
Opening Segment
The standard video package, this week highlighting what Open Fight Night is suppose to be about aired
Backstage, Hulk Hogan addressed “his” champions backstage and he reiterated what the video package said. Hogan put over the champions individually before announcing that Samoa Joe and Magnus needed to step up and defend their belts tonight. Hogan said he is going to listen to a lot of whining and complaining from tag teams tonight about who deserves the title shot, and he listed the potential contenders for later in the evening. Hogan said their opponents would be a surprise later on in the evening. Hogan turned to the camera and welcomed the fans to Open Fight Night…
Devon made his way to the ring. Devon said that as the TV Champion, he had to defend his belt every week on Impact. He called out “Bubba” to be his challenger.
Bully ray was shown standing with the rest of the TNA wrestlers in the locker room. His music hit and reluctantly, he made his entrance. At the ramp Ray demanded that his music get shut off and proceeded to mock Devon for challenging him. Bully Ray talked about their history and made the claim to carrying their team. Ray said he refused to make Devon a star again.
Bully ray told Devon to go to hell and he went to walk away, but Devon chased him down and fought him back to the ring.
TNA Television Championship: Devon (c) vs. Bully Ray
Ray and Devon brawled out on the floor some before making it in the ring. Bully Ray attempted to beg Devon off, but Devon punked Bully Ray instead. Devon attempted to go to the top rope and Bully Ray dove on the ropes, crotching Devon as the referee checked on Bully Ray to take us to our first commercial break
-Commercial Break-
Back from commercial, Bully Ray has a cut above his left eye and drives an elbow into the television champion’s ribs and then slaps him before Mike Tenay briefly recaps what happened during the break and failed to note how Bully Ray got the cut. Devon shakes the ropes to get the crowd behind him and gets into a slugfest with Ray, which Devon wins with a spinning back elbow. Devon gets a neckbreaker and warms up the crowd before running into a big boot for two. Ray yells at referee Earl Hebner to shut up after telling him it was a two count and goes for a Bully Bomb. Ray nails a Diamond Cutter for two and calls for the Big Boot. Ray yells “Screw You” to the crowd and runs right into a spinebuster for the three count.
Winner and STILL TNA Television Champion: Devon
Austin Aries is backstage and notes that Ray had to pull his tights last week, and Aries hints that he’s calling out Bully Ray tonight.
Ric Flair is at the interviewing set and says that of course he’s throwing a party all night long for Eric Bischoff. And he single handily made TNA what it is today.
Taz and Tenay hype the TNA Gut Check tonight where a talent will have a chance to earn a TNA contract, and that the team of Samoa Joe and Magnus will defend their tag team championships tonight against either: ‘The Motor City Machine Guns’ Chris Sabin and Alex Shelly, The Knockout Tag Team Champions Eric Young and ODB, Kazarian and Christopher Daniels, or the ‘Enigmatic Assholes’ Mister Anderson and Jeff Hardy. ((Jarrett’s Jab – Great kick off to Open Fight Night. I’m afraid that the show will go downhill fast.))
-Commercial Break-
Jeremy Borash makes his way to the ring and says that since it’s Open Fight Night, he has someone he wants to call out. Borash reminds everyone that he is not a wrestler, he’s an announcer, but he’s not calling out a wrestler, he’s calling out an employee. The superstars in the back seem to be amazed when Borash describes this employee as the biggest prick he’s ever met and the biggest prick that has ever come into TNA. He calls out Eric Bischoff, and luckily they do not censor his name, they just blurred out ‘Bischoff’ on the titantron. Bischoff sarcastically clapped for Borash as the fans start singing the goodbye song. Borash tells Bischoff how much he loves hat song and how it applies to Bischoff. Borash goes on a ramp about Bischoff drunk tweeting. Eric Bischoff says that he hopes Borash enjoys his fifteen seconds of fame “and it’s not a Blackberry, it’s an iPhone…you frickin’ idiot.” Bully Ray low blows Borash and Bischoff hands Ray his iPhone. Bischoff calls out a referee and says this is going on his twitter page @EBischoff (which was censored.)
Jeremy Borash vs. Eric Bischoff
A referee comes down the ramp and reluctantly counts to three.
Winner by Pinfall: Eric Bischoff
((Jarrett’s Jab – TNA really needs to decide what extreme there going to take this ridiculous storyline and decide quickly. They censor out his name anytime it was said last week, and this week the only time Bischoff was censored was when he said it, and it being blurred out of his titantron.))
