Opening Segment
A short video package plays, recounting the main event from last week and Abyss’s heel turn. Hogan comes out to open the show with his same smiling entrance ((Jarrett’s Jab – After last week, why is he smiling?)) Hogan says that the TNA fans are “Full of It”, that the horsepower in TNA is unbelievable. He said he’s decided, because he can, that the match at Victory Road will be a Four Way for the TNA World Title ((Jarrett’s Jab – Hogan deciding main event title matches, that kind of defeats the purpose of a Championship Committee. And WWE just got done having a horrible Fatal 4 Way PPV last Sunday, why do we want to see the same thing a month later?)) He plugs all the guys in the match and did the Anderson routine ((Jarrett’s Jab – Hogan, please never do that again)) As Abyss’s name was mentioned by Hogan he comes out. Abyss said he doesn’t think Hogan or anyone else realizes the seriousness of what’s happening. He said he’s doing what he’s doing because “they told me to.” He said “they” told him to destroy Hardy, Anderson, and anything that gets in his path. “They are coming and they are going to be here sooner than you think,” Abyss said. Abyss said there’s nothing that Hogan, Bischoff, or Dixie Carter can do to stop it when “they” arrive. Abyss said “they” told him that he doesn’t need Hogan or his colors anymore. Hogan said there is no “they.” Abyss told Hogan to tell Carter and Bischoff that “they are taking TNA over.” “They” told Abyss that he doesn’t need the ring anymore, according to Abyss. He grabbed Hogan by the throat and tried to shove the Hall of Fame ring in his mouth. Abyss choked out Hogan in the corner of the ring with his hands. He left the ring and returned with the bag filled with glass. Rob Van Dam headed to the ring and attacked Abyss. However, Abyss took control with a powerbomb. He headed back toward Hogan, but Mr. Anderson ran out with a chair and struck Abyss over the back with it three times. Taz questioned how Abyss was still standing despite taking the chairshots. Anderson helped Hogan and RVD out of the ring. Abyss looked into the camera and said, “They are coming”…
-Commercial Break-
The announcers recapped the opening segment with Abyss trying to shove the ring down Hogans throat. Backstage, the Hervey Cam showed Hogan discussing the Abyss situation with Hogan. Hogan said that he gave Abyss everything he could, that he was the star of the company ((Jarrett’s Jab – ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? HOW ABOUT AJ STYLES, THE CHAMP AT THE TIME, OR IS HE JUST ANOTHER CHRISTOPHER DANIELS???)) They questioned who could have gotten to Abyss. Hogan asked if it was Flair, but Bischoff said he didn’t think it was him.
In a bathroom, Madison Rayne was talking about her new hairstyle ((Jarrett’s Jab – Which in my opinion was UGLY!)) and told an angry Velvet Sky that she needed to get her head in the game for her match with Angelina Love.
Angelina Love vs. Velvet Sky
Velvet knees Love in the gut and throws her to the outside. Love drags Velvet to the outside and hits her with a few right hands, a spear and continuing right hands. Angelina tries to ram Velvet into the stairs, but Velvet reverses it and sends Angelina into the stairs. Velvet rolls her back in the ring and positions her for more punches, then repeatedly rams the back of Angelina’s head into the mat. Velvet with a Skyliner, but instead of going for the pin she starts yelling at Angelina. Velvet goes for another Skyliner but Angelina breaks free and nails Velvet with a big kick. Angelina grabs a chair from ringside and puts it down in the ring, but Velvet goes to the eyes and goes for what appeared to be an attempted Hotshot, but Angelina missed the ropes and came down on her face. Velvet sees the chair and goes to DDT Angelina, but Angelina reverses and DDTs Velvet on the chair and the referee calls for the bell. Winner by Disqualification: Velvet Sky
After the match Madison Rayne comes out on the ramp with the Knockouts Title belt and mocks Angelina, saying that the title is hers and Angelina isn’t getting it back while Angelina says “Two down and One to go”.
We go to the back, where Jay Lethal has a visitor: his brother. He said that he’s excited Lethal’s wrestling Flair at Victory Road. Lethal tells him to go to catering, because he knows how he loves to mooch of people, and he can finish getting ready for his match tonight. ((Jarrett’s Jab – Usually when a family member is on the show, expect a bigger angle with him later on))
-Commercial Break-
Backstage, Kevin Nash is telling Eric Young that he has to distance himself from Scott because he doesn’t have any choice. He’s been dealing with Hogan and Bischoff for 15 years and he doesn’t want to get in a battle with them. They share a hug and Nash wishes Young luck. ((Jarrett’s Jab – Goodbye to the Band I guess.))
