
Opening Segment
The recap video takes us through Garett Bischoff and Wes Briscoe becoming Aces and Eights members (like we need to see that again) and Hulk Hogan reinstating Bully Ray.
Hulk Hogan comes out to the ring and says that the fate of the TNA World Title will hang in the balance at Lockdown, and tonight’s show will feature four matches that Hogan will use to decide who gets the title shot at Lockdown. Rob Van Dam will take on James Storm, Christopher Daniels will face Hogan’s personal pick Magnus, Kurt Angle will take on Samoa Joe, and Bobby Roode will go at it against Austin Aries. Hogan’s going to be watching all the matches, and he’ll come out at the end of the night to pick Jeff Hardy‘s #1 contender for Lockdown.
Hogan addresses the challenge made on twitter from Aces & Eights, who wanted to face TNA’s best in an all-out-war at Lockdown. Hogan says he had to think about it for a half a second before saying yes and introduces his team captain: Sting. Sting says that Aces & Eights made their challenge, and the challenge is accepted. He’s going to do the same thing Hulk will, and that’s pick three killers to be on his team at Lockdown, and they’re going to put an end to Aces & Eights at Lockdown, and whatcha gonna do when the Stinger runs wild on them?
-Commercial Break-
Christopher Daniels vs. Magnus
Kazarian comes out in a ‘Kazamania’ shirt and managers pass on a lanyard. Daniels tries to get an early advantage by working on the arm, but Magnus cracks Daniels’ jaw before nailing a vertical suplex. Kazarian snaps Magnus’ neck over the top rope and Daniels capitalizes by hitting an STO for two. Magnus starts string some offense, but Kazarian interfers from the outside and allows Daniels to nail Magnus and slide one of his fingers out of his gloves to flip the crowd the British Bird for two. Daniels gets an uranage and goes for the BME, but Magnus rolls out of the way and takes Daniels’ head off with a kick. Magnus clocks Kazarian, and the referee, despite not seeing him interfere, demands Kazarian leave. Daniels charges down the ramp at Magnus and gets backdropped back inside the ring, then they go back in where Daniels ducks a clothesline, Magnus tries it again and connects. Magnus nails the Michinoku Driver and connects with the elbowdrop on the top rope for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Magnus
Bully Ray is backstage telling Brooke that this isn’t how it was supposed to go down, and he never thought an injury would ever stop him. He wanted to do two things: marry her, and win the TNA World Title. He wanted to be a warrior in the ring like her father, and everything’s been going so great. Brooke says she doesn’t know what to say, and Bully says that since it’s Valentine’s Day and they’re in London, he’s not going to let it ruin their time together, so they’re going to go buy her the shoes she wanted, they’re going to the fancy restaurant she likes, then they’re going dancing. Brooke says he needs to be careful, and to wear his ring because she found it on the hotel sink this morning and slides it on his finger
-Commercial Break-
Backstage, Magnus says that this has been his only job since he’s been 19 and it’s all he’s ever wanted to do. Aces & Eights nearly took it away and took three months of his career, but he just proved that he has what it takes to be the heavyweight champion of the world.
Samoa Joe vs Kurt Angle
Taz runs down the IOC’s decision to remove amateur wrestling from the Olympics starting in 2020 and Tenay agrees with every word. During Kurt Angle’s entrance a voiceover that is shown on a graphic to be recorded earlier of him giving a shortened version of the statement (without the WWE mentioned) that is on the Impact Wrestling website. Joe runs over Angle with a shoulderblock and pummels him with right hands, then charges Angle in the corner with a splash and hits a leaping enziguiri. Joe connects with a snapmare, chops Angle’s back, stiffly kicks his chest and nails a knedrop for two. Joe charges right into a waistlock and gets suplexed by Angle, who then stomps Joe down in the corner. Angle connects with another suplex for two, then hits a snapmare and gets a rear chinlock as we go to commercial.
-Commercial Break-
We’re back, and Angle goes to the suplex well again, but gets drilled with a forearm from Joe and gets chucked out to the floor. Joe connects with a diving forearm to the floor, then brings Angle back inside and drills him with a running boot and a senton for two. Angle slips out the back on a powerbomb attempt and hits rolling German suplexes, Joe escapes the Angle Slam and lays in some jabs. Angle whips Joe to the corner and charges right into the STJoe, but he catches Joe out of nowhere with a missile dropkick and hits the Angle Slam. Joe pops right back up and gets Angle in the Kokina Clutch, Angle backs Joe into the corner to get him to break and rolls Joe into the anklelock. Joe nearly taps, but rolls Angle forward and rams him into the corner, then they wipe each other out with a double clothesline. Wes Brisco and Garett Bischoff run in and attack both men before they get back to their feet, and the referee calls for the bell.
Joe and Angle turn the tables and send the newest Aces and Eights members running, then they shake hands with each other and make up.