-Commercial Break-
Anarquia says that they are sick and tired of being disrespected by the fans and not being put in the tag team title match. Anarquia says that beat any one man, and Kurt Angle’s music hits and Taz stresses that this has become a reality check for Anarquia. Anarquia says that Hernandez will fight him, but cheap shots him from behind.
Anarquia vs. Kurt Angle
Anarqia gets the advantage early with right hands and a irish whip into the corner. Angle hits the german suplexes, the Angle Slam, and then cinches in the grapevine ankle l Silva and Anarquia has no choice to tap.
Winner by Submission: Kurt Angle
Alex Silva is the first participant in the Gut Check. A video shows introducing him and Al Snow talks about his time in OVW and notes that he was the youngest OVW Television Champion.
-Commercial Break-
Al Snow introduces himself and explains how the TNA Gut Check works. It’s once a month, you can sign up to be a part of it by going to
Alex Silva vs. Robbie E (with Robbie T)
Al Snow joins Taz and Mike Tenay on commentary during the match. Robbie E slaps Silva, but Silva slaps right back and starts nailing lefts and rights before going for a quick cover off of a clothesline. Robbie E quickly gets the advantage back by dropping an axe handle on the back. Robbie E hits a body slam and goes for a second one, and eventually gets it. Nice power slam by Silva gets a two count and Snow notes how impressive that is. Robbie E gets a DDT for a three count and the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Robbie E
You can weigh your decision on it by tweeting with #GutCheck. Speaking of weighing, that decision of which tag team will face the champs must be weighing heavily on Hulk Hogan as he plays with his phone. His pick will be revealed next! ((Jarrett’s Jab – I know, it’s a better segway, or lack of one, that the one the announcers used. And is Angle a good guy now?))
-Commercial Break-
Dixie Carter remembers Eric Bischoff and talks about all the stuff she did to him during his “tenure” with TNA.
Hulk Hogan is shown in his office with the four contenders and wanted to know. Daniels notes that the Machine Guns lost at Lockdown, ODB is a woman and EY has a bad beard, Ken Anderson’s Sabin says that their dedication speaks for themselves and mentions that they’ve won titles in TNA and in Japan. Hogan hypes up Hardy and Anderson, and asks why they can’t get around. Anderson sarcastically says how much he loves Jeff Hardy. Hogan finally comes to ODB and EY and mentions that they haven’t lost as a team and their married. Hogan says that this is out of control. Hogan says that Sabin knee worries him and they are out of the competition, and he will make his decision later. ((Jarrett’s Jab – Dixie, to me, looked like a moron when she was talking about Bischoff. In a storyline sense, he’s known for everything she described him as for over ten years and still hired him. As for Hogan, good god! Why in the blue hell would TNA decide to give me this awful segment. I liked the elimination concept, but at the same time, they couldn’t keep the comedy away for something that could be serious.))
Brooke Tessmacher made her way to the ring. She grabbed a mic and said that everyone in the wrestling world is talking about how she pinned Gail Kim last week. She said they are going crazy and calling it a fluke. She laughed before saying that she is a legitimate threat to Kim’s championship. Tessmacher said she’s calling Kim out tonight. Kim reluctantly obliged and laughed the whole way to the ring.
Gail Kim vs. Miss Tessmacher
Kim attacked Tessmacher early and she had an earl pin but broke it up herself. Kim continued toying with Tessmacher by hitting a gutbuster and blowing kisses to the crowd. Tessmacher started to fight back and hit a series of clotheslines and a dropkick. Kim cut her momentum off with a series of kicks before shoving the title in her face and declaring that Tessmacher will never be a champion. She said Tessmacher is just a piece of ass. Kim went for a missile dropkick and missed. Tessmacher hit a belly-to-back facebuster for the pin.
Winner by Pinfall: Brooke Tessmacher
((Jarrett’s Jab – Surprised to see someone get the win over Kim, but it’s not like Velvet has the ring or mic skills to a long term feud that fans can sink their teeth into. Other than the Bischoff crap, it’s a pretty good night so far.))
-Commercial Break-
Christopher Daniels says that he presented Hogan with cold hard facts, and they are getting the tag team title shot tonight. Kazarian says that if AJ Styles doesn’t show up again this week, he will reveal his secret.
Al Snow spoke with Silva backstage and he said he would get with the other judges and Silva’s fate would be revealed next week. Bobby Roode interrupted and talked about how hard he worked to get a contract and a world title shot before wishing Silva the best of luck and punching him in the gut.
