Thanks to Andy for sending in the following information regarding the next version of the TNA iMPACT! video game. Andy asked the folks at ShopTNA about the next TNA iMPACT! video game (possibly to be named 2011 or TNA iMPACT! 2) and this is how they responded:
Yes this should be released in the spring of 2011 or the summer of 2011. I know they are in the middle of making another Impact video game for game consoles. Thanks
The first one was so under rated just because it wasn’t on the level of SvR games. I found the TNA games features to be lacking, but the gameplay was far better, and more realistic, to that of an SvR game.
I think TNA missed the boat by not awarding RockStar the license for the first game. They would have most definitely created something completely different and maybe reinvented the fighting game genre.
I’m not sure what RockStar Games could have done with the license and young franchise, but I long for the days of the old THQ WCW/nWo games. As soon as Wii’s Virtual Console has that game available for download, I’m taking a week off of work!
Actually, I looked into the SouthPeak Games organization that currently holds the iMPACT! license and I was actually ready to invest a significant amount of money in them, but I decided against it. All it took was a little research on some of the organization’s principals and I didn’t have too many good thoughts about what would happen to my investment.
I thought that it would have been cool for Bischoff-Hervey Entertainment to pick up the license and get involved in the video game industry. That, of course, didn’t happen…
get your finger out tna impact 2 video game
waiting for months or years for the game first tna game was not good make it like wwe smackdown games it will do well
Next TNA Video Game Destroy WWE 12
I hope its not gay like the last one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!