Matt Morgan Segment
Matt Morgan comes to the ring and says he told us so. He points to audience members and tells them that “I told you so.” He even points to a woman and said you weren’t here last week, but if you was I would have told you so. He doesn’t sweat Hernandez, never has, and never will. And to prove that, he’s going to call Hernandez out right now. He tells Hernandez that he knows he’s watching in the back, and to put down the burrito, come out, and face him face to face because he’s tired of being jumped from behind. The announcers inform us that Hernandez is in Mexico doing promotional work for TNA. ((Jarrett’s Jab – Surprise Surprise. RP Work? I thought he was learning Spanish)) Morgan says that Hernandez obviously is afraid of him, so when TNA management asked Morgan if he wants to wrestle Hernandez in a cage at Victory Road, he jumped at the chance because now Hernandez has nowhere to run. When he beats Hernandez like a pinata at Victory Road, he’s going to come back out here on iMPACT and again tell us that he told us so. Morgan’s music plays, but Homicide comes running out from the crowd and attacks Morgan. Morgan goes to the floor and Homicide tries a dive, but Morgan catches him and rams him into the ringpost, then gives him the Carbon Footprint to the head against the ringpost. Morgan looks into the camera and tells Hernandez that this is going to look like a wet dream compared to what Morgan’s going to do to him at Victory Road.
AJ Styles and Ric Flair are shown walking backstage in suits. AJ asks Flair if the package is here and Ric tells AJ to shut up about the package and stick to the game plan ((Jarrett’s Jab – Guess this makes the Lethal segment earlier make sense, huh?))
-Commercial Break-
Kazarian vs. Jay Lethal
Lethal escapes a takedown attempt and armdrags Kazarian, who backs off into the corner, and then leapfrogs the ref and suckerpunches Lethal, then beats him down in the corner. Kazarian hits a gutwrench suplex and a big pop-up spinebuster for a two count. Kazarian chokes Lethal and then picks him up for a vertical suplex, dumps him on the top rope, and then kicks him in the chest. Kazarian covers for only a two count, then follows up with a bodyslam and a springboard legdrop, and then Kazarian hits a chinlocl. While Lethal is tied up, Flair and AJ are backstage beating up Lethal’s visitor, who the announcers identify as Lethal’s brother Mohammed. Back in the ring, Lethal elbows his way out of the chinlock and takes him down with a pair of clotheslines and then the handspring elbow. Kazarian tries a lowblow but Lethal blocks and rolls Kazarian up for 2. Kazarian and Lethal go toe to toe and Kazarian blocks the Lethal Combination and hits the Wave Of The Future for 2. Kazarian goes for the backdrop piledriver, but Lethal escapes and hits the Lethal Injection for the win. Winner by pinfall: Jay Lethal
Lethal goes and celebrates his win in the crowd, but Ric is on the CarterTron and brags about the fact that they’re beating up Lethal’s brother. Lethal just stands there watching in anger as they beat up his brother, then finally takes off to the back to come to aid his brother.
Jeff Jarrett is in the back and walking as his prequel music is playing in the background
-Commercial Break-
Jeff Jarrett vs. Sting
After Jeff makes his entrance, Sting’s music hits but no one comes out ((Jarrett’s Jab – I hate it when they go straight to the rafter camera several times, because you know he’s up there. And since he’s suppost to be unpredictable, why give away where he’s at so quickly)) We finally see Sting, looking down on Jeff from the rafters. Jeff gets out of the ring and goes to climb the staircase to the rafters to get Sting
-Commercial Break-
They meet at the top of the stairs and even though Sting sees him coming and has the high ground, Jarrett gets the better of him and beats him all the way down the stairs. The camera cuts to the ring to show the real Sting is already in the ring, so Jarrett’s beating up an impostor. Jarrett gets the impostor into the ring and suddenly realizes his mistake, but not before Sting has a chance to come from behind and choke Jarrett out with his bat, then uses the bat to nail him in the back of both knees, gut and his back. Sting grabs a mic and hovers over Jarrett, telling him that “if he’s going to run with them, he’s going to go down with them.” He drops the mic on Jeff and leaves. I’m kind of confused. Would you call it a no contest?
