
Opening Segment
The voice-over video for this week recapped the Joseph Park/Bully Ray feud and the confusing Dixie Carter/AJ Styles/Christopher Daniels story before we head LIVE to the Impact Wrestling Zone to kick off the go-home show for Destination X.
Mike Tenay hypes James Storm facing Jeff Hardy in a Bound for Glory Series match later tonight, along with more X Division Tournament qualifiers, and with that, here comes Bully Ray to the ring.
Bully Ray demands his music be shut off and makes a “big big huge announcement” that hell has froze over because Bully Ray is officially going live on twitter. He tells the crowd that they think he sucks, but in about one minute, he will be trending on twitter. Follow him at REALBully5150. Ray calls Joseph Park to get his ass to the ring. Joseph Park comes down to the ring in a suit and gets a microphone before stepping in the ring. Bully Ray talks to Park about how he slapped him last week and Park gets his match next week. Park gives some free legal advice; he has precedence and beat him at Slammiversary. Bully Ray tries to cut him off, but Park yells at him to shut up and he’s not finished yet. Park said he’s sick of Bully Ray bulling everyone, and the fans are sick of it, and the challenge stands. Bully Ray makes sure that it’s the same rules as Slammiversary apply, and Ray holds up a restraining order against his brother Abyss. Ray goes on to say if he even smells Abyss, he will send Abyss to jail to rot for the rest of his life. Park looks at it worried as Ray gets a cheap shot from behind before leaving the ring.
Austin Aries and Hulk Hogan are backstage in a conference room. Aries says it must always be a god day to be ‘H Double’ and the two start talking about how big Destination X is for the company, and Aries says that he was planning on keeping the X Division Championship until Sunday, and Hulk said he’d take care of it. Hulk says that he needs A Double to take this company. ((Jarrett’s Jab – Bully Ray is officially on twitter and at the time this segment ended, he has 2,676 followers and he’s trending in the United States, not bad for being on twitter for 9 minutes.))
-Commercial Break-
A Destination X Commercial plays, highlighting both Austin Aries and Bobby Roode for this Sundays Pay-Per-View. Mike Tenay says that AJ Styles is here tonight to address the the
Dixie Carter is shown with Al Snow, Bruce Prichard and D’Lo Brown talking about the competitors they have chosen for the X Division Championship Tournament tonight. Dixie refused to make any comment involving Claire or AJ Styles.
Mike Tenay explains that because of the Bound for Glory Series, Hulk Hogan put the weekly TNA Television Championship defense on pause…until now.
TNA Television Championship: Devon (c) vs. Crimson
Crimson gets a cheap shot and tries a roll-up for two. He tries the same thing, but with the tights and still gets two. Crimson tries a pin with his feet on the ropes, but again gets two. Crimson gets another cheap shot from behind and gets two. Taz says that Bully Ray just got off Myspace, and is trending on twitter. Devon knocks Crimson down with a clothesline, several elbows, and a corner splash before Crimson connects with a clothesline. Crimson goes for a pin with Devon’s gear, but gets two. Devon gets a clothesline and a three count.
Winner by Pinfall and STILL TNA Television Champion: Devon
Madison Rayne makes her way to the ring and and looks at Devon while he looks on awkardly, Madison kisses Earl Hebner passionately and Taz jokes that Earl’s pacemaker just shattered. Earl smirks and Chris Sabin is shown backstage walking on crutches. ((Jarrett’s Jab – Crimson really needed the win there, meanwhile, I’ve never wanted to be a referee so bad in my life.))
-Commercial Break-
Chris Sabin is getting in the ring on crutches and a knee brace on his left knee. Sabin says that to say that he’s had a lot on his mind in the past couple of weeks, it’s been an understatement. Sabin says that he’s wanted to be a professional wrestler all his life and it’s turned into a nightmare. Sabin noted that his friends and family told him that he should retire and find something else to do with his life and it didn’t stop there. A couple of days ago, his doctor told him that he should consider retiring because he’s never heard of someone coming back from two ACL reconstructions. TNA World Champion Bobby Roode decides to interrupt him. Roode takes the microphone from Sabin’s hand and says that it was such a tragic and emotional story. Roode says that it pathetic that Sabin came out with his knee brace and crutches and says he’s pathetic just like every other X Division Champion in this company. He said that Jesse Sorensen is walking around with a broken neck and all X Division wrestlers risk it all and get no reward. Roode notes that the posterboy of the division, Austin Aries, will relinquish the X Division Championship and risk it all. Roode kicks the crutch from Sabin and kicks the knee brace while he mocks him. Austin Aries runs to the ring and Roode runs out of the ring. Aries puts the World Title at the apron, daring Roode to come and get it before he checks on Chris Sabin. ((Jarrett’s Jab – If I didn’t know any better, Aries may pull this damn thing out and walk out of Destination X as the new World Champion. I’ve got to hand it to TNA. In one month, they have made me believe that Austin Aries could walk out as the next TNA World Champion. As for Sabin, and Sorensen, I sincerely hope both of them have a speedy recovery. I would love to see both of them healthy again, even if they do decide to retire. With the way Sabin is going, I’d hate for him to have to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair.))