We go to Dixie Carter with Party Marty and The Blossom Twins (a.k.a. the people who lost on British Bootcamp), and tells them to make a good impression when they appear in an Impact ring for the first time tonight.
-Commercial Break-
Jesse, Tara & Gail Kim vs Party Marty and The Blossom Twins
Jesse and Marty started the match and Marty quickly gained the advantage with a few slaps. Moonsault by Party Marty gets him two. Jesse finds the floor pretty quickly and we had to commercial!
-Commercial Break-
Tara’s going at it with one of the Blossom Twins. Taz says their names are Hanna and Holly, but can’t tell them apart. They double team Tara, but Gail comes in and finds herself on the receiving end of a flurry of offense from one of the Blossoms. Gail connects with a kick to the ribs and tries a slam, but can’t lift her up and collapses. Tara hits a kick to the back of the head so Gail can get another shot in, then Tara tags back in and hair tosses Blossom A across the ring. Gail and Tara continue beating up Blossom 1, but Blossom 1 gets the knees up when Tara tries a standing moonsault and makes the tag to Blossom Blossom, who comes in and cleans house on both heel girls. They double backdrop Gail onto Tara, then they hit the double team Blossom splash on Gail for 2. Jesse gets in and flexes at one of the Blossoms, but Party Marty takes him out with a missile dropkick that sends him out to the floor, then Marty hits a suicide dive that almost did the trick with him having a horrible landing and crashing head first on part of the steel fan barricade and missing Jesse by about a foot. Gail counters a move from one of the Blossoms and hits the Eat Dafeet for the win.
Winners by Pinfall: Jesse, Tara & Gail Kim
Gail gets a microphone and says she just proved that she’s the most dominant Knockout in the company, she thanks Taryn Terrell for not screwing up for a change, then tells Tara that she wants her title back. Brooke is going to name a challenger for Tara for next week, so Gail calls Brooke out to the ring to give her what she wants. Brooke’s shitty entrance music hits, and she comes strolling out with a big smile on her face to tell Gail that she’s got her title match next week, but it’s going to be a three way that also includes Miss Tessmacher and Velvet Sky, and Brooke will be sitting at ringside to make sure no shenanigans go down.
We go to Dixie Carter’s announcement last week on Bellator that Impact is going on the road, and also that she’s signed Jeff Hardy to “a new, long term deal” that will keep him in TNA “for years to come.” Jeff Hardy returns to Impact Wrestling in two weeks!
Austin Aries is backstage telling Roode that it’s obvious that Hogan is trying to divide them, but they need to stick to the plan of winning all the titles. They argue over who will win the World Title and who will win the X Division Title, then decide to go do this.
-Commercial Break-
James Storm vs. X Division Champion Rob Van Dam
Storm gets the early advantage until RVD takes his head off with a spinkick. RVD hits the rolling monkey flip and a springboard thrust kick. Rolling Thunder gains the X Division Champion a two count before firing a series of kicks at Storm’s ribs. RVD with a backbreaker and the split legged moonsault for two, Storm gets to his feet and trades right hands, Storm with a kick to the gut and a DDT for two. RVD catches Storm with a spinning kick to the face, Storm tries a lungblower and RVD holds the ropes, but RVD turns around and Storm hits Closing Time. Storm sets up for the Last Call, RVD catches the foot and nails a stepover leg lariat. RVD goes up top for the frogsplash, Storm knocks him to the apron with a big right hand, RVD drops Storm’s neck down on the top rope and he staggers backward into the opposite corner. RVD goes for the Van Terminator, Storm moves out of the way and RVD hits nothing, then Storm waits for RVD to get up and drills him with Last Call for the win.
Winner: James Storm
Joseph Park heads into Hulk Hogan’s office and says that he learned that if he wants to get to the top, he needs to politic. He hired a campaign manager and had banners and stickers made, but Hogan stops him and says that’s not how politicking works, and to ask the boys to explain to him what a rib is. Park makes Hogan promise to vote for him, then leaves so Hulk can go back to his conversation with Brooke. ((Jarrett’s Jab – Great match from Storm and RVD. I don’t think RVD needs to be in the X Division, but he just raised the title a little bit from almost beating a former World Champion in Storm. And I hate all of these references to kayfabe, but that Joseph Park segments is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen so far this year. Park can even make Hogan overkill entertaining. Well, he makes it watchable anyways.))
-Commercial Break-
Hulk doesn’t want Brooke pushing for her husband to work hurt if he doesn’t have to, then he excuses himself to go watch the next match. Brooke says there’s a lot Hulk doesn’t know about Bully, like how he got into the business because of Hulk. Hulk says he has to remain objective, but he’ll take her advice under advisement.
Austin Aries and Bobby Roode come out for the main event. Roode cuts a promo on Hulk Hogan for taking all of a week to try and screw them again. They’re still going to win all the titles and bring meaning to them again. Aries thanks the fans for chanting for him because he knows his name, then he says that this isn’t going to rattle them. They’re professionals, they’re going to take care of business, and Aries tells Brian Hebner to ring the bell.
