
Opening Segment
The “Previously on Impact” video plays showing Bobby Roode’s returning back at No Surrender and Hogan announcing King Mo announced as the special enforcer in their match at Bound for Glory, Austin Aries’ growing rivalry with Jeff Hardy, and the Aces and Eights saga.
Hulk Hogan is in his office with Sting, and says that Sting has to put a bullet in Aces and Eights, and Sting says that he will watch every match to pick a guy. Hogan says the guy has to be picked by the end of Impact, and they need a guy with a killer instinct.
Fireworks inside the Impact Wrestling Zone welcome everyone to Impact Wrestling and Tenay notes that the X Division Championship will be on the line and new Television Champion Samoa Joe will defend the gold against Rob Van Dam.
To start of Impact for the crowd tonight, out comes the chief a**hole Mister Anderson and Anderson says that Sting and Hogan might want to gather around the monitor for this one and does his regular ring introduction. Gunner comes out to face Anderson with Kid Kash backing him up.
Mister Anderson vs. Gunner (with Kid Kash)
Gunner goes right for Anderson in the corner with right hands. Rubbing Anderson’s face against the top rope, Gunner keeps the advantage until he lets up and Anderson fires back with a backbreaker. Anderson charges and Gunner elbows him in defense and bails out of the ring. Anderson goes to the outside and Kid Kash plays the distraction so Gunner can get the double sledge from behind. Elbow by Gunner gains him a two count as he applies an armbar to Anderson. Anderson gets to his feet, but Gunner is right back with blows to the shoulder. Gunner charges and Kash tries to grab Anderson’s leg, but misses and Anderson nails the Mic Check for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Mister Anderson
As soon as the bell sounds. Kid Kash starts with a fury of right hands. Kash charges at Anderson but runs right into a Mic Check. Sting is shown watching as Anderson celebrates.
Backstage, Tara is talking to her boyfriend and says that she’s up next and claims the internet sites are always true. Gail Kim comes up and complains that Tara is on the phone before the tag match. Tara tries to talk Kim into a double date with Kim’s “cable boyfriend” and Tara’s “Hollywood” boyfriend. Kim informs Tara that if she wins the Knockouts Title at Bound for Glory, she will have to deal with her.
((Jarrett’s Jab – I really like the idea of the entire Impact Wrestling roster wanting to join the fight against Aces and Eights. They’ve terrorized everyone, so it’s a small touch that makes sense and makes every match important. Anderson getting his win after losing in a great match with Samoa Joe last week helps him look credible with the other choices that will be revealed as the night goes along.))
-Commercial Break-
Tara and Gail Kim vs. TNA Knockouts Champion Miss Tessmacher and ODB
Taryn Terrell is already in the ring. ODB and Gail Kim start off the match. Kim runs right into ODB’s breasts and fall down. I didn’t make that up. ODB lifts Kim up in a fireman’s carry, but Kim elbows her way out. Tessmacher is tagged in and hits a stiff dropkick by Tessmacher onto Kim before hitting the stink face and tagging ODB back in, who misses with the Bronco Buster. Tara is tagged in and is Irish Whipped hard into the corner. Bronco Buster connects this time by ODB. ODB knocks Kim off the apron, but the distraction gives Tara the advantage with several right hands before tagging Kim in. Kim uses her boot to choke ODB in the corner before an Irish Whip into the corner. Kick to the abdomen by ODB gains her two while Taz gawks over Terrell. That’s my job! Anyway Tara is tagged back in and ODB gets the knees up to the standing moonsault. Tessmacher is tagged in and nails a flying head scissors. Tessmacher uses the hair for a faceplant in the corner. Tessmacher covers Tara, but Kim breaks up the fall at two. ODB nails a spear on Kim with the flask in her hand and Kim is able to uses the ropes to knock her to the outside. Tara uses Kim as a battery ram on Tessmacher and then quickly nails the Widows Peak for the win.
Winners by Pinfall: Tara and Miss Tessmacher
Bruce Prichard is telling Al Snow to take care of something and talk for a second before we fade out to commercial.
-Commercial Break-
A video is shown of Joey Ryan moaning and complaining like he does best and yelling that he is going to sue Taz (even after video is shown of Joey Ryan sucker punching Snow unprovoked.)