-Commercial Break-
X Division Title Tournament: Dakota Darsow vs. Flip Cassanova
Darsow and Cassanova go toe to toe until Darsow hits a big clothesline. Cassanova drop toeholds Darsow onto the bottom rope, slingshots over the ropes into a baseball slide, then hits a leaping forearm in the corner. Cassanova nails a standing moonsault into a vertical splash for a two count. Darsow drilled Cassanova with a dropkick before sitting on top of him and repeatedly drilling him in the face with right hands. Cassanova uses a headscissors to send Darsow out to the floor. Cassanova kicks Darsow square in the mouth and comes off the rope with a twisting dive. The two go back into the ring, and Cassanova comes off the top rope with a crossbody, but Darsow rolls through and hits a series of stomps and an elbowdrop for two. Darsow goes for a moonsault and misses, and we see that his face is covered with blood from that kick as Cassanova goes up top for a shooting star press into another vertical splash square onto Darsow’s chest for the win.
Winner: Flip Cassanova
((Jarrett’s Jab – That was brutal to watch, and not in the good way.))
-Commercial Break-
Miss Tessmacher is backstage saying that she’ll beat Gail Kim next week like he would have if Gail were here tonight, but instead, she’ll now get to team with her BFF Tara. Tara tells her “Boo” that Brooke makes her and everyone else who ever held that title proud.
We look back at last week when Taeler Hendrix earned her TNA contract, and then we go back to the ring!
Gail Kim & Madison Rayne vs Tara & Miss Tessmacher
Madison blindsides Tessmacher before the bell and knocks her out to the floor, then goes after her and rams her right into the guardrail. Back into the ring, Madison covers Tessmacher and gets two, then tags in Gail Kim, who unloads on Tessmacher with some martial arts kicks and hard forearms. Gail comes off the ropes with a high impact clothesline, then hits a kneestrike to the sternum. Tessmacher fires back with right hands and seems to catch Gail with a good one to the breadbasket, but Gail quickly regains control with a back elbow. She comes off the second rope with a crossbody, but Tessmacher moves out of the way and brawls over to the corner to tag in Tara, who goes to work on Madison Rayne. Tara with a series of clotheslines and a snap suplex, then a cyclone side suplex gets two. Tara goes for the Widow’s Peak, Gail tries to come in but Tara boots her in the face and rams Madison into Gail to send her to the outside before hitting the Widow’s Peak on Madison. Instead of going for the cover, she tags in Tessmacher so she can hit the Pepsi Twist.
Winners: Tara & Miss Tessmacher
-Commercial Break-
We go to a video package with James Storm talking about how he let himself down when he lost at Lockdown, and he watched the match over and over wondering what he could have done, but now the Bound For Glory Series is coming up and it’s his chance to prove that he belongs at the top. He knows where Jeff Hardy has been, but friendship doesn’t pay his bills and he’s going to bring it because he knows Hardy will. We then go backstage to James Storm as he’s warming up for tonight’s match.
We go out to the ring where AJ Styles is out to respond to the allegations of Christopher Daniels. AJ says that he was accused of an affair with Dixie Carter, and Daniels had all kinds of evidence because a picture is worth a thousand words, but those words were wrong. Now he wants to accuse him of being the father of Claire’s child, and he doesn’t know what Daniels is after. Daniels and Frankie Kazarian walk up the ramp to cut him off. Kazarian can’t believe that AJ just said he doesn’t get it, but what he does get is he gets junkie whores pregnant, and even after last week when he tries to knock some sense into AJ’s thick, redneck skull, AJ doesn’t grasp the severity of the situation. AJ says he’s going to get his redneck hands around Kazarian’s neck and tear his throat out, but Daniels says he has proof that AJ is the father of Claire’s baby. AJ tells him to shut up because it’s not about Dixie or Claire, it’s about Daniels and AJ because Daniels wanted the match with AJ last year at Destination X, and Daniels proved what a jealous prick he is when AJ got his hand raised. The difference between last year and this year is that AJ wanted to match, and it’s a Last Man Standing match. Daniels is no man, and AJ is going to prove it by shutting Daniels up once and for all at Destination X.