We get a video package promoting Bound For Glory in Daytona Beach, Florida on 10/10/10 ((Jarrett’s Jab – 10/10/10 That’s pretty catchy, Very easy to remember and market.))
A video package airs detailing the history between Kurt Angle and Desmond Wolfe leading into their match tonight.
Desmond Wolfe vs. Kurt Angle
Angle starts with a wristlock, Wolfe tries to snapmare his way out, but Angle holds onto the wrist and takes Wolfe down. Wolfe regains his feet and reverses to a hammerlock, but Angle reverses that back to the wristlock. Wolfe again tries to counter out to no avail, so he rams an elbow into Angle’s jaw and locks in the Cobra Clutch. Angle reverses out of that to a hammerlock and Wolfe goes to the ropes, but kicks Angle in the arm on the break. He stops briefly to yell at Chelsea, and Angle uses the distraction to catch Wolfe with a hiptoss. Wolfe goes to the throat and misses a charge in the corner, but Angle charges in and Wolfe moves and allows Angle’s momentum to slam him into the ringpost. Wolfe locks in the wristlock and uses the hold to suplex Angle. Wolfe stops to yell at Chelsea some more, and again it provides a distraction that Angle uses to try a comeback, but Wolfe with a wristlock and sweeps the legs. Wolfe locks in a weird hammerlock ((Jarrett’s Jab – Sorry, I have no clue what to call it)) Angle tries to reverse to the anklelock, but Wolfe kicks his way out. Wolfe again is distracted by Chelsea, and Angle fires in a series of rights, backdrops Wolfe, then hits an overhead belly to belly for 2. Angle goes for the Angle Slam, Wolfe reverses to an armdrag, but Angle catches him with the three amigos for only two. ((Jarrett’s Jab – No matter who does it, I always call that the three amigos)) Angle tries the Angle Slam again and Wolfe slides out the back and gets a hammerlock for only a two count. Wolfe goes for the Tower Of London, but Angle escapes and hits the Angle Slam, then locks Wolfe in the anklelock and grapevines the leg, and Wolfe taps as Chelsea stands at ringside smirking. Winner by Submission: Kurt Angle
We go backstage to Ken Anderson, who’s talking about all the bumps, bruises, and cuts he has from last week’s incident with Abyss. He says that if Abyss wants to bring all that crap into the ring, tonight it’s Falls Count Anywhere and Anderson’s going to be ready for it.
-Commercial Break-
Douglas Williams promo
We go to a video package looking back at Doug Williams’ history in the X Division as the X Division Champion, as well as Doug’s win over Brian Kendrick at Slammiversary. From there we go right to the ring where Doug Williams is blasting Kendrick for jumping him from behind last week and for being crazy. Williams says he holds himself to a code of conduct, and that’s to never betray his code of professionalism and sportsmanship. He says he has a responsibility as the X Division Champion, and calls Kendrick out so he can teach him a lesson about professionalism. Kendrick comes out and takes a mic from So Cal Val, and says he just needs a moment of Doug’s time. Kendrick talked to the people in charge, and he’ll be facing Williams for the X Division Title at Victory Road, and there’ll be a pair of stipulations, one for each of them. Since Williams is a high flying daredevil, it’s going to be an Ultimate X Match. The second stipulation is that you can also win by submission. Williams tells Kendrick that his nonsense won’t cause him to unprofessionally attack Kendrick like Kendrick did to him, and he suggests leaving so they can settle their matters at Victory Road. Williams goes to walk away but then tries to suckerpunch Kendrick, and Kendrick sees him coming and catches him in a Cobra Clutch with a bodyscissors.
Backstage again, and Abyss is saying that nobody understands the situation, but someday soon, everybody’s going to realize that he did what he did and will do what he’s going to do because THEY told him to. His wave of destruction will continue tonight with Ken Anderson because THEY told him to pave the way for them when they arrive, and there will be no stopping Abyss.
-Commercial Break-
Backstage Jesse Neal has been laid out and Brother Ray and Shannon Moore are having a pull apart brawl. Devon grabs Ray’s shirt and says he’s tired of Ray making a fool of him. He’s warned Ray to leave the kid alone, and is warning Ray now not to test him.