Al Snow makes his way to the ring to the Impact theme. Snow introduces Joey Rayn to boos and the Gut Check theme. Snow tries to talk, but the crowd chants “YOU SUCK!” to Ryan over him. Snow says that he let his emotions get the best of him while Ryan yells “you should be ashamed.” Snow is finally (on behalf of himself and TNA) apologize to Joey Ryan. Ryan says that he wants Snow to say he’s sorry, and Snow said that he already did. Ryan apparently has a mic now and says he doesn’t want an apology from TNA management; he wants Snow to say that he’s Sorry, and Snow does. Ryan announces that he manipulated Snow just like he did the 87 percent and that tonight isn’t about them, it’s about him! Ryan demands Snow to turn around and he signed the contract on Ryan’s back. Snow tries to tell Ryan something and Ryan yells at him to not talk over him. Ryan demands Snow to announce him as a member of the Impact Wrestling roster. Snow said that he can’t do that because he tried to give him some advice, but Ryan told him not to talk over him. Snow said the contract is only good for one night, the biggest night of the year: Bound for Glory. And as for Ryan’s opponent, he’s facing Al Snow. Ryan flips over the contract and yells in the ring like a 7 year old. Taz jokes that he’s gone down to 86 percent.
Angle is backstage with Sting and Angle is pleading for a chance to pull double duty and face Aces and Eights while Daniels and Kazarian poke their heads around the corner. Sting said he would love to team with him, but he has to think about, but he will think about it because he’s Kurt Angle. Bully Ray walks up to Sting and says he should be in the World Title match and Aces and Eights cost him that right. Ray states that he wants this match more than anything and asks Sting what he has to do to be his partner. Sting tells him that he needs a bully and for him to go prove something tonight and Ray walks out while Sting screams “I NEED A BULLY!” ((Jarrett’s Jab – I’m happy that some big names are wanting to be Sting’s partner and it makes it seem that much more prestigious. I’m assuming it will be Bully Ray that’s chosen, but I can’t wait to see how we get there. As for Ryan, I hope this crap is over at Bound for Glory. They jumped the shark months ago, and I hope they planned a heel turn for Ryan from the beginning because it turned sour with the crowd months ago.))
-Commercial Break-
Television Championship: Samoa Joe (c) vs. Rob Van Dam
The actual Television Championship Belt is back this week. Joe shrugs off an Irish Whip attempt by Rob Van Dam. Joe tries to ground RVD with a modified bear hug, but RVD rolls out of it and locks in a leg bar. Joe slides out and flattens RVD with a clothesline followed by his corner kick. RVD tries to get some kicks and a rollup, but Joe applies the STF and RVD slides to try to reach the ropes and finally reaches out to it. Joe breaks at two and RVD rolls out of the ring. RVD connects with a kick to the left knee and tries to send him into the guardrail and RVD is slammed back first into the ring steps. Joe adjusts his ring gear and breaks the count before rolling RVD in and attempts a charge at RVD. RVD connects with several kicks and then the big trust kick before nailing the Rolling Thunder for a two count. Rolling kick by RVD and tries a monkey flip, which is countered by Joe, but RVD hits a cross body. Another kick to the face by RVD and RVD does the taunt before the five star. RVD goes up to, but by the time he gets there, Joe’s on his feet and nails the Musclebuster for the three count.
Winner and STILL Television Champion: Samoa Joe
AJ Styles is backstage with Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Hernandez to talk about Aces & Eights, but Chavo tells him not to change the subject because AJ stuck his nose in last week’s match. AJ said it was Kazarian that grabbed his leg, but Chavo said that he turned around and AJ was there. So apparently he’s been too busy to go on YouTube and watch enough of the match to see who actually did it. Daniels and Kazarian come in to tell AJ that Angle was saying he doesn’t need AJ since he can win the title by himself, and AJ leaves to go find out what’s going on.
-Commercial Break-
Dixie Carter talks about her favorite Bound For Glory memory, which was in 2009 when Sting won the TNA World Title from Kurt Angle, then she says she loves Bound For Glory because great memories come out of it every year.
We look at earlier tonight when King Mo arrived at the Impact Zone, then we go backstage where Austin Aries tries to bury the hatchet with Hardy over last week…even though Aries did most of the work last week. He wants to put their issues on the back burner and just have a good match, but then Bully Ray comes in to say that he’s got good news and bad news. The good news is that neither of them are getting punched in the face now, but the bad news is that he’s going to punch one of them in the face later tonight because he needs to prove himself to Sting. He’s going to take out Jeff Hardy and prove himself by beating the #1 contender, but Aries says he won’t prove anything because he’s the World Champion. Ray says he already beat him, and Aries says he couldn’t beat him without the chain, but Hardy suggests making it a three way match tonight. Aries is pissed that Hardy’s making matches, but Bully agrees so it looks like we’re on.
Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. Kurt Angle
Chavo cinches in a side headlock to start, Angle sends him into the ropes but Chavo takes Angle down with a shoulderblock and goes back to the headlock. Angle tries a back suplex, but Chavo holds onto the headlock. Angle backs Chavo to the corner to break the headlock and stomps Chavo before Chavo turns it around and unloads with right hands and European uppercuts. Chavo hits the ropes but gets backdropped for his efforts. Angle chokes Chavo on the second rope while arguing with Hernandez. Angle nails a clothesline and a snap suplex for one, then he goes to a rear gut wrench. Chavo elbows out of the hold, but walks right into an overhead release suplex that gets a pair of two counts for Angle. Angle goes back to stomping Chavo, but Chavo hits a flying headscissors and a dropkick, followed by a rolling senton for two. Angle with another overhead release suplex and goes for the Angle Slam, but Chavo armdrags out and hits a flying headscissors into a seated cradle for two. Chavo attempts the Three Amigos, but Angle gets a series of rolling German suplexes and goes for the ankle lock. Chavo kicks him off and hits the Three Amigos again and goes up top for the frogsplash, but Angle rolls out of the way and hits the Angle Slam. The straps come down, but Hernandez jumps on the apron and Chavo does one of the worst roll-ups I’ve ever seen for three. The shoulders weren’t even down!
Winner by Pinfall: Chavo Guerrero Jr.
The two teams get into a shoving match as Daniels and Kazarian stand at the top of the ramp egging them on.
-Commercial Break-
X Divison Championship: Zema Ion (c) vs. Douglas Williams
Douglas Williams is already in the ring. Ion piefaces Douglas Williams and takes off his vest and gets the hell beaten out of him by Williams and is sent to the outside faster than I can type it. Williams connects with several right hands before Ion shoves Williams into the ringpost. Williams is rolled into the ring and gets a few right hands with his good right arm before Ion grabs the bad arm and cinches in an armbar. He cranks back on it very uncomfortably and Williams taps out.
Winner by Submission and STILL X Division Champion: Zema Ion
Ion won’t let go of the hold and doesn’t let go at a count of five. The referee decides to reverse the decision.
Winner by Disqualification: Douglas Williams; Zema Ion is STILL X Division Champion
Ion tells Hulk Hogan and Sting that he knows that he is the first guy on the list to face Aces and Eights, but for them to take his name off the list because he’s not putting his good looks at risk. Ion closes by saying he’s not just F’N pretty, he’s pretty F’N dangerous.
Video is shown from Dixie Carter announcing King Mo’s being singed on MMA Uncensored and is hyped at the first man to ever do both pro wrestling and MMA at the same time. Apparently they forgot about Bobby Lashley, who was in TNA when he did TNA and Strikeforce at the same time.
King Mo is shown walking through the hallway at the Impact Wrestling Zone and he’s coming…up next!
-Commercial Break-
D-Lo Brown and Bruce Prichard watch Matt Morgan attack referee Brian Stiffler at a live event on an iPad and Prichard scolds Brown for allowing him in the ring…after he already threw him out of the building.
“Cowboy” James storm makes his way in the ring with street clothes and a beer. Storm says we are ten days away from the biggest event in TNA history, the biggest night of Storm’s life, and almost a year since this whole conflict started. Storm says he’s not walking into Bound for Glory to be the best wrestler, but to prove he’s the better man. Storm notes that Hogan doesn’t like his referees getting pushed around, so he’s assigned a special guest referee who apparently isn’t a man at all, he’s a king, a MMA Superstar, and a Bellator fighter. Roode’s music cuts him off and says that he doesn’t give a damn about some guy named King Mo and Storm shouldn’t either, Storm should be worried about Storm because Storm is getting in the ring with someone whose coattails he rode for four years, someone he’s jealous of, and someone he’s never beaten. This isn’t going to be a match, it’s going to be a fight and a bloodbath, and if King Mo thinks he can contain this, there’s not a damn thing King Mo can do to stop him. He says that if King Mo was there right now, he’d tell him to his face. In a surprise to absolutely nobody, King Mo’s music hits and out he comes in his gear with the robe, crown, and bling around his neck, and Roode mocks Mo and starts shoving him around until Mo shoves Roode on his ass. Roode slowly backs through the entryway and to the locker room while Mo comes down to the ring to and goes face to face with Storm, who raises his hand and hands him a beer.
