
Opening Segment
Welcome to this week’s edition of Impact Wrestling from the Campus of Arkansas State University with a video package highlighting Bully Ray running amuck through TNA, Hogan falling out with Sting, and AJ Styles’ actions since he’s returned, and Jeff Hardy earning another shot for the World Title, and last week’s main event between Jeff Hardy and Mister Anderson.
Inside the arena, Aces and Eight’s instrumental theme plays and D’Lo leads the troops. Anderson tells the “douchebags” to shut up and says he has a special package (an Aces and Eight’s vest), he tells AJ Styles that when he needed this company the most, they turned their back on you. This cut (vest) is for him and for him to make the right choice…brotha. Devon holds up a manila envelope and says it’s for Brooke Hogan, and it will change the meaning of a changed relationship. D’Lo tells everyone to be quiet, the VP is about to speak. He says this present isn’t something he’s giving, but rather something he’s received. He holds up a regular white envelope and says that it is a letter from TNA Headquarters that contained his notice of termination from TNA. “After all my years of hard work, I deserve more than just an envelope.” He knows there are TNA officials in the back; he wants one of them to come out and tell him face to face why they should fire him. Instead of a TNA official, Kurt Angle comes out. Angle says that he wants to tell D’Lo something and he’s going to walk down the aisle and tell him face to face…how he really feels. Angle tackles D’Lo to the ground and TNA charges to the ring and starts a brawl with Aces and Eights. Joseph Park, Magnus, Samoa Joe, Eric Young are the TNA cavalry and the manage to get them out of the ring as Angle’s music hits and it’s revealed that it will be a 10-man tag later tonight.
Joey Ryan is backstage with Brooke Hogan and asks to referee the Knockouts matches and claims he’s wearing a zebra print thong. Brooke since it’ll take some weight off her shoulders, yes, but he can’t touch anyone. ((Jarrett’s Jab – What’s the fun in that??))
-Commercial Break-
An ad plays for ShopTNA’s Spring Cleaning Sale ((Jarrett’s Jab – A great sale if you want some TNA merchandise. I personally bought two shirts and a DVD and paid less than twenty-five dollars with shipping and handling.))
An “Impact Instant-Fact” plays. Those things are annoying enough in the WWE. At least there not playing with crappy so-called “music” with them.
Tara and Gail Kim vs. Taryn Terrell and TNA Knockouts Champion Velvet Sky
Joey Ryan checks for foreign objects like a TSA officer checks a six year old. Taryn is tagged in and Gail hides behind Joey Ryan and tags in Tara. Several pin attempts and Joey Ryan doesn’t get down to count the pinfall. Velvet is tagged in and the faces blow kisses at Tara before hitting an elbow and Ryan again doesn’t count. Tara is tagged in and slams Velvet’s head into the turnbuckle and tags in Gail, who unloads with kicks and a drop and again Ryan doesn’t count. Gail smiles and flips her hair before tagging in Tara. Tara kicks Velvet and rams shoulders into her before choking her. Ryan tears Tara off of her and Jesse jumps on the apron and takes his shirt off. Tara goes for the standing moonsault and shoves Ryan away but misses. Taryn and Gail are tagged in and scoop slam connecting by the former referee. Crossbody connects and Taryn starts ramming Gail’s head into the mat. Tara breaks it up and Velvet spears Tara out of the ring. Gail hits on Ryan and Ryan takes his shirt off and puts some baby oil on. Taryn has Gail rolled up for about a nine –count, but Gail reverses it and Ryan quick counts (his only counting in the entire match)
Winners by Pinfall: Gail Kim and Tara
Kim avoids Ryan as soon as he raises her hand and he goes in to try and hit on Taryn and Velvet. They both play into it before Taryn nails a low blow. Guess that zebra print thong didn’t have a cup on it.
The TNA World Tag Team Champions Austin Aries and Bobby Roode are seen going down a hallway. They will sign a contract to defend the Tag titles next week against Chavo and Hernandez LATER TONIGHT!