Hulk Hogan is asked about his prediction for the main event of Destination X in the confrence, but some scruffy dude with a beard comes in to toss an envelope on Hogan’s desk and say that they’re not cowards, and they’ve got something for Hogan. Hogan opens the envelope and there’s two aces and two eights with one card face down taped to a piece of paper, with a note saying they’ll see Hogan next week.
-Commercial Break-
Jeff Hardy is backstage getting ready for tonight’s main event, and now we go to a video package with Jeff Hardy talking about what being in the BFG Series means to him.
X Division Tournament Qualifier: Kenny King vs Lars Only
King ties up and backs Only to the corner, breaks clean, and they go back and forth with some chain wrestling until King hits a Japanese whizzer. Only slaps King in the face, then gets an armdrag, drop toeholds King into the middle rope, and comes in with a running crossbody. Only slides out to the floor and hits a sliding enziguiri to King for a two count, then dropkicks King out to the floor and he hits the ropes, but King quickly slides back in and nearly takes Only’s head off with a leg lariat for two. Only with a small package for two, then King takes Only out with a clothesline and dumps him out to the floor. King smirks at the camera before going out to the floor and comes off the apron with a twisting senton that squishes Only and lands King on the back of his head. Rough night for these X Division guys! They go back inside where King hits the cartwheel kick for two, but misses the slingshot legdrop off the bottom rope. Only with a fiery clothesline/back elbow comeback, and a flying headscissors just barely sends King awkwardly out to the floor. Only swings around the ringpost to hit another flying headscissors, then goes inside and rolls King up with a schoolboy for two. Only goes to the second rope for a tornado DDT, King blocks, and goes for what looks like a russian leg sweep, but completely botches the move and gets a two count from it. Only and King go to the second rope, Only shoves King off backward and King cartwheels backward and lands on his feet, then he leaps up with an enziguiri and DRILLS Only with the Royal Flush for the win.
Winner: Kenny King
Christy Hemme catches up with King after the match and asks how it feels to be going to Destination X, and he says he came here to make an impact, and this Sunday at Destination X, a King will be crowned.
-Commercial Break-
We go to a video package of Austin Aries talking about how he was 150 pounds when he got into the business and was never going to get a job because he was 6’4″, but he’s done what he needed to do to get ahead. While Bobby Roode’s been winning with beer bottles, he’s been winning with brainbusters, and he wants to use his current accomplishments to move on to greater accomplishments. Until he reaches that goal, he can’t rest on any laurels. We then go backstage to Aries and King sharing a big hug, and King says he wants to follow in Aries’ footsteps. Aries says if he keeps wrestling like that, he’ll be a champion before too long. I assume he means in TNA. The Mystery Cameraman (who has been a real pain in the ass tonight) asks Aries if he’s still planning to hand over the belt to Hogan tonight, and Aries says that Hogan will have the belt in his hand by 10pm.
We look at the Bound For Glory Series scoreboard, and James Storm is still in first place, with Samoa Joe in second and Brutus Magnus in third. Let’s go to the ring for more action in the Bound For Glory Series!
Bound For Glory Series: James Storm vs Jeff Hardy
A tie-up starts the match, but Storm quickly goes to the arm. Hardy reverses to an arm wringer of his own and tries for the Twist of Fate right away, but Storm twists away and goes for the Last Call. Hardy ducks, then sends Storm to the ropes but gets taken down with a shoulderblock. Hardy comes off the ropes and takes Storm down with a shoulderblock, Storm snapmares Hardy for two, Hardy sweeps Storm’s leg and covers for two as we’re informed that Kenny King is trending on Twitter. Storm and Hardy fight over a top wristlock, Hardy slips out and hits the ropes and again dodges Storm’s superkick and dumps Storm to the floor. Hardy lets Storm stay on the outside for a nine count. Storm slowly makes his way back to the ring apron, Hardy tries to charge Storm but Storm drops back to the floor as the crowd is going nuts for both men. The crowd is definitely a lot more audible tonight that usual. They tie up and are at a stalemate as we go to commercial.