Hulk Hogan is backstage with Sting and he says he’s finally picked his guy, but Sting says he saw something in Bully Ray and he wants to watch him tonight before he says for sure. Hogan asks Sting if he’s sure, then says he’ll watch the match with him. Speaking of which, that three way is up…NEXT! ((Jarrett’s Jab – King Mo in TNA is a double-edged sword. Wrestling fans might not like a MMA star, and MMA fans might not like a wrestling star stepping into the octagon. I know I’m not a fan of the guy. TNA hasn’t given me one reason to care either way. He thinks he is a king, sure sounds like a bad guy to me. Hopefully in the next few weeks he’ll do more than just shove Roode to show that he’s a good guy.))
-Commercial Break-
After another video package looking at Aces & Eights, we’re at the clubhouse where a few members pour water on Joesph Park. The Vice President says that everyone in the group is ready to die for the brotherhood, and asks if he can say that about his guys. One of the Aces & Eights guys pulls out a pair of live jumper cables as another guy pulls Joseph Park’s shirt off, and the Vice President says they’ll see Hogan in ten days as the video cuts out.
-Commercial Break-
Bully Ray vs. Jeff Hardy vs. TNA World Heavyweight Champion Austin Aries
This match is in progress as the bell rings, the entrances happened before the break. Ray is beating up Hardy until Aries comes in and takes Ray out. Aries and Hardy go face to face, but Ray comes back in and takes Hardy out so he and Aries can go at it. Aries comes off the second rope with a clothesline, but an attempt at the IED sees him run right into Ray’s boot. Aries goes down, and Hardy springboards off his back to hit Poetry In Motion. Hardy hits the Twist of Fate on Ray and then tries it, but Aries pulls Hardy off of Ray and dumps him out to the floor before putting Ray in the Last Chancery. Hardy comes in and stomps Aries to break it up, then Hardy and Aries go face to face until Ray takes them both out with a double clothesline. Ray dumps Hardy out to the floor and then backdrops Aries on top of Hardy. Aries comes back in with a missile dropkick followed by the IED, but Ray goes to the eyes to stop the brainbuster. Ray goes looking for his chain but can’t find it, so he calls So Cal Val a bitch and grabs the title belt instead. Hardy comes running in before Ray could hit Aries with the belt. Ray throws Hardy into Aries and hits the Bubba Bomb and covers Hardy for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Bully Ray
Aries gets in Hardy’s face and yells at him that he had Ray again but Hardy blew it for him. Aries goes up top and makes fun of the surfing pose that Hardy does to a resounding negative reaction. Hardy does it and the fans cheer like cave people. Aries tells the fans he doesn’t need any of them and walks off while Hardy soaks up the cheers.
-Commercial Break-
After the commercial, Sting and Hulk Hogan come out to the ring to announce who will team with Sting at Bound for Glory. Hogan says that he can’t help but think about how personal this has become with Aces & Eights because of the way they’ve singled him out. Sting will do everything he can to keep Aces & Eights out of the company, but he needs a riding partner. He’s seen a lot of guys tearing people up tonight, but the man who impressed him the most was the guy who hit a pair of Mic Checks earlier tonight, and that’s Ken Anderson, and Hogan asks Anderson to come join them in the ring. Anderson’s music hits, but he doesn’t come out to the ring, but then the video screen lights up as we see Ken Anderson laid out and unconscious in the parking lot with Aces & Eights standing around them. Samoa Joe runs to check on Anderson on the video wall. Bully Ray comes running into the ring telling Hogan and Sting to look at what Aces & Eights did to Anderson, then says that he wants to get his hands on Aces & Eights because they cost him the World Title. Sting needs a warrior to fight by his side at Bound For Glory, and Ray tells Sting to convince Hogan that he is the guy Sting needs by his side at Bound For Glory. Ray tells Hogan that he might not like him, but he’s got to respect him because he’s extending his hand, and he tells Hogan to let him fight by his brother’s side at Bound For Glory. Hogan thinks a good long time, but then shakes Ray’s hand and tells him that he’s fighting for everyone in the Impact Zone, and Ray says he’s got it, BROTHER. ((Jarrett’s Jab – I’m shocked that Anderson was chosen first, but Ray being chosen was exactly what I predicted. Nice to see the TV Title get some love tonight with another match between two big names, and a TV Title match between Joe and Magnus announced for Bound for Glory. That’s it for tonight. Be sure to enter the giveaway to win autographed pictures and more. All you have to do is join the mailing list!))