-Commercial Break-
Bobby Roode asks Chavo and Hernadez if they’ve ever been a World Champion and “the reality is neither one of you can hold a candle to the wrestling ability of the It Factor Bobby Roode and A Double Austin Aries.” Chavo wants to know what color the sky is in their world because he is a Guerrero. Hernandez is strong as a son of a gun. Chavo tells Hernandez to flex. He asks Chavo and Hernandez if they are bored with being beaten up, and that these contracts are not iron clad. Chavo asks if they’re scared of singing and Aries asures him that he wants some perks for the winners. Aries mumbles that he wants a fruit basket, green M&Ms and more money for the winners. Chavo and Hernandez add a situation of their own: that the match is two out of three falls. Bobby and Austin converse and add one last stipulation: if Chavo and Hernandez lose, they are done as a team. The two agree to the terms
Adam Pearce is shown backstage getting ready, a video airs of him, highlighting him as a 17-year veteran and video shows him wrestling Colt Cababa. ((Jarrett’s Jab – Perace is a multiple time NWA World Heavyweight Champion and would be a great catch for TNA. And I really hope that Roode and Aries win next week. Chavo and Hernandez can only get a good reaction in Texas. They’re not over enough to be champions of the division, but TNA desperately needs some faces to be in the tag title picture. Why not bring Joe and Magnus back together. At least it’d be an excuse to get Aces and Eights in the tag title picture.))
-Commercial Break-
Magno, a luchador from Mexico is shown preparing and a video airs about him. The entire video has subtitles because he doesn’t speak English, or at least he doesn’t in his video.
Adam Pearce vs. Magno
The two tie up and we some ground chain wrestling. Trading arm wringers and Taz praises them that they both are talented performers and aren’t green. Tenay points out that Magno was part of the World X Cup as part of Team Mexico in 2006. Pearce arms the bar and then nails a straight right hand and a kick to the face. Magno catches Pearce with a boot but gets a high back body drop and a two count Taz praises Pearce for not wasting time. Magno comes off the top and tries a sunset flip, but Pearce holds on the ropes. Backbreaker gains the luchador two. Spinebuster by Pearce gets him two. The 17-year veteran argues with Earl Hebner and gets caught in a hurricanrana. Enziguiri kick in the corner by Magno and a clothesline sends Pearce to the outside. Moonsault hits the part by Magno and gets caught with a rollup (and hooking the ropes) for three.
Winner by Pinfall: Adam Pearce
We are quickly taken to a replay of Sting and Hogan’s segment from last week with Hogan telling Sting to “get the hell out of my ring brother!”
-Commercial Break-
Ken Anderson catches AJ Styles and gives him the vets and tells him to think about and tells him that it looks good. AJ walks down the hall with the vest in the hand.
A video package plays of Sting hyping Bully Ray up and the whole trusting Bully Ray debacle and Bully Ray becoming World Champion and revealing he was the president of Aces and Eights.
Hulk is asked if can give an update on Sting. Hulk said he’s not here and he needs warriors, not politicians. He sent a lawyer out to see what side he’s on and walks off.
-Commercial Break-
Joesph Park says that he knows Angle wants to save wrestling, but tonight they have to fight. Park says that he watched Angle win the gold medal in 96 and he is an inspiration. Angle says Park is a little green, but “if you see an opportunity, you take it.”
Todd Keneley hypes Brooke Hogan and Bully Ray coming face to face later in the show, and out comes Hulk Hogan. Taz grills Tenay on Hulk sending Sting home. Tenay says he doesn’t have an answer to that. Hulk wants to cut to the chase and he’s heard Hogan talk a lot, and he won’t make any more mistakes and he will lead with his gut. He says there is one man that he needs to call out and that is AJ Styles. AJ comes out with the “cut” and Hulk asks aloud if he made the wrong choice. Hulk goes over some of the things that made AJ implode and says he understands that, he’s gone through similar things and he see’s a different AJ and that he’s “praying to god you’re not going at that path. I need the AJ Styles that is dangerous.” He tells AJ that he needs AJ, but he needs the dangerous AJ Styles. The crowd starts a loud AJ chant. “You want me to help you?” AJ asks before he is cut off by James Storm’s music. Storm tells Hogan that he remembers the stipulation of the match where the loser doesn’t get a title shot until Bound for Glory 2013. Storm says what bothers him is that AJ watched him get attacked by Aces and Eights. He’s been here as long as AJ has and “our backs built this company.” Every show, every mile AJ has been on, he’s been on the same shows and traveled the same miles and they do this because they love this from the Asylum all the way to Jonesborough, Arkansas. “And now you want to join them?” Storm tells AJ that he’s not the same guy these people are cheering for and “you better clock out before you get knocked out.” AJ gets face to face with Storm and drops his microphone before walking out and looking at the Aces and Eights cut.
((Jarrett’s Jab – I’m not sure what they’re trying to do here. I think they’re trying to make AJ Styles like Sting after the nWo formed, but the problem is the people that are confronting him are acting more like heels than AJ is. Sting showed some shades of grey in 1996, AJ hasn’t really done anything incriminating. They finally got around to bringing up that Storm beat AJ and cost him any World Title opportunities until Bound for Glory 2013. Storm cut him off when he was about to explain himself. AJ had an Aces and Eight’s jacket that he was just handed in his hands, it’s not like he was wearing it or any.))