Austin Aries vs. Bobby Roode
They both try the Fingerpoke of Doom on each other, then get in an argument when neither man will lay down for the other. Aries gets the microphone again and tells Roode to get down when he pokes him, then refuses to lay down for him. He finally says he’ll be the bigger man, Roode argues that he’s the bigger man, Aries says that was just a figure of speech and while Roode is physically the larger man, he’s going to lay down for Roode. Aries lays down and Roode goes for an cocky cover, but gets caught in a crucifix pin for two. The Tag Team Champions start arguing again to take us to commercial.
-Commercial Break-
They tie up as we come back from the break and then break and shove each other. They yell at each other again to lay down. After another tie up, Roode shoots Aries to the ropes and goes for a backdrop, Aries cartwheels past him and ducks out to the apron where he snaps Roode’s neck down on the top rope and hits a sunset flip. Roode drops down and holds the ropes, but Brian Hebner sees him and stops counting, then Roode and Aries shove each other again and we go to another tie up. Roode sends Aries to the corner, Aries rolls Roode into a cradle and puts his feet on the ropes, but the referee sees and stops counting again. Roode slugs Aries, Aries slugs him back, and they trade blows in the middle of the ring. Aries charges at Roode and gets caught in a spinebuster for two. Roode attempts a running powerslam, but Aries slips out from behind and shoves him off. Aries tries the IED and Roode catches him in the powerslam position again, Aries slips out again onto the ropes, Roode nails him and goes up top for a superplex, Roode nearly powers Aries up for the suplex but can’t quite get him over, Aries boxes his ears, Roode falls backward into the ring, Aries goes for the 450 splash, Roode moves and Aries lands on his feet, Roode tries the spear, Aries catches him in midair and counters to the Last Chancery. Roode is trapped right in the middle of the ring, but he goes to the eyes to break the hold and gets Aries in the Crippler Crossface. Now Aries is trapped in the middle of the ring and is in trouble, but he manages to roll Roode into a cradle for two. Aries kicks Roode in the gut and goes for a brainbuster, Roode slips out the back, Aries switches and shoves Roode right into the referee and knocks the ref out. Roode brings a chair into the ring, tosses it to Aries, and lays down like he got hit with the chair. The ref isn’t quite up yet, so Aries picks the chair up and slams it into the mat, then tosses it toward Roode and falls down like he’s dead. They’re both playing dead while telling the referee that the other hit them with the chair, but they suddenly stop and stare up the aisle at Chavo Guerrero Jr and Hernandez as they come down the aisle to observe. Roode and Aries stop wrestling and chase after the former champions since they’re wearing Aries and Roode shirts to mock them. They suddenly realize that they’re going to get counted out, and both men start to race back to the ring while trying to stop each other from making it back. They just miss beating the count.
We go backstage to Hulk Hogan and Sting talking about their match at Starrcade 1997, then they talk about how crazy things are now in TNA. Sting says it’s all on Hogan’s shoulders, and Hogan says he’s going out there to make his decision right now. Hogan heads the wrong way, and Sting tells him the ring is the other way and wishes him happy decision making.
((Jarrett’s Jab – Reason number 537 that Roode and Aries are two of the best wrestlers in pro wrestling today was that match. These two managed to take a great technical wrestling, and add comedy and dramatic near falls and submissions to make a pay-per-view quality match. I seriously can’t praise it enough. If you didn’t see it, I beg you to find it somewhere, it’s worth the view. And TNA doesn’t need their GM to look senile, seriously, I know he’s supposed to be stressed, but that looked ridicilious.))
-Commercial Break-
Time to get Hulk Hogan’s decision, as he comes out and says it’s not about him, it’s about the eight men who poured their hearts out here tonight. It’s decision time, and each of those men want to be the man, but he has to pick one man to face Jeff Hardy at Lockdown. Aces & Eights jump the rail and surround Hogan in the ring before he can give his answer. Bully Ray comes limping out to the ring with chain in hand and Aces & Eights backs off a bit, but are still surrounding the ring. Hogan and Bully are back to back facing them down as Sting comes out to join up with Hogan and Bully, bringing a bat for each man out with him. Aces & Eights finally backs off as Bully and Devon trade words to end the show this week.
((Jarrett’s Jab – Weak ending to the show after that barn-burning match between Aries and Roode. Now that Bully Ray is injured, or at least claiming through his twitter he is, it makes me wonder if the plans for LockDown are going to be affected. If Hardy didn’t run through Roode and Aries like nobody’s business over the past few months, one of those two facing him at LockDown would be interesting. If Ray can’t go, I’m begging TNA to let Daniels win the title, even if it last a few days, he’s been doing the best work of his career and I’d love to see Daniels get his reward for all the hard work over his career in TNA and for being a part of the best tag team and the best act period in wrestling right now. That’s it for me!))