Beer Money vs Ink Inc (Tag Team Championship Series Finals)
Taz and Mike Tenay are joined by the Motor City Machine Guns ((Jarrett’s Jab – The Guns commentary alone should make the match more entertaining)), who will face the winners of this match for the TNA World Tag Team Title at Victory Road. Since Jesse Neal’s currently unconscious in the back, Moore’s going it alone. Roode unloads on Moore with a series of blows and comes back with a pair of dropkicks to both members of Beer Money and a legdrop to Roode for 2. Storm tries to break up the fall but Moore moves and Storm elbowdrops his partner. Moore hits a flying headscissors sends Storm to the floor and then a clothesline sends Roode over the top to the outside as well. Tommy Dreamer is walking through the crowd and he’s got Raven and Stevie Richards with him. Moore tries a baseball slide to the floor on Storm, but Storm catches him and wheelbarrows him into the guardrail, rams him into the stairs, then tosses him back in the ring where Beer Money double team him. Neal finally comes stumbling out of the back as Storm nails Moore with a flying knee. Roode tags in and Beer Money does a slam/elbowdrop/big splash combo for only two. Roode with a full nelson slam for a two count, then tries another wheelbarrow move, but Moore kicks Storm off and bulldogs Roode then makes the hot tag to Neal, who comes in and cleans house on Beer Money. Neal nails a backdrop on Roode and a belly to belly on Storm for only two. All four men are in the ring, but Moore backdrops Roode to the floor and follows him out with a dive as Storm and Neal fight it out in the ring. Neal rolls Storm up for 2 and then Neal goes for a spear, but Roode grabs his ankle as Storm gets a mouthful of beer. Storm spits it in Neal’s eyes and they hit the DWI for the win. Winner by pinfall: Beer Money
We got backstage to Kazarian and AJ Styles, who are arguing over who dad likes best. AJ finally got his package and opens it to discover…the new AJ Styles action figure! ((Jarrett’s Jab – Nice plug for the unrealistic AJ figure)) AJ rubs the fact that he has an action figure in Kazarian’s face, and Kazarian doesn’t really seem to care. Kazarian tells AJ to go play with himself and AJ says he just might do that. ((Jarrett’s Jab – That made me laugh out loud. Reminds me of the comment Ted made about Maryse and protection from Raw Monday night))
-Commercial Break-
No DQ, Falls Count Anywhere: Abyss vs. Mr. Anderson
Mr. Anderson’s music hits and the spotlight shines but he’s in front of the ring and goes straight for the attack on Abyss. He stomps a mudhole in Abyss in the corner, but gets hit by an elbow and goes down. Abyss chokes Anderson on the second rope, but Anderson comes back with a Lou Thesz Press and rains down rights and lefts. Abyss rolls to the floor, so Anderson goes out after him and goes looking for a chair. He finally finds an audience member willing to give him one, but turns around and Abyss punches the chair into his face. Abyss brings Anderson and the chair into the ring, sets the chair up in the middle of the ring, and continues pounding on Anderson. Anderson comes back and grabs the chair and blasts Abyss across the back with it for only a two count. Anderson sets up the chair between the middle and top rope and tries to whip Abyss into it, Abyss reverses but Anderson slides out to the floor and goes under the ring. Abyss goes out after him and can’t find him. Anderson comes behind him and taps him in the back with a kendo stick before giving Abyss several shots with the kendo stick, but misses one shot against the ringpost and Abyss nails him. Anderson fires back and tries to whip Abyss into the rampway, but Abyss reverses and Anderson takes the ramp in the back. Abyss pulls up the ringside mats and goes to chokeslam Anderson on the concrete but Anderson breaks away and they end up back in the ring. Abyss grabs the chair and repeatedly rams the edge into Anderson’s ribs, then lays the chair on top of Anderson and goes for a vertical splash, but Anderson turns the chair sideways and Abyss parts his coconuts. Anderson rolls Abyss up for only a two count then goes up top and goes for the Swanton Bomb, but Abyss gets the knees up, rams Anderson into the chair in the corner, and hits Shock Treatment for the win. Winner by pinfall: Abyss
After the match Abyss tosses Anderson out to the rampway and then follows him out. Anderson tries crawling away from Abyss, but Abyss catches him and picks him up to slam him off the stage, but Anderson escapes and tries a Mic Check off the stage, but Abyss nails him and chokeslams Anderson off the stage. Hulk Hogan comes out with a chair and nails Abyss from behind, but Abyss no-sells. Security comes out to try and stop Abyss, but Abyss lays them all out while Hogan stands there doing nothing. Abyss again gives Hogan the “YOU!” finger as the show goes off the air.
[…] Source: WrestlingInc June 24, 2010 Update: Click Here for Results from this Episode of iMPACT! […]