-Commercial Break-
Hulk Hogan is shown “during the break” saying that he’s done kissing up to AJ Styles, he has one week to give an answer. “Either he’s with us, or he’s DONE!”
A video highlight reel is shown from TNA’s One Night Only: X-Division X-travaganza plays.
((Jarrett’s Jab – From what I’ve heard, it is well worth the buy. Plus it’s one of Jerry Lynn’s last match against Rob Van Dam and it’s No Holds Barred!))
Sonjay Dutt vs. Mason Andrews vs. Petey Williams
The three trade rapid-fire pinfall attempts to start off the matchup. Dutt connects with a drop kick to Williams, but Dutt eats a drop toe hold and a dropkick by Maple Leaf Muscle. Petey NAILS a suicide dive onto Mason Andrews. Dutt tries for a dive, but both opponents get out of the way. Andrews hits a forearm and gets a near fall on the two-time X division Champion, then follows it up with a straight kick and a backbreaker. Andrews knocks Dutt off the apron with a forearm and Williams starts to chop Mason and he connects with shoulders in the corner. Mason Andrews connects with a snapmare and nails an elbow to the back of the neck from the top for a near fall. Dutt stuns Andrews with a kick from the apron and cinches in an abdominal stretch to Williams. Andrews manages to send Dutt to the apron and gets William’s on his shoulder, but Dutt nails a missile drop kick to both men. Andrews tries an Irish whip, but Dutt connects with a pendulum kick and a springboard dive for a near fall. Dutt attempts an Asai DDT on Andrews but Williams breaks the hold up. Side Russian leg sweep by Williams gets him a close two. Williams drops Dutt on the mat and then he sets for the Canadian Destroyer and Dutt counters by kicking at William’s thigh. Leaping hurricanrana by Andrews catches Williams off-guard. Dutt nails the Asai DDT and then he goes up top for the Phoenix stomp. Williams NAILS the Canadian Destroyer to Andrews for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Petey Williams
We go to the Aces and Eights picnic table and Bully Ray is not in a good mood and says that it is all Kurt Angle’s fault for ruining the Aces and Eight’s celebration earlier. He knows they will get the job done in the ten man tag match. They will represent. Devon asks Bully if he is ready to deal with Brooke. Bully says that he misses his wife. He says that he is going to look his wife in the eyes and hand her the envelope. They will all be able to move forward.
-Commercial Break-
We are back with a video package about next week’s World Heavyweight Championship Match between Bully Ray and Jeff Hardy in Full Metal Mayhem! Taryn Terrell will be in her first TNA singles match against Gail Kim, and we will find out what AJ Styles’ decision will be.
Aces and Eights (Devon, Wes Brisco, Garett Bischoff, DOC, and Knux) vs. Team TNA (Kurt Angle, Joseph Park, Magnus, Samoa Joe, and Eric Young)
Angle starts off for Team TNA but no one wants to start, so Angle brings Brisco into the ring and runs through Brisco with clotheslines. Angle punches Brisco and chokes him in the corner before nailing a suplex for a near fall. Brisco rakes the eyes of Angle before tagging in Garett Bischoff and connecting with a hip toss. Angle gains the upper hand with punches and kicks to Bischoff before choking him in the corner. Magnus tags in and he catches Bischoff and hits a suplex. Joe tags in and hits a reverse atomic drop and Magnus connects with a boot and Joe nails a back senton splash. Bischoff rakes the eyes again and quickly tags in Devon. Joe connects with several punches before Irish whipping Devon and then hits a running splash and enzuigiri in the corner followed by the chop, kick, and knee drop combination. Knux tags in and he connects with a forearm to Joe’s back but Joe counters with a leg lariat. Eric Young tags in and he goes up top for a double sledge to the arm. Young hits several punches in the corner but Knux counters with a knee and clothesline. A forearm by Knux sends Young down. EY gets whipped into the turnbuckles and Knux tries a kick but Young sends him over the top rope to the floor. Young with a dive onto Knux and both men are down as we head to commercial.