Back in Hulk Hogan’s office, Hogan talked about something Young and ODB did in their hotel room and he said that made it easy for him to determine to eliminate them from contention. Hogan told Daniels and Kazarian and Jeff Hardy and Mr. Anderson to meet him in the ring for his final decision…
-Commercial Break-
Garett Bischoff cut a promo backstage about his father. He said Impact will be a better place without him.
Joseph Park found Bully Ray. Park said he was looking for answers and Bully ray told him off. Park gave him a business card and told him to contact him if he hears anything about his brother. Ray told Park to shove it.
Samoa Joe and Magnus made their way to the ring. They were quickly followed by their two possible contenders and Hulk Hogan. Hogan said his decision tonight was a tough one. Hogan agreed with Daniels and Kazarian that they are indeed a great team and he said Anderson and hardy are a great set of talent that doesn’t get along. Therefore, he said Hardy and Anderson were getting the shot.
TNA Tag Team Championship: Samoa Joe and Magnus vs. Jeff Hardy and Mr. Anderson
Anderson went on offense early and took Samoa Joe down. Anderson refused to tag in Hardy so Samoa Joe made it to Magnus. Anderson stiffly chops tags in Hardy. Hardy gets a right and several boots to the ribs by Magnus before turning a charge into a hurricanrana. Hardy wrenches the arm and tags in Anderson, Hardy and Anderson try a double team move, but Magnus fights out and tags Joe.
-Commercial Break-
Magnus gets a tag, but Anderson drop toe holds him and reluctantly tags in Hardy. Hardy hits the legdrop to the groin and Magnus rolls out of the ring. Hardy chases, but gets closlined by Joe. Joe tags in and the champions hit several double team maneuvers before whipping Hardy in the corner. Hardy hits the Whisper in the Wind and makes the tag to Anderson. Joe big boots Anderson.
Magnus sends Anderson back first into the steel steps and Hardy hits a clothsline from the apron. Anderson rolls in the ring and tries a Mic Check, but Anderson gets caught in the coquina clutch.
Winners by Submission and STILL TNA Tag Team Champions: Samoa Joe and Magnus
((Jarrett’s Jab – Hogan’s logic was the absolute worst I’ve ever heard. Great match that mostly focused on Anderson and Hardy not being able to coexist.))
-Commercial Break-
A throne, a podium, and a picture of Eric Bischoff were set up on a red carpet in the ring. Ric Flair made his way to the ring with Bully Ray, Kazarian, Christopher Daniels, and Gunner. Flair took his place at the podium and said tonight is a celebration and that no one alive knows how to celebrate more than him. Flair talked Bischoff’s legacy and the fans started singing the goodbye song again, which makes Flair note how much he hates wrestling fans and how ungrateful they are before welcoming Eric Bischoff to the ring. Bully Ray hugged him before Bischoff took his seat at the throne.
Flair returned to singing Eric Bischoff’s praises. Flair reminded everyone that Bischoff is the reason Hulk Hogan is in TNA and he said that everyone in the ring knows what Bischoff has done for the business. Flair rook the picture and had it given to a woman in the audience. Flair thanked Bischoff a final time and handed the mic to Gunner. Gunner referred to Bischoff as a father figure. Flair produced a gift box with a gold and silver Rolex watch to Bischoff. Bully Ray told Bischoff that he’s never told another man this, but Eric truely is the wind beneath his wings.
Garett Bischoff, Jeremy Borasch, The Motor City Machine Guns, Austin Aries, and RVD appeared on the stage. They presented Eric Bischoff with a parting gift, becoming the first inductee to the “Shed of Shame.” Taz talks about how it the port-o-potty (because what else could it be) has wheels. The two groups brawled and Garett dragged his dad to the port-o-potty. Borasch and Garett locked Eric inside and they pushed it over.
Borash unlocked it, and Eric Bischoff came up for air, coated in brown liquid. Eric nearly vomited while Garett and Borasch celebrated to close the show. ((Jarrett’s Jab – Oh, I just about vomited too, but because of how horrible this was. This show hit rock bottom fast, and I thought this would be the one show that wouldn’t have the comedy that I have to sit through normally. I love the concept and hopefully the show will have less Hogan and Bischoffs, and more actual wrestling. This could be a top ratings draw for Spike with just a few changes, like going live. Since Spike TV loves crossovers, the hosts of MMA Uncensored running through a tale of the tape for the Big Title defense would be pretty cool, but I doubt it’d ever have it. And on an off note, Bully Ray was one of the members of the Alliance that sang that very song to “Stone Cold” Steve Austin on Raw in August of 2001. Is it sad that I’m the only one that probably remembered that song.))