-law by himself.
Knockouts Title Match: Velvet Sky vs. Mickie James
The two knockouts feel each other out before Velvet hits the first move with a snapmare and a basement dropkick on Mickie for two. Velvet hits a leapfrog and tweaks the knee she injured a couple of weeks ago. Mickie seems to hesitate for a moment, but goes for a cover, getting two. Mickie cinches in a spinning toehold, and for some reason, Velvet hasn’t tapped out yet as we go to a commercial break.
-Commercial Break-
Mickie is twisting on Velvet’s knee as we come back from the break before catching the knockouts champion in a STF. Velvet crawls for the ropes for a break and apparently she’s Hulk Hogan now because for no reason she starts firing back with right hands. She still sells the knee by collapsing after rebounded off the ropes. Mickie hesitates, and Velvet somehow hits a Russian legsweep for two. Leaping enziguiri connects by Mickie and she follows with the Top Rope Thesz Press and Velvet kicks out at two. Mickie backdrops out of In Your Face and goes for the DDT, but Velvet shoves her off. Mickie dropkicks the injured knee out from under her and stalls before Velvet catches her in a small package and grabs Mickie’s jeans to get the three count.
Winner: Velvet Sky
((Jarrett’s Jab – How DUMB is TNA. Mickie James comes back and they blow her talent on a horrible match with Velvet and she cheats to win, which wasn’t acknowledged by the commentators. I’ve said it for a few years, but Velvet shouldn’t be Knockout Champion. She’s a horrible wrestler and in a company that has a collection of great women’s wrestlers, Velvet sticks out like a sore thumb.))
Bully Ray and Devon are backstage talking to each other about how they are the successful tag team in history, and now they hold the TNA World and TV Titles, and they lead a pack of wolves and nobody is going to stop them. Bully says that he is going out to face his father-in-law, and he’s going to be the man to put the final nail in the coffin of Hulkamania.
In Hulk’s office backstage, he is putting on wrist tape and Brooke Hogan says that she sounds like a hypocrite because she wanted to face Bully alone too, but she has bodyguards. Hogan says he made this problem by putting Bully in the position to win the title, and now he has to go handle this situation. Brooke leaves, Hogan asks himself what he’s getting himself into, and he goes back to taping up his wrists. ((Jarrett’s Jab – So Bully Ray couldn’t be put in a World Title position because he had the credentials to challenge for the world title? Way to bury your world champion.))
-Commercial Break-
Bully Ray makes his way to the ring as we come back from the break alone. The World Heavyweight Champion takes a piece of paper out of his back pocket, and proceeds to list the names of just some of the members of the Aces and Eights, including: Sting, Magnus, Samoa Joe, Eric Young, the Pope, Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, Joseph Park, James Storm. Ray explains that they were victims and there is only one victim left…and that’s Hulk Hogan. Bully Ray calls Hogan out to the ring and he obliges in a t-shirt and taped fists. Bully Ray yells “SHUT HIS MUSIC OFF” before asking Hogan how his recently-reconstructed knee is doing. Ray says Hogan is raring to go and he bets Hogan can’t wait to just punch him in his face, hit him with the big boot, and drop the big leg on him. The crowd goes wild at the thought, but Bully crushes their dreams by saying that “it ain’t gonna happen.” Hogan “can walk down the ramp, step in the ring, and try to fool the fans, but he’ll never in a million years fool me.” He can look in Hogan’s eyes and stare him into his soul and see one and only one thing: pure fear. Hulk Hogan fears Bully Ray, and he fears him because he reminds Hogan of himself, he’s the last of a dying breed, Hogan’s breed. Hogan asked if he ever thought he would see Bully Ray standing there, and reminds Hogan that he’s the President of Aces & Eights, the TNA World Champion, his son-in-law, and the man who’s going to put an end to Hulkamania. Hogan says Bubba can’t put an end to Hulkamania because Hulkamania will never die. They throw down their microphones, Bubba turns his hat around backward as Taz cheers for Bubba to go after his knee, but Bully spits in his face instead. Bully poses for the crowd and Hogan starts to Hulk up behind him. Bully turns around and Hogan points a finger in his face and yells ‘YOU!’ Bully Ray points his finger in Hulk’s face and does the same thing. Bully takes a sawing, but Hogan blocks and sends Bully off the ropes for the Big Boot. Bully hooks the ropes and pulls himself to the floor. Aces & Eights comes out and surrounds the ring. Bully Ray gets in the ring with Aces and Eights surrounding it…and then the lights go out. In what seems like a whole minute, the lights are back on and Sting is in the ring and the bat is pointed at Hogan. Ray is excited and yelling for Sting to take him out. Sting turns around, knocks Bully’s hat off with the bat and Ray yells for Aces and Eight’s to get sting., and starts laying out Aces & Eights with the bat while Hogan knocks a few off himself. Aces & Eights heads for the hills, but instead of giving Hogan a big, sloppy hug and kiss, he points his bat at Hogan and then walks off without saying a word. Sting is back to help TNA, but it looks like he and Hogan still have a ways to go as a bewildered Hogan stares out at the crowd as we call it a week. ((Jarrett’s Jab – I’m glad this show is over! I haven’t felt that way about a TNA show in a while and it really scares me about TNA’s future. This show felt like complete nostalgia. Speaking of nostalgia, that ending…how many episodes of Nitro in 1997 ended like that. The only difference is that Hogan is the good guy. Why wasn’t AJ Styles at least shown here. Why didn’t Kazarian and Daniels come out. I’d seriously be ok with Bad Influence reuniting Fortune at this point because younger guys would get the spotlight. I don’t know if it’s Hogan or creative making decisions, but Hogan DOES NOT need to be the spotlight of a huge angle. His time has come and gone. If KURT ANGLE can admit that we need some young guys in the main event picture, why can’t anyone else?))