-Commercial Break-
We are back and Young gets a near fall on Knux. Knux hits an elbow to Young and sends EY into the turnbuckles. Knux sends Young over the top rope to the floor. Knux punches Young on the floor and Devon slides Young back into the ring. Knux hits a leg drop and he tags in DOC. DOC connects with an elbow drop and he sends Young into the corner and starts punching him like a punching bag. Devon chokes Young in the ropes while DOC deals with the referee. DOC hits a short arm clothesline followed by a splash for a near fall. Devon tags in and he punches Young and pushes him into the corner. Devon connects with punches to Young followed by a snap mare and a nerve hold. Young tries to fight bak with elbows but Devon with a spinning back elbow to Young. DOC tags in and he punches Young and tries for a belly-to-back suplex but Young lands on his feet and hits a jaw breaker. Knux and DOC take care of the members of Team TNA on the apron. DOC misses a charge into the corner and Young with an enzuigiri and both men are down. Joesph Park is the only TNA guy on the apron and extends his hand to be tagged in. Park is tagged in and runs wild, punches DOC and sends him over the top rope, and then Park clotheslines Brisco. Park knocks everyone off the apron before scoop slamming DOC to the ground and connecting with a splash for a two count. Everyone starts brawling at this point. Bischoff sends Young to the floor, and then Magnus sends Brisco over the top rope. Knux takes care of Magnus, but gets clotheslined over the top rope by Joe. Devon comes behind Joe and Devon punches Joe. Joe nails a suicide dive onto Knux. Devon hits a spinebuster to Park but misses a diving head butt. Park goes to the turnbuckles and takes care of Bischoff and Brisco. DOC hits down low and gets the win.
Winners: Aces and Eights
The Hogans are in the locker room and Hulk says that he doesn’t trust the situation. Brooke wants to finish the drama. She says that she will get Ronnie from Atlas Security. Hulk told her to take more than just one guy, and she said she’d find two or three more guys. She figures that Bully will give her the divorce papers, end this and there will be no more drama.
((Jarrett’s Jab – I hate tag matches where they lose control and the referee counts pinfalls within a minute of each other with different men. It’s confusing. And Aces and Eights’ finally gets a win, but I would have rather seen Angle take the fall since he’s feuding with Brisco and Bischoff, at least they’d be going somewhere with that. Park was just kind of thrown in the mix this week, even though he has every reason to be storyline mad at Aces and Eights.))
-Commercial Break-
We are back and Bully Ray makes his way to the ring. Ray says in seven days the biggest World Heavyweight Championship rematch in wrestling history. He faces Jeff Hardy in Corpus Christi, Texas in Full Metal Mayhem. Jeff has to be the stupidest person he has ever met. Why would he challenge Bully to a match that would involve tables, ladders, and chairs? Tonight, Bully wants to take care of some personal business. Bully wants his wife Brooke to come to the ring.
Bully asks Brooke how she is doing and he wants to know why she doesn’t have her wedding ring on. He is wearing his and it is a sign of his love and devotion to her. He gives Brooke a pass for this week. He tells her to do what she is told and to wear her wedding ring. Bully wants to know why Brooke has security. He says that they should be there to protect him. He says that Brooke was a crazed woman after Lockdown. She was yelling and screaming. He says that she was insane. She should have been happy that night because her husband became the World Champion.
She should have been hugging, kissing, and loving him and doing everything a good wife should have been doing. Bully says that she is insane but he forgives her. Bully asks Brooke if she knows what is in the envelope and Brooke says there divorce papers. Bully tells Brooke he loves her and that she is the wind beneath his wings and he couldn’t have done this without her. She is the woman behind him who makes him so great. He couldn’t have done this without Brooke. Bully gives Brooke the envelope. It is a front row ticket for Corpus Christi. He wants her to be in the front row to watch him beat Jeff Hardy for the second time. He wants her by his side to cheer him on. He wants Brooke to look as beautiful as she possibly can. Lately, she has let herself go.
Brooke rips up the ticket and she slaps Bully. Bully laughs and he tells Brooke that he cannot help but laugh at her. She is pathetic. She just smacked him in the face and he is laughing at her. He is in her head so bad it is not funny. He has been in her since day one. “What are you gonna do? You gonna smack me again?” Jeff Hardy’s music plays and he interrupts the family discussion. Bully demands that his wife get out of his ring. Jeff punches Bully but Bully punches back. The two start brawling to end the show. ((Jarrett’s Jab – You could tell this was a taped show, nothing really advanced tonight. We found out that the next time there is an X Division Championship match it will be Petey Williams vs. Zema Ion vs. TNA X Division Champion Kenny King, but when will that match happen. Bully Ray continues to be one of the greatest acts in pro wrestling period at this point. No matter how bad the premise is, he manages to make it watchable. Why didn’t he win the Bound for Glory Series again? Be sure to watch Impact LIVE next week from Corpus Christi, Texas! ))