-Commercial Break-
Back from the break, Hardy has Storm down in a rear chinlock. Storm backs Hardy to the corner and rams shoulderblocks to the breadbasket, but Hardy leapfrogs Storm into a flying headscissors and drops a leg for two. Storm turns it around with a series of clotheslines, but Hardy with clotheslines of his own. Hardy with a double leg takedown, legdrop splits the uprights, and a diving dropkick gets two. Hardy looks frustrated as he comes after Storm in the corner, but Storm gets his elbow up and comes off the second rope with a tornado deathdrop. That gets a two count for Storm, and he charges Hardy, but gets backdropped out to the floor. Hardy hits a baseball slide that sends Storm crashing into the guardrail, but he slingshots himself over the top rope right into Closing Time (Codebreaker) from Storm. Storm and Hardy both just beat the count, and Storm is first to his feet. Storm hits a hard running clothesline and slowly sets up again, but Hardy dodges a charge into the corner and knocks Storm on his butt with an inverted enziguiri. Hardy with a slingshot dropkick in the corner and then he comes off the top with a Swanton…and Storm moves out of the way. Storm drags himself up and now he goes to the top and hits a leaping elbowdrop for two. Storm sets up for the superkick, but Hardy can’t get to his feet. Storm pulls him up and goes for the Last Call again, but Hardy ducks and hits the Twist of Fate for the win.
Winner: Jeff Hardy
They shake hands and hug after the match as we go to the leader board to see that Storm remains in first, but Hardy is now tied for third with Magnus.
-Commercial Break-
Mike Tenay and Taz reveal that this year’s Bound For Glory PPV will take place in Phoenix, Arizona, then we go to Kurt Angle as he discusses how much he respects Ken Anderson and how beating him means he can be a World Champion. Ken Anderson says that the BFG Series means everything for him, and like his father told him, he needs to do it right the first time or not do it at all.
Hulk Hogan comes out to a great reaction from the crowd, and he calls Austin Aries out to the ring. Instead, Bobby Roode’s music hits and the World Heavyweight Champion makes his way to the ring for the second time tonight. Roode tells Hogan to shut up, and says that he is no Austin Aries, he is a REAL World Champion, and the only reason Aries has an opportunity against the It Factor is because of Hogan. Hogan drank his Kool Aid and bought into his Option C, but this Sunday, Option C will be a failure. Hogan has given nothing but false hope and false promises to the fans, Austin Aries, and the entire X Division. This Sunday at Destination X when Roode ends the career of Austin Aries, the failure of the entire X Division and the blood of Austin Aries will all be on Hogan’s hands. Aries’ music hits and how he comes out to tell Bobby that this is a reoccurring theme where he thinks he can come out here and dictate things whenever he wants. Maybe he can since he’s the World Champion, but Roode better bask in that while he has that privilege because this Sunday, Aries is going to be the World Champion. Aries says that Option A is to let Roode keep flapping his mouth, keep his belt, and hand it off to Hogan another time. Option B is to forget everything that’s happened over the last few weeks and hang onto the belt until Sunday. Then there’s Option C, where they don’t have to wait until Sunday and they can do this right now because Aries isn’t scared of Roode. He says they go for Option C so they can do this right now, and Roode tears off his jacket and gets in Aries’ face, then says he’s not worth it and walks off. Roode tries to cheapshot Aries with the belt, but Aries ducks and knocks Roode out with the X Division belt, then parades around the ring with both belts before handing the X Division Title back to Hogan as Roode backpedals up the entrance ramp. ((Jarrett’s Jab – THIS is how you close Impact Wrestling! Roode and Aries did a good job of selling the Pay-Per-View this Sunday and the thought that Aries could actually win this Sunday is in my mind with how strong he looked tonight. This may be early, but I hope that Chris Sabin is healthy next year and gets the World Title shot just for the beating he took to his injured ACL. Bobby Roode is best thing going that isn’t Bully Ray in TNA and every week he’s proving why he’s the longest reigning TNA World Heavyweight Champion, and has the second longest World Title reign in TNA history. And the only reign he’s behind is Jeff Jarrett’s 347 day reign with the NWA World Title in 2004. Be sure to check back with TNA Stars for Destination X predictions and coverage this Sunday.))